The last two months have been a challenge for me medically and financially. There have been many days that I did not feel like getting out of bed as things were not moving forward as I had hoped they would. I haven’t had a steady income and things are tough and I could really use people visiting and making a love donation. I was so consumed with the prospects of losing everything that I quit in myself and then I remembered my spiritual teachings and I sat in meditation and the message received was simple. It was time to make a comeback and stop making excuses and push forward to make im0rovements in my personal and professional life. After receiving the message I started to walk daily with a goal of doing 5000 steps a day. In the month of March I have reached this goal 12 of 23 days. I have also been spending more time seeking full time employment and today (3/24/2025) I had a phone interview with Mattress Firm. They are going to let me know their decision later this week. This experience has taught me to keep moving forward and to make a come back. I was focusing on so much of the negative that my life nearly stopped and then I remembered I am the STAY POSITIVE GUY and I need to practice what I preach and come out of the darkness.
As I listened to this song I realized that I am not alone and that I am not the only struggling but I need to face everything and rise instead of forgetting everything and running. It was time to tap into my inner divinity and to make a come back so as to continue to be of service and value to others, It was time to get back to the spiritual teachings and understand that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. It was time to focus on the good and to realize that everything happens for a reason. It was time to awaken spiritually and recognize that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others. It is time to change what you can and accept what you can not and to have the wisdom to know the difference.
It was when I sat down and truly began to internalize the serenity prayer that I knew it was time for a comeback. I was reminded of all the times In have been knocked down and how I made it through the adversity and flourished. In making a comeback it is important to remember that passion + action = success and that becoming an action taker is imperative to attracting peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. It is important to awaken spiritually so that you will enhance your personal and professional life as you make your comeback. Many time we lose our way and it is important to get back on our path so as to answer our calling so that we can grow and expand as we continue on our spiritual journey.
One way to make your come back is to turn to the scriptures and to find verses that will keep you moving in a positive direction of your goals. Many times your come back starts when you let go and let GOD.
The time is now for your comeback. You have greatness inside of you and now is your season to tap into your greatness and to rise to new heights. Namaste.
It has been a while since I have done a blog entry due to many issues however today (12/11.2024) I was inspired by the circumstances of the day as I was attempting to get into my blog to write this entry and found many errors and thus I went to my host gator account and was able to trouble shoot and fix the issue. As a result I came up with what has continued to be a strong concept for spiritual awakening and that is being a fixer. If you have challenges in your life you have two choices. You can forget everything and run or you can face everything and rise. It is when you turn to your inner divinity and tap into source that you will be guided to fix your problems. Many tines it is just a simple matter of stepping into your power and realizing that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it and will give you the tools to be the fixer. Many times it is a simple matter of stepping back, taking a deep breath, and answering the signs that you are being given.
Over the last 3 and 1/2 months I have been facing some mental and physical challenges and I was fearful of admitting my issues and then I realized that is all GOD’S Plan and the plan GOD has for me is far greater than my plan thus it was time to become the fixer guided by GOD. IT was time to get back on track and to stay on the spiritual path and get reconnected with GOD and to realize that we are all divine children of GOD and that GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others.
One tool that has come in handy in becoming the fixer is the serenity prayer.
In reading and understanding the serenity prayer I have found that to be a fixer you must be willing to make changes in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. You must be willing to step away from that which no longer serves you. It is when you remove the things that no longer serve you that you make room for that which will serve you. It is when you remove that which no longer serve you that you are able to be of service and value to others. It is when you begin to be the fixer that challenges can be overcome and that you can expand and grow thus moving forward in a positive direction on your spiritual path.
When you feel broken remember that GOD can fix the issue and when you give GOD all the pieces GOD will make a masterpiece. In becoming the fixer it is important to detach from outcomes and allow things to flow as GOD has intended.
Many times what can be perceived as pain and suffering is simply GOD sending a reminder that things will get better and that you can be the fixer. In becoming the fixer it in important to hold yourself accountable and understand that not everyone is going to appreciate what you do and that is okay for at the end of the day if you lived your life in joy and you brought joy to others you will find yourself as a fixer.
In becoming the fixer it is imperative to understand that sometimes what seem like a set back is actually a set up for something bigger and brighter. Over the last few months I was feeling less than as some people had said some very hurtful things to me me about me doing something that I am very passionate about. I sat back and decided to become the fixer and take the necessary steps to find joy in what I was doing and to step back a bit in my role and simply let things happen as GOD has planned and to take this as a message to continue to be of service and value to other s and to go where I am celebrated and not just tolerated.
Now is the time to be the fixer and to make changes that will enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. It is time to become an action taker and to create peace, love, joy, and prosperity in your life by becoming the fixer. In the coming sit in meditation and ask your guides how you can become the fixer. The answers will begin to appear in many forms. Be aware and alert and you make the changes needed to become the fixer. You have the power to fix any challenges!!!
A lot has happened since my last post on May 25. I was in a rough spot as I was not feeling well about myself and was in a challenging space mentally and physically and then my aunt who I was close with passed away. I wasn’t feeling motivated and then I sat down and said it was time to start over and look at things differently and to stop wallowing in self pity and realize that I can be of service and value to others and that I have a purpose to help other people excel. On August 2, I celebrated my 59th birthday and I realized that I have a lot to be proud of and that my spiritual journey is exactly where GOD has intended it to be. Last night ( August 20) I attended a Share Event to benefit The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Plantation and Sunrise at Rock and Brews in Plantation. I set up a Make Me An Offer Table and acted as the greeter telling patrons about our fundraiser. I realized that it is when I take action and start over that good thing happen. I also realized that my level of dedication and commitment and enthusiasm may be at a higher level than others. When I arrived home I passed by The Serenity Prayer that Hangs on my wall and though the only thing I can change is me.
As I turned in for the nigh I reminded myself that the only things I can control is myself and the way I react to things. It was at this point that I realized that every day is a day to start over for yesterday is gone and tomorrow in not promised and that is why they call today the present.
In looking at each day asa new opportunity you will find yourself improving mentally, physically, and spiritually this enabling you to grow personally and professionally. I have come to realize that it is important to put yourself first and to take care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health so that you can give 100% to what you do so as to find what you define as success. I have learned there will be some set backs along the way however you can not focus on them as they will stop you from moving forward in a positive direction of your goals. There comes a time when you have to put what isn’t working behind you and start over.
It when you regroup and start over with a sense of purpose so that you can plan your work and work your plan that you will begin to feel better physically and mentally. It is when you change what you focus on and look at that your life changes and this begins when you commit to starting over. In Starting over you begin to find more gratitude for what you have and you begin to utilize your talents for good. In many situations yo need to take a step back and begin again so you can get a new perspective on things and detach yourself from the outcome. Sometime in order to start over you simply need to let go and let GOD.
When you start over by letting go and letting GOD you will find yourself unencumbered by the weight of that which you can not control. If you find yourself stick simply take a step back and start over. Namaste!!!
I recently began doing color by numbers with a program on my phone and it has reminded jous how important it is to have patience and to pay attention to the details so as to grow spiritually and thus enhance my personal and professional life. AS I was doing a drawing earlier this morning (5/25/2024) one of the space was very small and hidden and it took me a few minutes to find it. Instead of getting mad and frustrated like I would in the past I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and told myself I will find it. I found the number and was able to color it and move onto the next number. As I cmpleted the painting of the butterfly I began to think about thranformation and how our transformation is incumbent on our willing to be patient and to pay attention to the details,
In understanding the importance of planning your tasks being patient and paying attention to details you will find that uour spiritual journey is filled with peace, love, joy, and prosperity. It also helps to understand that the plan GOD has for you is far greater than your own and all that you desire will be felivered in due time. Many times it is a simple as being patient and letting go and letting GOD.
As many of you are aware the last 2 years have been difficult as I have been battling some medical issues and have been limited in many capacities howeve I have been patient and I I know that everything will work out. If you would like to help me with a love donation the page to do so is any love donations will be used to assist in the effort to continue to be of service and value to others as I continue to patiently work on getting healthier so that I can continue to use my talents for good.
IT si now your turn to practice patience and evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually. ONe way to do that is to fully embrace the serenity prayer.
In being patient and understanding that there arer somethings that we can not change as they are not in our purview however ther are things we can change and we can start by changing our selves and becoming more patient and paying attention to the details. It is when we commit to transforming ourselves that we begin to transform others simply be taking action and understanding that good things come to those who wait. Namaste!!
The day was January 7, 2024 and I was very excited as my brother came into town and took me clothes shopping. As I was trying on the clothes I knew that the pants would need to be altered. I waited a couple of weeks to bring them to the seamstress and on the day that I brought them in I started to think about how during the spiritual awakening process we need to alter our thinking so that we can embrace change and alter our lives. The Day I picked up the altered pants I felt a new found hope come over me as I was able to get my confidence back as I felt better as I knew I could dress better and people would treat me differently. As I got dressed the next day I felt really good and it was athough a big dark cloud that was holding me back was lifted from me and the light started to come back into my life. It was not only the new pants but it was also the fact that I knew I had someone who really cared about my well being and was willing to help me to to alter my life.
On February 26, 2024 I got back to believing in myself and made a commitment to stop listening to the negativity that was holding me back. The moment I began to alter my thinking and concentrate on the good that was happening in y life instead of buying into those calling me a scammer and talking bad about about me I started to move forward. There have been some set backs and just like the new pants I had to continu to make alterations and dig deep inside to get back to being positive. A few things happened to get me back on track lioke the positive response I received from someone I reached out to about donating sports memorabilia to use in the fundraising effort for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. As a result I now have a lot of items that should bring in donations to help those touched by cancer. In altering my thinking and slowly eliminating the negative self talk I have been able to find more joy in my life. I was allowing the negativity to consume me and I was worrying to much and then I realized that all I can do is put myself out there and to do the best I can with the tools I have and not allow the negativity of others to keep me stuck. I also got baxk to my rituals of reading A Miracle Minute each day and writing in my gratitude journal. As I continue to alter my life I want to encourage you to make changes by committing to be the best version of yourself that you can be and to remind yourself that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others.
One thing that has helped me to get back on track is in finding music that reminds me that I am enough and that everything is just the way that GOD has intended. I suggest you surround yourself with positivity and that you have the power to change the way things are in your life. When you are down and feeling that you are in dispair remember that you can make a change to alter your life and repair the pieces that are making you feel broken. If you allow the negativity of others to stop you you will be stuck. The good thing is you can get unstuck simply by altering you life and your mindset.
When you make the decision to alter your life you will realize that you are right where you belong. If you find that you are being triggered by things step back take a deep breath and start to eliminate those triggers as they are not serving you. As you alter your life you will find some challenges however remember that GOD will not give you more than you can handle. If you need professional help to assist you in your quest to alter your life seek it and remember that there is nothing wrong in getting help and pullinh back the onion to find the cause of your challenges for once you can find the the cause of the challenge you can work to overcome it. Namaste!!!
As I finally ventured to the probate court today (8/23/2023) I realized how important it is to create a new beginning and start a fresh and to embrace the spiritual awakening process. The new beginning started for me on Monday (8/14/2023) when my old car (2007 Chevy Cobalt) broke down and cost me $387 to fix. This was after spending about $2200 in 2 months to keep it running. It was at that moment that I decided it was time for a new car. I did my research and went to Lou Bachrodt Mazda on Friday (8/18/2023) with the intention of getting a KIA Soul however the numbers did not work out so I ended up with a Nissan Rogue. As I drove home I realized that this could be a new beginning and that it was time to wake up from a slumber I had been in for a few months. It was time to practice what I preach about becoming an action taker. It was time to stop putting things off and to stop making excuses and to become an action taker. In creating a new beginning and having a plan of action to follow you begin to make a stronger mind, body, soul connection and as a result you are able to achieve more.
