Today’s blog entry was inspired by a song that I hold as one of my anthems Boston’s More Than Feeling reminds us to rise above all expectations and to take action on our feelings. Through our spiritual awakening we are able to move forward in a positive direction of our goals and exceed them. What feelings are you having and taking a positive action on?
The Black Eyed Peas paid tribute to Oprah with their song I’ve Got A Feeling. As I listen to this song it reminds me that we have a power to make everything good simple by getting centered and grounded and bringing the right energy and vibration to the situation. It is when we bring the proper energy to our calling that we have a great day or night. By allowing our feelings to come alive we can help our community realize dreams by keeping our emotions positive and thus creating fellowship and thus becoming of service and value.
Today’s blog post is dedicated to all those who have been affected by the bombings that occurred today at The Boston Marathon. I encourage everyone to pray for all those in your life as you continue to move forward on your path to spiritual awakening. As I was looking for something to include in this entry I remembered the Matthew Wilder song Nothing’s Gonna Break My Stride and thought how great it would be if we all adopted this philosophy and began to help one another to move forward in a positive direction.
As the gruesome scenes came across the TV all I could think of why do people choose to use their power for bad as opposed for good? This is an age old question like why do bad things happen to good people? Perhaps this is a sign that those of us who are spiritually awake to awaken others by shining our light as brightly as we can for others to see and follow. I have come to the conclusion that we resist will persist be it terrorist acts, be it lack of funds, be it the lost feeling of community, or being against something. Today’s events in Boston once again set to polarize terrorism because it creates the news cycle that the media craves to boost their ratings. What about a month from now? Now is the time to wake up people and think what can I do to make coexistence a reality in our society? What can I do to make a difference in my community? What can I do to shine my light? There is evil lurking in our society and in order for this evil to be stopped we must all realize that we are brothers and sisters as well as being divine children of GOD. We must keep moving forward to be the lifters that our society seeks today. Instead of pointing fingers and blaming others let us look deep inside and decide to be part of a kinder world where people respect each others views and don’t blow each other up.
When was the last time you shut everything off and took time to recognize the beauty of nature? Each day that I am at my clubhouse I take a few minutes to take a walk around our large pool area, I stop and marvel at the iguanas, the ducks, the trees, and the other creations that I observe. I use this time to center myself and refocus. By getting back to nature and enjoying the quiet time we are able to stay on our path of spiritual awakening and truly find our inner strength. By getting back to nature and stopping to enjoy the miracle of creation we are able to find joy and inner happiness. I remember one of my fondest moments with someone I loved who has since passed was the day at The Nature Center when we stood and shared a great moment of watching the bald eagles. The spirituality that nature brings forth is amazing and when cherished and enjoyed it opens up all of our chakras so that we are open to receive the joy and abundance that our creator has provided for us. Think of the times you have reconnected with nature and all the joy it has brought to you and build on those memories to live in the present moment as you continue on your spiritual journey.
During my U.S. Peace Corps in The Philippines from July 2002 – February 2003 I had the opportunity to get back to nature on many occasions from visiting the Botanical Gardens in La Union to going out on The Banca Boats each time I remember feeling an inner peace and a serene calmness come over me and each time I went into nature my day improved. It is when you take the time to enjoy the nature that is around you that you can find your inner strength.
As I was helping some of the residents of my condo complex turn on the gas grill where the auto igniter did not work I became a fire starter as I took the lighter and hand lit each burner accordingly. I thanked GOD for allowing me to do this safely. As I sat down to write this entry it hit me you can become a pyro and start a fire within yourself that will burn with passion and desire and thus propel you to step into your greatness and share it with the world. I then found a song that I had never heard before by Cascada that fit this theme so perfectly. Again I thanked GOD for his guidance in finding the appropriate videos and songs for this entry.
By starting that fire and continuing to add fuel to it like the lyrics of this Def Leppard song suggests you begin to get what you want because you are following your passion and you keep rolling. It is up to you to reach down inside of your self and become the pyro and start the fire. It is when you start the fire and embrace the fire that you truly begin to unleash your power from the inside out.
