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Spritual Awakening: Finding Good Vibrations!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Good Vibrations!!!


 Today’s blog entry was inspired by The Beach Boys song Good Vibrations as I began to explore the fact that we are all energy and we vibrate at different levels however when the resonance is matched we tend to have a positive experience.  Many times it is important to step back and ask am I resonating with this person, are our frequencies in sync, is this interaction serving me in a positive way? If the answer is no then you have two choices change your vibration and make a shift or walk away and come back when the interaction will be more positive. Many time it is as simple as deciding to give off good vibrations. When you give off good vibrations you tend to attract others who give off good vibrations and thus you enhance your personal and professional life.  In many cases you set in motion the type of interaction that you will have simply by the energy that you bring to the situation.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Finding Good Vibrations!!!!

It only takes 45 seconds to change your emotional state. One tool that I like to use is music. Some of the songs that I use to shift into the positive and find good vibrations are:

Awakening calling Change Come Alive Emotions Feelings Flow Grounding Happiness Inspiration Joy Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy The Journey Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Let The Sunshine In- Guest Post By Antiqua Libbey

Antiqua Libbey – Self- Care APE, E-RYT 500, Sports and Natural foods Nutritionist, author, teacher and healer.

Thank you for this guest post Antiqua Libbey, your support of the mission to help other people excel is greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping readers to stay positive.

Jonathan JDOGG Lederman

Spiritual Awakening: Let The Sunshine In

 The following guest post by Antiqua Libbey made me think of this song by The 5th Dimension, Aquarius thus I wanted to use it here to help set the mode for you while reading the post.

Brighten Up Your Life with a Little Sunshine!

by Antiqua Libbey

 Living in Alaska sounds cool to most people, but it’s challenging surviving during the dark winters. When the first rays of sun hit my face a thankful smile comes across my face; immediately I feel a sense of relief pour into my body. Standing in the sun beam my breath deepens into my belly and as I open my eyes  I experience a whole new view of life.  The dark days of winter are over and the sunshine is welcoming me out into the world again.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening

Spiritual Awakening: Kindness Begets Kindness

Spiritual Awakening: Kindness Begets Kindness!!!


 As Tony Kanaan celebrated his Indy 500 Victory yesterday a small medallion was in his pocket. This medallion was given to a young girl in a hospital years ago who was about to undergo major surgery. Tony had visited the young girl and gave her the good luck medallion and this weekend she sent it back with a note of gratitude and encouragement. As I heard this story I though wow a spiritual awakening right before everyone’s eyes teaching the principle of kindness.

 As I was watching the race I was wearing my tee shirt with this saying on it and I began to think how life becomes easier when you come from a position of kindness. is a website that shares many acts of kindness. is a great website where you can purchase items and send them to others to show your kindness.  The key is to focus on being kind and realizing that being kind is often rewarded. On Saturday as I was recuperating from having a tooth extracted, there was a knock at the door. It was my neighbor seeking help to set up her new TV. I went to help her and was able to get the TV up and running for her. I went back to my condo. There was a knock on the door and it was my neighbor with a $5 bill for me for helping her.  I have begun to journal about  how these good deeds are being repaid and how they are positively influencing my life in hopes that people will see them and realize that part of a spiritual awakening is the fact that you realize that kindness begets kindness.

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Spiritual Awakening: Finding Your Spiritual Hideaway!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Your Spiritual Hide Away!!!!

Thank you to Dorit G. Pappelbaum- The Connector for inspiring me to write this blog as she posed a question of what is you favorite place to get spiritually connected.

 These are the Banawe Rice Terraces in The Philippines which have become a spiritual destination for many seeking to get away and find their authentic self. While in The U.S. Peace Corps I wanted to venture to them, however I never made it them. I can imagine myself feeling the energy of this magnificent  natural wonder and being totally centered and grounded and using the experience as fuel to propel me further in my spiritual awakening.