As I continue to drive my new car I am reminded how important it is to stay connected to GOD and to make new beginnings as GOD will make a way and allow for a restart. Though there will be trials and tribulations there will always be ways to begin again and to create an environment around you that brings peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. In starting anew we do not put the past totally behind us we draw on the lessons learned so that we can move forward in our life and grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Sometimes what can be viewed as a set back is actually a set up for something better.
Many times a new beginning starts simply by retooling a concept and taking action to bring it to fruition. I recently did this with Beanie Babies For The Cure and the response has been very good. I begun to use resources like Facebook Marketplace and Beanie Baby Groups and as a result have received beanie babies from as far away as Virginia Beach. I have learned to let go of the comments calling me a scammer and to simply move forward realizing that many times it is just a matter of beginning anew and moving forward, Ask your self what is stopping you from taking action and then work on overcoming that blockage.
Sometimes it takes looking back on our lives and the memories that we have to motivate us to move forward and begin anew. It is when we realize that by taking care of things that we put off we open up many channels for new beginnings. It is when we take action that we set in motion opportunities to bring bliss and happiness into our lives.
One way to begin again is to find music that will serve as a way to lift you and inspire you to stay focused, centered, and grounded while you are on the path to your spiritual awakening. Another way to begin a gain is to forgive yourself for any transgressions you may have had and to remind yourself that you are divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper. It is through staying connected to GOD that you can excel and help others to excel. This was evidenced by my experiences over the last 9 days as I took time to pray and pray for others while listening to the messages from GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels. IT was in getting back to my faith and spirituality that I was able to make a new beginning. I still have a long way to go however everyday is an opportunity to move forward in a positive direction of goals.
One thing that has helped with a new beginning has been reading and understanding The Serenity Prayer. Many times we may not like the ways things a re being done however we must realize that the way things are and the way things should be are two different things. This was evident today (8/23/2023) as I showed the condo management my Probate filling that they required me to have to stay here and to keep my car parked and it had to go through many channels. In the end I did get a 60 temporary permit. Stay Positive!!!
The last month has been filled with many trials and tribulations as I have faced many challenges in my life. I have had many days where it has seemed that I lost my mojo as many of the fundraisers that I had been promoting like POINTS FOR THE CURE BASKETBALL EDITION and SEND CANCER TO THE PENALTY BOX didn’t garner and donations. I began to think what am I doing wrong that people are not responding to my asking for support and then it hit me that it was time to turn the page. As I was shelling out $1093 to fix my car yesterday (6/14/2023) it hit me that instead of being upset that I needed to spend this money I should be grateful that I had the money to fix my car and that I need to turn the page and get back in touch with my inner divinity. I share my experience with you so that you can see that you are not the only one that may need to turn the page and make changes in the way you are doing things. In today’s world where we can get so caught up in issues that do not serve us we need to turn the page and understand that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. As I arrived home yesterday I looked at one of the walls in my condo and saw The Serenity Prayer that has been on that wall for many years and it served as a reminder to get back on track to control the things I can and to accept the things I can’t and to have the wisdom to know the difference. I was also reminded that no one is served by excuse making and now is the time to become and action take and to plan your work and work your plan. As I sat down to write this blog I began to realize that if you wallow in the negative you create blockages that stop you from reaching your full potential. The question now is how do you turn the page and get back on a positive path that will enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life? The answer is simple remind yourself that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others. Now is your time to turn the page by consulting with GOD, Jesus, Spirit, Source, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels that are watching over you and know the power that you possess and want you to step into that power and to become a difference maker. Now is your time to turn the page and to write your own story.
As today unfolds and you continue to write your story and turn the page remember that much of your greatness is yet to be written. Make today the best it can be as yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised. Remember that there are two types of people in the world the action takers and the excuse makers which one will be you be as you turn the page. How will you write your story today? What will you do today to move in a positive direction of your goals? When writing your story remember that you have the ability to change your circumstances by turning the page.
In writing your story turn to GOD and allow GOD to guide you so that you move forward in your quest to grow so that you can attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life and turn the page so as to continue writing your story. We can not go back and rewrite what ahs happened but we can learn fort he past so we can turn the page and live in the present while planning for the future. Do not let that which you can not control hold you back. Look deep inside your self and make the mind, body, soul connection that will allow you to turn the page. Don’t allow some negative outcomes to stagnate you focus on the good things that are happening and assume an attitude of gratitude. When things seem dark remember their is a light inside of you that needs to be turned on so that you can shine bright and illuminate the world. If things seem really bleak and your hope is lost let go and let GOD as GOD always provides.
Now is your time to turn the page and realize that the plans that GOD has for your are far greater than your plan.
Spiritual Awakenining:Getting Back In Your Groove!!!
As you go through the spiritual awakening process you may find yourself disconnected and out of your groove and you feel like your spiritual mojo is being sucked out of you. When you experience this it is important to refuel, recharge, and rejuvenate so that you can get back into your groove. Over the last few weeks I have been wondering what it takes to get people to take action on anything be it donating to The American Cancer Society, getting healthy products from, supporting a travel basketball program, or setting up a CPR Class. I felt I was out of my groove and that maybe my approach was a bit off or maybe I was just in the wrong lane and needed to make a change. Today as I took the day to rest and reflect I realized that all I needed to do to get back into my groove was to tap into my inner divinity and simply seek the answered from GOD and follow GOD’s Lead. IN getting back into a groove you begin to find that you are connected and thus you can be centered, focused, and balanced in all you do. It is when you are grooving with GOD that everything starts to fall into place. Now is the time to get back into your groove and make a positive difference in your life and the lives of others.
When you get back into your groove and you begin to understand that what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve you will find yourself attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. One great way to get back into your groove is to remember and practice The Four Agreements. I personally believe that The Four Agreements should be taught in all high schools and that there should be a class on spirituality in high school so as to make kindness and compassion a priority.
When we start to get back into our groove and live our life on purpose we begin to positively impact our community by being of service and value to one another. Imagine if we all got together and began to help each other to achieve bliss and abundance how much better our lives would be. The time to make a difference is now as you get back into your groove. Your groove is found in your heart.
Now is your time to get your groove back and to take action to improve your quality of life and the quality of life for others. Sometimes it is doing something as simple as holding a door for someone and wishing them a good day. Imagine if we all recognized the fact that we are all divine children of GOD and that GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others. As many of the regular readers of this blog know I do a project called Beanie Babies For The Cure where people send me Beanie Babies and I use them to raise funds for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and also give them to supporters of The American Cancer Society, Survivors, Caregivers, and Cancer Patients. One thing that helps me to get back in the groove is to spend a few hours on Beanie Babies For The Cure. I have had success despite some people calling my project a scam. When I was recently called a scammer it made me feel bad and I was taken out of my groove but then I realized that what I was doing was making a difference so I took a deep breath and remembered that some will, some will not, some waiting, so what, next and got back into my groove and as a result made a positive impact on the lives of those touched by cancer. It is when you come from the heart and properly program your brain that you can stay in your groove.
Though there will be times when you feel like you are not in your groove that is when you need to sit back and and understand that you can get back into your group by changing your thoughts and finding that which brings you happiness. Think of it like an old LP Record where you would place the needle on a certain groove to play the song you wanted and when you were off by a bit another song played. To get back into your groove sometimes you simply need to listen to another song until the sing you desire comes up. Get back in your groove. Namaste!!!
As you continue on your spiritual journey you may find yourself feeling like your inner flame is being extinguished. It is at that time that you must realize that as long as there is a burning ember inside you can fan the flame and rekindle the spark so that you become ignited again thus allowing you to shine your light and illuminate the world. It it when you rekindle the spark that you can follow your passion and take action so that you will find success. In many cases it is simply becoming a soul on fire and allowing yourself to shine your light thus illuminating the world. We all have the ability to become beacons to help guide others on a path to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually it is just a matter of rekindling our inner spark when we feel it burning low.
One way to rekindle the spark is to connect with GOD so that you can stay centered, focused, and grounded. It is important to understand that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. The burning embers in our soul and heart need to be fanned so that they are never extinguished. Sometime we find ourselves side tracked and our fire seems to have flamed out so we need to dig deep and see what kept the flame burning in the past and rekindle the spark by tapping into our inner divinity and living our life on purpose. There is so many things happening around us that we may feel as though flame is being extinguished however as long as we can rekindle the spark we can find the strength the change the things we can, accept the things we can not, and have the wisdom to know the difference.
Over the last few months I have found myself consumed by the outer fire and allowed the flames of haters, doubters, and naysayers to dominate my thoughts and I was almost burnt out and then someone helped me to rekindle the spark to be of service and value to others and they said I was an inspiration to them this made me realize that as long as I have a spark I can rekindle the fire and thus burn bright for others to see. It is in the doing that we ignite a flame that will burn inside so that we can move forward in a positive direction toward our goals. I was allowing negativity to dampen my fire and thus was holding myself back from doing what I was meant to do and then I turned to the scriptures and I was able to rekindle my spark and thus continue to make a positive difference in the world. One thing that has helped me to rekindle my spark is to listen to music like this song from Toby Mac.
In understanding that help is on the way and there are many resources available to help to rekindle the spark has helped me to get back on track and to make my days be days of purpose. I know that when someone tries to extinguish your flame that you must find the fuel to keep the fire burning and simple know that GOD has plans for you that are far greater than your own and that GOD will give you a few challenges along the way that will make you stronger in the end so that you can keep your fire burning.
In grasping the idea that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you prosper so that you can prosper others you will be able to rekindle the spark as say yes to the questions of did I live my life in joy today and did I bring joy to others today. It is in rekindling your spark that you begin enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Now is your season to rekindle your spark and walk through the fires of trials and tribulations as you become stronger.
It is your time to ignite the fire inside of you and when it begins to go out rekindle the spark so that it forever helps you to light the way for others to follow as your light will serve as a beacon for others to keep their fire burning.
If you seek some help in rekindling your spark look for someone who you admire who sets things on fire for you and use their fire to ignite yours. It is time to become an inferno of positivity and to continue on your spiritual path. Rekindle your spark today!!! Namaste!!!
Spiritual Awakening: Putting Things In Perspective!!!
Last night (3/10/2023) I attended The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Pembroke Pines and Miramar. While there I met Leo, a 9 month old cancer patient battling Neuroblastoma, and his family. They had found about Relay and formed a GOLD TOGETHER TEAM to support those touched by pediatric cancer. As I finished having this photo taken I began to walk the track and I realized that nothing in my life that I am facing is a s difficult as what this family is facing. A tear rolled down my eye and I began to realize that everything that the universe presents to us allows us to put things into perspective. As I met many survivors and care givers I realized that we all shared a spiritual connection and that GOD has brought us together to be of service and value to others. Sometimes all it takes to get back on track and to put things into perspective is a quick reminder from GOD, Jesus, Source, Spirit, The Angels, and The Ascended Masters. As I drove home I began to realize that there is a purpose for everything under heaven.