Spiritual Awakening: What The F Are You Waiting For?
As I listened to Reach FM, a Christian Music Station, today I heard this song and decided to ask the harsh question of What The F Are You Waiting For? I have begun to ask this question more often to those who say I would like to ( Fill In The Blank). I ask this for I know it is when you take action that things start to unfold and the universe begins to deliver the resources needed to bring your desires to life. How many times have you missed out or not started something because of the excuses you made or you didn’t truly believe in your heart that you were able to accomplish great things. What has been holding you back from getting in touch with your spirituality and your greatness. One of the first blog entries here is titled Stepping Into Your Power in which I encouraged people to take charge and begin whatever they have been waiting to do. Here it is 16 months later and I can not tell you how many people still haven’t taken action to do what they have said they want to do, to them I ask What The F Are You Waiting For?
How many times has someone said I’ll do it tomorrow and then you hear about that person dying and not finishing a project or in many cases not even starting the project. I recently heard a gentleman, Cliff Townsend, A Mind Set Coach speak and one of the quotes he used in his presentation really stood out about where the wealthiest place on earth is and it isn’t the oil fields of Saudi Arabia, The World Banks, The Mall, or Affluent Communities, it is the local cemetery. The cemetery is filled with many unbirthed inventions, art, music, businesses, and other projects because many people there kept waiting until tomorrow. So again I ask you What The F Are You Waiting For?
Spiritual Awakening: A Special Message From Simba!!!
Today’s blog entry was inspired by this scene from Lion King where Simba sings One Foot In Front Of The Other. He shows how easy it is to make a shift by simply putting one foot in front of the other. I realized as I listened to the message that if you are unhappy with how you are perceived all you have to do is make a shift and sometimes it is as simple as just walking away and staying on your path and not being distracted by others.
Spiritual Awakening: Rising Up To Spread The Message!!!
Today marks Good Friday for those who believe in Christ and have taken him into their hearts and chosen to live a life that is Christ Centered. Today also coincides with the 5th day of Passover for those of The Jewish Faith. Both these days give us a chance for reflection and redemption to rise up to spread a message of hope and healing to the world. As we continue to create a oneness consciousness we have the opportunity to grow personally and professionally as we strive to stay on a path to spiritual awakening. The idea is to really look at what we have been given and to embrace the idea of using the fruits of spirit for the goodness of others.
The idea is to allow these fruits to ripen inside of us so that we can be of service and value to others. It is by polishing and sharing our fruits that we truly show the essence of The Easter and Passover Holidays. I encourage everyone to find ways to express these fruits so that they will continue to multiply in others and thus show the world that service to humanity is the best work of life.
Over the last several years I have had the pleasure of meeting many people who are truly heart centered. These people put others first asking how they can be of service and value to others. They are constantly looking for ways to make the world a better place. When asked for support they are the first to step up. These heart centered people make up less than 5% of the population, however they are the ones who are most successful in their personal and professional life. One of these people is Kristin Planinz, whose email resonated with me and she gave me permission to share it here on this blog. When I first started this blog it was to share with others so as to empower and inspire them to enhance their personal and professional life. Thank you to Kristin Planinz for sharing her insight.
Intuition Insight
How to See When You Can’t See
True Story #1:
Yesterday I was practicing gratitude and I decided to show some gratitude by doing something nice for my husband (Kyle). So I filled up the car with gas before he left to work. I was laughing to myself, thinking of how happy he would be when he discovered what I did and I anticipated a lovely phone call just a few minutes after he left.
I got that phone call, but it wasn’t lovely. As he rushed off to work he didn’t notice the gas gauge and attempted to refuel the tank. But when the gas refused to fit where it couldn’t, it ended up all over Kyle instead and he got angry!
His first impulse was to blame me for his misfortune. Why didn’t I tell him what I had done? He would have experienced gratitude knowing what I had done and gone on his merry way to work, avoiding the whole unpleasant encounter.