 This is the Botanical Garden in La Union, Philippines which I did get to visit. It was a great hideaway day as I journeyed from the town square to the Botanical Gardens walking about 18 KM to the top of the mountain where the botanical gardens were located. Along the way I stopped to speak with people along the route. There was a farmer walking his Caribou and I asked if I could help and he said okay and as a result I overcame a fear of getting near this big animal. In an effort to hideaway I had a breakthrough and realized that by getting centered and grounded and finding a spiritual hideaway that you can connect with your inner being and overcome obstacles that may be holding you back. In stretching myself I enhanced the mind, body, soul connection.  It was in taking action on a decision to go to the botanical garden that I enhanced my spiritual awakening.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening Award Winners Community Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Spiritual Lessons From Sports!!!

Spiritual Awakening:Spiritual Lessons From Sports!

Lessons Learned From Vince Lombardi

One of my favorite coaches( though I never saw him coach) is Vince Lombardi. Vince once taught a very important lesson that anyone who has had a spiritual awakening should know and that is to do everything with enthusiasm. Enthusiasm and passion  are ingredients that lead to success. When you are fired up about something it shows and comes across and many people respect that as it shows that you are being authentic. Vince’s Green Bay Packers were taught to be winners on and off the field. His players had a spiritual connection as they knew they were all interconnected and together they could accomplish more. Their spiritual awakening came in the form of winning and the knowledge that it took stepping into their power and using their talents for good that would bring them together. Vince was an action taker who spoke his truth and wasn’t afraid of what others thought.  His belief that winning wasn’t everything that it was the only thing taught people that regardless of what you do you should do it great with a winning attitude. Vince’s message of what it takes to be #1  has been used to help many people make a spiritual connection and led to many spiritual awakenings.

Action Takers Awakening Dreams Feelings Fellowship Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Sharing Signals Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift Stones and Crystals Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Your Magical Orbs!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Your Magical Orbs!!!

When the owners of Kentucky Derby Winner Orb were picking out names do you think they were having a spiritual awakening and knew the definition was  jeweled sphere of king or queen: a small sphere usually made from a precious metal set with jewels and with a cross set onto the top of it that forms part of a sovereign’s ceremonial regalia.  If they did maybe they should have given jockey Joel Rosario a whip with a crowned jewel to symbolize the spirituality of the horse he was riding. Today Orb will compete to win the second jewel of The Triple Crown, The Preakness Stakes.  There is something magical and majestic about a horse be it when they are racing or simple out grazing. I remember when I was a child going to the stables to work with the horses and to ride and there was a magical feeling as I connected with the horses. There was a sense of  being filled with a light of joy that brought out my own joy and the joy in others.  It was at that point that I realized we are all on a quest to find our magical orbs.

 If you look closely at this photo you can see some orbs of light and if you look deeply into the horse’s eyes or the jockey’s eyes you can feel the joy they experienced. They found their magical orb and hope to use the magic to propel them to a triple crown. How are you using your magical orbs?

 Look at this orb and you can see all the energy that brings the matter together. There is something magical in seeing a perfectly formed circle symbolizing that our life is eternal. I noticed the color purple immediately as purple is one of my favorite colors for what it represents, royalty, purpose, and passion.  What color do you use to get centered and grounded and find your magical orbs.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening Award Winners calling Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Friends Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents Vibrations Vision

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Joy With Pints Of Ice Cream

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Joy With Pints Of Ice Cream!!!

As I watched All-Star Celebrity Apprentice and observed Penn Jillette and trace Adkins work on the task of creating a new ice cream flavor for Walgreens I saw their passion for their charities and saw some joy come through as they are the 2 finalists for All Star Celebrity Apprentice. Penn came up with The  Magic Swirtle and Trace came up with Maple Macadamia Mash Up. Yesterday I went to Walgreens and bought a pint of each to support their respective causes. Penn has adopted Opportunity Village and Trace had adopted The American Red Cross. There was a sense of joy in making my purchase. I personally like the Magic Swirtle over The Maple Macadamia Mash Up, however both were good. If some gifted me many pints of each I wouldn’t turn them down. As I made my purchase I found another source of joy as on the check screen Walgreens asks if you want to donate to The  American Cancer Society. As you know I do a lot of fundraising for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life as evidenced by my personal fundraising page at

 Everyone who was part of the final task on All Star Celebrity Apprentice seemed to exude joy in what they were doing.  I have a suggestion for everyone go out to Walgreen’s buy a few pints of the ice cream designed by Penn and Trace and invite a few people over for an All Star Celebrity Apprentice Watch Party set up a jar for Opportunity Village and The American Red Cross and then on Monday send each charity a donation with a note and your business card say that the actions of Penn and Trace brought you joy and you wanted to support their efforts.

