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Spiritual Awakening: Finding A Fountain Of Inspiration

Spiritual Awakening: Finding A Fountain Of Inspiration

 As I was deciding on what to blog about today to help those on their spiritual path to enhance their personal and professional lives  I jumped on YouTube and I found this fountain of inspiration. As I began to drink from this fountain I began to think about all those who inspire others and how they are adding to the fountain of inspiration.

 In this fountain of inspiration I found this video and the affirmations. I then remembered the scene in Dead Poet’s Society, where Robin Williams Character, Mr.Keating, reminds us to Carpe Diem ( Seize The Day).
 You have the opportunity to seize the day and drink from your own fountain of inspiration.As you become inspired and you awaken and accept that you are destined for greatness you will begin to see changes in your personal and professional life and your light will shine brightly on others.

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Spiritual Awakening: Put Your Love Glasses On!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Put Your Love Glasses On!!!!


I have often said it is when we look at the world with love and put our love glasses on that great things happen. What are you doing to put your love glasses on? I have this ritual in the morning where I look in the mirror and I say  I love me  and today I will show love to others. Sometimes it is difficult as people come into my life through the day that can be challenging, it is at those times when I take a deep breath and do my best to be loving.

Beckah Shae delivers a message to remind us to put our love glasses on.


  Spiritual Awakening: Spreading Love

I listen to Janet Lee Kraft’s  Love is The Highest Way and I am reminded that we should be loving and caring in all that we do. As you shift to love many great things begin to unwind and you begin to see things in a different light. The light of love begins to open more doors and create a better life. There are many ways to spread love.

1: Smile and give a positive thought to someone –

2: Breathe in and remind yourself that you are love and you deserve love

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Spiritual Awakening: Shine Your Light

 Today’s blog entry is inspired by Janet Lee Kraft who shares a message of love and hope through her music and ministry.

Spiritual Awakening: Shine Your Light

Inside of each of us is a bright light to be shared with the world so as to show others our greatness and to exhibit grace for others to follow. I often ask people the question How Bright Is Your Light?  I ask this question to delve deep into the fact that they have a gift and a talent to give to the world so as to enhance the lives of others while enhancing their own personal and professional light.  Many people have a light that is waiting to be turned on and shared and all they need is a bit of encouragement from those arround them.

Neil Diamond delivers a message to turn on your heart light and to let it shine for everyone to see.  It is your time to shine and let the world see just how great you are.  You have the power inside of you to be a shining light to those you come in contact with. How Bright Is Your Light? is a question to answer by seeing the impact you are making on the lives of others.

Anthems Awakening calling Dreams Finishing Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Sharing Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Talents Vision

Spiritual Awakening: Are You Making Every Moment Count?

 This post was inspired by the passing of Kathy Dedek, who touched many lives and always had an encouraging word for those she came in contact with. She was called home to GOD on June 23, 2012 from the complications of a brain aneurism. Kathy taught us all how to make the moments count. I dedicate this entry to the memory of Kathy Dedek.

Spiritual Awakening: Are You Making Every Moment Count?

I watched the NBA Finals and witnessed Coach Solstra of The Miami Heat answer a question of you are 12 minutes away from a championship with “We need to stay in the moment.”  Then came the news of Kathy Dedek’s passing and I thought how quick the moments come and go. I then asked myself are you making every moment count? The answer was yes as I begin the day with a gratitude prayer, then I read from Rev. Dr. Dee Adio Moses book, Oneness Consciousness, then I read a passage from Mary Morrissey’s book The Miracle Minute, and then choose a random Bible Verse, then I put on Janet Lee Kraft’s CD and get ready for the day knowing that I am centered and grounded.

 It is when we are focused on the moment and not the past nor the future that we achieve the greatest results

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Spiritual Awakening: How is Your Flow?

Spiritual Awakening: How is Your Flow?

This blog entry was inspired by a minor set back that occured this morning. I showed up to work with a client who had booked me for 3 days only to find out she wasn’t able to work with me this week.  At first I was very upset, then I took a deep breath and realized everything will work out and I stayed in the positive flow.    As I was writing this the phone rang and it was my client and we came to an agreement. It is amazing what can happen when we just go with the flow and let things happen. The lesson learned is to breathe and slow down and allow the good to prevail.

