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Spiritual Awakening: Take The Blinders Off!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Take The Blinders Off!!!

As I sat in reflection yesterday (5/10/2015) I received a message that I found to be very poignant. It was Take The Blinders Off. As I thought about this I began to think how many people are walking through life unaware of how great they are or how they can make a difference in the lives of others and as a result change their life.  In the spiritual awakening process it is imperative to take time and see what is around you and what is beyond you as the universe is filled with infinite possibilities. When we take our blinders off and we begin to see that their are solutions to every issue and that those solutions lie with in us our world and the world around us improves.  I am often amazed how many people seem to walking around in a daze or oblivious to the opportunities that are being presented to them. In being awake and aware  we become in tune to our inner divinity and thus can start to take the blinders off and solve the challenges we are facing understanding that we are all interconnected and have the ability to take the blinders off.

When we take the blinders off and start to open our eyes we are able to take action and unlock a world of possibilities that we may not have realized existed before our spiritual awakening. It is when we detach from what others think or see in us and focus on what we see in us tat we grow in mind, body, and spirit. In looking in the mirror and seeing the great person you are you begin to take the blinders off and thus are able to continue on your spiritual path to develop a oneness consciousness. In identifying our blind spots we are able to take the blinders off and address these issues. In my case my blind spot was anger. Once I took the blinders off and realized that being angry was not serving me well and that getting angry was creating a personal and spiritual imbalance in my life I was able to work on alternative methods of dealing with issues that once aggravated me. I still get upset at times but instead of getting mad and feeling hopeless I now sit in meditation and breathe seeking positive ways to solve the challenges that may be presenting themselves in my life. The first step to taking the blinders off is to realize there is an issue and to deal with it because not dealing with it only creates blockages that inhibit your spiritual and personal growth. In opening your eyes and getting real with yourself you will see dramatic changes in your life as you begin to understand that when we take the blinders off we grow and enhance our spiritual life.

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Spiritual Awakening: A Prescription For Love!!!

Spiritual Awakening: A Prescription for Love!!!


With all the turmoil being covered by the news I decided that I would prescribe a dose of love for everyone and encourage people to embrace the spiritual awakening process and to do small things with great love. In taking action to make love an anthem and to spread kindness wherever you go you will be following the prescription of love thus helping to awaken yourself and others to the power of love. When you tp into you own divinity and you begin to love who you are you begin to give off a vibration that creates a love resonation that will then propel people to work together in a loving and caring manner.  In understanding that you are a divine child of GOD and that GOD loves you you create a ripple that not only will transform your life but the lives of others. In answering the call to love you will be able to affect the change that you want to see in the world and thus come alive so you can be of service and value to your community.

 When  we awaken spiritually and we turn ourselves over to GOD and show GOD love he will show us some love in return. When you commit to being loving and caring in all you do GOD see’s that and rewards you for your generosity and gratitude you are given the opportunity to step into your greatness and thus create prosperity for yourself that in turn allows you to help others. Through love we are able to heal ourselves and conquer everything that may be holding us back from achieving the life we desire. I remember the day I made my FREE HUGS Sign and displayed it for the first time some people understood the message while others were skeptical and questioned what I was doing. I was giving out a prescription of love. In giving out FREE HUGS I was able to shift the paradigm in some people’s lives by letting them know that there is at least one person who wants to spread peace, love, joy, and prosperity to others . As you look for  ways to share love and you take action you set in motion events that change your life and the lives around you. When you radiate love people see that and many will want to join you.


Spiritual Awakening: Filling The Prescription For Love!!!

 In filling the prescription for love you should find music that shows appreciation and gratitude to others so that the love dosage is suited for everyone.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening Award Winners calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Flow Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: A Dose Of Happiness!!!

Spiritual Awakening: A Dose Of Happiness!!!

 Today I wish to give everyone a prescription for a dose of happiness. In the spiritual awakening process it is imperative to find your inner joy and to tap into that joy so that it will continue to lead to happiness. Many times I am asked, JDOGG what makes you happy? My answer is easy losing myself in service to others and watching how people come together for a common cause that resonates with them. I have experienced this over the last 15 years as I have been an active participant with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. This year I decided to become The Fund The Mission Lead for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca and to encourage people to get involved. I have derived a great amount of happiness by visiting and and seeing the progress being made in the fundraising efforts. I find happiness each morning knowing that I am working for a cause and not the applause. I have learned that in order to achieve happiness I must detach from the outcome and just let things flow. I have also learned that not everyone is going to understand your motivation and not everyone is going to be as committed as I may be. I have  also learned not to compare myself to others and to just stay authentic and celebrate the fact that I have the ability to be part of something special. I have learned that I am more happy when I celebrate others instead of being jealous of them. I have  found that my happiness must come from with in and if I am truly to spread happiness I must first achieve happiness within myself. I have learned that when I am centered, grounded, and coming from a place of happiness and joy that I accomplish more.

