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Spiritual Awakening: Making The Switch!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Making The Switch!!!

  As I begin to become more and more aware and awake through the spiritual awakening process I realize how important it is to take action and make the switch. This was very evident when on 8/19/2016 I decided to switch mobile phone carriers from Verizon to T-Mobile. I am currently in the process of finalizing this process and I have gained some excellent spiritual lessons. One lesson was that one must be patient and when things are not going well or as planned to step back take a breath and know that everything will work out. I have also learned that the attitude you bring to the process determines the outcome.  In taking action and consulting the ascended masters making a switch and taking action was made that much easier. In the past I would have made every excuse not to switch and not to take action as I was coming from a position of lack. With this switch I came from a position of abundance and realized that this change would be a great benefit to me.  How many times have you been hesitant to make a switch and didn’t take action leaving you to ask what might have been or what could have been.  as I continue to work with my new phone I realize that change is good. It is through the awakening process that you will be able to make switching things up easier so that you continue to evolve in your personal, professional, and spiritual life.

Through the switching of carriers I have learned that you must be willing to detach and let go and allow GOD to direct you. In letting go and letting GOD you create the ability to be open to change by receiving and acting upon the messages from GOD, The Ascended Masters,  and The Angels.  It is being accepting of change that you remove blockages that may be holding you back from becoming the best person you can become. In accepting change and not being attached to outcome you will be able to expand mentally, physically, and spiritually. In making changes you will begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life.

As many of you that read this blog on a regular basis you know my passion for helping those touched by cancer. About 2 years ago I had BEAT CANCER Sneakers custom made to wear at an event. I have been promoting the concept of having an organization to manufacture and sell these with a portion of sales to be donated to the organization. Today I receive an email that the organization signed a contract with a sneaker manufacturer to make sneakers similar to these. In the past I would have been upset that they didn’t credit me with the idea as the only way they saw these sneakers was from my postings in their groups and on their pages today I was happy to see them moving forward with the idea knowing in my heart that it was my idea and that i can show people that passion + action = success. In changing the way I reacted and switching from being upset for not getting the credit for the concept  and being happy that the organization was moving forward with the concept of having a BEAT CANCER Sneaker relieved any stress I had an now all I have to do is have to wait and then submit my design concept and see what happens.  It is when you switch your mind set and let go that you can move forward in the positive direction of your dreams.

In making the switch and changing the way we react to things we remove any doubt as we follow our heart and check our egos at the door thus allowing for us to be filled with bliss and abundance. It is when you are willing to make the switch that you open up channels for the universe to deliver happiness and wealth to you.

  In the past I would have worried how am going to switch and what can go wrong. Today I make changes and ask what can go right. It is a matter of switching the way you look at things so as to step into your power and accept the prosperity that is your birthright. It is when you make small changes that you begin to experience even larger changes that lead to bigger things in your life.

In making changes and making the most of the time we have here on earth you can live the life you desire. Make that change today and watch what unfolds!!! Stay Positive!!!



By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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