In our spiritual journey we will face many trials and tribulations for what we can overcome strengthens us. It is in times of challenge that we begin to understand that things happen for us so that we can evolve in our personal, professional, and spiritual life. This week I had a set back as my hard drive on my lap top crashed and could not be restored so I had a new one installed. I was a bit disappointed and the idea of spending $321 to have it fixed was a bit disheartening but then I realized that it is a way to start again and a chance to have the lap top for another 5 years. As I put things into perspective I realized that this is my season of renewal and with each challenge is a chance to grow. In the past I would have come from a position of lack but now I come from a position of abundance understanding that GOD will provide. After picking up my laptop I headed over to Starbucks to write this blog entry and I was able to wrap my head around the concept that when you change the way you look at things your life changes. It was in that moment that I comprehended that to achieve the greatness that is your birthright you have to assume an attitude of gratitude for everything that is happening for you is happening for a reason and the lessons that are in the events in your life should be greeted with a sense of thankfulness.
As you put things into perspective remember that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. As I spoke to a cancer survivor last night she helped to put things in perspective as she said JDOGG as long as you are genuine and speak from your heart everything will work out. Today is a day to realize what the mind can conceive and your heart can believe you can achieve. It is when you change your perspective that you can see the endless possibilities that exist around us. When things get tough step back take a deep breath and put all things in perspective. If you are facing challenges a great tool to utilize to overcome the obstacles in your life is The Bible.
It is through gratitude that you can put things into perspective and thus change your life while positively impacting the lives of others. Another way to put things into perspective is to spend some time in nature reflecting on where you have been, where you are, and where you are going. I have found a great song to help put things into perspective tat serves as a reminder to let go and let GOD.
Another song that has helped me in finding perspective is Kansas’s Dust In The Wind.
One thing I have learned on my spiritual journey is that we will deal with loss and that in understanding that the loss we experience is a pathway to growth for the lessons of those lost stay with us and help us to become stronger in mind, body, and spirit. The memories of those gone provide us with the fuel needed to put things into perspective so that we can change the things we can, accept the things we can’t and to have the wisdom to know the difference.
Ask yourself how are you seeing things and then put it all into perspective. Stay Positive!!!
I was at an event on 3/1/2023 and I met the owner of Lady Dragonfly Apothecary and Shop. We had a great encounter where we discussed the power of manifestation. At her booth she had some great candles with many differetnt scents each one wihich had a different meaning and purpose to help people with their spiritual development. Upon returning home I visited her website,, and I found a wealth of information including what an Intention Candle was.
What is an Intention Candle?
What is an Intention Candle?
An intention candle is a candle that has the intention already on the label. All the ingredients used to craft it help empower its intention. These candles help users focus on their manifestiations. The charged crystals help you keep manifesting the candle’s intetion even after the it’s gone.
Intention candles help the user build their own manifestation power to bring their “wish” into reality. Everything is posible when you believe in your power.
After you set your intention you will want to take action to manifest that intention so that you can send the proper vibration out into the universe to allow everything to flow to you freely and effortlessly.
As with any spiritual related product a disclaimer has to be made so as to have people understand that an intention candle is only a tool to help you to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life.
We do not claim our candles are magic. Lady Dragonfly’s intention candles are tools to help the user focus and set their intentions for their highest good.
All crystals and healing stones in our candles have been cleansed and are meant for customers to keep & enjoy.
Contain8 fl oz all-natural hand-poured 100% soy candles.Made with Eco wick, all-natural hand-pouredBurn time 72 hoursWARNING: Remove large crystals as it begins to expose from the wax. Ensure the wick is not lit when doing so. Use a spoon or similar object. Crystal will be hot, handle with caution.P.S.Any advice under the Lady Dragonfly brand does not substitute professional medical assistance.When you vist you will find many products that are designed to help you to create the life that you desire. In manifesting you will need to have a clear mind and be open to receive that which you are intending to manifest. You will need to become an action taker and follow the messages that are being sent to you to manifest your desires.
When you visit you will find a nice welcome and a myriad of intention candles designed to help you on your spiritual journey.
Welcome to Lady Dragonfly Apothecary
Hi, my name is Victoria. I am the co-founder of Lady Dragonfly alongside my mom Gryselle. Together we create all-natural soy candles infused with herbs, flowers, and crytals to help the user clean their energy and manifest abundance into their lives.
We’ve always practiced spirituality and mindfulness ever since I was a child. Our shop was birthed from the need to alleviate my own severe anxiety. I found a way to infuse my therapeutic practice with the spiritual practice my mother taught me over the years.
Our intention with our shop is to help heal our customers that are going through their mental health journeys (like I was). We want to help you get one step further to the life you deserve and manifest blessings using our magical candles.
It is when you set your interntion and take action that you begin to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Making intention candles part of your everyday spiritual practice will allow you to stay centered, focused, and granted so that you can move forward in apositive direction of your goals and objectives.
Each candle includes stones that are designed to be used after the candle burns so as to allow you to manifest the life that you desire. In utilizing yje intention candles you will be sending positive messages out into the universe that will assist you in clearing blockages that may be stopping you from achieving your greatness which is your birthright.
May you light your candle and shine it bright for the world to see. May the light of your candle bring you peace, love, jpy, prosperity, harmony, and clarity. Every candle you light ignites a flame that will allow others to light their candles so that the entire world will be illuminated.
Now is your time to light the candles that will bring you bliss and abundance so that you can share your bounty with others thus lighting the path to making the world a better place. Set Your Intention!!! NAMASTE!!!
Through the spiritual awakening process I have come to realize that regardless of any set backs you may experience it is imperative to keep climbing and understanding that if GOD brought you to it then GOD will bring you through it. OVer the last few months I have run into obstacles as my way of doing things has been called into question. When this first occurred I was upset and then I sat in meditation and the words I heard were keep climbing. As I came out of the meditation I began to better grasp the idea that not everyone is going to agree with you and not everyone is going to accept your offer of help. In our spiritual journey to enhance our personal, professional, and spiritual life by being of service and value we are going to encounter people who may be classified as doubters, haters, and naysayers. It is okay that these people exist for it reminds us to keep climbing despite what others may be saying about us. In the spiritual awakening process I have learned that there will be those who complain or don’t approve of what youa re doing and that is okay for if you are following your heart and living your life on purpose as GOD has intended you to live your life then you are doing the right thing. One of the four agreements is to not take things personally and this is difficult as many things peoplem say and do can be hurtful but if we simply remember that most times it has nothing to do with us we can keep climbing and move in a positive direction of our goals and objectives. All we can do as we walk in our truth and continue on our spiritual path is to keep climbing and follow our heart realizing that what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve. Now is the time to keep climbing and to change your life.
As you continue to make your climb toward ascention you will seek to tap into your innerdivinity so that you can use your talents for good thus allowing you to change your life. In continuing to climb you will find yourself eliminating that which no longer serves you and as a result you will begin to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. I have begun to realize that it is important to go to places where you are celebrated instead of tolerated and to keep climbing by surrounding yourself with people who encourage you and lift you. Now is your time to keep climbing and to become a champion of your life.
In my life aI have been knocked down a few times but each time I have gotten back up and come back stronger than before. It has taken time to embrace the spiritual awakening process and to understand that GOD wants you be a champion so that you can shine your light and illuminate the world. It is when you continue to climb that eventually you reach the summit and the view from the top is amazing and as you stand at the top and take in the beauty of your accomplishments it is important to remember that there is still climbing to do as you work toward making your life and the lives of others better. Now is your time to keep climbing and not to give up.
In today’s world that can seem a bit crazy at times it is neccessary to not give up and to keep climbing. In order to keep climbing you may want to turn off the negativity that seems to be permeating social media and main stream media and to tune into that which is creating positivism in your life. At the end of the day if youc an say yes to these twom questions, did I live my life in joy and did my life bring joy to others you will have had a good day thus you will be able to keep climbing. To keep climbing you will want to set and write down your goals so that they are insight thus they will be inflight and when yu achieve the goals you can move on to other goals for life is fluid and ever changing. It is your time to be an action taker and to keep climbing so as to make a positive difference in this world. Nkw is your time to burn bright and to keep climbing.
May you light shine bringht while you are climbing that you inspire others. Namaste!!!
In today’s world where things seem to be crazy and mixed up and you are left wondering where do I fit in and what role do I play it is imperative to find your way and to tap into your inner divinity. The last few weeks have been a learning experience and I had to do some soul searching and remember my way and my why. As I contemplated many things happening in my life I realized that I can only change myself and that I can not change anyone else and I discovered a newer way of doing things as I embraced The Serenity Prayer.
As I began to find my way again I began to become more and more awake spiritually and started to walk in my truth again. As I made cetain decisions I realized that my way is to be of service and value to others. I also realized that though I am able to help many people with my knowledge and abilities not everyone wants my help and that is okay for those that seek my assistance will be brought to me by the universe. I have written many times about when things are not going the way you want them to that a change is inorder and maybe that change is a simple as getting back to being centered, focused, and grounded starting with a the scriptures. In finding your way you will need to seek to surround yourself with people who lift you and support you. It will be imperative for you to tap into your talents to find your way and find the people who appreciate your talents and will utilize them so that everyone benefits. One of the tools that has helped me is in finding bible verses and motivational quotes that resonate with me and thus fuels me to continue on my spiritual journey. One of the teachings that I use to propel me in a positive direction of m y goals and objectives is fruits of spirit.
If you began to digest the fruits of spirit you will begin to expereince more peace, love, joy, and prosperity in your life. In finding your way you will experience people who for whatever reason don’t support your effort or don’t value what you have to offer. When you encounter people like this simply take a deep breathe and move forward walking in your truth for you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others. One way I have found my way is to remember that GOD loves a cheerful giver and that GOD rewards those who use their talents for GOD. If you are to truly find your way you must become an action taker.
As regular visitors to this blog know I am very active with The American Cancer Society and for the last 26 years I have been dedicated to helping those touched by cancer. In my involvement I have implemented many fundraisers and a few years started Beanie Babies For The Cure. The idea was to have people donate their beanie babies and then put the beanie babies out at events and obtatin donations to help create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. A few weeks ago I reached out to some people on Facebook Marketplace and I recived a response from someone. They checked me out and made sure I was legit and then donated 500 Beanie Babies. It turns out that the person’s mom had recently passed away dur to complications from cancer. This experience showed me that my way is effective and that I can do things my way and have success. Yesterday (1/10/2023) I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and a woman was honking her horn at me. At first I thought she was mad at me but it turned out she wanted to give me a donation. She said I am donating on behalf of my finance who had passed away from cancer who was very involved with Relay For Life. Ia sked who it was and it turned out it was aman that I knew. As I finished up collecting I realized that my way is working for me and GOD is bringing people into my life to support my way. Now is your time to find yourself and to find your way.
As you find your way remember to listen to heart for what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve. Take care of yourself and stay on your path today. Namaste!!!
As 2023 is now upon us I am declaring 2023 as a year of progress. Inorder to progress in your personal and professional life you must become an action taker. I have often stated that to make progrees you have to wrote your goal down for if theya re insight they are inflight but if they are out of sight they are out of mind. A prome example of this is that I set a goal to raise $2500 for The 2023 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Plantation and Sunrise and I wrote it down and as of today (1/3/2023) I have raised $1758 and have scheduled a few more fundraisers to get me to exceed this goal. In setting and writing goals you allow yourself to take the steps of progress to reach those goals and thus feel accomplished which in turns allows you stay on a positive path while making a mind, body, and soul connection. It is when you follow your passion and take action that you find success thus progressing forward in your quest to walk in your truth and making a positive impact on others. 2023 is your year to make progress by being of service and value to others for the more people you help get what they want the more you will receive. Inorder to progress you will need to find your calling and make changes so that you can move forward in a positive directions of your goals and objectives. Progress means coming alive and becoming a soul on fire.
