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Spiritual Awakening: Out Here On My Own!!!

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Spiritual Awakening:Out Here On My Own!!!

Sometimes as you take action upon having a spiritual awakening you will find that you feel like you are out here on your own. Then one day you realize that you are not alone that you have ascended masters, GOD, Jesus, and Angels that are guiding you and bringing people into your life that will help you to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.  Some of these people will be people that you never expected to cross paths with. Such was the case when I met Irene Cara at the 25th Anniversary Celebration of The Movie, Fame, while I was working for The Happy Herald, a monthly newspaper that only promotes good and positive news. I had the pleasure of interviewing Irene Cara who I had long admired. After I sent her the article she sent me a photo and I realized that we both had lifted each other that day. When I feel I am alone I look for some of Irene’s Songs and I get re-energized realizing that there are many people doing good deeds and that we are all famous in GOD’S eyes.

Sometimes we will be viewed as being out there and a bit off but it is important to understand that has always been the ones perceived to be crazy that have met with success. So many ties we are so set in our effort to fit in that we forget that we were not put here on this earth to fit in but we were put here to stand out. People may look at you and perceive you to be a maniac because you decided to take action and wear a sneaker that makes a statement like my Purple Beat Cancer Chuck Taylor All Stars. You may feel you are all alone when in reality there are many that want to get involved but they haven’t found a way to do so. Through the spiritual awakening process you will find that you will become more clear in your purpose and those that perceive you to be a maniac haven’t learned to get to know you. Remember it is not your job to bring them kicking and screaming onto the path that leads to enlightenment but to simply shine your light and illuminate the world understand that when they are ready they will get on the path.
Even though it may seem that you are walking alone remember that GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Master, and Your Angels will be there to move you forward in he positive direction of your dreams. In times when you feel no one is hearing your message take solace in knowing that those who need to hear your message are listening and your message is being herd and as a result the world is becoming a little brighter daily.

I have  come to understand that I am not alone and none of us are alone as when we are tired or weak we have Jesus to carry us until we are strong enough to continue on our spiritual path to help other people in their quest to become enlightened beings. I have come to learn that it is those who stand alone in principles guided by spirit that lead a truly blessed life.

It is when you begin to understand that you are not alone and it is your responsibility to shine a bright light that hope and healing that will lead to many having a better life. It is when you stand in your spiritual truth that you can positively impact the world. There will be those who question and make you feel all alone, When you encounter these people remember it has nothing to do with you but everything to do with them do not argue or try to convince them that your way is right and their’s is wrong simply continue to be your authentic self and walk in your light so as to create sparks that will grow into an inferno that will facilitate change.

 You are not alone and when you gather to honor and praise GOD with 2 or more gathered you are with GOD.  When you find yourself feeling all alone remember that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD has great plans for you. Sometimes you must get out of the way and put the feeling of loneliness aside so GOD can intervene and bring you peace, love, joy, and prosperity. GOD will bring you some sorrow as well only to bring you bliss in the end.
When you are feeling alone break out this song and know that you’re never alone. Namaste!!!





By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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