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Spiritual Awakening: Turning Dreams Into Reality!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Turning Dreams Into Reality!!!


 As part of the spiritual awakening process I have learned that messages will come in all forms at all times of the day. Today as I stepped out of my shower I found myself singing Impossible Dream and this led me to think of the importance of dreams and how they often manifest during the day. As I got dressed I kept thinking that though some dreams may seem impossible it is our quest to chase them and shine our light brightly for others to see so that we can become the dream weavers and action takers to improve our world and thus enhance our personal and professional life.

When was the last time you boarded the dream weaver train? Each time I sit in meditation I look at it like cashing in the ticket to board the dream weaver train. My conductor of course is GOD, the ticket taker and engineer is JESUS, the staff on the dream weaver train includes Mother Mary, Arch Angel Raphael, Arch Angel Michael, and all of their associates who watch over me.  As the dream weaver train stops at its final destination I breathe and disembark and write down any messages that were sent to me. The journey aboard the dream weaver train is taken forward into the daily journey of being of service and value to others while making the mind, body, soul connection.

The greatest part of the spiritual awakening process is acknowledging that you are never alone and that your dreams will be realized in the course of time when GOD and the angels believe that you are ready. The key is to speak your dream so that you can speak it into existence.  In answering the question of what is your dream be very specific and you will be given messages that will lead to you taking action so that dream turns into reality. Don’t let anyone tell you your dream is impossible because all things are possible through GOD as GOD has a plan for you. Sometimes it takes you making a change to recognize your dream. It takes a willingness to come alive and share your dream and detach from any doubters.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools For Turning Dreams Into Reality!!!

16 Best Gratitude Quotes and Affirmations for Your Dream Journey ... One thing to do to bring dreams to reality is to let go of the past and take the lessons learned to move forward.  Start each day a new with the goal to achieve your dreams. If each day you do something to move positively in the direction of your dreams you will manifest that dream and find success.


affirmation198God and the angels have already put your dreams into the treasure box of dreams. It is your duty to find the key and open up the dream box  and then to use all the messages to manifest your dream.

Positive affirmations, positive affirmations quotesstrong beliefs make dreams realityDaily Dream Affirmation - I pay close attention to my dreams and look ...

I have found that using affirmations such as the ones above help to bring the dreams into our human realm from the spiritual realm and as a result we are able to find a balance that allows us to be the spiritual beings that we are while having a human experience. I have found that the internalization of affirmations to serve as a great tool to assist us in getting in touch with our own divinity.
information (or to purchase) including use, Young Living Essential Oil ...... unisex blends marked by floral notes, woods, and a touch of incense I have found that using incense, essential oils, stones and crystals to be very helpful in manifesting dreams. I always suggest that you draw a hot bath, pour in some essential oils, place stones and crystals strategically around the bath, burn some incense and get yourself into a blissful dream state. I recommend you play some soothing music and allow the messages to flow to you and from you then after you come out of the blissful dream state get dressed and take a moment to journal as many of the thoughts or messages that you can remember. In doing this you will find yourself getting more centered and grounded so that you can pursue your dreams.

... & Used Bethards, Betty Dreams Self-Help Books " in Self Help Dreamsdream journal http lifedreamsandmore com dream journal http ...Dream Interpretation Books ...The Dream Dictionary from A to Z: The Ultimate A-Z to Interpret the ...

Books such as these can aid you as to turn your dreams into reality.

 Meditations such as this one can become part of your tool kit to assist you in creating a blissful and dream state that will set the tone for your day. If you are in a state of bliss and coming from a position of gratitude you will be able to experience the joy and prosperity that is your birthright.  You will find yourself looking at things differently and thus having different results.


that the word “Abracadabra” is actually a Hebrew phrase meaning ... Your dreams are magical and can be spoken into existence if you truly believe in the power of your dreams and take the actions to manifest them. Stay Positive!!!


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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