If you are to mak progress it is imperative that you stay connected to Jesus, GOD, Spirti, and Source. IT is your time to take action and to become the change you want to see in the world for every step you make along your spiritual path will bring you closer to becoming the best version of yourself that you can be. Today you can complain how tough things are or you can take action to change them. One way to make 2023 The Year Of Progress is to tap into your inner divinity and to discover your talents and then find ways to utilize your talents to bring in income that you can utilize to enhance your personal and professional life. Now is the time to pick yourself up and to remember that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others.
Many times we impede ourselves from progressing as we stay down and we wallow in our troubles when we should be picking ourselves up realizing that if GOD brought us to it GOD will bring us through it. It is when we learn the lessons from being knocked down that we are able to pick ourselves back up and make progress as we grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. REmeber your progrees will come as it is part of GOD’S Plan and God’s plans are far greater than our own. If you are to make 2023 a year of progrees don’t give up.
When you progress and take action you begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. As many of the readers of this blog know a few years ago I launched a project, Beanie Babies For The Cure, to beneft The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Every year I have made progress with this project and in 2023 I am planning to make more progress as I am taking action to secure more beanie babies and to find more evnts to sell them at with 100% of the money being used to fund research, education, advocacy, and services/ I share this with you to encourage you to take steps to make 2023 a year of progress for with the right action coupled witn the proper mind set you will find that you have more bliss and abundance in your life. The greatest feeling is the feeling of achievemnent when you realize that the steps you have taken toward progress have come to fruition and improved your life and the lives of others.
2023 is your year in which progrees will be made as you continue to put forth the effort to improve your quality lof life so that you may inspire and empower others through your work. Each day of 2023 will be a day in which you will make progress by remebering that what the mind can conceive, and the heart can believe, you can achieve. It is your season to make progress as all the tools and resources you seek are being give to you by GOD. This is your year to make progress. Namaste!!!
As you awaken spiritually and tap into your inner divinity you will begin to see how important it is to go your own way on your path as you are being led by GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels. In going your own way you will grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. As you go your own way you will encounter doubters, naysayeers, and haters. When you encounter these people simply take a deep breathe and move on about your tasks knowing that you are being of service and value to others by going your own way. It is time for you to step into your power and go your own way as you continue to live a purpose driven life. It is your time to shine by putting your passion into action so that you will find success. As you go your own way remember that you are a divine child of GOD and that you were born for this.
As you go your own way it is important to know when to speak up and when to stay quiet. In the spiritual awakening process you will discover your purpose and as you follow that purpose you will fins that you attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. As you work on living your life on purpose and going your own way remember that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others. One thing that will help you to go your own way is to embrace The Serenity Prayer.
In going your own way realize that the only real changes you can make are changes to yourself. One tool that can assist you in making changes so that you can go your own way is to look at the past and things you did and the outcomes and then begin to eliminate the negative behaviors that created blockages and that may be stopping you from creating bliss and abundance in your life. You may feel you are out here on your own when you go your own way but remember that you are being guided by GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels. It is important to know that GOD will not give you anything that you can not handle and if GOD brought you to it then GOD will bring you through it.
As you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually you may find that you feel that you are out here on your own. When you get that feeling take solace in the fact that GOD, Jesus, Source, and Spirit are here with you to aid you in your quest to become the best version of yourself. As you go your own way you will encounter many trials and tribulations however it is when you face everything and rise that you become stronger.
It is when you go your own way and take action that you begin to manifest all the resources needed to create the life that you desire. In many cases as you continue on your spiritual journey you will find that you need to remove that which no longer serves you so that you can make room for that which will enhance your life and the lives of others. At the end of the day when you can look at what you did and say I did it my way and as a result I am a better person because of it your life will have meaning and purpose.
When you go your own way and do it your way you will be able to find the illumination that you are seeking as you live you life in joy and bring joy to others. It is going your own way that you expand your spirituality and that you make a positive impact on the lives of those you come in contact with through out your journey. It is through going your own way that you will find your calling and beable to become the change you want to see in this world. It is your season to excel by going your own way. In going your own way make sure yiu take the path less traveled by as you continue in your spiritual growth. It is time to go your own way and to blaze a trail that empowers and inspires others to go their our way leaving the community better that they found it. It is your time to shine your light bright and to illuminate the world by becoming an action taker and going your own way. Namaste!!!
Spiritual Awakening: Kindness The Special Ingredient!!!
Imagine as you awaken spiritually that you are baking a spiritual cake and seeking a special ingredient. That special ingredient becomes part of a the cake and people bite into it and then start to commit random acts of kindness thus improving the quality of life in their community. In a time where people seem to be consumed with themselves and new outlets are leading with stories of meanness it is now important to inject the special ingredient that I call kindness. Kindness can help you to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually while allowing you to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. In becoming an action taker and making kindness a special ingredient you will find that many times you vibrate at a higher level thus attracting the necessary ressources needed to bring bliss and abundance into your life. As I sat down to write this blog today (12/13/2022) I consulted with the ascended masters and the message that I kept hearing was in a world where you can be anything be kind. As tough as the trials and tribulations that you may be facing things get better when you add that special ingredient known as kindness.
It is through kindness that you begin to feel better. In the bible we learn of the importance of being humble and kind and are reminded that GOD loves a cheerful giver. In being kind we release some positive endorphis that allow us to move forward in a positive direction of our dreams. In today’s world where many things see to be out of control the one thing we can control is how we treat people and the best way to treat people is with kindness. It is through kindness that we create a positive paradigm shift where people make eachothers lives a bit better.
As we tap into our inner divinity and release kindness into the world we not only change the lives of others but we change our life as we become more grateful for what we have and not worrying what we don’t have. We all have something we can contribute to add to the special ingredient known as kindness. In this the season of giving take a look at what you can do to give the special ingredient of kindness. Many times all it takes to make kindness a priority and a special ingredient in your life is to be grateful and thankful and then to pay it forward.
During the holiday season and beyond see how you can add that speciaal ingredient kindness to your life and the lives of others. Maybe you have an extra loaf of bread, or a pie you aren’t going to eat or some clothes that you no longer wear or a gift card that you aren’t going to use that you can give to someone that you know that can benefit from a gift given with kindness. Now is the time to add kindness as your special ingredient as you continue on your spiritual path. It is through kindness that we improve the world one act at a time.
May kindess fill your day and allow you to create the life that you desire. Remember that when kindness is your special ingredient that everything is better for our kindness can change the day for someone who was having a troubling time and simply need to be given a dose of kindness. Kindness is that special ingredient that will make you stronger.
It is through kindness that we will change the trajectory of the path that we are on and thus we will improve our community one kind deed at a time. Ons smal act of kindness can change someone’s life.
Each time I hear the story about the cab driver I am reminded that it is by being kind that our life is enhanced. As we get in touch with our spirituality we realize just how important our kindness can be as kindness brings hope. Through kindness we plant the seeds that can help people to remove blocakages so that they can reach their full potential. It is through kindess that lives are changed and that the world is made to be a better place. Please share your acts of kindness so as to inspire others to make kindness a special ingredient.
If you find youself in a position to do an act of kindness take the time to add that special ingredient know as kindness to someone as you neve know the positive impact that you may have on someone’s life. Lokk for ways to be kind. Stay Positive. Namaste.
Spiritual Awakening: Carry The Holiday Spirit Forward!!!
Since I was very young I always pondered what would occur if we were filled with the holiday spirit all year long? As I started to write this blog entry tonight (12/6/2022) I was taken back to Christmas and Hanukah when my MOM was still living and I remembered how she made the holidays great. It wasn’t always about the presents though she always spoiled me but it was about the time spent with family and friends and the ways we would help others. My MOM was called home to GOD on July 5, 2012 and this is the 10th year without her. I miss her but I carry the spirit of the her and the holidays forward with me in an effort to find ways to be of service and value to others. No is the time to draw from the past so we can plan for the future while living in the present. Now is the time to become action takers and to allow that action to move you forward into the new year (2023) so that you can attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life and help to empower and inspire others. No is the season to tap into your inner divity and utilize the gifts that you have to brighten the world daily. It is your chance to move the spirit of the holidays forward so that you awaken to your truth and so that you awaken and walk in your truth. It is your time to answer your calling and become the change you want to see in the world. Many times all it takes is doing something for someone else without expectation of return to shine your light so bright that you become a beacon of hope so that more people will move the spirit of the holidays forward.
When I began to look into Kwanzaa I found these 7 pillars which I immediately though wow what if we did this year round?
Umoja (Unity) To strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race. …
Kujichagulia (Self-Determination) …
Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility) …
Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics) …
Nia (Purpose) …
Kuumba (Creativity) …
Imani (Faith)
As I researched some Christmas Values I found this
Strengthen their Faith. Jesus is the reason for the season. …
Inspire them to Hope. Inspire our children to dream, to wish, to hope for greater things in life. …
Celebrate Love. …
Bond as a Family. …
Value Simplicity. …
Spread Christmas Joy thru Sharing. …
Be Grateful.
As I delved deeper into Hanukah I found this
8 Core Values of Hanukkah That Are Super Relevant Right Now
Leadership. …
Freedom. …
Hope. …
Light: This one may be a bit obvious, but increasing light in a dark time can enhance our joy and happiness. …
Community. …
Giving. …
Resilience. …
As I looked at all 3 major holidays represented at this time of the year in The United States of America I began to realize that we are more alike than different. I began to realize that we are all divine children of GOD who bring a purpose with us whereever we go. It is upto us to move the spirit of the holidays forward and recognize that GOD wants us to prosper so that we can propser others. Imagine if you would 365 days where everyone would share their abundance with others.
It is when I sat in reflection and and meditation that I found the importance of moving the spirit of the holidays forward. The main reaso is that you are spreading a message of hope and healing for a world that so desperately needs people to start caring about one another. As the holidays are upon us and we find ourselves in a giving remember that GOD Loves A Cheerful Giver. If you can take this belief and move it forward after the holidays I know that your personal, professional, anmd spiritual life will be improved.
Now is your season to put a little love in your heart and to move the spirit of the holidays forward. Each day find some way to be of service to others and put your actions into a journal so that when things seem tough you can look at how your actions are changing lives as you continue to make compassion and kindness priorities in all that you do. It is now time to see the good that is around us and find ways to make that goodness part of our daily life.
We have the power to embrace the spirit of the holidays and come together long after the memories of this holiday season are gone. May your holidays and all of 2023 be filled with bliss.
As you embrace the spiritual awakening process one key component is to come from a position of gratitude. As you begin each day think about what you are grateful for and write those things down in a gratitude journal. Through out show gratitude to others with a simple thank you. It is amazing what happens when you start to play the gratitude game. Once you start to show gratitude you open up channels to recieve more peace, love, joy, and abundance into your life so that you can shine your light and illuminate the world. It is amazing what a handwritten thank you note can do or giving some one a small token of appreciation. In all of your roles that you have look at the ways you are showing gratitude.
When you take time to take action and say thank you your vibrations are high and you begin to attract the people and the resources needed to have successes in all things that you. Look at the way you are showing positive energy in all that you do as you express gratitude. I remember giving a thank you card to the staff at a Starbucks for helping me on a regular basis and for supporting different endeavors that I am involved with. Their reaction was amazing and you could see a shift in how they went about helping other customers. Many times it is as simple as just saying thank you I appreciate what you did today. It is proven that when people feel appreciated they will perform better and make a positive difference in peoples lives and that they are more likely to be of service and value to others. Now is your time to assume an attitude of gratitude and find ways to show gratitude so as to bring more bliss and abundance into your life.
