Spiritual Awakening: Overcoming The 7 Deadly Sins!!!
As I was reading through my facebook feed and swa the comments about Hostess going out of business a few things popped out and they were gluttony, Greed, and Envy 3 of the 7 deadly sins which prompted me to think how are we as a nation going to overcome these and the other 4 and get in touch with our Spirituality.
1: Lust – The definitions that I found is.
sexual desire: the strong physical desire to have sex with somebody, usually without associated feelings of love or affection
eagerness: great eagerness or enthusiasm for something
desire sexually: to feel a strong desire to have sex with somebody
Type in lust in the google search and you would be amazed at what you find. The question is how do we overcome these urges. The first thing is to respect yourself and not treat others like a piece of meet. There is temptation everywhere and the key is to avoid the temptation by having pure thoughts. many times turning to prayer and listening to the guidance you receive will help you overcome lust.
Spiritual Awakening: Lessons Learned From The Courthouse!
This post was inspired by the course of events surroiunding my ticket for failure to stop at a stop sign. It was a beautiful morning and I left my home to go work with a client, my mind turned towards my mother who passed on July 5, 2012 as a song came on the radio that really struck an emotional cord with me and I missed the stop sign in my development. I explained that to the officer and he said I am sorry but I have to write the ticket. I later found out from a law enforcement source that traffic citations are at the discretion of the officer. I immediately went to a ticket defense attorney paid $79 and today (11/14/12) I had court. I showed up dressed in professional business attire. I witnessed people in jeans and teeshirts, shorts and sandals, and other various dress that some may consider inappropriate for court. I was amazed by the behavior of some and how they didn’t comprehend the judges instructions. I sat quietly keeping myself centered and grounded. I did not hear my name called and waited to see the judge who instructed me to see the counselor seeated at a table who represented the law firm I hired. I explained to him the situation and I pleaded no contest and the ruling was adjudication with held no points and $125 in court costs(If anyone wants to donate to help pay the fine please use paypal and rd1299@aol.com to do so). I went down stairs to the clerk of the courts and paid the fine. While waiting to pay the fine I witnessed behavior that was quite negative by others. I didn’t say anything I took a deep breath and waited to be called. I went to the window with paperwork and check in hand and the lady behind the window said wow someone who is prepared. I waited for the receipt and as I left I realized that many people in our country need a spiritual awakening.
The first lesson I learned is that we need to be accountable for our actions be prepared to face the consequences. I ran the stop sign and am responsible despite the reason I didn’t stop. Yes I would rather have used the $125 for other things like a personaldevelopment book, or a massage, or a healing seesion, however being able to pay and put the ticket behind me and take responsibility allows me to move forward with my goals.
The second lesson that I learned was not to blame others and realize the way things are and the way things should be are two different things. I was thinkibg all the while that I waiting to pay they should print the serenity prayer on back of all the receipts. I also thought there should be a sign that reads stop playing the blame game you made the decision now own up to it.
Spiritual Awakening: Finding A Fountain Of Inspiration
As I was deciding on what to blog about today to help those on their spiritual path to enhance their personal and professional lives I jumped on YouTube and I found this fountain of inspiration. As I began to drink from this fountain I began to think about all those who inspire others and how they are adding to the fountain of inspiration.
In this fountain of inspiration I found this video and the affirmations. I then remembered the scene in Dead Poet’s Society, where Robin Williams Character, Mr.Keating, reminds us to Carpe Diem ( Seize The Day).
You have the opportunity to seize the day and drink from your own fountain of inspiration.As you become inspired and you awaken and accept that you are destined for greatness you will begin to see changes in your personal and professional life and your light will shine brightly on others.
Spiritual Awakening: What Legacy Are You Creating?
It has been 12 days since I attended The Women Of Faith Event in Sunrise, FL. I was only able to take part in The Friday Night portion of the event as I was booked to announce The Sean Taylor Classic, which crowned champions in Pop Warner Football. I was their that evening to promote and share www.addictsmom.com, an online community helping mothers of addicts to share without shame while facing the challenges of having an addicted child. In the last 12 days I began to think about and answer the question What Legacy Are You Creating?
Spiritual Awakening: Finding Strength After Superstorm Sandy!!!!
As the news broke of millions without electricity and many who lost everything in what is being refered to as Superstorm Sandy I began to wonder where the strength to carry on from the people affected by the storm will come from. I realized that it will come from those who are spiritually intune and understand it is not about fame or glory it is about helping those in need. I read many stories of compassion like the women who hung out a sign I have electric plug in your phone here or the restaurant that cooked for an entire community at no charge. There are many stories of positivity coming out of the devastation. I watched the Steelers-Giants Game on 11/4/12 and the commentators kept saying that The Steelers could have flown in Saturday as the hotel they had orginally booked was available and the team said no use the rooms for those that really need it. The Steelers won 24-20, I think Karma may have played a role showing us that when we sacrifice for others we are rewarded.
You hear it all the time I want a balanced budget, eat a balanced diet, create a balanced life and thus it all becomes a balancing act. The balancing act is very important when creating the life you want. The key is to answer the question of how do you achieve the balance that you desire? An answer that I have come up with is to measure your finances, your health, and your spirituality ona a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the least desirable and 10 being the most desirable then take action to improve the areas so everything is the positive and moving toward the 10 on all levels. For example your finances are at a 5 your health at an 8 and your spirituality at an 8 so your goal is to get the finances to an 8. The question becomes what do I do to bring the finances up? Here are some tips:
Spiritual Awakening: Removing The Shackles and Finding Your Freedom
As I sat in the audience at The Women of Faith Conference in Sunrise, FL listening to Mandisa sing her version of this song that was originally done by Mary Mary I kept thinking how many people are being shackled by their choices and haven’t found their freedom. Then I thought how can I help you break the shackles and find your freedom and the answer was to share this blog entry with you. Mandisa gave a very moving testimony that showed those in attendance that regardless of the current circumstances you can break free and remove the shackles that may be holding you back. As she shared her story about bing eating I thought wow I have been there. When she shared that once she began loving herself and realized she was loved her life began to shift and her path became clearer and today her message is being shared with people worldwide. I encourage you to begin each morning with some type of ritual that will help you to remove any shackles that are holding you back.
