Spiritual Awakening: Listen To Your Inner Voice!!!!
As I sat at Starbucks preparing to write this blog entry I overheard people speaking about seminars and the work they do my inner voice directed me to go to my car get my business cards and introduce myself to them. I did and they complimented me on my voice. This led me to write this entry to encourage you to listen to the inner voice that leads you in a positive direction. This inner voice or divinity will lead you to many successes. It is when we begin to shut out the negative self talk and shift from the stinking thinking to the positiveand empowering self talk that we begin to become more spiritually awake and realize that we have amazing power within us to be great. Many times people miss out on opportunities to step into their greatness because they are so busy listening to the nay sayers and allowing their negative self talk get in the way. Today I encourage you to eliminate that negative talk and listen to the positive inner voice telling you that you can do it.
Being open to receive messages and taking action will lead to success, I often say what the mind can conceive, and the heart can believe, you can achieve. I have many examples of when my inner voice has led me to success. It was at the those times that I chose to step back, breathe, and then do. It is when you make the mind, body, and soul connection that you begin to tune in more and more to the inner voice that guides you in a positive direction. It is when you just allow things to flow and don’t sit in judgement and just do what you are guided to do that you will find more successes.
Spiritual Awakening: Danica Patrick Inspires With Daytona 500 Achievement
On Sunday Danica Patrick made history by being the female driver to start a Daytona 500 from The Pole Position. At one point Danica Lead The Daytona 500 becoming the first female driver to do that. When the Daytona 500 ended Danica Patrick was in 8th place. She also is part of history as she is 1 of 13 drivers to lead a lap at The Indiapolis 500 and The Daytona 500. Danica’s accomplishments show us that when we are spiritually awakened and focused on what our purpose is that great things happen. Hearing Danica speak and giving praise to GOD helped me to realize and I hope it helps you to realize that when you make a mind,body, soul connection and give praise to GOD that yu begin to reap rewards and thus be more inline to expand upon your spiritual awakening.
Spiritual Awakening: Debbie Ford and Jerry Buss Leave Legacy of Lessons
Debbie Ford made her transition yesterday (2/18/2013) upon hearing of her loss I immediately thought about all the lives she impacted and how many more she will impact because her legacy lives on through her teachings that have been turned into books and videos.The lessons Debbie Ford will definitely enhance your personal and professional life on the journey of Spiritual Awakening. The greatest lesson I learned from Debbie was to be a giver and to put the right energy behind your giving.
Debbie Ford delivers a message of never giving up and showing gratitude. One great lesson that I highly recommend is keeping a gratitude journal. Being grateful for all we have makes our day flow so much easier. What are you grateful for today?
Debbie Ford will be remembered as a pioneer in the personal development and spiritual development field. Her legacy will live on in all those who continue to help other people to enhance their personal and professional life. What will your legacy be?
As I was seeking what to write about today I found this song and it really struck a chord as I have learned that GOD provides and it is when you listen to his messages that he delivers that you truly find your way and your purpose. I have come to learn that everything happens for a reason. A big example of this was yesterday when my car needed 2 tires and an oil change. Money has been tight for me as I continue to secure clients and projects and seek full time work, the bill came to about $220 and I was able to pay for it and then the answer to my question of where will the money cone from to replace the money I spent it dawned on me that I had $250 coming from an investment I had a few years ago, so the way was provided by GOD. Prior to replacing teh tires I prayed and asked GOD to get me to Boca Raton, FL safe so I could drop off te money I had collected for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of West Boca Raton. All the way to Boca I was worried about the tire exploding. The tire didn’t explode I made it to Boca Raton safely, dropped of the money, and made it to The Good Year Store and the car was fixed. While the car was being fixed I followed the message to go an collect donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton. In 2 hours I colledted $28. Despite the rain and some challenges I was successful.
As I walked back to pick up my car I began to sing and the words were Walking With Jesus Daily. From what I recall my signing went something like this. Feeling AloneI turn to you and you are there walking with Jesus daily, singing in gratitude and joy freely, alone no more, giving more, walking with Jesus daily, watching over me giving peace, love, and happiness creating bliss walking with Jesus daily. After singing this out and giving praise to GOD I saw a shift in my attitude and the attitudes of thoseI dealt with the through out the remainder of the day. As I was stuck in traffic I turned to Reach FM and was filled with the joy of music and praise and upon arriving home I thanked Jesus for providing the way.
