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Spiritual Awakening: Coming Together!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Coming Together!!!

In the final scene from the movie, Grease, everyone came together to celebrate the milestone of turning the page  and going froward with their personal and professional lives. For many of us it is a spiritual awakening when we make the decision to come together fort he common good of all people. In Grease Danny Zucko (John Travolta) and Sandy (Oliva Newton John) made changes and sacrifices finding common ground so that they could have a caring and loving relationship. If only life was like the movies where at the end most everyone comes together and the world is better for them setting aside their differences and making positive changes.

 In coming together one must embrace their dreams even if to others they seem impossible.  To those that say it is impossible explain to them that the word itself says I am possible. Then find people who share in your dream and your vision and have them come together. Think of yourself as the lone snowflake in a storm along you may have some power but gathered with other snowflakes you are the most powerful.  You can also look at the power that you have and that others have and harness it to come together for the greater good of humanity.  It is when we step into our power and shine our light that we give others permission to step into their power and shine their light thus the entire world is illuminated.  Gather the dreamers and help them to turn their dreams into reality and you will see how powerful you truly are.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools For Coming Together!!!

Music such as this has always been a great tool to get centered and grounded so that you can move further along on your spiritual mission to bring people together. Music is a great way to shift the vibration and allow positive thoughts to move to you and through you thus bringing an aura of positivism to all aspects of your life.

Meditation has served many as an excellent tool to allow for the release of issues that may be holding you back from bringing people together for the common good of all. Through mediation we are able to find the many answers that seem to elude us at times thus helping us to understand our purpose of bring people together for the betterment of the community as a whole.

candles and incenseHaving an alter set up with candles and incense where you can burn essential oils and create a sacred space to make the oneness consciousness connection to bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity to your mind, body, and soul serves as an excellent source to enhance the spiritual awakening process.

Spiritual Awakening: Coming Together- La Shana Tova

This week those of The Jewish Faith will celebrate Rosh Hashanah, The Jewish New Year. They will gather with family and friends and temples around the world and then join in celebration of new life and new beginnings. This is a great way to relax, reflect, and rejuvenate as you continue to connect with GOD and The Universal Powers. The symbolism of dipping the apple in the honey is to celebrate the sweetness of life and to embrace life and all that we have.
An explanation of Rosh Hashanah. The idea of humbling yourself before GOD as a group allows you to make a spiritual connection that will propel you to the prosperity that is your birthright. It coming together we honor GOD and thus make our world a brighter and better place.

Spiritual Awakening: Songs For Coming Together!!!

Sometimes it is when we decide to start over and give up our life to GOD that we bring the community together. How will you light a flame to bring people together today?
Become a champion in all you do. Allow your heart to be filled with love and compassion and then share it with others as you begin to bring people together.
Some day is not a day of the week so take action today to bring people together so that the dream of oneness can become a reality.
Love conquers all of our differences as it is when we show love that we create more love and thus enable people to come together.
525,600 minutes is given to all of us to use as we please. How will you use your minutes to bring people together.
We have but one life on this earth so make it alife of bringing people together.
Find that someone special and make them feel important and remember that everyday is a new beginning.
Come together by remembering to Stay Positive.


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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