I recently began doing color by numbers with a program on my phone and it has reminded jous how important it is to have patience and to pay attention to the details so as to grow spiritually and thus enhance my personal and professional life. AS I was doing a drawing earlier this morning (5/25/2024) one of the space was very small and hidden and it took me a few minutes to find it. Instead of getting mad and frustrated like I would in the past I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and told myself I will find it. I found the number and was able to color it and move onto the next number. As I cmpleted the painting of the butterfly I began to think about thranformation and how our transformation is incumbent on our willing to be patient and to pay attention to the details,
In understanding the importance of planning your tasks being patient and paying attention to details you will find that uour spiritual journey is filled with peace, love, joy, and prosperity. It also helps to understand that the plan GOD has for you is far greater than your own and all that you desire will be felivered in due time. Many times it is a simple as being patient and letting go and letting GOD.
As many of you are aware the last 2 years have been difficult as I have been battling some medical issues and have been limited in many capacities howeve I have been patient and I I know that everything will work out. If you would like to help me with a love donation the page to do so is paypal.me/jdogg8265 any love donations will be used to assist in the effort to continue to be of service and value to others as I continue to patiently work on getting healthier so that I can continue to use my talents for good.
IT si now your turn to practice patience and evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually. ONe way to do that is to fully embrace the serenity prayer.
In being patient and understanding that there arer somethings that we can not change as they are not in our purview however ther are things we can change and we can start by changing our selves and becoming more patient and paying attention to the details. It is when we commit to transforming ourselves that we begin to transform others simply be taking action and understanding that good things come to those who wait. Namaste!!