As I continue to walk in faith i find good things happening. Yes their are struggles financially, however knowing that GOD will make a way makes it less burdensome. GOD is within all of us and when we get in touch with out divinty we begin to receive better outcomes. We have choices to go with GOD and let things unfold for us by taking action to praise GOD and shine our light by lifting others up in prayer and being of service and value or to question GOD and wondering why things are happening the way they are. God always makes a way sometimes the road is tough and fraught with challenges because GOD will make a test into a testimony. Some times the road is easier as GOD wants to prosper and reward you.
Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Allow God To Make A Way
1: Give glory to GOD. Do not do deeds to glorify yourself or for accolades do it to show respect and glory to GOD.
2: Give praise to GOD. Pray and lift others up in prayer. As ypu praiseand thank GOD you will begin to open the gates to receive as yuo will shine your light and thus give permission to others to shine their light.
3: Meditation is a great tool as you quiet your mind and thus make a mind, body, soul connection allowing GOD to make a way.
4: By being of service you will allow GOD to make a way. From the moment you awake to the moment you rest find ways to be of service and value to all those you encounter.
5: Exercising to praise music such as this song Shackles, originally performed by Mary Mary and presented here by Mandisa is a fantastic way to allow GOD to make away.
6: Reading books like these wil, provide insight and enable you to let go of prior beliefs and put negative events behind you as you make positive progress in your quest to allow GOD to make a way.
Spiritual Awakening: The Final Statement of GOD Making A Way
remember you have friend in Jesus and he will make a way. Until next time STAY POSITIVE.
Spiritual Awakening:Fat Tuesday A Time For Praise and Confession!!!
Mardi Gras” (pron.: /ˈmɑrdiɡrɑː/), “Mardi Gras season“, and “Carnival season“,[1][2][3][4][5] in English, refer to events of the Carnival celebrations, beginning on or after Epiphany and culminating on the day before Ash Wednesday. Mardi gras is French for Fat Tuesday, referring to the practice of the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the Lenten season, which begins on Ash Wednesday. The day is sometimes referred to as Shrove Tuesday, from the word shrive, meaning “confess.”[6] Related popular practices are associated with celebrations before the fasting and religious obligations associated with the penitential season of Lent.
As we begin to indulge and satisfy our vices on Fat Tuesday we begin to realize that starting on Ash Wednesday we will have 40 days to praise and worship while also confessing our trespasses so that we can strengthen our mind, body, soul connection and again create a oneness with our creator. The day before Lent we go a bit nuts and stray from the teachings of our own spirituality in an effort to prepare ourselves for the joy that will come from our obedience to GOD during Lent. What will you indulge in today that you will give up for 40 days starting tomorrow hoping to permanately give it up so as to glorify the GOD in you and creating the oneness with GOD himself. It is through praise and worship and confession that we create a oneness with our creator and thus begin to take action to be a shining light for others to see.
Spiritual Awakening: Forgiveness Is The Theme Of The Day!!!
As I read the daily affirmation and prayer in Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses’ book Heal Your Life speaking about forgiveness I began to verbalize forgiving myself and those that I felt had done wrong to me. I then went into my car and turned on Reach FM and the song Foregiveness came on the radio and I realized then that forgiveness was going to be the theme of the day.
As I sat in quiet contemplation I made a shift to relax and let things flow and just allow. I found it very liberating to start to come from a place of forgiveness and realize that the best thing one can do is not to take things personally and if some one wrongs you do not react just walk away unless your life is in danger. I have found that the best thing to do is to breathe and in your mind forgive the person and then pray for them and let it go for holding onto to the incident does not serve you. It is when we truly take action to forgive that we will erase blockages and create the path to help us strive.
T This blog entry was inspired by Antiqua Libbey, who I had the privilege to interview on my radio show, Get Motivated With Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, which airs on Monday from 7-8 PM EST at www.blogtalkradio.com/hrafnstongradio. She shared her story of triumph over many adversities and gave many great tips. The one that resonated withme was that we all have divinity within us and when we connect with it we become inspired and empowered to live our life on purpose.