When was the last time you thanked someome for being a friend and supporting your efforts? It is through playing the gratitude game that you change the paradigm of your life as you will begin to attract all that is needed to manifest the life you desire. One great way to show gratitude is to simple make up some small cards that say thank you. You can hand these cards out to just about anyone be it the cashier at Publix the waitress at a restaurant, the mailman, a polic officer, a firefighter, or anyone who has been of service and value to you. As you may be aware I was in the hospital from May 23-29, 2022. About a month after being in the hospital I took some Beanie Babies over to the hospital to give th the nurses who took care of me and they were amazed that someone would take the time to recognize them. IMagine if we all started to show appreciation to one anoth just how positive our world would be. If we all play the gratitude game we will begin to create more positivism and thus those who may be having a difficult time will be given a ray of hope and see that things improve when you are showing gratitude.
It is when we are grateful that we create a positive power source that allows us to come together so as to improve the quality of life in our community. Now is the season to show gratitude for when people feel appreciated they are more likely to help others. Look at all, the good you have in your life and show gratitude. As you sit in reflection take a moment to show gratitude for what you have and remember that you are a divine child of GOD with gifts and talents to share with the world. It is your time to shine and be grateful for your gifts and talents and to use them for the betterment of the world. Today is the day that the lord hath made so be thankful and rejoice in it.
The other day I found my self walking from one bank to another and as I walked over the bridge I stopped to look around and appreciate the nature that GOD had made and this changed my entire attitude. As a result of stopping to play the gratitude game I was able to make a positive shift and have a positive day. It is through gratitude that we increase our altitude and thus we can reach heights that we never imagined. As you show gratitude allow GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels to guide you and direct you on your spiritual path so that others will show gratitude as well.
As you go through the spiritual awakening process you will find that you reflect on your life which gives you insight into the lessons learnes thus opening up channels that will provide you opportunities to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. It is important to remember as you reflect and look at your life that you are in the exact place that GOD has intended you be in. As we mark time and reflect on where we were we gain clarity as to why we are here and where we are going. Many times we face trials and tribulations so that we can overcome challenges and become stronger so that we can continue to be of service and value to others. Now is a time to reflect so that you can gain knowlwedge so as to evolve spiritually as you move forward in a positive direction of your goals and objections.
When we reflect on the past we are able to heal the blockages that may be stopping us from stepping into our power and creating the greatness which is our birthright. When we find the root causes of what is creating stagnation in our life we are able to use the lessons to manifest a more positive outcome. The key is to take a look at the person in the mirror and decide to make the changes you want to so that you can bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life.
It is when we take a deep look iside of ourselves that we are able to tap into our inner divinity and change the way we do things which then in return allows us to bring bliss and abundance into our lives. Now is the time to reflect and peel back the onion so as to be true to yourselves. It all begins with and awareness that we have a purpose in this world and that many times inorder to meet that purpose we need to make changes. When we change the way we look at things and we embrace the teachings that are involved in the events that are happening aroun us we gain clarity and therefore we can walk in out truth with a clear vision of the change we will make in the world. We all have amazing talents that when they are used for good we are rewarded. Many times it is as simple of becoming an action taker and following your heart remembering what the mind can conceive and the heart can beleive you can achieve. It is when we take action and detach from outcomes that we are able to build on what is working from us and learn from that which is not serving us. In reflection we can declutter and remove things that no longer serve us and make room for that which will allow us to create the life that we desire.
So many times we get caught up in wanting to please others we lose sight of who we are. When we begin to be true to ourselves and allow our reflections to show our true essence we begin to attract all the resources that will allow us to be proud of opur reflection and the person we are becoming. Though we may not be able to change the past we can learn from it so we can make a better future. Take a moment to reflect on where you were and use the lessons to live in the present so you can plan for the future. As you reflect remember that the times are a changing and you can change with them and become the psoitive change that you want to see in this world.
Now is your time to make a change and to become a positive force in the world. It is your time to shine your light and reflect positisivism so that you can illuminate the world. Now is your opportunity to come from a place of abundance and make a difference that will positive impact your life and the lives of others. Now is the time to take the lessons and messages from reflection and to take action that will enhance your spiritual journey. May you hold on to what is good and allow it to serve you in your quest to be the best version of yourself. May you let go of that which nolonger serves you so that you can continue to make a mind, body, soul connection that will propel you to achieve the goals and objectives that you have set for yourself after reflection. Stay Positive Today!!! Namaste!!!
As I prepare for POINTS FOR THE CURE FOOTBALL EDITION to benefit The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Plantation and Sunrise which will be held from 10/27-31/2022 I am reminded through the spiritual awakening process just why I continue to mark special days. As those of you who read this blog on a regular basis are aware my mother was called home to GOD on July 5, 2012 after suffering a massive heart attack after battling non-operable metastatic lung cancer. My mom’s birthday is October 30 and she loved Halloween so to honor her I do a few fundraisers for The American Cancer Society in October. I do this as a result of a message I received years ago while searching for ways to make a positive impact on the lives of others. The message I recived from GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels was to mark special days bu following your passion and taking action. Since receiving that message I have worked on making each day count and marking special days with different activities to be of service and value to others. In marking these special days I have found that it is important to be an action taker and to embrace the spiritual awakening process so as to answer your calling and become the change you want to see in the world. It is your time to come alive and to shine your light bright for the world to see so that communities are illuminated by your actions to mark special days. The feelings that you ve when marking special days will run the gamet of the entire emotional spectrum making you understand that you are a strong powerful person able to make a difference in the world simply by taking action to deliver a message that is filled with hope and healing so that others will understand that they are divine children of GOD and that GOD wants them to prosper so they can prosper others.
The photo is of my mother and it reminds me to mark the special days and to make sure that I understand that today is the day the lord hath made so be glad and rejoice in it. In awakening spiritually and marking special days we begin to open up the channels that lead to peace, love, joy, aand prosperity. One way to make sure that you are marking special days is to make sure that you can answer yes to these two questions, Did I live my life in joy today? Did I bring joy to others today? If you can say yes to those two questions you will have had a good day. Thinhs are going to happen that we feel that we can not control so it is best to continue to live our life on purpose walking in our truth and marking special days. There are going to be many issues that come up that may try to take you off your spiritual path. When those issues arise take a deep breath and remind yourself the importance of marking the special day and that what you are doing is positively impacting your life and the lives of others. Do not allow that which you can not control stop you from moving forward in your effort to make a positive impact while marking special days and remember each day is special. Yesterday is gone and tommorow is not promised so it is important to live in the present known as today and to mark special days.
Today is your special day to continue on your spiritual path so as to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Today is a day to be guided by GOD and to heed the messages that are being sent to you so that you can mark this day as special. There will be challenges but remember GOD doesn’t give you more than you can handle. Today is your day to surround yourself with positivism so that you can move foward in a positive direction of your goals and objectives. Sometime it is difficult for us to mark special days due to all the crazy mixed up world that we are living in today but remember that life is about to get good.
Many time what we perceive to be bad is actually good as the negative events are allowing us to be grateful for the good events and thus we are able to mark the day as a special day. It is when we put forth a positive attitude and commit to making the day special that we begin to experience bliss and abundance.
When you have a heart that is healthy and filled with love and gratitude you can enhance the spiritual awakening process as you can tap into your inner divinity and gain clarity of your purpose. Many times GOD will send you harsh messages to give you a wake up call so that you can make the mind, body, soul connection. My wake up call came in the form of a 6 day hospital stay and some medical challenges. I am pleased to say that I headed GOD’S message and have begun to take better care of myself. As a result I find myself having more peace, love, joy, and prosperity in my personal, professional, and spiritual life. I share my journey with you so as to hopefully inspire you to continue on your spiritual journey and to heed the messages that are coming your way. In today’s world whch seems to be crazy and mixed up at times it is important to make sure that you are doing things that come straight from the heart as guided by GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels.
It has been said what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve. This is so true when you have a heart filled with love and gratitude and you are heart centered in all that you do in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. In today’s world that can seem to be out of whack at times it is imperative to stay centered, focused, and grounded so as to be guided by your heart and follow the spiritual path that you have been put on so as to enhance your life and the lives of others. It is when you turn on your heart light that you can begin to illuminate the world.
When you turn on your heart light and tap in to your inner divinity you will find that the thing that used to set you off and create blockages are removed as you have experienced the healing of your heart. The biggest thing to remember is that GOD has a purpose for you and wants you to have a heart that is fully functioning so that you can make a positive impact on the lives of those you come in contact with throiugh out your daily activities. There are going to be times where you will be tested. It is at those times that you dig deep inside and let love fill your heart so that any challenges you face can be overcome. Sometimes we need to simply turn the heartlight on and reset the brightness so that the world can see that we are living a purpose driven life that will empower and inspire other to heal their heart and turn on their heart light. It is time to set your healed heart on fire and to create an inferno that will bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life and into the lives of others.
Once you heal your heart and eliminate the negative feelings you can set your soul on fire and create an inferno that will be filled with hope and healing. It is important to heal your heart and find your why so that you can be the spark of imspiration for others to see. One great way to heal your heart is to take a walk in nature and to look at the great creations around you so that you can attract bliss and abundance into your life and into the lives of others. Other ways to heal your heart is to forgive yourself and others for actions that have held you back from stepping into your power and achieving the greatness that is your birthright. I have found another way to heal your heart is to recite The Lord’s Prayer Daily.
It is when we are aligned with GOD that we are able to heal our heart and fill the world with love. Now is the time to seek ways to be of service and value to others for GOD loves a cheerful giver and when you give from a healed heart your ability to make the mind, body, soul connection increases. It is through GOD that all things are possible. When seeking to heal your heart use the bible (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) to guide you to move you forward in a positive direction of your dreams.
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
As you experience a spiritual awakening you will find moments that you feel alone and this is okay as the feeling will pass as you tap into your inner divinity and converse with GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels. On August 15, 2022 I had Pilonidal Cyst and Fitsula Removal Surgery. After being dropped off at my condo I felt a tinge of lonliness but I sat in meditation and when I came out of the mediation the clock read 4:44 meaning you are surrounded by angels. It was at this time that I realized that GOD is with me and will guide me in the recovery process. In the three weeks since my surgery I have had a lot of support from people sending well wishes and prayers making me realize that I am not alone and that I can get through the recovery process and beging to heal so that I can continue to be of service and value to others. I have also come to understand that despite some physical limitations I can still be an action taker and serve as someone who inspires and empowers others by answer my calling and making changes to move forward in a positive direction of my goals and objectives. I have also come to grips with the idea that it is okay to be alone and to do your own thing as you come alive and continue on a journey to show people that service to humanity is the best work of life. I have come to appreciate the alone time knowing that I have been given thos time to continue on my mission to help other people excel. I have embraced the fact that sometimes what we view as a setback is actually a set up for something bigger and better in our lives. Many times we allow the negative feelings to consume us and thus they create blocakages for us and stop us from walking in our truth and achieving the greatness which is our birthright. When we find the negativity pervading our thoughts and actions we must step back and detach from that emotional state and find something to flip the script so as to get back on a positive path. Once we realize that we never walk alone and that GOD never gives us more than we can handle we begin to turn things around.