My perspective: why did he not look at his gauge? Why did he set himself up to be rushing so much that he didn’t look at what was right in front of him? How could I have known he wouldn’t see?
One of my favorite musicals is Man Of LaMancha. One of my favorite songs is The Impossible Dream. Each time I hear the song I am rejuvenated to continue on my quest to explore my spiritual awakening. I also ask others the question, What Is Your Quest? The reason I ask this question is that I am committed to being a lifter and supporting others in their quest to find their purpose and fufill their spiritual calling. When we begin to explore our dreams and align them with our calling we are then able to move forward in a positive direction towards our dreams. It is through defining our quest and letting it be known that we bring it to fruition. Taking action along the way leads to our continued success along our path of spiritual awakening. There will be those that doubt and laugh to them say thank you and move on with your quest and find those that will be supportive. Sometimes we must be like Don Quixote and fight our own windmills.
Don Quixote had his doubters but hs loyal friend Sancho was willing to support him. This gave Don Quixote the fuel to go forward on his quest. He toook ownership of his quest. His lesson to us is to never give in to the doubters and to find supporters of our quest.It is when we can move past the doubt that we will truly prosper and enhance our personal and professional lives. Who is the Sancho in your quest?
Monty Python puts a unique spin on the idea of What is Your Quest. It teaches us that sometimes we may have the answers and sometimes we must turn the tables on those that are asking the questions. In defining our quest and following our path we must prepare for detours and overcome them accordingly.
Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help You On Your Quest!!!
Music such as this from the Indian Rock Opera, Airo, increase your vibrations and serves as a tool to keep you on your path during your quest. Music is a great tool to help you as you move forward on your journey to spiritual awakening.
This is another from Airo’N Brule that will help you to saty on frequency and vibrate with others who share your vision and will support what you quest.
This song is from The Movie Vision Quest and reminds us that it is what is in our heart that never changes. Our quest is in our heart and knowing this will serve as a tool to assist you in your quest. IT is when we follow what is in our heart that we have the best results.
Books such as these can aid you in your journey to further your spiritual awakening and help you to complete your quest.
Quotes such as these can be a great inspiration to continue your quest. There will be times you want to quit those are the times to reach down inside yourself and continue. Sometimes it is in pushing further on your quest that you find your purpose and thus understanding that yiur life has meaning.
As you define what your quest is remember that by shining your light on others you give permission to others to shine their light. As you continue your quest know that you are destined for greatness. By following your quest and embracing your greatness you will make a difference in your life and in the lives of others.
I chose to close with this song as it reinforces the idea that you can be great and what the mind can conceive and the heart can beleive you can achieve. Continue on your quest and be the hero in your story as you make your own hall of fame.It is when you follow your passion and take action that you find success and then the world will know your name. Until Next Time Stay Positive!!!
Today’s blog post was inspired by the band One Direction and their song Forever Young. The song reminds us of our spirituality and how we all want to be forever young. As we continue on our path of spiritual awakening we can be forever young. The first step is to embrace that inner child that would get excitted when the icecream truck would come through the neighborhood and you had the $.50 to buy a treat. When we allow our inner child to play we set out vibrations that create a larger spiritual awakening as we begin to attract those that will help us to flourish and thrive. I recently attended The Superstar Sumitt and was involved in a presentation and I did a roundoff. I took this action not thinking of what others would think. I was in the moment and felt liberated to just be me and not have to put on heirs to impress anyone as I realized I am enough. Through out the day I allowed my inner child to come out and overall it was a productive day. By being authentic and letting people see who you truly are a divine child of GOD with a purpose you will attract the people meant to be in your life. I have allowed my inner child to come out on many occassions and sometimes it hasn’t gone over to well as some people just don’t get it and probably never will. It is not our job to drag people kicking and screaming into a spiritual awakening it is our duty to shine our light to allow others to see. It is when we shine our light that we give others permission to shine their light.