Spiritual Awakening: Breaking Eggs and Ruffling Feathers!!!
As you awaken spiritually you will find yourself with many broken eggs as you stand in your beliefs and follow your passion thus you will ruffle some feathers along the way. Sometimes broken eggs seem like a mess however when you look at what you can do with the broken eggs you will find the the mess becomes a message. Today(5/21/2019) I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and like I do on most days I plan out places to go and garner donations. I usually approach businesses unannounced which can be a good thing at times as while at others it can be a bad choice as many people in leadership roles at a business put their guard up. Most of my encounters were great and the businesses let me announce who I was and what I was doing while others said it was against their policy. One GM gave me such an attitude that I said to myself the hell with their policy I am making my announcement anyway. I did and I had one patron give me a $20 donation. The GM was not pleased and will probably complain about me. This won’t be the first time. I called the corporate office and their marketing director was very nice and I apologized if I overstepped any boundaries. The marketing director went as far as sending me an email inviting me to set up a Give Back Night for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I realized that not everyone is ready to break some eggs and ruffle some feathers as they operate from a position of fear and do not get to know the people they are interacting with through out the day. We all can be of service and value to one another simply by breaking some eggs and ruffling some feathers. In breaking eggs and ruffling feathers we make people think through our actions. Many times bigger corporations simply lack the foresight of empowering and inspiring their employees and as a result they don’t see the big picture and thus forget about the importance of building relationships.
As you awaken spiritually you will find yourself out of focus as you have so many things running through your mind as become more and more aware of the power that you have. To harness this power you are going to want to step back take a deep breathe and focus on your task at hand. As you begin to understand that it is when you are focused you gain clarity of purpose you will see yourself attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. I have come to learn that when you stay focused and alleviate the distractions that your personal, professional, and spiritual life is enhanced. In staying focused you will see that what used to trigger you no longer affects you as you have awakened to the concept that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper. It is when we stay focused and don’t allow distractions to get in our way that we have the most success.
Today one of my demons reared its ugly head in the form of anger and aggressiveness. Once the dust cleared I had a spiritual awakening that I need to put all the anger that has built up inside of me over the last 10 months behind me and turn back to GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels and allow them to guide me to a life filled with much peace, love, joy, and prosperity. I learned that as righteous as I may want to be be it is not my job to be the morality police and that it is better to simply let others that are in a position of enforcement to take care of things. I have always believed if you see an injustice being done and you do nothing you are just as guilty as the person committing the injustice however after today’s encounter I was further awakened to the fact that they way things are and the way things should be are two different things. I have learned that there are some people who are simply oblivious to doing the right thing and some people are just straight out mean. Today (4/9/2019) I encountered good and bad as I was at Starbucks and asked 2 ladies if I could share their table only to be cursed out in a foreign language then a lady saw what was happening and said come here and plug in. It turns out this lady was studying child psychology and we had a nice interaction. This gave me back the belief that there are some good people in this world. I then checked out www.relayforlife.org/sunrisetamaracfl and saw that the fundraising thermometer rising which again restored my belief that service to humanity is the best work of life. It was at that point I asked GOD for forgiveness and guidance to face down my demons and to become a positive action taker where I actions would positively impact the live of others.
As I left an interview with a staffing agency today (3/22/2019) I began to think how important it is to radiate and vibrate at a higher level of consciousness so as to tap into our inner divinity and create our best life. As I went out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life I was reminded to vibrate at the highest level possible and detach from the outcome. As a result of being centered, balanced, and focused I was able to resonate with my message and had people donate and be kind. It may have helped that I was dressed in a suit and I looked like an executive which reinforced my belief that when you look good and feel good you can do good. It may have been that I felt a special connection with GOD today and GOD was allowing me to get higher. In staying connected to GOD and taking action you begin to function at a higher level of consciousness thus allowing you to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. It is said the better your attitude the higher your altitude. It is now time for you to soar higher than you have soared before by getting higher in your mind, body, soul connection. As you get higher it is important to feast on the fruits of spirit.
