Spiritual Awakening: Expand Through Community Service
As I embarked on a new project, Forest of Angels, which is a program where businesses and organizations sponsor and decorate Christmas Trees and select a charity to represent and compete for the title of Best Decorated Tree I began to think how great it is to expand personally and professionally through community service. When you visit www.forestofangels.com you will see the program and the charities that are involved. The actual event will take place at The Westfield Broward Mall in Plantation, FL from November 17 – December 24.
As I began to make calls to find sponsors for the trees I felt an energy expand and come over me that created a joy that then enabled me to continue my expansion. As I presented the project and began to state that the tree sponsorships are $1,250.00 I began to get more comfortable. I then realized that the more you give the more you get. It is when you take action and become awake and aware that you begin to expand and grow.
In working with charitable causes I have found that making the mind, body, soul connection becomes easier as you truly feel the passion for what you are doing and you begin to realize that what the mind can conceive and the hert can believe you can achieve. As you begin to see the joy you are bringing to the world by being involved in your community you begin to open up channels to receive and your life seems to be flowing better. I ask what are you passionate about and how can you bring that passion to a community service project.