Action Takers Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Everything Counts!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Everything Counts!!!

As I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise today (1/6/2018) I encountered many great people who understood the value of giving and this energized me as every donation was getting me closer to the goal I set of raising $2500 to help fund research, education, advocacy, and services. I also encountered some negative people who simply didn’t understand that we are all interconnected and every interaction you have with someone counts. When I encountered these people I remembered the teaching of Don Miguel Ruiz if not taking anything personally and not judging. I took a deep breath and began to tap into my divine guidance system allowing GOD to direct me to where I need to be to have success in my quest to attack cancer from every angle. It was when I sat in reflection at Starbucks folding the brochures for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise that I began to understand that everything we do to be of service and value to others counts. Each action we take to show that service to humanity is the best work of life counts as it energizes us and allows us to vibrate at a level that will attract the resources we need to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually into our life.

As I continued to reflect on the happenings of the 2 hours spent promoting The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise I realized that it takes everyday people to come together and understand that everything counts. Every moment we have the opportunity to touch lives in a positive manner and when we make it a point to stay positive positivism will follow us and allow us to manifest the life that we desire. The smallest gesture counts as it can change someone’s day and propel them to heights they had only dreamed of in the past. I have found that many people will listen and understand the value of making a spiritual connection where everyone benefits. I have come to learn and understand that it is not my job to drag people kicking and screaming onto the path but to allow the universe to work and when they are ready they will find their path. In understanding that it is important to walk in your truth you will soon see that everything you do counts. Sometimes things may appear to be an illusion but even those illusions count as they remind us to question everything.

Action Takers Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Community Detachment Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Being A Joyful Servant!!!

I have come to realize that along my spiritual journey there will be some challenge and that not everything will go smoothly. When challenges arise we must remember that a joyful servant is rewarded. On Sunday (2/19/2017) my human side got the best of my spiritual side and I was very upset that I allowed the mean angry side out because I was frustrated. After I took a deep breathe and reflected on what I could have done differently I realized that my disconnection from source at the time was creating some confrontations that I wasn’t prepared for thus I wasn’t being a joyful servant. I took Monday, Tuesday, and part of Wednesday to understand why I was acting the way I was and why this disconnect was happening. I sat in meditation and prayed and the answer was revealed to me as I was worrying too much and that I was coming from a place of lack instead of abundance. On Wednesday night I decided to take action to change this and to reconnect with source by consulting the ascended masters, my angels, GOD, and Jesus and the message was clear as they all told me that I needed to be a joyful servant. I was also told to detach from outcomes and to stop worrying so much and simply to answer my calling by using my talents for good. As a result I went this morning and began to promote and fundraise for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and I was met with success as I detached from the outcome and decided to be a joyful servant by simply changing the way I was doing things. In making a positive change and moving forward in a positive direction of my goals I was able to make a joyful noise unto the lord and thus get closer to my goal of raising $2500 to help those touched by cancer. My donation page is if you are so moved to take action and help to fund research, education, advocacy, and services for cancer patients, their families, and friends.
Sometimes all it takes to get back on track and be a joyful servant is a song to remind us that we have  divinity in our heart and that all we have to do is call on this divinity to guide us. In making a connection and remembering that we are divine children of GOD we attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. It is when we understand that along our spiritual journey there will be obstacles and that if GOD brought us to it GOD will bring us through it that our lives begin to change. In becoming a joyful servant we begin to improve our community by looking at what we can do as an individual to change things. When we realize that we have an incredible power inside of us we begin to manifest the greatness that is our birthright.

When I forget that I am on this earth to be a joyful servant to GOD I play this Styx Song asking GOD to show me the way. When I ask for guidance I am given many messages to follow to find the way and thus enabling me to be of service and value. One of the messages that I received while I felt disconnected was to become a cheerful giver and to be loving and caring in all that I do. I have come to learn that when you are frustrated and feel moved to anger to simply step back take a deep breath and allow GOD to guide you. The hardest thing we have to do in our human existence is to let go and let GOD.  In taking action to reconnect to GOD I realized that confrontations that I encountered were lessons for me to learn and the lesson I learned this week was regardless of how mad or angry you feel you must use one of the fruits of spirit, self control, and realize that by being angry you only attract negativity into your life and until you learn to control that anger the negativity will persist. Through this lesson I was able to reconnect to GOD by taking time to see what I can do differently and to spread positivism and take all setbacks as an opportunity to step us and thus remain a joyful servant.