Today (3/21/2019) I was at the post office picking up a package that WWW.FANCHEST.COM sent me to use in my fundraising efforts for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life when a family with an appointment to do their passports were told that the person that does the passports was out to lunch. They were upset so I stepped in and told them about City Hall In The Mall and I quoted The Four Agreements. A man in line said awesome The Four Agreements. He and I had a good conversation and he told me he told his daughter to read The Four Agreements and asked me for my card. I gave him my card and we went about our business. It was at that point I decided that regardless of anything that happens today I am going to make it fun. With this decision made I went out to promote and collect donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Most everyone was very receptive. The Bagel Shop let me make an announcement so I turned on my radio voice and got everyone’s attention and a few people made donations. The Chinese Restaurant allowed me to make an announcement to their patrons and most of the patrons donated. As I continued to walk in my truth and commit to having fun I did run into one office who simply didn’t get what I was doing. I Left that office took a deep breath and help a special place for the woman who seemed to be on a power trip.
In deciding to make it fun and implement the attitude of does it look like I give a F*** I found myself more centered, balanced, and focused. The fact is I do care about being of service and value to others however I stopped worrying about what people think of me a long time ago as I have become more aware and awake spiritually. I have come to understand that not everyone will resonate with the way you do things and that is okay for it is not your job to drag people kicking and screaming onto the path it is your responsibility to simply walk in your truth and when people are ready they will walk with you. Sometimes you just have to let go and let GOD knowing that everything is possible through Christ who strengthens me. In making a commitment to live a life of joy and to bring joy to others you will find that you attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life.
As I decided to have fun and be grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact on people I found myself achieving more and connecting with people on a cellular level thus creating opportunities to improve my personal, professional, and spiritual life. It is when you make things fun that you begin to attract the people into your life that are meant to help you create the life that you desire.
When you awaken in the morning remind yourself that this is the day the lord hath made to be glad and rejoice in it. When you look at things from a different perspective and understand that not everyone will get you but many will and as a result you will be able to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams. Many would look at waiting on line at the post office as a burden I looked at as an opportunity to share with others and possibly make connections where I could be of service and value to others. Some would be upset that the lady at the leasing office was so worried about tenants complaining that she lost sight of gaining a sense of purpose by helping a charitable cause. As you evolve spiritually and move toward enlightenment remember tat everyone is on their own path traveling at their own pace and may not be ready for your message so walk in your truth having fun while achieving your goals and objectives.
When you praise and honor GOD with a joyful noise you will find yourself having more fun, bliss, and abundance in your life for at the end of the day you will be able to look back on the day and see just how great the day went as you committed to walking with GOD and having fun by showing the world that service to humanity is the best work of life.
Tap into your inner divinity and honor others while you have fun and enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Namaste!!!!!
When one is passionate and spiritually awake they are able to take action and continue to be of service and value to others. Over the years as I continue on my spiritual journey I have become a man with a collection bucket and a message. As a man with a bucket and a message I have been able to help those touched by cancer by raising funds for research, education, advocacy, and services. I have been delivering a message that GOD Loves A Cheerful Giver and that when you give you open channels to receive. I have encountered some very positive people who joyfully give and I have experienced some negativity as many people just simply don’t know the facts and haven’t researched the organization enough and simply go by what they hear never getting to know the truth. I have heard so many times that most of the money goes to administrative costs which is not true as only 4% of all money goes to administrative costs leaving 96% to fund research, education, advocacy, and services. I have hear oh there are cures out there and there are several treatments that will arrest the cancer and slow its progress and lessen the chance of occurrence. The inroads being made to decrease the risk of cancer is amazing. I recommend people visit www.cancer.org and get the facts before judging the work that I am doing as I fundraise. I have come to understand that there are some who will, some who won’t, some waiting, so what, next as not everyone is going to resonate with my message.
