Spiritual Awakening: One Power!!!
Through out my spiritual awakening and along my journey to enlightenment I have learned that there is one power that makes it all happen for us and that power comes from us when we create a oneness consciousness. You may call the power by different names however the power is inside of us. We have a divinity inside of us all that we were meant to share with others. In our taking action based on the power and the messages that are being sent we grow stronger in spirituality and thus we make a mind, body, soul connection that drives us to enhance our personal and professional lives while we are of service and value to others. It is in the recognition of the power that we expand our spiritual awakening and as a result we attract the right people to be in our lives. In attracting the people that are meant to be in our lives we begin to achieve the greatness and prosperity that is our birthright. In your awakening you will experience many emotions and in dealing with the emotions on a cellular level you will begin to see why things are happening for you. It is in recognizing that there is one power that guides us all that we begin to make the world a better place. When we awaken spiritually we begin to understand our purpose and in following that purpose we gain a shared power with GOD that allows us to expand and manifest the greatness that we have in each of us.