Spiritual Awakening: JDOGG’S Gift To Help You Become a Joyful Servant

I give you this video to help you to stop playing the victim role and to remind you that you have the power to become a joyful servant. Stay Positive!!! Namaste!!!!


Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Finding The Way!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Finding The Way!!!

Many times along our spiritual path we may be distracted by sources that are trying to take our focus off of our purpose. These sources will also try to sway us from our connection with GOD. It is when these sources come into our lives that we must remember that we are divine children of GOD and that GOD has a purpose for us and will intervene in our life as necessary. It is at the times when you feel distracted and off track that you must reach down deep inside an reconnect with your inner divinity  and become an action taker. I have found that listening to songs like this one from Styx helps to serve as a reminder that we are all looking for our way in life. As we begin to find our way we start to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our life. When we awaken to our purpose we begin to achieve things that others only thought were impossible. It is when we find our calling that we can become the change we want to see in the world. In an effort to find our way we must connect with GOD, Jesus, our angels, and the ascended masters as they will guide on a path that brings harmony, bliss, and abundance into our lives. It is when you are shown the way and follow the messages by taking action that you will find a sense of fulfillment in your life.

Angel Dreams Oracle Cards by Doreen VirtueOracle cards by Sonia Choquette - Angelic Oracle Cards & Oracle Cards ... In finding my way I have found that oracle cards like those from Doreen Virtue and Sonia Choquette are very helpful in assisting me to tap into my inner divinity and keeping me centered, focused, and grounded as I continue on my path of spiritual awakening. In following the messages of the cards I have come to have a deeper understanding of my purpose thus allowing me to evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually.  It is when we utilize all the tools in our spiritual tool box that we are better able to make the mind, body, soul connection that will propel us to the greatness which is our birth right.

Action Takers Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Don’t Fool Yourself!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Don’t Fool Yourself!!!

Many times along our spiritual journey we come to a crossroad where we may be fooling ourselves because we have not released our limiting beliefs. The key is to understand that we must not be fooled by our limitless beliefs and we must stop our negative self talk and simply begin to understand that we are divine children of GOD capable of great things. It is when we stop listening to the doubters and the haters and the negative thoughts in our head that we are able to move forward and begin to manifest the life that we desire. How many times have you said I can’t or I’ll try only to find that you kept yourself stuck because you didn’t take action on what you really wanted and you allowed yourself to stop and thus are left with questions like what might have been or what could have been? Let’s change the thoughts from I can’t or I’ll try to I can and I will and see what begins to happen. You might have to be relentless in your pursuit to bring something to fruition however you will find that by being tenacious and driven you will find success. The time is now to plan your work and work your plan and stop fooling yourself. So many times we get so caught up in why something can not work that we never get started to make it work. Some call this stinking thinking and they are right. I have  come to learn that you must ask the universe for what you want and then take the appropriate action to allow the universe to deliver it.

Jarvis Landry Sinbad Sports

A great example of this is my work with Sinbad Sports. I have a goal to sell 350 autographs and I know that I can not just wish for the people to come I must go out into the community and share this event and do my best to let as many people know about the signing and the store. I have been posting on Facebook and sharing with people. I have also been sharing the post cards and attending events inviting people to come and have detached from the outcome knowing that I will be successful because I am taking action as directed by GOD and following his message. The great thing about this signing is that a portion of all the autograph sales will be used to help children get back to school clothes and supplies thus fitting into my purpose to show people that service to humanity is the best work of life. In taking action and doing my best I know that I will meet with success. It is important to remember that your attitude will determine your altitude. In not allowing myself to be discouraged by those saying people won’t pay $69 for an autograph and moving forward i am finding people who will pay $69 for an autograph and who will buy other items to get signed when they come to the store. By being in tune with my inner divinity and following my heart I am finding people who will come to the store and purchase autograph tickets and merchandise. In simply sharing information and detaching from the outcome I am finding success. It is when you stop fooling yourself and start believing in yourself you will find success.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community

Spiritual Awakening: Going Old School!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Going Old School!!!