 I have come to the realization that I can not look at the outcome I must look at the journey and find happiness in the process. I have also experienced the fact that it is not my job to bring people kicking and screaming into the world of being of service and value and that some will, some won’t, so what, some waiting, next. Many times happiness occurs when you remove the people and things that no longer serve you. I find myself most happy when I am in tune with Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements:

 When I am in alignment with these teachings I tend to be a bit happier than when I forget to practice these teachings. I have learned over time through the spiritual awakening process that there will be people who say they are going to do something and do not so you accept that fact and love them anyway. As long as you do what you believe is right in your heart and divinely directed you can achieve your inner happiness that will allow you to share outer happiness.

Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Go Ahead: Make My Day!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Go Ahead: Make My Day!!!

 Today’s entry was inspired by an encounter I had with a women whom I just met at The American Cancer Society office. We were both walking out at the same time and I asked her what company she worked for and she told me and I told her the reason I asked was because when I am not volunteering with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life I host a TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM. This opened a conversation where I handed her my business card and she noticed and she was intrigued. The conversation continued and  I told her I had a gift for her and went to my car and gave her a copy of the book Don’t Die With YOur Music Still In You. She was overjoyed and told me I made her day.  It was then that I asked her to give me her hand and that I wasn’t being fresh and as I massaged her hand I felt some of her tension and immediately told her that I believe she is conflicted about a recent decision about a relationsship. She opened up to me about her going through a divorce. She gave me a big hug and said we should get together for coffee. I said sure let me know how I can be of service and value to you.

 Ask yourself each day how can I make someone’s day? How can I be of service and value? How can I improve the community? What can I do that will bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity to my life while enriching the lives of others.  People will say to me all the JDOGG but don’t you want the fancy house, the nice car, and the expensive clothes and I always say no what I want is a world where people are kind, caring, compassionate and help one another  regardless of their monetary position. It is when we get lost in service that we are rewarded.  What makes my day is seeing that someone took time to visit and made a donation and then seeing a story about breakthroughs being made in cancer research that is saving lives because of money raised through The American Cancer Society Relay For Life.

 I find that my day is made better and enriched when I detach from outcomes and do not force things and let them flow. Today (4/10/15) has been a good example of this After making a presentation and dropping off money at The American Cancer Society Office I headed to Starbucks where I met a representative from American Greetings we exchanged cards and guess who now has an email about Relay For Life. As I was sitting writing this blog a gentleman, Christopher Thomas Wilson, who I interviewed for my TV Show and also donated to Relay For Life came in and we had a nice talk about how GOD is working in our lives. Christopher has a movie out titled You have His Eyes, which documents his search for his father and what happened when he found him.  GOD and The Ascended Masters are working to bring the right people into your life to help make your day.

Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Spirituality Not A Joke!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Spirituality Not A Joke!!!

 As I turned the calendar and saw a new month I thought new month new beginnings. I then saw it was April 1, April Fools Day, and thought how many people are just joking with their spirituality and professing to believe in something but doing the opposite. This is what inspired me today to write about the the concept that spirituality is not a joke. Spirituality is not something you can turn on or off and use only when it suits your needs. So many people profess to have have a spiritual awakening and then do things that totally go against the idea of being loving and caring and peaceful. I  have been guilty of having lapses in spirituality and have allowed my human side to get in the way and hinder me. These blockages have created some challenging circumstances as I have found myself vibrating at low levels filled with anger and many other low level emotions. It is during these times that I begin to realize just how powerful the universe is and how spirituality is now joke. It is at these times that I step back and get myself reconnected to GOD and realize that I am a divine child of GOD and it is his plan not mine that must be followed. I have  come to realize that peace, love, joy, and prosperity happen when you come from a place of peace and joy.  I have come to understand that being quick to react is not the way to overcome blockages and challenges that one must get themselves back to center and before taking any action take some deep spiritual breaths so that we can move forward on our spiritual path. I have  come to understand that is foolish and the joke will be on you when you are not in alignment with GOD, The Ascended Masters, and your angels.