Action Takers Anthems

Spiritual Awakening: Building The Motivational Pyramid!!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Building The Motivational Pyramid!!!

prgrsvimg In school we all took that required psychology class and what was the one thing that we all remember? Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs. Many of us get as high as Esteem Needs and stop never having the spiritual awakening to become self-actualized. To do this we must go deep inside and find our true calling and purpose. We must tap into the creative being that lives inside of us and begin to understand that we are divine children of GOD and his plan is bigger that we can imagine. In an effort to build the motivational pyramid we must become action takers by understanding the messages that are being given to us.

Spiritual Awakening: The Motivational Pyramid Blueprint!!!!

 When building  anything you need a blueprint so that you can see what the finished product will look like. The same goes with the spiritual awakening plan as you begin to build your motivational pyramid.

The first level is self motivation for you are the only one that can create what you desire. Start by stating I am motivated to______________________________. I have the power to create. I will move positive in the direction of my desire. Make a list of what motivates you and then create the goals that are realistic and attainable  and post them where you can see them. A great tool is to laminate a business card with your daily, weekly, and monthly goals with your action steps so that you can carry them with you to keep you self motivated.  There will be set backs, however for every set back there is progress to be made. A great way to keep motivated is to keep doing positive things for yourself and being grateful for the positive things. Sometimes all it takes to be self motivated is to change the words we use from I have to or I need to I get to. This small shift changes the way you look at things and creates a positive vibration and a good feeling that you strive to repeat.

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Spiritual Awakening: Bethany Hamilton Inspires Beyond The Surf!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Bethany Hamilton Inspires Beyond The Surf!!!



As I found the movie Soul Surfer on TV the other night I was intrigued and I watched what turned out to be an amazing inspirational story about Bethany Hamilton. As Bethany began to understand the impact she was making on the world far beyond the reaches of the surf she became in tune with her spirituality. The shark attack that took her arm was a tragic event that set in motion events that would not only transform Bethany’s life but would also transform the lives of those who followed Bethany’s Story. One of the most poignant scenes in the movie for me was when Bethany traveled to Phuket, Thailand to help World Vision after The Tsumani to help rebuild and help the villagers.  She took a surfboard to the water and continued to motion to a little boy to come to the shore line. The boy was afraid and hesitant but eventually trusted Bethany and he got on the surfboard and then other villagers followed and began to regain their strength and confidence.  Bethany would return home to stacks of fan letters explaining how she had inspired so many simply by getting back on her board and trying. Bethany would train for The Surfing National Championships and though the judges didn’t count the final wave as they determined she stood up after the horn all the competitors counted it. Bethany would win The National Championship The Next Year.

 Bethany shares her story and the role that her faith played in her moving forward. Today Bethany is 23 years old and continues to inspire beyond the surf.  Bethany proves that your faith can help you to overcome any adversity that comes into your life.  Her positive message is empowering and inspiring many.   Thank you to Bethany Hamilton for inspiring this blog entry today.

Change Come Alive Feelings Finishing Flow Forgivness Greatness Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Lessons Learned Life Lifting Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Excercising The Body Safely!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Exercising The Body Safely!!!!


I want to thank Dana Gore for this guest post to help those who are having a  spiritual awakening to exercise their body safely.

Awakening to the Concept of Exercise Safety

For many of you, the idea of participating in a health and fitness program represents an image that focuses on thin vs. well, not thin. It’s geared toward the need for weight-loss and requires making significant and unpleasant “sacrifices” in order to finally get permission to like yourself. You may even be reading this right now and nodding your head in agreement, because this has been the story of your life.

It certainly was the story of my life.