I decided to write about Relay For Life Today (3/11/19) as my participation has helped me to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have been able to tap into my talents and use them for good. As a result I have seen the many programs of The American Cancer Society and the benefits for cancer patients, their families, and their friends. I have been able to plant the seeds of hope and healing and as a result remove blockages that may have been holding me back from moving forward in a positive direction of some of my goals. In my 21 years of involvement I have seen how many lives are being touched through Relay For Life. There have been some set backs, challenges, and hardships along the way however each time a challenge arose I was able to realize that if GOD brought me to it GOD was going to bring me through it.
When I attend Relay for Life Events I feel a sense of purpose and many times I think I was born for this. As I look back over the 21 years of being involved I can say that the positives outweigh the negatives and many times my involvement in Relay has helped me to overcome personal adversity.
There are two great days in your life the day you are born and the day your figure out why. I have found my why and it has made the world of difference in attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. I wish you much success as you pick up your own bucket and spread your message. Namaste!!!
As I sat down to write this entry today(2/13/2019) I started to think how many times I have felt that I am out here on my own and how it is up to me to embrace the spiritual awakening process and to stand on my own. As I reflected on this I realized that I was not really on my own as I had many guides with me helping me to walk in my truth thus creating personal, professional, and spiritual growth. It was as I sat in reflection that I was reassured that if GOD brought you to it GOD was going to bring you though it. The message that I received today was to walk in your truth and when needed stand on your own knowing that GOD has your back. It was in that moment that I understood that sometime you will simply have to stand alone and stand in your truth. In standing alone and being guided by The Ascended Masters, GOD, Jesus, and The Angels you will see that though you feel alone you really are supported. Sometimes it is just a matter of realizing that you were born for the this and sometimes you have to go where you are not invited.
On Friday 2/8/2019 I went to The Tunes and Trucks Event in The City Of Sunrise, FL to collect donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I went uninvited and was standing alone as someone dedicated to helping those touched by cancer. I began to collect and then went to the stage to ask if I could make an announcement about what I was doing. The stage manager told me he would have to check. He did and a few moment later I was introduced and I made my announcement and The Mayor and the City Commissioners put money in the collection bucket. I then walked the crowd. Most people were receptive and $432 was collected to help create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. I turned in that money today and I know sit at $2476 raised to fund research, education, advocacy, and services. In my 21 years as a volunteer with The American Cancer Society I have come to understand that sometimes you simply have to stand alone walking in your truth so that those meant to join you in your quest will appear. I have come to realize that when you are being of service and value to others you will encounter doubters, haters, and naysayers. I have come to learn that when you encounter these people to simply walk away and stand alone knowing that you are doing what GOD has intended for you to do as you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Now is the time to be true to yourself and stand alone.
When you sit or stand in your sacred space remind yourself to be true to yourself. In being true to yourself you will experience a gamut of emotions and remind yourself it is okay to cry and to laugh as this will help to clear the blockages that may be stopping you from walking in your truth. Sometimes you simply have to put what others think out of the equation and to simply stand in your truth and find your purpose. Namaste!!!
It was a challenging January and I found myself questioning my purpose and then I remembered that I am here to light it up and when I shine my light I give people permission to shine their light and as a result the world is illuminated. I was feeling frustration as I experienced some financial challenges and was worrying about how I was going to keep my condo as people just weren’t responding to my pleas for help, I put out many posts asking people to visit www.paypal.me/jdogg8265 and only 2 people made a donation. I asked people to send checks or money orders made payable to Jonathan Lederman to 9141 Sunrise Lakes Boulevard #102 Sunrise, FL 33322 and had no response. I then shared that I recently became an associate with Legal Shield and many people simply refused to take a look at what I was offering. All this put me in a bad way as I was wondering what it was that was stopping people from listening to me and helping me in my time of need. It seemed as though I was in a downward spiral creating blockages and then I decide to simply light it up and detach myself from outcomes realizing that the people meant to be in my life to help me will appear when GOD deems them necessary to be in my life. I took last week to really look deep into what I was doing and how my attitude was affecting my life and my interaction with people.