Many times during the spiritual awakening process  we will have trials and tribulations so we must remember if GOD brought us to it GOD will bring us through it.  We must make a divine connection and realize that what we perceive as mistakes are lessons to learn from so that we can grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. We must come to understand that in order to manifest the life we desire that we must be connected to GOD and guided by GOD and when challenges arise look at them from our spiritual perspective and come at them with love and joy in our heart. The challenge of doing things always in a loving and caring manner is tough because many people we come in contact with will not get us or resonate with us and thus may create blockages because we get caught up in their drama instead of detaching ourselves from the situation and allowing GOD and The Universal Powers to guide us.  I have found that when I am presented with a tough situation that I do my best to understand the other person and show compassion but sometimes my human side just wants to slug someone. When this occurs I must remember that violence and anger only lessen my vibration and decreases my ability to be of service and value to others so I retreat to my comfort place which is any quiet place in nature where I can sit in silence and reflect and relax and rejuvenate so that I can improve  and not be foolish in my actions.

Action Takers Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Stones and Crystals Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Be Prince Charming!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Be Prince Charming!!!


Prince_Charming_Shrek_the_Third.jpgI receive Conversations With GOD from Neale Donald Walsh on a daily basis. These daily missives of God Wants You To Know have helped in my spiritual growth as they serve as a  great reminder that I and all those I come in contact are part of something much larger than ourselves.  Today this is what I received:

neale-donald-walsch.jpgI believe God wants you to know…

…that you can live a charmed life, and that there is a
formula by which you can make this work.

Here is the formula: You can live a charmed life by
causing others to live a charmed life. That is, be the
source of ‘charm’ — of charming moments and
experiences — in the life of another.

Be everyone else’s Lucky Charm! Make all who you
touch today feel ‘lucky’ that you crossed their path.
Do this for a week and watch things change. Do it
for a month and you’ll be a different person.

Love, Your Friend …

 When   we become the person that makes others happy we begin to grow and flourish and thus we create a better understanding of our spiritual calling. In being like Prince Charming and taking action to pursue our goals and dreams with a sense of passion and purpose we set in motion awesome vibrations that resonate with those who can assist us in achieving our vision. When we throw caution to the wind and say regardless of what may happen I am going for it. When we are grateful for the opportunity and detach from the outcome and just simple let things flow we generally achieve a greatness that we could never have imagined.


 The other day I went to and through NIKEID designed this sneaker to wear at my Relay For Life. The right side says BEAT and the left side says CANCER. As I was discussing the sneaker and showing people the photo I got the idea to contact NIKE and suggest they make the sneaker available to the general public. Today I took action and called NIKE Customer Service and told the lady about my idea to have NIKE Produce and sell the sneakers and give a percentage of the proceeds to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. She loved the idea and said she would buy a pair. She took the information and said she would forward it to the right people. She gave me the world headquarters number for NIKE and guess what I called it and was put through to The Community Impact Person. I left her a message. LIke Prince Charming has his quest and pursued it we must have our quest and pursue it with relentlessness as  we can achieve our visions if we take action and eliminate that which is holding us back. People may have told me that I was crazy and NIKE will never go for this. My answer is you don’t know until you take action and ask. Look inside and ask yourself what is it that is stopping me from taking action. My mindset was what is the worst NIKE will say, we are not interested. You never know until you take action.

... Doreen’s oracle cards, including the specialty focus of each cardWhen you are like Prince Charming and have a goal in mind and take action to reach that goal the results are incredible. I was on FACEBOOK a few weeks ago and I reached out to Doreen Virtue for some products to use in a Chance Drawing for my Relay For Life and she referred me to her publicist at Hay House.I emailed the publicist and the publicist ased what i was looking for.My answer was anything you can send. About a week later there was a package at my door with over $800 worth of Doreen Virtue Products. I did the same with Dr. Wayne Dyer and Louis Hay and they send items. I asked Serena Dyer and Sonia Choquette and they sent items. The idea is to be like Prince Charming and seek the connection.  When your vision is clear and the blockages are removed it is amazing what can happen. Again ask yourself what is stopping you from pursuing your quest.


Spiritual Awakening: Ways to Be Like Prince Charming!!!

Eliminate Fear by facing everything and rising. Do not allow doubters and naysayers or the negative self talk hold you back. Be a warrior and embrace the adventure that awaits on your spiritual path.
Live with abandon and put you trust in GOD and you will be guided along your path and closer to achieving your vision.  Do not allow what others think or say hold you back.
Remove the shackles and break the chains that may have imprisoned you in the past and stopped you from moving forward in your personal and professional life. Praise GOD for the talents he has given you and use them to achieve your vision. Each day break the chains and say today I will step into my power and achieve greatness then watch what happens.

