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Spiritual Awakening: Fishing In The Right Pond!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Fishing In The Right Pond!!!

As we begin to fish for spiritual answers and enlightenment we must make sure we are fishing in the correct pond. Is our pond filled with people who are evolving and growing or those who are stagnant? Is our pond filled with action takers or excuse makers? If we are truly going to feed our spirituality and grow personally and professionally it is imperative to find the pond that is well stocked to feed our desire to create a oneness consciousness that will create a mind, body, and soul connection that will allow us to live the life we desire. When looking at the pond we are fishing in we must ask am I the biggest fish? If you are the biggest fish it is time to migrate to a pond where there are bigger fish.  Is the pond we are fishing in providing what we seek? If not it is time to change ponds. You can not catch tuna in a KOI pond.  As you begin to awaken more and more and become more self aware you will be able to determine what ponds you should be fishing in.

 What mindset do those in your pond have? Are they grateful for what they have or are they complaining about what they do not have?  Ate the people in your pond complaining about how tough things are or are they facing the challenges and thriving?  Are the people you are  fishing with showing happiness or anger?  The key is to make sure your pond is infused with positivity that promotes peace, love, joy, and prosperity.  Look at the pond you are fishing in and determine if that pond is serving you. If it is not serving you then change ponds.

 When searching for the right pond to fish in make sure it is filled with people who have the attitude of gratitude.

I like to fish in ponds where people are consulting the ascended masters, working with angel guides and healers, and following the teachings of Jesus. This pond can make up a community where you are lifted and supported. This pond can reveal answers that will enable you to move forward along your spiritual path.


 I like ponds where I can find oracle cards like this to help in my spiritual walk  so that I can be of service and value to others. In consulting the cards in my pond I am able to grow mentally and spiritually.


My  pond includes stones and crystals designed to help me become a more well rounded person so that I can effectively share my spirituality with others.

Spiritual Awakening: Filling Your Pond!!!


When you construct your pond to fish in make sure you have people who resonate with you and that will lift you a higher level.

Fill your pond with gratitude notes so that you create an attitude of gratitude that will allow you to soar from a higher altitude.

Include the music that will lift you while you honor and raise GOD.  Include people who walk a righteous path and  who will honor you and GOD through their actions.

Add some essential oils to your pond so that you can create a pond that allows you to expand in your spiritual development.

You can have a literal pond that helps you to create sacred space and provides a great catalyst for spiritual growth through meditation or you can have a figurative pond that allows you to stay centered and grounded. Either way spiritual ponds are great tools to help you make a divine connnection while also reminding you that you are a divine child of GOD that is capable of greatness.

Spiritual Awakening: Bait The Hook!!!

One way to catch spirituality and be fruitful in the right pond is to use music that aligns you with the vibrations that you are attracting so that this resonance can create positive energy in your spiritual pond.

Putting some books on your hook will attract the right people to your pond so you will grow emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Put some affirmations on the hook and internalize them so that you are seen as by others as you see yourself.
Put some bible verses on your hook so that you attract spiritual people who will lift you up to your pond.


 In baiting the hook with spiritual quotes you will begin to catch the people and things that will serve you in your quest to fish in the right pond.


 When the day ends and you leave the pond make sure to thank GOD for another day to fish in the right pond.

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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