The last two months have been a challenge for me medically and financially. There have been many days that I did not feel like getting out of bed as things were not moving forward as I had hoped they would. I haven’t had a steady income and things are tough and I could really use people visiting www.paypal.me/jdogg8265 and making a love donation. I was so consumed with the prospects of losing everything that I quit in myself and then I remembered my spiritual teachings and I sat in meditation and the message received was simple. It was time to make a comeback and stop making excuses and push forward to make im0rovements in my personal and professional life. After receiving the message I started to walk daily with a goal of doing 5000 steps a day. In the month of March I have reached this goal 12 of 23 days. I have also been spending more time seeking full time employment and today (3/24/2025) I had a phone interview with Mattress Firm. They are going to let me know their decision later this week. This experience has taught me to keep moving forward and to make a come back. I was focusing on so much of the negative that my life nearly stopped and then I remembered I am the STAY POSITIVE GUY and I need to practice what I preach and come out of the darkness.
As I listened to this song I realized that I am not alone and that I am not the only struggling but I need to face everything and rise instead of forgetting everything and running. It was time to tap into my inner divinity and to make a come back so as to continue to be of service and value to others, It was time to get back to the spiritual teachings and understand that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. It was time to focus on the good and to realize that everything happens for a reason. It was time to awaken spiritually and recognize that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others. It is time to change what you can and accept what you can not and to have the wisdom to know the difference.

It was when I sat down and truly began to internalize the serenity prayer that I knew it was time for a comeback. I was reminded of all the times In have been knocked down and how I made it through the adversity and flourished. In making a comeback it is important to remember that passion + action = success and that becoming an action taker is imperative to attracting peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. It is important to awaken spiritually so that you will enhance your personal and professional life as you make your comeback. Many time we lose our way and it is important to get back on our path so as to answer our calling so that we can grow and expand as we continue on our spiritual journey.

One way to make your come back is to turn to the scriptures and to find verses that will keep you moving in a positive direction of your goals. Many times your come back starts when you let go and let GOD.

The time is now for your comeback. You have greatness inside of you and now is your season to tap into your greatness and to rise to new heights. Namaste.