As we become more and more spiritually awake we begin to realize that the times they are a changing and if we are to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually we must be able to change as well. In being proactive and taking action we can change and stay ahead of the curve so that we continue to manifest the life that we desire. I have learned that we all have a divine power inside of us that allows us to step into our power and create peace, love, joy, and prosperity in our lives and in the lives of others. When we embrace the spiritual awakening process and realize that we have the power to change things and make a positive impact on the world we become more powerful than we ever imagined. In doing things differently and going old school we can move forward and show people that service to humanity is the best work of life. When we answer our calling and follow the messages from GOD about our purpose we are able to affect change and make a positive difference in the world.
Sometimes you simply have to kick it old school and see yourself as the ruler of your world as you help to create peace, love, joy, and prosperity. Going back to your roots and working through the blockages will free you up to become the ruler of your world. It is when you set your intentions and move in positive direction that you can kick it old school and rule the world. When we go back to practicing the values that made our communities strong and doing what we can to strengthen ourselves by making a mind, body, soul connection we can make positive changes in our life that leads to a community being changed.  When we go back to the days where we prayed in school, recited the pledge, and had a moment of meditation we make a divine connection that is so strong that it vibrates across our differences and allows us to create a better world. It is when we go old school and realize that we are more alike than we are different that we unify our community and see that when we come together for the common good of people nothing can stop us.

Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Emotions

Spiritual Awakening: Stop Fooling Yourself!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Stop Fooling Yourself!!!

 Today’s blog entry was inspired by The Styx song Fooling Yourself. How many times during your spiritual awakening have you found yourself trying to be a people pleaser and be what others thought  you should be? How many times have you conformed to what others wanted instead of stepping into your power and standing up so as to be your authentic self. Hoe many times have you fooled yourself and followed others instead of doing what  you are divinely guided to do?  How many times have you gone to seminars only to see people trying to sell you a bill f goods from the stage. You are fooling yourself if you think the answer is in a magic bullet or a shiny object. Many times we fool ourselves into beliefs that limit us like things will get better when I get a new job or things will get better when I get a new car, or things will get better when I find my soul mate. The truth of the matter is that you are fooling yourself with these beliefs because the truth is that until you find your calling and use your gifts for good you will be in a place that is not divinely ordered for you.  We all have  a tendency to put the emphasis on the materialistic objects in life that we get caught fooling ourselves and chasing money. It is true that you need money to pay bills and to have the basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing met however if we make everything we do about money we begin to fool ourselves and soon we hit a point where we decide to turn things around. It was when I made a decision to focus on being of service and value that things began to positively manifest in my life.It was when I decided to stop fooling myself and to embrace my spiritual GOD given talents that my personal and professional life improved. It was when I began to walk in my truth and create a oneness consciousness that I began to realize that my purpose is to help other people excel. It was when I began to understand that GOD had been directing me to make a positive impact on the world since I was 11 years old that I began to find more success because I stopped fooling myself and started to walk a divine path where GOD is my partner and together we create a wonderful life.
In many cases we allow ourselves to be fooled because we see the shiny objects that are being presented and we think wow if that person can do that so can I.  The only problem is that many of theses so called gurus or experts are false prophets fooling the public into buying into their way of doing things which doesn’t always work for everyone. The book you buy for $19.97  or the DVD program you buy for $97 is only as good as your implementation. I have  seen people spend thousands and thousands dollars on so called experts only to be fooled and at a financial downturn.  To avoid being fooled o suggest you find people who truly want to help you that you are spiritually aligned with and who have your best interest in mind. I have seen so called coaches posting how they are living the high life with the fancy car, the expensive house, the elaborate trips only to find out that behind it all they are in debt up to their eyeballs.  I suggest that you turn to GOD for divine guidance so you can stop fooling yourself.  If you meet someone and they start to talk what seems like a good game but have no substance to show you then run away so you do not get fooled and don’t fool yourself.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: What’s It All About?

