Spiritual Awakening: Focus on GOD!!!
Sitting in quiet reflection and taking action as directed by GOD creates an amazing vibration that attracts the right people to help you in your advancement of spiritual development. As you focus on GOD and create a oneness consciousness you will see just how much favor GOD wants to give to you. To receive the favor of GOD one must do everything to honor and praise GOD. I have been making calls today (2/20/2015) to secure donations to help those touched by cancer and after each call I have thanked GOD for those who have been open to receive my message to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays by visiting http://main.acsevents.org/goto/jdogg2. As I was making calls I had an encounter with a woman who was going through a struggle with her 42 year old son who was in prison for 10 years for selling drugs and now blames her for his circumstances. I told her until her son starts to focus on GOD and take responsibility for his actions that she should not speak to him because his issues are not hers and GOD wants her to prosper and the only way that GOD can prosper her is if she is helping to prosper others and her son will not prosper until he surrenders to GOD and gets right with the lord. Many times we make decisions that adversely affect us because we became disconnected to GOD. This disconnection can be fixed simply by refocusing on GOD and doing things that will honor and glorify him. When we honor and glorify GOD and show our love for GOD openly we are honored and rewarded. When we recognize that our GOD is an awesome GOD and he will make things correct if we take action to correct them using his teachings and principles we move forward in our spiritual awakening strengthening our mind, body, soul connection. When we use terms like I rebuke you in the name of JESUS be gone we must really be willing to put the people, places, and things that are taking our focus off GOD behind us.
When we turn to GOD and accept him in our heart we are able to achieve things that only others dream about. In taking action to honor and glorify GOD we are awarded.People ask me all the time JDOGG why does GOD allow bad things to happen and I answer GOD does not allow bad things happen bad things happen because so many are not focused on GOD they are focused on the things tat GOD disdains and that the enemy embraces. When GOD’s laws are broken GOD is angered and evil is allowed to come into society and wreck havoc until this evil is defeated and people start to focus on GOD there will be issues.