Mandisa and Toby Mac deliver a message taht will help you to have a good morning and a good day as you continue to break the shackles and find your freedom.
It is when we truly break out of the shackles and realize we have a power inside of us that is given to us by the divine taht we truly find freedom. Think about those who are telling you it can be done, or that will never work, or you are not good enough and begin to edge them out of your life and move forward because happiness and prosperity is your birth right.
Spiritual Awakening: Tools to Break The Shackles And Find Your Freedom
For those that read this blog on a regular basis you know I am a big proponet of books and implementing what you have learned from the books. At Women of Faith I had the opportunity to hear Sandi Patty perform her music and give her testimonial. Her books and music will help you break the shackles and to discover your freedom. Brenda Warner was also there, though I didn’t hear her speak her story is motivational and inspiring. Brenda is married to Kurt Warner, whose story of going from a stock boy to a Superbowl MVP is amazing.
I have often mentioned that the use of humor or comedy is a great tool to help break free. I had the opportunity to hear Mark Lowry at Women of Faith and you have to see him to fully understand his message.
Mark Lowry also has a serious side as evidenced by his son Mary Did You Know. When I saw him sing this on Friday 10/26/12 at Women of Faith I teared up.
As you continue to remove the shackles and find your freedom you will discover quotes and affirmations that will help you on your path.
Meditation is a great tool to use to break the shackles and to find your freedom. The following video will help you.
I leave you today with this song from Mandisa to encourage to start now and break those shackles that may be holding you back.
As I sat down at my Starbuck’s in Plantation I asked the universe to guide me and help me with a topic for today’s entry. I put my feet flat on the floor, sat straight up with my palms up, I was ready to receive the message and then on you tube I found this song and I received the message, write about peace, so here it is today’s entry Peace Comes From The Inside.
I invite everyone to get on the peace train and put differences aside, check egos and judgements at the door and realize that we are are all one. On October 24 we marked Global Oneness Day. This day was about peace, love, and happiness recognizing that we are all connected. I spent the day finding people to share spirituality with and while attending the singles party I connected witha few people who understood the concept of peace and namaste and we had a great time sharing.
It is when we find that peaceful easy feeling that we move forward and hear the messages better so that we can act upon then and positively impact our life and the lives of others. What messages are you receiving when you get into the peaceful place that resides in you?
People ask me all the time JDOGG How do you stay so peaceful? The answer is I make every effort to breathe. I will admit there are times that I do get upset and frustrated and at those time I do my best to find the place in my soul that allows me to get centered and grounded. Many times it is realizing that the issues are the person I am dealing with and not mine and sometimes the best thing I can draw on is the serenity prayer.
Spiritual Awakening: Arnel Pineda And Other Inspirational Lessons
I chose to highlight Arnel Pineda today as he shows us all the power of spirituality and using our talents to improve our life and the lives of others. When you read Arnel’s full biography at wikipedia you learn of the hardships he faced and how he never lost faith and kept doing what he loved to do. Being passionate and taking action will often lead to success. I found hos story to be inspirational and it is my hope that when things are challenging on your spiritual path that you will take his story and others shared here to help you face these challenges and continue on your path.
The lead voice in this song is that of Arnel Pineda, a young Filipino who was discovered on YOUTUBE by the lead guitarist of Journey. This is a snipet of Arnel’s story. Videos of The Zoo performing cover songs by Journey, Survivor, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, Air Supply, The Eagles, Kenny Loggins, Stryper and other popular acts from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, began appearing on YouTube.com in February 2007. On June 28, 2007,[8]Neal Schon of Journey contacted Noel Gomez, a longtime fan and friend of Pineda who uploaded many of these videos, to ask for Pineda’s contact information. Schon sent an e-mail to Pineda inviting him to audition for Journey. Pineda initially dismissed the e-mail as a hoax, but after being persuaded by Gomez, he finally replied to Schon’s e-mail. Ten minutes later, Pineda received a phone call from Schon.[9] On August 12,[10] Pineda, along with his manager Bert de Leon, flew to Marin County, just north of San Francisco, for a two-day audition.[11][12] The star-struck Pineda was welcomed warmly but he described the audition as “nerve-wracking, tense”.[13] On December 5, 2007, Pineda was announced as the lead singer of Journey. CNN Headline News ran the story as part of their “News to Me” segment.[14]
Many times I am asked JDOGG How do you create synergy? My answer is always that you create synergy by being in alignment with your inner self that allows the authentic to come out. The idea of synergy truly can transcend your personal and professional life as you begin to find projects and relationships that fit your core beliefs and resonate with you helping to make the mind, body, soul connection. Synergistic relationships are developed over time as you begin to be of service and value to others. You begin to attract people into your life who can assist you and in return will be assisted. An example of this occurred on 10/16/12 as I was announcing The Lauderhill Broncos Youth Football Game as I went from the press box to the concessions area and was greeted by an official who wanted my business card for a possible emcee engagement. The universe will conspire to deliver synery to you the moment you take action.
Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Create Synergy
1: Meditation is a great way to find synergy and get clear messages the following video will help you to find synergy
2: Exercise can assist in your quest to find synergy as you get your body healthy the mind and soul becomes healthy and thus you can find synergy and thus have success in all you do.