Never Give Up!!!  Jim Valvano delivered a moving speech at The ESPYS as The First Recipient of The Arthur Ashe Courage Award that teaches us valuable lessons to help us be like Prince Charming.

Spiritual Awakening: JDOGG’S Gift To Help You Be Like Prince Charming!!!

 Today remember to stay positive!!! Namaste!!!


Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Essential Oils Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Flow Forgivness Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Sharing Favor!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Sharing Favor!!!

Through the spiritual awakening process I have learned the importance to share the favor that GOD has granted to us. A few months ago I entered a writing contest with The United States Junior Chamber of Commerce and wrote a piece abut the impact that The Jaycees had on me. A few weeks later I was informed I was one of the top 5 and won $100. I took $25 and made a personal donation to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton the other $75 went into my savings account so that when I was favored by GOD again I could help more people. In taking action and sharing the favor GOD has provided to me I have been able to inspire people to visit  In adopting anthems that allow me to praise GOD I have been able to open up channels to be placed in GOD’S favor and to continue to share his favor with others.  I have found that when we share all the good that GOD is doing in our lives we expand in our personal and professional lives and thus we are able to better make the mind, body, and soul connection.  I have  also found that when I consul the ascended masters like JESUS I get answers that  enlighten me while I am undergoing the spiritual awakening process. In sharing favor I am able to answer my calling and live a life on purpose that is enabling me to make positive changes and thus come alive. In coming alive and understanding that I am redeemed I am able to better serve the community and thus detach from outcomes.

 In being redeemed and embracing our redemption we are better able to share our favor and help other people to excel as they move forward in a positive direction of their dreams. It is when we embrace our redemption and begin to focus on positive emotions such as happiness we create peace, love, joy, and prosperity in our life. 

Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship

Spiritual Awakening: I’ve Got Your Manifestation Right Here!!!

Spiritual Awakening: I’ve Got Your Manifestation Right Here!!!

Manifestation Quote In the spiritual awakening process it is importance to understand how what we think about we create. As I sat in meditation this morning (1/30/2015) listening to the Chakra Clearing CD by Doreen Virtue I began to feel a sense of calmness and release come over me as I began to understand that with the help of GOD I could bring my thoughts to fruition. After the meditation I sat and I began to do an introspective search as to the way I was going about things and how things were occurring in my personal and professional life. I started to look at how things I had done were manifesting themselves in my life. I started looking at the energy that I was bringing to the events of my life and I realized that when things were challenging I was too attached to the outcome.  I realized that it is great to take action but you must look at how that action will affect others and how it will be perceived. As many of the frequent visitors to this blog know I am very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton and my passion for raising money to help cancer patients, their friends, and their families runs very high.  The other day I received an email about the signing up of 8 new teams for Relay  and in my excitement did a reply to all as I thought that as a committee it is important that we support one another and celebrate each other. I asked everyone to please focus on getting more teams and to support the following fundraiser.

Hurricane Grill Give Back The event lead(chair) left me a very angry  voice mail and a very scathing email. I took many deep breaths and I politely expressed to him why I did what I did and he took it as me usurping his power. So I told him in the future I will let you handle all communication. The lesson I learned here is that many people are driven by EGO and thus get angry and because of this many be holding themselves back.  He did make it a point to tell me he was a millionaire  and had his own successes.  As part of the spiritual awakening process I have learned to not take anything personally, and to always do my best. When I detached from the situation and realized that I was dealing with someone who did not understand the idea that it is not about power and position but it is about everyone working together for the common good of the event so that we have a successful event. The way to avoid this in the future is to understand that EGO is edging god out and while many will profess to be following a GOD like path one must remember that not everyone who goes to church is pious and upstanding. When we detach ourselves from the outcome we are able to become better manifesters. In many cases we must come alive and alleviate the fear of walking in and speaking our truth so as to be of service and value to the community. In a way I manifested this because I want my fundraiser to be successful. 

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spriritual Awakening: The State Of Spirituality!!!

