Spiritual Awakening: Where Is The Strangest Place You Received A Message?
I have received messages in many forms and in many places, however this morning I received a message from the strangest place of all my toilet in my bathroom. There I was I had just finished my business and went to flush and the chain leading from the handle to the flapper had broken. At first I looked up to heaven and asked GOD why? I then figure out how to get the toilet to flush, called Total( My service repair provider), and then the answer came to me, the message was to break the chains that are holding me back and to take the day for much needed introspection. As I mentioned in an earlier entry signs are all around us and it is importnat to seek the meanings of the messages contained in the signs. This prompted me to aske everyone where is the Strangest Place You Received A Message?
The messages we receive from GOD come in all sahpes, sizes, and in many strange places, however it is when we begin to understand the messages that we are receiveing that we begin to create a flow and the vibration necessary to connect with GOD and create the life we desire. It is said that which you focus on expands. Think about what you are focusing on and how things are happening and then look for the messages that may be coming to you in many cases in what you would consider a little strange.