As I reflected back on Labor Days gonme by I remembered all the years of participating as a volunteer with The Muscular Dystrophy Association and the many time I watched The MDA Telethon and at the end felt a sense of purpose as Jerry Lewis sang You Will Never Walk Alone. This had me thinking that there are times we may be by ourselves but we are not alone as we have many people thinking about us and praying for us as we continue on our spiritual journey. It is important to look around us and realize that we are not alone that there are many caring people here on earth watching out for us and that we have many angels in heaven guidiing us so that we can continue to shine our light and illuminate the world. In the last three weeks when I have felt alone I have jumped on social media simply to post an update and the support I have received has helped me to maintain a positive attitude.
When you have GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels on your side you are never alone. Despite losing friend and loved ones and felling alone you cam find comfort in the fact that the people GOD called home are always with you as you keep them in your heart and know you can call on them at any time. On Saturday (9/3/2022) I was announcing youth football and a yellow butterfly kept flying by the press box which reminded me that I am not alone as I imediately though that it was my mom checking in on me as she loved the color yellow and butterflies. A few times as I have sat in reflection over the last three weeks I have recived a message that I am proud of you and everything will be okay. I think thos was my MOM telling me that I am not alone.
Let Psalm 23 remind you that when you walk with GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels that you are not alone. It is your season to realize that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD want you to propser so that you can propser others. Walk together in faith.
Today (8/8/2022) the world lost an icon in the music industry as Olivia Newton John was called home to GOD after batlling breast cancer. Through the years Olivia Newton John taught us all how important it is is to live each day with grace and gratitude. Through out the spiritual awakening process you will find that grace and gratitude are key components needed to improve your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Now is the time to ask yourself how and I carrying myself with grace and how am I showing gratitude. Are you showing gratitude toward those who are supporting you and lifting you. The other day I stopped by Westside Hospital to tahnk the nurses who had taken care of me during my stay there from May 23-29, 2022. I gave them beanie babies as a token of my appreciation and they thanked me. I left that visit and thanked GOD for the opportunity to show appreciation and for the wake up call he gave me. I am grateful for all my doctors who are helping me to get on a path to wellness and who are continuing to assist me in taking the necessary steps to stay on a path to wellness. I have several medical issues however I am grateful for each day that I have and I have come to realize that each day is a day that the lord hath made so I should be glad and rejoice in it. One way to live in grace and gratitude is to let go and let GOD!!!
In letting go and letting GOD you will find yourself vibrating at a higher level so that you can attract the resource that you seek to bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. In letting go and letting go you will find that you are better able to make grace and gratitude priorities in your daily life. In taking the lessons that we learned from Olivia Newton John we are able to stay on our spiritual path and thus we can be of service and value to others. Olivia Newton John showed a great deal of grace as she battled breast cancer and never gave in to and fought a valiant fight while expressing gratitude to her family, friends, and fans. Olivia Newton John’s memory will serve as a reminder to be graceful and grateful in all you do so you can leave a legacy that will inspire and empower others simply by staying in the now and showing gratitude.
Yesterday is gone and tomoorow may not come so today is the present so live in the now and make a positive impact on the people you come in connect with by embracing the power of now. Remember that things do not happen to us they happen for us so be grateful for what is happening as they are happening for a reason. Remember GOD doesn’t give us anything that we can not handle so be grateful for what GOD is giving you. It is your season to show grace and gratitude.
As you continue on your spiritual path take a moment to write down what you are grateful for in your life. One of the courses I took with Coach Shantel Smith recommended to keep a gratitude journal which has proven to be a great tool in staying centered, focused, and grounded so that I can continue to get better so that I can help others. Look for ways to show appreciation. It can be a s simple as writing a personal thank you card to someone. A few years ago I gave thank you card tot he staff at Starbucks and they all seemed to perk up a bit after that. On my last trip to the cardiologist I gave them a Valentina Beanie Baby and they put it at the front desk. I gave my dentist office staff one of the Terrel Davis Beanie Babies and they all liked it. I also gave them the gaiters from Memorial Healtcare System. As a result of showing gratitude I have found that people treat me a bit better. I have come to understand through the spiritual awakening process that being grateful goes a long way in growing personally, professionally, and spiritually.
I want to take this time to say thank you to all those who continue to lift me up and send me well wishes and prayers. I want to thank those who have believed in me and have utilized my services as a PA Announcer, An Emcee, Voice Over Person,and Business Coach. Say Thank You Today!!! Namaste!!!
As you awaken spiritually and realize that you are a divine child of GOD and that GOD doesn’t make any junk you will find that you become a hero to yourself and thus you can grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. As you put yourself out there remember that there will always be critics and some will be more expressive than others. Some will be downright negative and try to justify their comments by saying I am entitled to my opinion. I say yes you are however be aware that in taking action to express your opion that your words have impact. I have come to realize through the spiritual awakening process how important it is to be your own hero and to take action to answer your calling so that you can be the best version of yourself as you continue to evolve on your your spiritual journey. As you come alive and continue to live a purpose driven life by serving your community and detaching from outcomes you will find that you attract more peace, love, joy, and propserity into your life.
It is when we let go and trust the promise that GOD delivers something bigger and better to us. When we let go of the paste and become our own hero we put forward the message tahtw e are ready to follow GOD’S Plan for GOD’S Plan is far greater than our own plan. It is important to realize that GOD is giving you messages so that you can become your own hero and prosper so that you can prosper others. It is time for you to tap into your inner divinity and become your own hero.
Sometimes by being your own hero you will be pleasantly surprised by what others will do for you. I was at Doris Market on my birthday (8/2) and I mentioned to the gentleman who was helping me at the seafood counter that it was my birthday. As I was going to check out a lady said I overheard it was your birthday and as I went to pay she told the cashier that she wanted to pay for my stuff. I thanked her and then I thanked GOD for putting this person in my life at that moment. In being a hero to myself and making beter choices I was rewarded as GOD must of seen me taking action to be good to myself so that I could be of service and value to others. We all have a hero inside of us and now is our season to become our own hero so that we can unleash our inner hero into the world so that we can think globally and act locally thus creating a mind, body, soul connection that will allow us to continue to live our life in joy and to bring joy to others. It is your time to be a a hero to yourself.
If you are to be your own hero you will need to step into your power and begin to remind yourself that you are a strong powerful person capable of doing great things. Sometime it is the smallest gesture that can make you a hero. Think about ways you can be your own hero so that you can use that inner hero to help other people. It is when we show people that service to humanity is the best work of life that we become our own hero and thus we have a better feeling about ourself. It is when we look good and feel good that we can do good therefore we are able to vibrate at a high level and attract the resources that are desired to make a positibve impact on our lives and on the lives of others. It is in know that you are hero that you can inpire and empower others to be their own heroes. Remember GOD knows youa re already a hero and will not put anything on your plate that you can not handle.
Remind yourself that you are a hero and that you have a purpose. The day you find your purpose and beging to take action to live life according to that pupose will be the day that you activate your inner hero and continue to move in a positive direction toward your goals and objectives that GOD has laid out for you. If you are having trouble finding your inner hero sit in meditation and ask GOD to help you become your own hero and GOD will provide the answers that you seek as you stay connected. Namaste!!!
Make A Positive Impact In The Lives Of Those Touched By Cancer
Spiritual Awakening:Light It Up!!!
In a world that seems so dark at times with the news media covering so many negative occurances it is time to light up the world and to be come a beacon of hope for others to see. I have seen so many good deeds being performed as people start to awaken spiritually and realize that being of service and value is a priority. I have often stated the bible vers that GOD loves a cheerful giver. Giving and being a shining light for others to see is not always about donating money many times it can be about donating items that you have that you no longer use or giving of your time to volunteer at activities. There are many ways for you to shime your light and illuminate the world. Many tines it can be as simple as just taking time to listen to someone and help them in their time of need by being an encouraging listener. In taking action to become a bright light for others to follow you will find that you bengin to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. In helping others you will find that you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually and as a result your mental and pysichal well being will improve. I have found that when I seek to be a light and ask GOD, Jessus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels for guidance that I am able to alleviate the darkness that was creating blockages that were stopping me from walking in my truth and becoming a better version of myself. Through the spiritual awakening process you will be able to find your purpose and answer your calling by making positive changes that lead to you becoming a light to lead the way for others. In becoming a light and coming out of the dark you will see that you come alive and detach from outcomes by simply knowing you are doing the best you can with the tools you have at this time just as GOD had planned.
As a spiritual being you will face challenges for it is through overcoming challenges that you can face everything and rise so that you become a light that passes the torch to others so they too can illuminate the world. Sometimes it is in our darkest hour that we have the greatest breakthrough as we seek to go into the light and shine so bright that others are empowered and inspired by us. Instead of buying into the doom and gloom that is being spouted in the media step into your light and find ways that you can positively impact your life and the lives of others. in many cases it can bea simple act of giving books to friends of the library so that you gibve a gift of reading to others. Instead of getting into political debates think of ways you can think globally and act locally soi that everyome benefits. Walk in the ligh and good things will happen.
When you walk in the light you will realize that all things are possible as GOD will provide the resources needed for you to step into your power and achieve greatness. Instead of being consumed by negativity take steps to walk in the light and create more harmony, bliss, and abundance in your life. Remember that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to propser so you can propser others. Remeber that when you help to light a candle your light dioesn’t dim it is strengthened because now there are two candles light the way for others to see a path toward personal and spiritual development. It is when you believ that you are a light that you can make a mind, body, soul, connection.
It is through believing in yourself and being guided by GOD that you will light up the world and make changes by spreading positivism one person at a time. Look for ways to brighten some one’s day and make a not of the feeling you had and try to duplicate your actions so that you can lift others for in lifting others you will be rewarded.
This is your season to be the light of the world and to light up your community by finding ways to make a positive difference. You have an opportunity to be the change you want to see in the world by taking action to change the things you can accept the things you can not and havingthe wisdom to know the difference.
Now is your time to light up someone’s life. Stay Positive!!!
Today (7/26/2022) I had my endocronologist follow up appointment due to me having Type II Diabetes which I had neglected when I was 1st diagnosed a few years ago because I was afriad of what the doctor would tell me. After a 6 day stay in the hospital from May 23-29, 2022 I decided that it was time to take action and that waiting was no longer an option. This was a wake-up call of sorts as I have come to realize that if I am not taking care of myself I will not be able to take care of others. I am pleased to say the appointment went well and I am down 10 lbs to 214 from 224 lbs on my last visit. I have been able to modify my eating habits and as a result my blood sugar level has been in the range that the endocronologist wants it in. I go back in 3 months for another follow up. I have come to realize that by taking action that I can get healthier. In taking action I can also share my story and hopefully encourage others to get checked while they overcome their fears of seeing the doctor. The Type II Diabetes is one of many medical challenges I am facing which I am taking care of as I have come to recognize that part of the spiritual awakening process includes being aware of your body and doing what you can to stay on a path to wellness. The point I am making is that one should not wait to be healthy that you should make health and wellness part of your daily routine. I ahve come to understand that when you look good and feel good you can do good. The idea of releasing weight had been on mind for years but I talked about it and never really acted upon it until I was hospitalized for 6 days then I decided to commit to making changes so that I can help others to awaken while I strengthen myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. It was in listening to GOD that I decided to finally take care of myslef and to do the things needed to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. It was time for me to face the truth and to believe in myself and to take action so that I can move forward in a positive direction of my dreams and goals. Through all my medical challenges I have learned that help is on the way.
