It has been a while since I have done a blog entry due to many issues however today (12/11.2024) I was inspired by the circumstances of the day as I was attempting to get into my blog to write this entry and found many errors and thus I went to my host gator account and was able to trouble shoot and fix the issue. As a result I came up with what has continued to be a strong concept for spiritual awakening and that is being a fixer. If you have challenges in your life you have two choices. You can forget everything and run or you can face everything and rise. It is when you turn to your inner divinity and tap into source that you will be guided to fix your problems. Many tines it is just a simple matter of stepping into your power and realizing that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it and will give you the tools to be the fixer. Many times it is a simple matter of stepping back, taking a deep breath, and answering the signs that you are being given.

Over the last 3 and 1/2 months I have been facing some mental and physical challenges and I was fearful of admitting my issues and then I realized that is all GOD’S Plan and the plan GOD has for me is far greater than my plan thus it was time to become the fixer guided by GOD. IT was time to get back on track and to stay on the spiritual path and get reconnected with GOD and to realize that we are all divine children of GOD and that GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others.
One tool that has come in handy in becoming the fixer is the serenity prayer.

In reading and understanding the serenity prayer I have found that to be a fixer you must be willing to make changes in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. You must be willing to step away from that which no longer serves you. It is when you remove the things that no longer serve you that you make room for that which will serve you. It is when you remove that which no longer serve you that you are able to be of service and value to others. It is when you begin to be the fixer that challenges can be overcome and that you can expand and grow thus moving forward in a positive direction on your spiritual path.

When you feel broken remember that GOD can fix the issue and when you give GOD all the pieces GOD will make a masterpiece. In becoming the fixer it is important to detach from outcomes and allow things to flow as GOD has intended.

Many times what can be perceived as pain and suffering is simply GOD sending a reminder that things will get better and that you can be the fixer. In becoming the fixer it in important to hold yourself accountable and understand that not everyone is going to appreciate what you do and that is okay for at the end of the day if you lived your life in joy and you brought joy to others you will find yourself as a fixer.

In becoming the fixer it is imperative to understand that sometimes what seem like a set back is actually a set up for something bigger and brighter. Over the last few months I was feeling less than as some people had said some very hurtful things to me me about me doing something that I am very passionate about. I sat back and decided to become the fixer and take the necessary steps to find joy in what I was doing and to step back a bit in my role and simply let things happen as GOD has planned and to take this as a message to continue to be of service and value to other s and to go where I am celebrated and not just tolerated.
Now is the time to be the fixer and to make changes that will enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. It is time to become an action taker and to create peace, love, joy, and prosperity in your life by becoming the fixer. In the coming sit in meditation and ask your guides how you can become the fixer. The answers will begin to appear in many forms. Be aware and alert and you make the changes needed to become the fixer. You have the power to fix any challenges!!!