Spiritual Awakening: Get On Up Off Of That Thing!!!
One may find it a bit out there to use the music of James Brown to express the concepts of spiritual awakening however the truth is until you are committed to getting off your ass and getting up to dance the way you want and create the life that you want you will continue to go in circles. It is when you embrace the spiritual awakening and get off the sidelines that you begin to create a life filled with much peace, love, joy, and prosperity. I was at an event the another night where the parishioners were getting up and praising GOD and allowing spirit to flow through them and from them. The people praising were releasing many of the blockages that may have been creating challenges in their personal and professional lives. In getting on up off of that thing they were able to experience a spiritual bliss that now allows them to honor GOD daily and as a result be honored by GOD. In the spiritual awakening process it is important to let go and let GOD. There will be times in the spiritual awakening process that you may not understand why but in due time it will all be revealed to you. It is when you commit to taking action and allowing GOD to direct you that you are put in favor and the outcomes you desire come to fruition.
In getting up off of that thing you will want to truly feel the desire that you want to attract. Visualization is a great tool to use. Act as if it has already happened and watch what begins to occur. I have often visualized what it would look and feel like to stand up and tell a group of volunteers for The American Cancer Society how important the role they play in creating a world with less cancer and more birthdays is. As a result f doing this I have spoken to over 2500 Relay For Life Participants and delivered a positive message. Believe it or not there was a time in my life that I was shy and reserved and afraid to speak to large groups then one day I decided to get on up off of that thing and step into the arena of public speaking. Since that day I have flourished and won awards for public speaking. Today I host a radio show and a TV Show. You can hear the radio show on Monday at 6 PM EDT on www.blogtalkradio.com/hrafnstongradio. You can view The TV Show on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT on www.wrpbitv.com. It was the day that I had the courage to get on up off that thing and take action that I began having success. As a result I have won numerous awards including The Governor’s Point Of Light Award. In answering my calling and following the path that GOD has set for me I have been able to become a great announcer, a successful voice over talent, a published author, an inspirational speaker. and a tremendous fundraiser.