But what if I told you that there is a spiritual component that works in harmony with the concept of healthy-living that could shift your entire mindset and therefore, your reality, toward one filled with personal empowerment? Would you have any interest in reading further?

What if I told you that your life may depend on it?

Ok, cool. Now that I have your attention…

When we believe what society tells us – that we have to look a certain way in order to be loved and accepted – we tend to get sort of depressed. We think there’s something wrong with us. That we don’t live up to a standard of existing that warrants us the feeling of being worthy.

I mean, let’s face it…if a celebrity’s imperfections are going to be ridiculed and/or airbrushed away as if they didn’t exist, then what’s to stop the rest of us from judging ourselves? What’s to prevent us from believing that


It’s this perception that influences us to make decisions about our well-being from a place of desperation. This is where we get careless.

Answer this:

When you are unhappy with your body – I mean really unhappy – aren’t you in a mega hurry to Get. This. Weight. Off. Now? Don’t you, just about, throw all caution to the wind and do whatever it takes to get what you want?

Like yesterday?

Most people do. When the girl/guy they desire doesn’t notice they’re alive. When the family matriarch – from her ever-endearing “I’m just being honest” place – asks you in front of your family why you’re so fat? (True example by the way). Or when your friends tell you they’ve booked a last minute trip to Vegas with you and you realize you wouldn’t be caught dead in a swimsuit or an evening gown (another true story – although not mine).

These are just a few examples of the pain that drives our decisions. We’re focused on how much we detest the result of who we are, so we react to it.


When we aren’t at peace within ourselves – when we hate our bodies, we feel miserable. So in a society that makes appealing promises of instant gratification, we make hurried and uneducated decisions to get what we want.

Why should this matter?

Because when it comes to our health and well-being, awareness is our friend.

  • Do you know how to choose a fitness program based on your level of ability?
  • Are you aware of any possible contraindications you may have to exercise?
  • Do you know how to choose a qualified fitness or nutrition professional?
  • Do you know what “Special Populations” means and if you fall into this category (and why it matters)?
  • Do you know what proper progression stands for and how it relates to injury?
  • How to decipher between “good and bad” exercise pain?

These are important topics that come into play when making decisions about our bodies, but are often, and unfortunately, ignored when those very decisions are being made out of desperation.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. There is an alternative.


All it takes to move away from the aforementioned perspective and toward one of self-empowerment is the act of facing who we are, how we got to this point, and asking ourselves who we would prefer to be.

Are you happy being someone who constantly reacts to life and feels like a victim? Or would you rather be someone who has their own best interests at heart and treats themselves with the dignity and respect that we are all worthy of?


What would life be like for you if you cared about your well-being? If you simply became the person who naturally preferred to be active? To be someone who, out of sheer desire, preferred the leafy green salad filled with the delicious nutrients that powered their every cell with the energy of life – instead of the person who settles for the diet food because they are on restriction?

Does that persona seem more appealing? Because it’s not only possible to become that person, it’s a responsibility. It’s our job, as participants in this world, to become living examples of the joy we all desire.

From this perspective, we are more interested in achieving optimal health. We adjust our lifestyles to enable the habits that naturally result in being slim and energized.

We make informed decisions about our well-being because we are focused on loving, rather than detesting ourselves.

We are aware

And we ARE worthy.


If you enjoyed this article, you will LOVE these:


Hey –

Since you read the entire article (good for you!)– check out the video trailer of A Simple Guide to Exercise Safety (What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You). Stay Safe. Be Aware.



About the Author

  Creator of I Choose Awareness and author of the book “A Simple Guide to Exercise Safety – (What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You)”, Dana Gore completed the curriculum at Fitness Institute International, Inc. as an outstanding graduate in 2009.

Having suffered from eating disorders in the past which caused her weight to balloon to over 200 pounds, Dana realized it was time for a major lifestyle overhaul. Once she discovered Fitness Institute, her life took on new meaning.

Armed with credible information about Exercise Science, Dana aims to bring guidance to the public about how to achieve optimal health in a safe and structured manner. She believes that the body follows the guidance and instruction of the mind and spirit. She inspires her readers to seek inner-peace as a means to well-being in all areas of life.