Spiritual Awakening: What’s It All About?

 As I woke up this morning the question, What’s It All About, kept permeating into my consciousness and I thought I would do my best to answer that question as it relates to me and my spiritual awakening. I often say to people that it is not about the fancy car as my Cobalt will get me to the same place a Mercedes or  BMW will. It is not about the big house because as long as I have a safe place to rest my head at night I will be okay. It is not about the fancy clothes because I am the same person with a suit on as I am with ripped jeans and a tee shirt. I am then asked JDOGG what is it all about? My answer it is about being of service and value and knowing that at the end of the day you made the life of others better while enhancing your personal and professional life. I often think what could be done with the $52,000 someone spent on a Corvette? My answer is always  could have bought a practical car for $22,000, taken $10, 000 and invested it, taken $20,000 and helped many charitable organizations or people in need. Imagine being able to  take action and host a community barbeque for $6,000 and have people share why they deserve $2,000 and then plant seeds for prosperity by giving 7 people that seed and having them chronicle how the money was being used.

 As I listened to this instrumental by Pat Metheny I began to understand that what it is all about is living your life on purpose and making a positive impact in the community where you live, work, and play creating a massive shift toward positivity in the world. I began to understand that it is very important to think globally and act locally. Through out the spiritual awakening process there will be signs and messages as to what GOD would like you to do. It is important to realize that these messages are meant to be acted upon. When acting on these messages the answer to what is it all about will be revealed to you.  When you realize that it is about answer the calling GOD has for you and no one else you will begin to achieve more success in your life.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Vibrations Vision

Spiritual Awakening: Straight From Your Heart!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Leading With Your Heart!!!!

 As I emceed Worldfest in Coral Springs, FL on 4/6/2014 I decided to be led by my heart and allow things to flow as they were designed to flow and the day went off without any issues. I adopted the theme that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations and I used my platform as an emcee to remind people of being loving toward their neighbors. I was able to use words like peace, love, joy, and prosperity to spread a message to those in attendance to remind them all that they are divine children of GOD and have something great to offer the world. It was my hope that I could share a little spirituality with the audience so that they would also become more awake and aware and thus celebrate the diversity that makes our communities great. In the spiritual awakening process it is important to understand that though we may all come from different backgrounds we are all still connected by our own divinity.  In one of my announcements yesterday I explained Namaste and had everyone get up and hug the person they were seated next to. This was an awkward setting for some as they were not used to interacting with a stranger in this manner. Many were reluctant to participate in the HUG but those that did told me they felt a shift in themselves. As Worldfest was winding up I made my rounds to the food vendors and many of them thanked me for all the announcements and told me how great my voice was. I invited several to appear on my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT. My Worldfest experience showed me what happens when you come straight from the heart.

 On of the biggest steps we can take in the spiritual awakening process is to open up our heart and make cellular level connections by being in tune with our divinity and the divinity in others. Though ET was different he and Elliot formed a bond of friendship based on being of service and value to each other.  In turning on your heart light you open the many channels that will lead to you experiencing peace, love, joy, and prosperity. You will begin to find more clarity when you lead straight from you heart and answer your calling. You will experience a change where now you are filled with bliss and love and you feel a sense of purpose where in the past maybe you felt fear and anguish because your heart chakra wasn’t open and illuminated.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Flow Gratitude Happiness Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Stones and Crystals Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Common Ground!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Common Ground!!!

is a common ground between all human beings what is that common ground ...One of the keys to the spiritual awakening process is to  find common ground. In taking action to find common ground and recognizing each other’s divinity we are able to develop bonds that lead us to grow personally and professionally and be of service and value to others.  In realizing we are more alike than different we begin to vibrate at levels that create a resonance of positivity that allows us to shift our collective consciousness.  In shifting consciousness and adopting positive anthems into your life you will begin to find that you become an expansive soul and begin to further the mind, body, soul connection.  In finding common ground and answering your calling you begin to come alive and experience changes in your life that you may never had experienced if not for your spiritual awakening.

