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Spiritual Awakening: The Whole World In My Hand!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: The Whole World In My Hand!!!


 As I look at the world in a new light as a result of a spiritual awakening I begin to realize that as GOD holds the whole world in his hands we also carry the world with us in our hands. If we are to make the changes we want to make in this world it will take us all joining hands for the common good. In today’s ever evolving world where we are interconnected through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin we have the power to have the whole world in our hands. We can more effectively spread our spiritual messages sharing our spirituality with others today than in the past. Today we can post about an event or with a positive quote and our reach is expanded. When we have the  whole world in our hand it is important to remember to whom much is given much is expected. We have  power deep inside of us that when unleashed and used for good we shine a bright light that illuminates the entire world.  It is amazing what happens inside of us when we realize that we carry the whole world in our hands and that we are all interconnected in some way. It is with this interconnection that we are able to bring goodness into our life and into the lives others.It is written that when 2 or three are gathered together in my name I am there in the midst of them.

For where two or three are gathered together in My nameThrough this scripture we know that when we gather to honor GOD he is with us allowing us to carry the whole world in our hands.  Many may say that the responsibility of having the whole world in your hands is a big burden. Think of it not as a burden but as an opportunity to spread your love to others and bring peace, joy, and prosperity to those you come in contact with as you are out in the world. See yourself as a world unto itself and then join with others who are worlds unto themselves and forge meaningful relationships forged in spirituality  that will allow you to carry the whole world in your hands.  When I think of being of service and value and carrying the whole world in my hands I think of the following song which is just as relevant today as it was when it was first performed.
 When we realize we are part of this world and we carry it in our hands that we are able to create the oneness consciousness that we seek to have a greater relationship with GOD and thus follow out his plan for us making the world a better place one person at a time. If you touch one life everyday with your message you will see a shift in your own personal paradigms and thus your life will be enhanced.

To carry the whole world in your hands it is imperative to understand that GOD knows your name and is watching over you. GOD wants you to prosper so you can prosper others. The best way to assume the prosperity that is your birthright is to walk with GOD and be of service and value to others.  I committing to carry the whole world in your hands and to step in where you see an injustice you are committing to grow in mind, body, and spirit thus creating the life that GOD has planned for you.  The key is to remember that you have the power to change things and by changing yourself you will change the world. GOD gave us all a voice to use and he wants us to use that voice for good.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Carry The Whole World In Your Hands!!!

Fruit of the spirit bible verse art printIn understanding that we have the fruits of spirit inside of us will serve as tool to show people our loving and caring being so as to remind them that they are divine children of GOD and GOD doesn’t make any junk.
Surrendering to GOD serves as a excellent tool to help you hold the whole world in your hands. This meditation will assist you in becoming more connected to GOD.

Music has always served as a great way to shift your consciousness as you embrace the idea that you have the whole world in your hands.

Asahel Curtis Nature TrailTaking a walk in nature will help you to maintain your focus as you walk an admirer GOD’s handiwork.


May GOD’S light shine bright on you for you to share and illuminate the world as you carry the whole world in your hands. Stay Positive!!!


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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