Spiritual Awakening: The State Of Spirituality!!!

quote of the day sri chinmoyAs I watched The State of The Union Address by President Barack Obama I thought would it not be a better world if we became a nation driven by love and compassion and started to detach from the idea of being right or wrong. Through the spiritual awakening process I have learned that if you are loving and caring and genuine in all you do then the results will fall into to place just as GOD has planned. Today I had a conversation with a colleague who is having a tough time and I told him everything is in divine order just the way it is meant to be.  I suggested he detach from outcomes and just let things flow. In allowing things to flow you will see that the state of spirituality is just the way it is supposed to be. I saw this first hand today as I arrived early for my radio interview to represent the Miami Fury Women’s Tackle Football Team.  I was told of a local sandwich shop, Franky’s and  decided to try it out. I walked from the studio and on the way could locate Franky’s so I stopped to ask a business in the area if they could direct me. The lady didn’t speak English but found someone who did and that person directed me. Upon thanking the person who helped me I gave them my business card. In the past I would have been upset that a business person did not speak English but this time I just took a deep breath and allowed things to flow.  I arrived at Franky’s and was given a great greeting and everyone seemed very friendly. Upon finishing a good sandwich I decided to offer to do a quick testimonial and they recorded it and thanked me with a certificate for a FREE Sub the next time I came by. I gave the certificate to the lady at the radio studio as a way to pay it forward. I did the interview and it went well. I left and some how found my way to I-75 north and made it safely back to my neighborhood. In allowing things to flow and letting GOD guide me I had a productive day.

Iyanla Vanzant quotationIn checking our state of spirituality and allowing GOD to touch our soul we are able to take action and move forward in a positive direction toward our dreams and goals. There will be set back because not everyone’s state of spirituality is in alignment with yours. Once we learn that people will allow their human side to interfere with their spiritual side we are able to not take things so personally. By not taking things personally and acting in the best interest of our spirituality we are able to progress and manifest the life we desire. When we realize that the answer lies with in us through our oneness consciousness we are able to allow things to unfold as GOD had planned. As I sat in reflection yesterday I realized that having the gig for The B.I.G. Summit cancelled on me was a blessing a sit allowed me to do what GOD had planned and that was to enrich lives through my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EST on GOD also has plans for me to help cancer patients, their friends, and their families and having The B.I.G. Summit Gig canceled for me allowed me to take my time and to gather my thoughts to do an excellent presentation at The Relay For Life Party. If you want to donate to Relay For Life the donation page is In understanding that the best plans of mice and men go astray I have been able to come to grips with the spiritual idea of divine guidance. GOD will put you in the proper state of spirituality so that you can move forward and achieve the greatness and prosperity he has in store for you.

Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening Award Winners calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Everyday Should Be Christmas!!!with

Spiritual Awakening: Everyday Should Be Christmas!!!

This is the day the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it ...As those who celebrate Christmas begin to prepare to celebrate the birth of the savior, Jesus Christ, I begin to look at what Christmas represents and think what if everyone had a spiritual awakening and we could make Christmas everyday. I am not saying with the commercialized version of Christmas but the true spiritual meaning of fellowship showing that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations. It would be great if everyone decided that they would rejoice and be glad in the day that the Lord hath made and do things that would promote peace, love, joy, and prosperity.  I have often said wouldn’t it be great if people took action to make Christmas everyday.  What a world it would be if we could all get together on the same wave length and start helping one another simply by getting in touch with our divine calling and moving forward in a positive direction to answer that calling. Think about doing something kind 365 days out of the year. It doesn’t always have to be about giving money to a charity even though that it nice it can be as simple as holding a door open for someone, or letting someone go ahead of you in line, or simply smiling at some one and wishing then a great day. If you make it an anthem to make Christmas everyday you will see a shift in your life and in the lives of those you come in contact with. if you look at the teachings of the ascended masters and follow the #1 ascended master, Jesus, you will be divinely guided with your purpose. If you awaken each day with the idea of being of service and value to others you will be rewarded.

35+ Most Beautiful Christmas Background, Merry Christmas Everyone!!Today as I held the door open for someone at Starbucks I said Merry Christmas and they smiled and said thank you. In this simple act of kindness I saw a shift on myself and the person I held the door open for. In doing acts of kindness we are able to show that service to humanity is the best work of life.  Through out the spiritual awakening process I have learned that when you do everything with love and kindness in your heart you will find success. What if for today and each day following you committed to doing things differently using the spiritual principles of Christmas and shying away from the materialism, what do you think would happen?  I was asked what if you say Merry Christmas and the person says I don’t celebrate Christmas and gets real defensive?At that moment I take a deep breathe and say GOD Bless You. If they turn and say I don’t Believe in GOD I say okay hope you have a joyous day. The key is to detach and diffuse and be your authentic spiritually awakened self.  I believe  that both Hanukkah and Christmas represent miracles and the celebration of these miracles should be honored not only during the designated holidays but daily.