In accepting that help is on the way I am able to become more and more aware and awake. In seeking help I have realized that there is no waiting to make the connection with GOD as GOD will send you messages and guide you so that you can walk in your truth and be the best version of yourself that you can be. Over the last 3 months I have made a decision that instead of forgetting everything and running that I will face everything and rise. It may take some time to remove blockages that have held me back however I no realize that when it comes to health and wellness and being of service and value to others you must take care of yourself first. Now is your time to stop waiting and to rise.
Many times when things seem the darkest and you want to wait that is the time to take action and allow things to play out as GOD has intended. Make today a day where you rise about that which was holiding you back so that you can thrive and begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Don’t hesitate to take care of yourself for when you tak action to stay well you can face all challenges that come your way. I learned the hard way as I didn’t see doctors for many years and kept saying to myself I will be okay only to find out that I was creating more issues that have now manifested themselves which I am taking care of however now. I hope that this entry will stop you from waiting and encourage you to take care of yourself. I encourage you to make each day count and to make sure you are not waiting to take care of important things in your life. As you stop playing the waiting game remember that this is the day that the lord hath made so be glad and rejoice in it. As you continue on hyour spiritual path and creating a life filled with bliss and abundance remember to take it one day at a time. Namaste!!!
As I was cleaning up my condo and throwing the things that no longer serve me away I began to think of how important it is to throw that which no longer serves away you. Through the spiritual awakening process you will find it easier to throw away what I call trash like items that are old, people who don’t make you feel good, activities that trigger negativity, haters, doubters, naysayers, things that are not good for you. The other day I bought what I thought was a healthy choice for bread as I purchased Italian Hoagie Rolls. After reading about them and speaking to a friend I threw them away as they are filled with carbohydrates that turn into sugar and thus negatively impacts my Type 2 Diabetes. As I threw them away I made a commitment to not eat bread for a while. In making the decision to not eat bread I came to realize that sometimes you simply have to throw away the foods that no longer serve you. In my journey to become healthier and throw that which no longer serves me I have become an action taker which has led me to feeling better about myself which has improved my personal, professional, and spiritual life. I encourage you to take action to remove the blockages in your life that are preventing you from attracting peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your daily activities. As you throw things away you will find that you are becoming more centered, focused, and grounded for you are clearing the way for GOD to deliver better things to you. In answer the call the make changes you will find that you came alive and that youa re able to better serve the commiunity. As a result of throwing it away you will find yourself detaching from outcomes and thus you will will be able to move easier toward your goals and objectives. It is when we let go and let GOD guide us that we are able to create the life that we desire.
As I was throwing away some of my old shirts from events and organizations that I have been part a part of that created some memorable times I took pictures and posted to social media so I would have a record of them so that I could use them as a reminder to help me to stay motivated so that I cna continue to be of service and value to others. As I continue on my spiritual path I have learned that I need to throw away certain thoughts I had and start to take care of myself. I used to avoid doctors as I was fearful of what they would tell me but now I understand the importnace of seeing the doctors and dealing with things head on so they do not get worse. I used to think seeing a counselor or a psychologist was a sign of weakness which was garbage thinking because there is nothing wrong in seeking help. In the last 2 months I have learned to to throw away the negative mindset and to stay more positive and to go from limitting beliefs to limitless beliefs. As you continue to waken spiritually remember that by throwing away that which is bringing you down you will position yourself to move up. It takes courage to take the steps to throw things away so that you can continue to enhance the mind, body, and soul connection.
In decluttering my condo I have come to realiz that it takes a bit of courage to change for as you move away from that which no longer serves you may be tempted to forget everything and run instead of facing everything and rising. I was so worried about what others might think about me discontinuing some things because the items I had accumulated for fundraising had consumed my cond and made ot look like a warehouse that I was hesistant to stop asking for items and waited to declutter for awhile. When I decided to have the courage to change my mindset about getting my condo in order I began to feel more joy and thus was able to pass my joy onto others. In stead of worry what others would think I started to just clean and find ways to shrink the inventory of items I had accumulated thus crreating an enviroment that allows me to thrive. When you can throw away the physical and mental things that stop you from thriving you can make changes that allow you to help yourself and others. There is something catharatic about removing that which no longer serves you. If you ahve been hesitating to take steps to unclutter your life take a deep breath and begin now. The experience will bring more bliss and abunance into your life as you will be more spiritually aware and awake and you will get a good feeling for you are making room for better things to come your way. It is through your commitment to throw or give things away that you will attract more bliss and abundance into your life. May you move toward in your quest to throw things away finding more spiritual growth as you declutter and move toward enlightenment today, Namaste!!!
It is written that today is the day that GOD hath made and I will be glad and rejoice in it. Through the spiritual awakening procee you will find that when you are grateful and priase GOD that things happen to help you to create the life that you desire. As you stay connected with GOD, Jesus, Spirit, Source, THe Ascended Masters, and The Angels you will find that you attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life so that you can grow personally, professionally, and spiritually allowing yourself to be of service and value to others. When you jumpstart the day with prayer you will experience bliss and abundance as you are connected which creates the enviroment that allows you to stay focused, centered, and grounded. In your spiritual remember to consult the bible as the bible contatins the basic instructions before leaving earth and by following the lessons you wil find that you jumpstart your day as GOD sees your actions and will provide accordingly.
It is when you follow the word that you are able to attract the resources that will be needed for you to thrive. As you jumpstart your day look for the messages that are being sent to you and become an action taker. In taking action and putting your passion into action you will find success thus allowing you to follow your calling and making the changes you want to see in your life so you can help other people to excel. One great way to jumpstart is to put on the armor of GOD and get ready to to step into your power and achieve greatness which is your birthright.
I remember one day I decided to go out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and I decided that I would jumpstart the collection process by carrying the bible in one hand and the collection cannister in the other. As IO walked into a business a gentleman asked me what I had in my hand and I said The Bible. He said wow you have a great weapon there I definitely need to help you. I then said Thank you and remember GOD Loves A Cheerful Giver. We had a nice discussion and he offered me water and then I went on my way with a new found enthusiasm for what I was doing. It was at that moment I realized that whenm you walk in faith and guided by GOD you will experience favorable outcomes. There will be times when you wonder why you may be experiencing hardships. At those times turn to GOD and the scriptures and jumpstart the day. When you feel yourself getting down and questioning yourself and wondering why things are happening take a breath and take a walk and remind yourself that GOD has you and GOD will never give you more than you can handle. Many times you simply need to seek GOD and get a jumpstart so that GOD can recharge you and light a fire in you so that you can become a beacon of light for others the see and follow. Now is your time to jumpstart your day and become a soul on fire.
It is when you are fueled and recharged with a jumpstart that you are able to share your message and to find people who will resonate with you so you can find success in all you do. It is when we have the mind,body, and soul in allignment due to a jumpstart that we have the capacity to walk in our truth and be a shining light that illuminates the worls one person at a time. It is through a jumpstart that we are able to help others and by helping others get what they want we will get what we want. Many time what we look at as a set back is actually something that will jumpstart us for something that GOD has planned which will be better for us. It is through a jumpstart that we are able to find our way and become the best version of ourselves as GOD has intended. Remember you are a divine child of GOD and GOD does not make any junk so get a jumpstart and begin a new for yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised that is why they call today the present so jumpstart your day and stay connected. It is now the season to allow GOD to move mountains and jumpstart your day to allow for a new begining.
Allow Good to move mountains and give you a jumpstart. Namaste!!!
As you experience a spiritual awakening and go through the process you will find yourself going through changes. Throughout my spiritual journey I have come to understand that changing the way I look at things and the way I react to things changes my attitude and makes for more positive outcomes. Look at what is causing blockages in your personal, professional, and spiritual life and commit to making a change. Sometimes it is as simple as looking at yourself in the mirror and peeling back the onion and being brutally honest with yourself so that you can make changes that will positively impact your life and the lives of others.
It is when we commit to change and start to take action to bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our life that we evolve and move forward in a positive direction of our goals. It is when we start to change our mindset and go from a position of lack to a position of abundance that we are able to be of service and value to others. It is when we stop saying I have to and start saying I get to that we find more bliss and abundance in our life. When we change our beliefs from limiting to limitless we find that what the mind can conceive, the heart can believe, and you can achieve. When we decide to follow through on changes we find ourselves in a better place. One thing to remember is that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD’S plan is far greater than the plan you have for yourself.
When we use our talents for good and let go and let GOD we begin to create a better life for ourselves and others. I have turned to the serenity prayer to make the changes I can accept that which I can’t and to gain the wisdom to know the difference. When we make a change and decide to stay connected to GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels we are able to create favorable outcomes. When we walk in our truth and we are transparent we attract the resources we seek to be successful.
When we decide to walk in our truth and count our blessings instead of our problems we put things in motion that allow us to make a mind, body, soul, connection. One big change to make is to look at how you are communicating to yourself and others. It is when you stop the negative self-talk and start building you will find that you are doing things that you once thought was impossible. When you stop comparing yourself to others and you simply become the best version of yourself you will find more positivism occurring around you.
When you find yourself having negative thoughts about yourself change the words by listening to GOD and heeding GOD’S words as GOD know of the greatness that you have inside of yourself. GOD knows your name and will help you to make changes so that you can face everything and rise instead of forgetting and everything and running. When you show gratitude and praise GOD you will find that you are rewarded in a myriad of ways. Remember that when you make changes and tap into your inner divinity GOD and The Universe will give you tools to continue to help yourself and others to excel. I have seen firsthand what masking changes can do in one’s life as I have started to change the things I focus on and how I approach people about them understanding that my message may not resonate with everyone and that is okay as it is not my job to convince people and that I am simply sharing and those that need my message will accept the message and share it with others that they believe can use the message. In my spiritual journey I have come to realize that it is important to change and evolve so that you can shine your light and illuminate the world as you begin to make changes by thinking globally and acting locally. It is through change that we can make a positive difference while we are here on this earth. Now is the time to look at what needs to be changed in your Life and top make changes and to make a plan that will improve your life so that you can create the life that you desire. It is time to clear negative energy and embrace positivism and understand that all things taht happen for us happen for a reason.
Through the spiritual awakening process I have come to realize that you will face many challenges and it is important that you understand that theses challenges are put in your life to allow you to get back up and be stronger in mind, body, and spirit. As many of you who frequent this blog you know the medical challenges that I have been facing and how I am making changes to get back up. Today (7/18/2022) I visited the colonrectal surgeon and was told I need surgery for The Pilonadil Cyst and The Fitsula and it could take 6-8 weeks to heal. If I get clearnce from Primary Care Physician, Endochronologist, and Cardiologist I am scheduled to have the Surgery on August 15. All I could think about as I arrived home is how I am going to get back up so I can honor my commitment to announce fot The Cardinal Gibbons Chiefs and The Plantation Wildcats this football season. If all goes well I will only miss 1 game each for each team as I am told I should be able to drive 1 week after surgery. As I begin to process everything I start to comprehend how important it is to not let things go and to face challenges head on so you can get back up and serve as an example to others. Now is the time to tap in to my inner divinity and get back up and become stronger.
It is when you commit to getting back up and making changes in your life to improve yourself and to overcome challenges that you set in motion all things neccessary to make you stronger. In getting back up and seeking guidance from GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels You are able to face everything and rise so that you can rech your full potential and create a life you desire. Yes there will be setbacks however most setbacks are set ups for something better as GOD will never give you anything you can’t handle. It getting back up it is important to find the thing that you are passionate about and take action so you can have success. The challenges that are put in front of us may seem overwhelming but remember if GOD brought you to it GOD will bringyour through it. As I wrote in the article The Great Wake Up Call GOD will sometimes go to extremes to make sure you get the message. The message I received was time to take care of myself and get back up. It is time for everyone to heed the messages and to become stronger.