 Opening the chakras and being open to receive will increase your flow.

Spiritual Awakening: Understanding Flow

Once we realize that everything is energy we begin to create the ability to harness the energy for good and thus increase our flow. The biggest step is to ubderstand the flow of energy and how it is affecting our state of being in  making the mind, body, soul connection.

 This energy pyramid shows that the greatest energy we have is our spiritual energy, our connection to source and those surrounding us.  It is when we are spiritually energized that all the other aspects of energy allows for positive flow. The key is to get centered and balanced and look for the good in the energy field. Today the client cancelled, which is disappointing, howver it freed me up to do a blog entry and seek some other opportunities and follow up on a few projects.

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Spiritual Awakening: The Man In The Mirror

Michael Jackson’s Man In The Mirror shows the way to way to make a change and it reminds us that all change starts with us.

Spiritual Awakening: The Man In The Mirror

As the news of Donna Summer’s passing came across the wire I began to get very introspective and to take a look an the man in the mirror. Donna’s songs had mad a major impact on my childhood and today in my adulthood I find myself still moved by her music. As I reflected I began to post on facebook that people can visit and honor Donna with a donation to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. I also began to think what will my legacy be? Donna Summer will forever be part of our lives as her music lives on.

Donna Summer reminds us that sometimes things are one of a kind and that we will not have the recipe again. The message I share from this song is to start from scratch and see what happens.

A few days after Donna Summer passed word came in that Robin Gibb lost his battle to cancer. Again I put out the post honor Robin Gibb and anyone touched by cancer and help create a world with less cancer and more birthdays by visiting I then began to post songs that Robin was known for through The BEEGEES and began to take a look at myself and ask what impact am I making?

I chose this BEEGEES Song love somebody as a reminder to love yourself.

Spiritual Awakening: Loving The Man In The Mirror

In order to create a legacy and make a positive impact the first step is to love the person looking back at you. This is the most difficult step in the path as we are often told from a young age you are not good enough or you don’t have talent and through out our lives we reinforce this. Now is the time to shift your thoughts and to look at yourself as capable.  In the morning when you look  at the man in the mirror say:

1: I am loved and deserve to be loved

2: I am accomplished and continue to accomplish great things

3: I am good enough, qualified, and loved

4: I look good, I feel good, I will do good

5: I attract the people meant to be in my life

6: I attract joy and abundance easily and effortlessly

This will help you to create that auora of self love and thus enable you to be a shining light for others.

A question to ask is who do I see when I look in the mirror.

  Do see the roaring lion inside of you? It is time to let him/her loose. Remind yourself you are strrong and gifted. Stop allowing negativity to hold back your greatness. There are those who may doubt you as they don’t see the same person you see, don’t allow them any space in your head and surround yourself with caring and encouarging people.

Spiritual Awakening: Tool To Improve The Reflection of The Man In The Mirror

1.Become an action taker. As you look at that refelection tell the man in the mirror to gof for it you are capable of achieving gteatness.

2.  Play some music that you can adopt as your anthem- I like to play Janet Lee Kraft’s Album

3. Begin to write a journal and document your awakening

4. Make a wall of people you consider award winners and use them for motivation and inspiration

5. Explore your calling and take step to follow the calling and come alive


Peter Frampton asks us to show others the way. By finding your way and reflecting on the man in the mirror you will help others find their way.

Spiritual Awakening: The Man In The Mirror – Final Thoughts

As you look in the mirror remember  that you become what you think abouit so thing positive and highly about yourself and be a shining light for others to see.

Neil Diamond inspires us to turn on our heartlight.

As you begin to really look at the man in the mirror you will evolve and emerge as the person you wish to become.




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Spiritual Awakening: The Signs of Being Awake

Spiritual Awakening: The Signs of  Being Awake

If you look at the 12 symptoms of awakening you realize that we are all evolving on our spiritual path to fufilling the goal of being aware and awake. When you wake in the morning are the first words out of your mouth Thank You GOD? An awakened person acknowledges the creation of another day to make a positive impact on their life and the lives of others. ONe sign of being awake is the shift to a position of gratitude.

 As I began my spiritual awakening I began to become more grateful for the things that I have and the opportunities that are unfolding daily. I keep a gratitude journal and am gratefulto my friend and coach, Coach Shantel Springer, who showed me tools to come from a position of gratitude.


