Spiritual Awakening: It’s Beginning To Feel Like Christmas!
As I ventured out on Friday (12/13/13) to do my Christmas Shopping I felt another spiritual awakening come over me. It was an awakening that Christmas can be an everyday occurrence as we all have the ability to give a gift. It doesn’t have to be a monetary gift or a material gift it can be a gift of spirit, a kind word, a random act of kindness, a smile, or just letting someone go ahead of you in line. It is when we adopt the anthem to take action and come from a place of kindness and love that our spiritual channels are open up and thus we receive gifts that enhance our personal and professional life because we took the time to enhance the personal and professional lives of others.
As I strolled through The Forest of Angels Project at The Promenade at Coconut Creek I experienced another spiritual awakening as I witnessed 22 Christmas Trees decorated by sponsors who designated a charity for their Christmas Tree to represent as this project gives money to the top 3 trees who garner the most votes. To vote on a tree you make a donation of at least $1 and place the number of the Christmas Tree you like on the ballot you receive ( a raffle ticket) you vote and then place your ticket in the chance drawing box of the prize you would like to win. My awakening was that more people are doing good than bad and we need to capitalize on the feeling and spirit of Christmas and make it a daily practice. maybe not with trees or lights or presents but with actions that will show people that they are divine creatures of GOD with a purpose and thus everyday it can feel like Christmas.