In finding the light and understanding that not everyone is meant to resonate with your message but you should deliver it anyway because there will be plenty that will be reached and transformed with your message. It is important to light it up and walk in your truth and find those who support your mission to be of service and value to others. In August of 2018 I turned 53 years old and it was my first birthday without my dad. I was in a bad place but then I light the candle on my cake and I wished for help. GOD delivered that help with someone whom made a very generous gift to me to help me have a home base to light it up and thus enhance the life of others. Some have wondered why I am online asking for donations for myself and for charitable causes. The answer is because I found my purpose and that is to help other people excel. I have always told people that the worst thing that will happen is that some will say no when you light it up but each no gets you closer to a yes. When you move in a positive direction of your goals and light it up the only person that can stop you is you. In the last 7 months I have learned who I can count on and who will give me lip service.
One way I am lighting it up is continuing to help The American Cancer Society by offering a KNOCKOUT CANCER TEE-SHIRT at www.knockoutcancer1.53clothingcompany.com where the profits are donated to help those touched by cancer by funding research, education, advocacy, and services. Thank you to Jeff Cash, Portrait Artist to The Stars, for his design and helping me to light it up. I could have gotten discouraged and quit as the last campaign only sold 3 tee-shirts instead I regrouped and detached myself from the outcome. As today is World Cancer Day I launched the campaign and ordered my shirt despite the fact that money is a bit tight. I decided to take action and light it up and as I was typing this blog entry I received notification that I earned Grand Club Status by raising over $1000 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and will be receiving a special commemorative shirt. Though the shirt will not put food on the table or pay bills it will act as a catalyst to light it up and help more people touched by cancer.
It is when we turn to GOD and light up the spark that is inside us allowing us to make a divine connection that we begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives allowing us to become stronger personally, professionally, and spiritually. We have a power to make a difference in our life and in the lives of others all we have to do is light it up and focus on the things we can change accept the thing we can not and have the wisdom to know the difference.
When you begin to light it up and understand that you have a higher calling you will find yourself clearing yourself of things, people, and place that no longer serve you. I am in the process of eliminating most of the materialistic items that I own for at the end of the day what we own does not define us. When you decide to light it up and let go the idea of what other people think you will find yourself expanding in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. When you start to tap into your inner divinity and find the light inside you will find that bliss and abundance come to you easily and effortlessly. As you continue on your spiritual path may you light it up and clear the blockages that are stopping you from becoming the most powerful you that GOD intends you to become. Light It Up!!! Namaste!!!
As I left Skyline Chili On October 17 after no one showed up to take advantage of the opportunity to learn how to strengthen their brand and increase their revenue I was a bit down and wondered what more do I have to do to get people to attend events that I host. This feeling continued on October 22 after I hosted a Give Back Night at Bru’s Room located in The Sunrise West Plaza. In the last few months I have worked really hard to host events and had poor turn outs that made me want to simply quit my volunteer work with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise and to stop offering workshops as I had this reoccurring thought that perhaps I am not the person people want to follow. Then on Wednesday 10/24 I was the announcer for The Cardinal Gibbons Chiefs JV Football Game and after the game I had so many parents come up to me to tell me how great I did that I realized it was time to get up. I arrived home and I really wished my DAD was still alive so I could share with him the highlights of the game and that I felt a sense of appreciation. At that moment I sat in prayer and the overwhelming message I received was that it was time to get up and move forward on my spiritual journey and continue to be of service and value to others.
As I sat down to write this blog entry I realized it was time to get up off of that thing that was interfering with my personal, professional, and spiritual growth. That thing was focusing on the negative instead of looking at the positive. As I thought more and more about how I felt knocked down I realized I was knocked down and not out and if i could look up I could get up. It was in this moment that I began to understand that it is important to take the good with the bad and then release the bad while learning from it and continue on the path to do more good. It took much introspection and reflection to work from feeling sorry for myself and defeated to get back to feeling good about all I was doing and being victorious.