 Coach Shantel Springer Helps people to take the first step to becoming awake and that is to assume a position of gratitude mand to give thanks to GOD.

After assuming the position of gratitude and practicing it everyday the next step is to find ways to love yourself so you can love others. When I get up in the morning I say I am a loving caring person who positively impacts my life and the lives of others. I then shower and get dressed and then turn on Janet Lee Kraft’s CD:  I then read The Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses Oneness Consciousness, then I read Mary Morrisey’s The Miracle Minute. When I do this I feel aware and alive and ready to be a shining light to those I come in contact with.

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Spiritual Awakening: Finding Your Path and Your Purpose

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Your Path and Your Purpose

I remember the movie, The Blues Brothers, the original with John Beluhi playing Jake and Dan Akroyd playing Elwood where they would state I am Jake and  this is my brother Elwood and we are on a mission from GOD! Their mission was well defined, to raise enough money to pay the property taxes to save the school that they attended as children. They had a unique way of furthering this mission. In the end they made it to the property tax office and paid the back money to save the school.  By defining their mission, being of service and value, and utilizing their talents these two offbeat musicians achieved their goal.

John Belushi(Jake) and Dan Akroyd (Elwood) contemplate their next move on their path to save their school.

Finding The Path:

Like Jake and Elwood you have a path it may not be as zanny and far fetched as it was in the movie, however it is a path and you are being guided to follow it everyday. In The Wizrd of Oz  Dorothy is told to follow the Yellow Brick Road. She and Toto follow the path meeting characters like the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and  The Lion. The characters represent the universe putting people in our life to help us along our path. Dorothy wason the path so she could find her way home and the universe was providing her with help along the way.  What is our yellow brick road and who are we meeting along the way?

Dorothy, Scarecrow, Lion, Tin Man, and Toto find their path and recieve what they were searching for by heading the messages of the universe.

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Spiritual Awakening: Growth Comes From The Inside

Spiritual Awakening: Growth Comes From The Inside

 Be present and aware and explore yourself and then you will be of most value to others as you reach your higher calling.


I have often stated that to grow both personally and professionally that you must go deep inside and find the emotional charges that are holding you back or creating negative results in your life. As I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay for Life of West Boca Raton, FL my attitude may not have been the best and I may have been a little to asserative in my efforts as my belief was everyone can give atleast $1 to the cause. After a few bad encounters I went to my car and I quietly asked myself, what am I doing that is creating the negative and I realized I was bringing bad energy with me worrying about how people will judge me and how I was making this about me and not the higher calling of creating a world with less cancer and more birthdays. I turned to the bible and read Proverbs 18 and then turned to my favorite Psalm “This is The Day The Lord Hath Made Rejoice In It,” and began to utter the words put a smile on your face and be the loving caring person you are and let your light shine. This shift made the world of difference as the encounters with people improved and when I finished my mission I had collected $72 towards my personal goal of raising $1500 for Relay for Life. As of  8:00 AM today I am only $57.35 away from this goal and as I type this blog I pause and thank GOD for the ability to go deep inside and realize that it is not about me it is about the cause and the mission to help people affected by cancer through research, education, advocacy, and services.

Action Takers Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Finishing Fortune Cookies Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Be An Advocate For Positivity

Spiritual Awakening: Be An Advocate For Positivity

What thoughts are you watering to create positivity?  We can wake up every morning and look at the negatives or we can choose to do something and change them to positives. Imagine if today a newscaster said breaking news 90% of  Americans are employed, 88% of property owners are paying their mortgage on time, or 89% of all high school students are graduating,  the change in attitude and the positive shift that would occur. Shifting from a gloom and doom, if it bleads it leads mentatlity to the concept of positivitity is going to take a conscience effort for people to become advocates for positivity.  It was written if you think you can or you think you can’t you are right. It is a lot better when you adopt The I think I can attitude.  You are a special person who can do anything you put your to. As Napolean Hill stated what the mind can conceive, the heart can believe, you can achieve. How many times have you had an idea to become an advocate for positivity and something held you back? It could have been the memory of someone saying you aren’t good enough that you haven’t released and said to yourself I am good enough and I am going to move forward in a positive direction and whatever happens happens.