... Walter Lebach Institute for Jewish-Arab Coexistence Through Education In finding common ground we are able to coexist as we begin to understand that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us all to prosper.  In finding common  ground we begin to serve our community without expectation of return.  It is through coexistence that we are able to help make dreams come true.  In setting aside our differences we take emotions out of the equation and thus are able to work together to further our path toward spiritual enlightenment. When taking judgment out of the situation and understanding we are all divine creatures of GOD we begin to move forward in a positive direction of our dreams.

Coexistence Coalition in Coarsegold, CA - Jul 16, 2010 7:00 PM ... In finding acceptance, respect for others, and treating people equally we are able to create an aura of gratitude and happiness that propels us to become positive in all we do.  When we gather and give praise and honor to GOD and agree to coexist  we create an atmosphere of joy and kindness.  With this coexistence we release our limiting beliefs and begin to find love in all that we come in contact with.  In sharing the lessons we learned in life we become lifting and everyone  begins to flourish.

kindness care love quote give coexist | Quotes and Thoughts... quotes #ZigZiglar #inspiration #motivation #wisdom #GlobalAwakening #When we coexist and shine our light for other to see and leave the EGO at the door we begin to make the world a better place. It is in finding common ground that we begin to understand one another and thus create an environment where we can utilize our talents for good.  In many cases our spiritual awakening allows us to take time out to see the perspective of others.

Sharing Is Caring | Cutest PawSharing is caring.Peaceful Coexistence | Cutest Paw

Above are some examples of coexistence that exemplify the concept that we can all get along. It is when we look beyond our differences that we progress and positively shift the world.

Spiritual Awakening: Songs To Help Find Common Ground!!!


Spiritual Awakening: Books To Find Common Ground!!!!

books textbooks textbook rentals sell us your books best books ...Books such as these and those available by clicking on The Hay House Link and The Sources of Wisdom Book 2 link will serve as effective tools to help you find common ground. It is in being open to receive and respect others philosophies that we are able to find common ground and help one another.


Spiritual Awakening: JDOGG’S Gifts To Help You Find Common Ground

One way to create common ground is to be happy.
Sometimes when we stop and listen to music and quiet our minds we find the common ground we seek to peacefully coexist with others.

 Gather and praise GOD together and not only will you find common ground you will create sacred ground.





Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Emotions Feelings Fellowship Flow Forgivness Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Standing In Your Power!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Standing In Your Power!!!!

 As I sat down to write this entry at 5:30 PM today (10/21/13) I kept getting this message stand in your power. As I have been on my spiritual path of awakening that will lead to enlightenment I have learned that the power we need to succeed is found within us. It is our spirit, our vibration, our energy that affects the energy flow. It is our actions and reactions that determine how far along this path to self actualization that we get. There are guides and tools available to us but it is we who must commit to stand in our power and not waver on walking in our truth. As I searched for Standing In Your Power I came across the book that is highlighted here. Many times for us to stand in our power we need to connect with someone who is standing in there power. When you begin to surround yourself with those who are standing in their power you begin to stand in your power and your awakening strengthens and then you realize there is nothing outside of yourself that can hold you back for you have the power to create the life you want.  It is in the standing of your power and understanding you have a purpose and  saying I am a powerful, strong  person who has awakened spiritually and will make a positive impact on this world that you truly become that enlightened self actualized person that no one can stop.

 I have found that this bible verse has become a very powerful tool to help me and other to stand in our power. I have also found that when you stand in your power and shine your light you make a mind, body, soul connection that will propel you to new heights.  You have a divine power tat has been given to you that when you embrace it and stand in your power you will find  that you are positively impacting your life and the lives of those around you. Sometimes you will find that there will be doubters who do not understand that you are transforming. To them I say Thank you and have a nice day.  You have a calling and the day you discover that calling  and stand in your power is the day that your life changes.