Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Bank Account Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Making Magic Moments!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Making Magic  Moments!!!


As I sat down to write today’s entry I thought about how magical life becomes after you have experienced a spiritual awakening. You begin to look as everything as opportunity to grow personally and professionally. You begin to stop making excuses and making magic. Things begin to align themselves as part of GOD’S great big plan for you and you begin to see the magic that surrounds you and the magic that is possible when you awaken and walk with faith daily. In the spiritual awakening process one learns that their is magic in taking action. In taking action one creates magic moments that you may not have thought possible before. Previously you may have allowed the negative self talk and the negative input of others to hold you back, however as soon as you awaken to the fact that you are a divine child of GOD and you have greatness inside of you that the world is ready to embrace you will see how you can create magic.


Spiritual Awakening: People to Help You Create Magical Moments!!!

Sherinata Pollock is The Master Illuminator and has a great program to help you create your magic and blastoff in your personal and professional life. Her website is I have had the pleasure of interviewing her for my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT.her interview is in the archives at Her insight helped me to release my blockages and reach new heights with my fundraising for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of West Boca Raton.  In using her Create Your Magic Program you will be able to create magical moments in your personal and professional life.

Wayne Dyer Quotes on Meditation Life Change Intention and More 650x417 ...Dr. Wayne Dyer has many books and dvds available to help you create magical moments.  He is a leader in The Personal Development Field. You can find some great tools at his website

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Fearless Painting Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Reaching New Heights!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Reaching New Heights!!!

 In the spiritual awakening process it is important to understand that you are limitless. In becoming limitless we begin to see that we can reach new heights. In being awake and aware we realize that anything is possible and nothing can stop us but ourselves with our limiting beliefs. It is when we take action to erase the limiting beliefs that we are able to do the things that we once thought were nearly impossible. With the right amount of grit and determination and a positive mindset we can do amazing things. So many times we want to reach new heights but we make an excuse or find a reason that blocks us from taking the action to experience an awakening that will enhance our personal and professional life.  What is it that may be creating blockages for you to reach new heights?

 As I was searching for material for today’s (7/23/14)  entry I came across this speech made by Maya Angelou in honor of Andrew Young. It is her poem Still I Rise which reminds us to face challenges and overcome and to use the obstacles that are put in our life as stepping stones to reach new heights. In making a commitment to rise and put our limiting beliefs aside we begin to create a better life for ourselves and others.  It is when we make the conscious decision to shine our light that we brighten up the world with our positive actions. Sometimes it is in getting real with ourselves that we rise to heights that we only once we imagined.

Awakening Fellowship Friends I AM Inspiration Lessons Learned Life Lifting Love Messages Service and Value Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening: Dionne Warwick Reminds Us Of What Friends Are For!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Dionne Warwick Reminds Us Of What Friends Are For!!!

 This is a wonderful reminder of what our friends are for. Friends are those people who regardles of the situation will come through for you. In today’s social media world we count our facebook friends but how many of them can you call upon in a time of need and have them respond in a positive manner to you. How many twitter followers when hearing of your endeavors with take action to support your causes. How many of those people on linkedin will take the time to call just to say hey I was thinking about you. The idea is that when you have that spiritual awakening you begin to realize that as a friend who recognizes others divinity you stand by them in their times of joy and in their times of sorrow becaue that is what friends are for.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Zig Ziglar Leaves Legacy of Inspiration

Spiritual Awakening: Zig Ziglar Leaves Legacy of Inspiration


It was abou 10 AM on 11/28/12 when the news came across the wire that Zig Ziglar, The Great Motivator, made his transition at age 86. His lessons will live on for many years as they have been written and recorded and they will resonate as they make sense. Think about the first quote as it shows us that we can be great if we get started. The 2nd quote is so very true as the law of reciprocity is true. The idea of being motivated everyday is importnat as it propels us to success. As I reflected on Zig Ziglar’s teachings I began to think about the idea of being inspired and inspiring others.

     On way to inspire others is to do good deeds. By helping others you begin to find yourself  as you find a joy in the knowledge that your act of love and kindness enhanced someome’s life. One of the good deeds that I do each year is particpiate and emcee The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton. It is my hope to inspire people to support this effort and have them visit and make a donation.  The good deeds we do will last long after we are gone. I have  asked in past entries what will your legacy be?  Zig Ziglar’s legacy was one of hope and inspiration.

         Self discovery is a great way to find your talents to use to be inspired and to inspire others. If you have a great smile share it and see what happens. It is when you begin to be your authentic self that you are able to enhance your life and then enhance others. Write down I am Great, I make a difference in my life and other’s lives, I give and receive, I shine a light wherever I go and begin to internalize these thoughts and watch your greatness come through.

Award Winners Come Alive Greatness Honor Messages Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson The Journey Uncategorized

Spiritual Awakening: SING YOUR SONG!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Sing Your Song

This blog entry was inspired by Abba’s song, Thank You For The Music. As I listened to the lrics I began to ask what is the song you want the world to hear and be thankful to you for singing? What positive message will you be able to deliver to the world? I began to think of the songs that I listen to for inspiration. I have my top 10 ranked later in this entry. We all have a song to sing and I encourage you to sing yours loud so the entire world will hear and be moved by you to take action. It is when you sing your song that you shine your light and inspire and empower others to do the same.

 Gloria Gaynor’s I Will Survive has become an anthem for many to sing their song.

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Your Song

I use the word song to encompass all talents that you posses. How do I find my song(purpose)  is a question I am asked so many times when I am helping people with media and marketing relations. Each of us has a calling( a song) and once we find that calling great things begin to unfold. Whatever you are being called to do at this moment to be a shining light and to sing your song embrace it and watch the greatness unfold. There are many ways to find your song.

1: Answer What do I Enjoy?

2: Ask How Can My Song Be of Value and Service?

3: Who Am I Surrounding Myself With?

For me I enjoy helping people get the word out so I became The Spiritual Eemcee Maximizing Your Message. I provide a service taht everyoen with a business needs, the ability to get media attention. I surround myself with others that support my mission, such as providing a great event with The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards, which will be held on 3/24/12 at Unity Church in Pompano Beach from9 AM – 4 PM. MY song is one of hope and inspiration. Through my ability to plan projects, bring people together, and help kids with cancer I have been able to further the mission and sing my song.

Your song when sung will lift others up and as a result you will be lifted

I found my song when I looked deep inside and realized that I am a child of God and God’s Purpose for me is to Help Others Excel. Once I accepted this purpose things in my life began to change for the good. There have been challenges and I have been scared but I have been singing my song loudly wherever I go. I have wondered where money will come from, and then I remembered if I sing my song the money will come and it has eachtime I have sung my song.

When I need inspiration and motivation  I look to quotes and pictures and then I continue to sing my song.


Spiritual Awakening: My Top 10 Motivational Songs



Below is my Daily Song:
Day by day
Day by day
Oh Dear Lord
Three things I pray
To see thee more clearly
Love thee more dearly
Follow thee more nearly
Day by day

What are your top 10 songs? This week share your song and be a shining light of hope.