On of the things that helped me to get back up was looking at this photo. It is of Lacey Jerome who is 4 years old and a cancer survivor. She has had 4 brain surgeries and 10 other surgeries resulting from the complications from cancer. She is now cancer free and she threw out the first pitch at The Strike Out Cancer Day with The Sunrise Sharks Travel Baseball Team. Being the announcer for that moment is a reminder that I have had more positive things happen on my journey than negative and to focus on the joy that I have been part of. One of the Life Coaches that I know, Shantel Springer taught me a few years ago to always get up and to be grateful for those who show up to support your endeavors and to understand that the people that are meant to be there will be there. In coming to understand that as an action taker there will be some downs but there will be many ups has helped me to get up after feeling down.
As I was seeking material to encourage the readers of this blog to get up the universe conspired to help me and sent me this song by Jonas Blue. It is important for all of us to continue to rise until we fall and when we fall we need to dust ourselves off and rise up again. As I sat in reflection and looked back at all the great things that I have been part of over the last 45 years I realized just how capable I am and that if people don’t get me it is okay for I simply need to keep getting up and continue to step into my power and use it to shine my light and illuminate the world.
One of the things that I have found to help get back up is music. As you continue to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams it is important to see yourself as being on top of the world. Sometimes it takes a setback to help prepare you for a step up. In loss we learn important lessons that will help us to get back up.
One way to get back up is to rekindle the fire that lies inside of you and allow it to burn so you can continue to get back up after being knocked down. As long as their is a burning ember in your heart you can fan the flames and reach to heights that you never imagined as long as you keep getting back up. There will be challenges along the way but remember GOD will never give what GOD knows you can not handle. GOD wants you to stay up and to be prosperous so you can prosper others. I have come to grips with the fact that their are those I will encounter who will not be attracted to the projects that I am involved in but there are many that will be and that I should take great solace in the knowledge that through out my time on earth I have made a positive impact on many and that I should always get back up because I am capable of achieving great things. I hope this entry will help you to get back up if you are facing challenges as you are a divine child of GOD and GOD doesn’t make any junk. Namaste!!!
So many times in the hustle and bustle that we live in known as The United States Of America we get caught up in all the materialistic trappings of life that we forget what truly matters in our lives. We have a tendency to want things to happen so fast that we get angry and frustrated when what we want to happen takes time thus it affects our personal, professional, and spiritual lives in a negative way. When this occurs and interferes with our personal development and spiritual development we must remember to stay in the slow lane and allow things to unfold as GOD has planned for us. It is when we stay in the slow lane and remember that it is not about the materialistic things that we acquire in our life but it is about the lives we touch along the way. So many times we get so caught up in living life in the fast lane that we miss out on many important aspects of our lives. IN the last few weeks I have come to understand that it is important to slow down and embrace the time you have to interact with people who mean the most to you. I have come to understand that staying in the slow lane will still get you to your destination. It may take a bit longer but along the way you will find that you bringing more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. In being an action taker and doing things in a slow and steady way you will find that you slowly eliminate the negative forces that my be stopping you from reaching your full potential. In creating a mantra or an anthem for yourself that reminds you to stay in the slow lane you will find that you are enhancing your personal, professional, and spiritual life. As you take a moment to slow down and console your ascended masters, GOD, Jesus, and your Angles you will find that all the answers you seek will come to you. Through the awakening process you will find it necessary to stay in the slow lane so that you move forward in a positive direction toward spiritual enlightenment.
Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Stay In The Slow Lane!!!
One of the tools in my spiritual tool box that has helped me to answer my calling and come alive to be of service and value to my community has been the serenity prayer. In having this displayed somewhere that I can see it daily has helped to keep me centered and grounded in the good times and through the challenging times.