Spiritual Awakening: It’s My Life!!!!
Today’s entry is inspired by The John Bon Jovi Song It’s My Life. When I think of the concept of spiritual awakening I realize that the 1st step is to take ownership for who you are and what you do. As you begin to find who you are and what your purpose is you begin to create the life that you want for yourself. In the morning when you get up remind yourself that this is your life as it has been given to you by GOD. As you give thanks to GOD for your life you set in motion circumstances that will place you in GOD’S favor. I begin each day by saying Today is The Day the Lord hat Made Be Glad and Rejoice In It. I then do a gratitude prayer thanking GOD for the life he has given me. I then ask GOD for direction and guidance for the day and I receive the answer and when I listen and obey the message the day flows and I feel great. The question for you is how do you honor GOD in your life.
One aspect of leading the life that GOD has intended for you is to show joy, gratitude, and reverence in all the deeds you do as you shine your light. By following the messages and becoming an action taker you set in motion the events to manifest the life you desire. It is very possible to speak things into existence as your thoughts become actions that are directed by GOD. You may ask then why is it I have challenges in my life? The answer is for GOD is strengthening you so you can strengthen others. GOD never puts anything on your plate that you can not handle. Recently I had a situation with my cell as I made the human decision not to get insurance on the phone and the battery swelled creating a major problem, the phone was out of warranty, instead of getting angry when the salesperson at Verizon couldn’t help me I calmly called customer service and explained the situation by the end of the call I had a new phone and only had to pay an upgrade fee. The first thing I did when I left the store was thank GOD and Jesus for helping me to stay calm and resolve the situation. The next time a challenge arises stay calm and ask GOD for guidance and he will help you to come through it as he understands that it is your life.