A lot has happened since my last post on May 25. I was in a rough spot as I was not feeling well about myself and was in a challenging space mentally and physically and then my aunt who I was close with passed away. I wasn’t feeling motivated and then I sat down and said it was time to start over and look at things differently and to stop wallowing in self pity and realize that I can be of service and value to others and that I have a purpose to help other people excel. On August 2, I celebrated my 59th birthday and I realized that I have a lot to be proud of and that my spiritual journey is exactly where GOD has intended it to be. Last night ( August 20) I attended a Share Event to benefit The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Plantation and Sunrise at Rock and Brews in Plantation. I set up a Make Me An Offer Table and acted as the greeter telling patrons about our fundraiser. I realized that it is when I take action and start over that good thing happen. I also realized that my level of dedication and commitment and enthusiasm may be at a higher level than others. When I arrived home I passed by The Serenity Prayer that Hangs on my wall and though the only thing I can change is me.

As I turned in for the nigh I reminded myself that the only things I can control is myself and the way I react to things. It was at this point that I realized that every day is a day to start over for yesterday is gone and tomorrow in not promised and that is why they call today the present.

In looking at each day asa new opportunity you will find yourself improving mentally, physically, and spiritually this enabling you to grow personally and professionally. I have come to realize that it is important to put yourself first and to take care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health so that you can give 100% to what you do so as to find what you define as success. I have learned there will be some set backs along the way however you can not focus on them as they will stop you from moving forward in a positive direction of your goals. There comes a time when you have to put what isn’t working behind you and start over.

It when you regroup and start over with a sense of purpose so that you can plan your work and work your plan that you will begin to feel better physically and mentally. It is when you change what you focus on and look at that your life changes and this begins when you commit to starting over. In Starting over you begin to find more gratitude for what you have and you begin to utilize your talents for good. In many situations yo need to take a step back and begin again so you can get a new perspective on things and detach yourself from the outcome. Sometime in order to start over you simply need to let go and let GOD.
When you start over by letting go and letting GOD you will find yourself unencumbered by the weight of that which you can not control. If you find yourself stick simply take a step back and start over. Namaste!!!