As we discussed the idea of divinity and making the mind, body, soul connection I kept thinking I need to really focus on me and take a day to create harmony on the inside and out thus I took today to do laundry, meditate, and then when I felt a harmonious feeling come over me go to my club house to write. I sat quietly for a few minutes visualizing what I was going to write and visualizing people coming to the blog and leaving comments and then I began to write. As I wrote the pains I was feeling and the negative vibrations quickly went away and the message became clear your purpose is to be a shining light to others and as a result of shining your light you will be rewarded.
Spriritual Awakening:Putting The Right Energy Into Your Day
Today’sblog entry was inspired by my work with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of West Boca Raton as I started my day with introspection and realized I was bringing the wrong energy focus to my fundraising efforts. I wa smaking it about me being recognized as a STAR Supporter, someone who raises at least $1500, instead of looking at it from the stand point of helping people. I put expectations out there that everyone should donate and that everyone I speak to can afford to donate $1. This expectation may be true however through introspection I realized that Some Will, Some Won’t, Some Waiting, So What, Next? As a result I shifted my energy and attitude and decided I am a man of faith, service, and value and GOD will direct me to the people who will give he will put a few challenging people in front of me as well so as to help me with my journey to not take things personally and not to be so agreesive and not to be defensive if my intergrity comes into question for it has nothing to do with me but everything to do with the person I am approaching. I have come to the conclusion that when you put the right energy into your day that good things will happen and when you have the proper intention behind what you are doing you will shift and attract more positive energy than negative. There will alsways be people that are negative or that seem to have an attitude problem and they are just not ready for the lesson of kindness or of being of service and value. They will wake up and realize that part of their struggle is part of the vibrational energy they are giving off and one day they will begin to put the righ energy forward into their day.
Through the introspection process I began to realize that the negative energy that I was attracting was because I was being negative and showing my frustration because people weren’t doing what I expected them to do or what I wanted them to do. I then realized I can not force people to donate, I can not demand people to advertise in www.labonitakidz.com, I can not force anyone touse my services, all I can do is put positive energy out there, be of service and value, and let people see what I am doing to help other people excel and allow them to choose to follow me and use my services or donate to my cause.
As I sat down to write this blog entry today I reflected back on the last entry about shifting and how it affects us as we continue to develop our spirituality through our spiritual awakening. I then began to look at where I was and what I was doing and realized how many people were doing the same thing and what could I do to help them find the positive. I then started to reflect on the events of Friday january 25, 2013 and realized that the reason I was having dificulty in obtaining donations for The American Cancer Society is that I was putting the wrong energy out into the universe for it was not my place to point out to the gentleman at Dominick’s Pizza that he needs to understand that everyoen walking into his extablishment is a potential customerand that if he chooses to act the way he did then all I have to do is breathe and walk away. By understanding this I began to let go of the negative encounters and began to celebrate and remember the good encounters like the ladies at Today’s Hair and Nails for their warmth and support or Jason at Lindburgers who was open and receptive to the idea of helping with Relay for Life. I then realized instead of being disappointed with the Facebook Friends who I know personally who haven’t donated to be grateful and continue to thank those who did donate. As I further reflected I realized that it is the vibration that we give off on many ocaasions that we attract back to us. If we are disappointed more disappointment will be throust in our direction, however if we are grateful more will be given to us to be grateful for. I now look at all those no’s as getting closer to someone who will say yes and who will resonate with my message and want to support my efforts.
Spiritual Awakening: Neale Donald Walsh Inspires Positive Shift!!!!
Every day I get a missive from Neale Donald Walsh titled On This Day GOD Wants You To Know and each day I take a moment to read and digest the message. Today’s message …that if you become ruffled with every comment that you consider a ‘slight,’ you will never find peace, really hit home as I have been taking people’s lack of interest in www.labonitakidz.com and http://main.acsevents.org/goto/jdogglederman personally so I took a deep breathe and made a commitment to myslef to start to shif things and realize that not everyone is going to resonate with what I am doing and that it is okay and that those that will support the efforts will appear. As I began to shift and focus on the more positive experiences I and realize that not every not interested or negative comment is a bad thing that it is actually a good thing as it gives me a chance to move on and keep moving in the positive direction of my dreams. I then began to look at how am I presenting myself and my ideas to others and how are my vibrations. As I beagn to reflect and realize that each tie I interact with someone it is a chance to share and that if they are meant to buy and ad or make a donation or use my services then they will and if they are not then the person that is will appear. It is when you leave it up to GOD and take action on his answers that you find the most success.