The key to getting back up is to kniow that you are getting stronger and that GOD has a bigger plan for you. I have come to realize that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper so we can prosper others. In getting back up it is important to maintain a positive attitude even though what you might be facing is scary. It is when we keep walking our faith walk that we are able to get back up and walk in our truth thus becoming a person who is of service and value.
I have found that a great way to get back up is to take time to walk in nature and connect with GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels and seek guidance and be prepared to become an action taker on the messages that you receive. It is now time to take adversity and turn it into an opportunity to thrive and serve as a beacon of hope for others.
In getting back up you should embrace the idea that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens us. Now is your time to get stonger and to use your experience to help other people excel so you can get back up and help others to do the same. Now is the season to make a come back and to step into your power by walking in your truth and facing all the challenges and knowing what does not kill us will make us stronger. It is now your opportunity to overcome adversity and to start attracting peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life as you get back up. It is your time to rise and to step into your power by contiuning on your path and knowing that you are meant for greatness.
It is time to get back up and to go with the flow and allow yourself to be guided by GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels, Namaste!!!
As I finished doing my laundry at the laundromat because I do not have a washer and dryer in my condo and when I go to the laudromat I can meet new people and do good deeds I called a friend of mine to meet me at Dunkin Donuts where I enjoyed an unsweetened iced tea. As I was sitting with my friend someone I knew who is running for congress came and and we started to talk and he said with out me asking that he was going to donate $25 to The American Cancer Society Relay For LIfe. As I was given the check I began to think about how GOD puts you in places that you need to be at times. Earlier in the day at the laundromat I saw a young girl by the stuffed animal crane machine and she really wanted a stuffed animal. I noticed that here mom didn’t have money to spend of the crane game so I went over and asked the young girl if she liked teddy bears and I went to my car as I have a bunch of TY Beanie Babies in the trunk and I took one of the birthday bears and gave it to her. The young girl was very happy. Again I thought wow GOD is delivering a powerful message and I need to stay tuned in to GOD’S Message and take appropriate action. As I was leaving the laudromat I saw a young man who looked like an athlete and I started talking to him. It turns out he had just returned from China where he played professional basketball. Our converation led to a discussion of investments and I suggested he look up and see about setting up an account. I learned he was 24 years old and no one had talked to him about investments. It was at that moment I realized that GOD was using me as a conduit to deliver a message. Today I came to further understand that GOD delivers through divine Intervention.
Through the spiritual awakening process you will find that when you walk in light and come out of the dark that GOD will deliver through divine intervention. GOD will send you mesaages, supply you with tools and resources, and guide you to create a life filled with peace, love, joy, and prosperity so stay connected to GOD, Jesus, The Ascendended Masters, and The Angels and watch what is delivered into your life to bring you bliss and abundance. Look for the signs of GOD making a delivery and be sure to sign for the delivery.
It is amazing what GOD will deliver when we least expect it. It is by recognizing that GOD delivers when we are connected. GOD’s delivery service is better than Door Dash or Uber Eats and GOD delivers you nourishment for your mind, body, and soul in a myriad of ways. Once you get the delivery from GOD make sure you pray and show gratitude and recognize that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring your through it. GOD will give you just what GOD thinks you need and what you can handle. GOD may give you some trials and tribulations so as to wake you up so you can take action to accept the delivery that will be filled with better things.
Through out history GOD has always delivered when you need the delivery. GOD’s Divine Intervention is always available as you can tap into your inner divinity and unleash the power inside that will propel you to be successful in all you do. As I sat in reflection I looked at how many times I have shown gratitude to GOD and what he has delivered in my life.
GOD will make a way and deliver what you are seeking if you ask for it with praise and love. It is when you honor GOD and walk in your truth that you will be given deliveries that will enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. In all that you do make sure youa re aligned with GOD and heeding the messages he is delivering for GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others. It is through walking a faith walk with GOD that you will be given the opportunity to create the life you desire. One way to make sure you get positive deliveries from GOD is to declutter your life by eliminating people, places, and things that no longer serve you. On many occasions it is just a simple act of turning to the scriptures allowing GOD to deliver you into greatness.
As you continue to awaken spiritually you will find yourself asking yourself what is my why. Once you find your why you will be driven to grow personally, professionally , and spiritually. You will find yourself having more peace, love, joy, and prosperity in your life. In many cases we can have several whys as our motivation and drive may come from different sources.
Always In My heart My Reason To Relay
The photo is of my MOM, Judith Miller, who was called home to GOD on July 5,2012 after having a massive heart attack after battling non-operable metastatic lung cancer. I was the one that held her hand as she made her final transistion. She is the reason that I continue to take action to support the American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Thanks to Jeff Cash, Portrait Artist To The Stars, I have aportrait of her hanging on my wall that I see everday and it serves as a reninder to continue to show people that service to humanity is the best work of life. In wanting to make sure I continue to honor her I do my best to be of service and value to others. Who is your why?
This is my DAD who was called home to GOD on June 7, 2018. He serves as another reason for me to be of service and value to others as he was very caring and compassionate and was always willing to help others.
These are my two of my whys and I have others like wanting to serve as a living example of The Jaycees Creed.
In embodying these principles and beliefs I have been able to continue to focus on my why. Another helpful philosophy that I have adopted to help me live my life on purpose and to find my why is Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements.
In finding your why you will be able to create more bliss and abundance in your life. In sharing your why you will find that you resonate with those who are meant to help you excel. In finding your why you will see things fall into place. So now is your time to tap into your inner divinty and find your why. It is said the two most important day in your life are the day you are born and the day you discover why. Many people will help us to shape our why and through out the years our why may change. It is when we find the why and take actions based on our why that we are able to achieve favorable outcomes.
In finding your why and having a reasonyou will find that you can overcome challenges that come your way as you will become stronger thus allowing you to shine your light and illuminate the world. In many cases we simply need to peel back the onion and find our why. I have come to unbderstand that when we are driven by our why we are able to be passionate and take action thus we find success. Now is the time for you to believe and to follow your why.
It is through believing in yourself and walking in your truth that you can honor your why and find yourself doing things that you never thought possible. It is when you find your why and live a life according to that why that you are able to create the life you desire. There will be set backs and whenthey occur remember that many times they are simply a set up for something better that GOD has planned for you so do not lose sight of your why and continue to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams.
Once you find your why and your purpose you will see why GOD created you as you are a Divine Child Of GOD and GOD want you to show praise so that you can prosper and therefore prosper others. When you find yourself questioning you why remember that the plans GOD has for you are far greater that those you have for yourself.
It is when you realize that you have a purpose and that GOD has a plan for you that you will be able to embrace your why and as a result you will be able to deal with all the trials and tribulations that may come your way as you expereience a spiritual awakening. Make today a day where you discover your why and make plans to act upon that why in all you do in your personal and profeesional life. Now is your time. Namaste!!!
On May 29,2022 I was discharged from Westside Medical Center after a 6 day stay. In those 6 days I realized that changes were necessary if I was continue to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have begun to follow up with doctor’s and am getting on a path to wellness. As I started to reflect on where I am now I came to understand that inorder to be of service and value to others you have to take care of yourself first. In peeling back the onion I have recognized that in my quest to be accepted and to make a positive impact on the world by showing that service to humanity is the best work of life I put myself at risk. As a result I let my health go to where I now have many issues that can be corrected with lifestyle changes. The IBS, Diabetes, and Hypertension can be controlled when I take action to release weight and to exercise. The Darier’s Disease ( The Skin Condition I have) can be contolled with dermatological care and using the cream that he told me to use. In the awakening process I have all asked GOD to help me change the things I can to accept the things I can not and to give me the wisdom to know the difference. In making changes I am beginning to come alive again and am makibg sure I put myself 1st so that I can help my community. My journey will not be easy but as I change my mindset and begin to focus on my self care and moving forward in my life I undestand that it is imperative to change.
In my quest to become the best version of myself that I can be I recognize just how important it is to make changes and to let go and let GOD. OVer the last 45 days I have been able to make better choices and have started to listen more to people who know a bit more about about health and wellness instead of being stubborn and yesing everyone to death. It is when we make changes physically, mentally, and spiritually that we beging to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives.
As I have written many times before we are divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others. This begins by showing gratitude and praising GOD for paving the way for us and understand that GOD’s plan for us are far greater than our own. As many of you know I haven’t had steady work for about 2 years and have had some finacial challenges but I know this is all part of GOD’s plan for if GOD brings you to it GOD will bring you through it. It is through making changes and allowing GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels to guide you that you can have bliss and abundance in your life. In making changes we recognize that GOD is not finished with us yet.
It is when you commit to making changes after being knocked down that you will be reminded that you are unfinished in GOD’S eyes and he will give you the tools and resources to become a more complete person. We are all works in progress and unfinished thus it is important to make changes when GOD taps you on the shoulder and say it is time to wake up and change your life. One thing you could do is ask GOD to help you to remove that which no longer serves you. In removing things that no longer serve you you will feel better as you are able to make room for better things. It is now time for you to have the courage to change.
Some changes occur when we change our thoughts and discover what was holding us back. After not seeking medical attention for many reasons such as being fearful of what the doctor’s may find I changed my thinking and have begun to embrace my doctor’s visits realizing that with the correct treatments both traditional and holistically that my life will change. In the past I was very reluctant to go to hospitals as many people I know went into the hospital and never came out but now I accept the fact that thus thinking needed to change as my last hospital visit saved me as it put me on a path to see doctors and to get healthier. I was afraid of the expenses as money has always been a concern of mine however I now get the fact that GOD will provide and direct you properly so that you can walk in your truth and have a better life. It is now time for a change.
Being that nothing stays the same it is time to change for it is your chance to shine your light and illuminate the world. You will find that when you start to make positibve changes in your life everything seems to become better for you can reach your full potential by becoming the best person you can be. It is your time to seize the day and make the positive changes so that you can feel better menatlly, physically, & spiritually. Stay Positive!!!! Namaste!!!
On May 23, 2022 I was experiencing abodominal pains along with other medical issues thus I drove myself to the emergency room. After being seen by a doctor I was admitted for observsation. What was supposed to be 1 night turned into 6. While in the hospital I had a chance to reflect on where I was in my life and realized this was GOD giving me a wake up call. GOD was telling me to get my life together physically and mentally. I have come to understand that the spiritual awakening process includes some major messages and if you don’t heed those message GOD will give you a message so big that you will have no choice but to take action. Today our world is ina bit of a turmoil as so much is happening and many times all the noise is keeping us from becoming the best version of ourself that we can be. Now is the time to take a look at where you are in your spiritual journey and to make plans to take action to make sure that you are progressing in positive way so as to have good physical and mental wellness. This may mean letting go of that which no longer serves you and pulling back from cetain activities that drain you menatlly and physically. It is when we declutter our lives that we are able to heed the great wake up call and continue on a path to spiritual enlightment. Many times we have blockages that are stopping us being a peak performer in all aspects of our lives. Now is the time to clear those blockages by finding spiritual practices that will enhance our personal and profeesional lives. Now is a time to let go and let GOD and accept the great wake up call.
Through the spiritual awakening process I have come to realize that GOD will make a way as his plans for me are far greater that the plans I have for myself. Through the many trials and tribulations that have encompassed my life I have come to understand that it is when you turn your life over to GOD and allow GOD to Guide you you will begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Through this great wake up call I have been able to move from coming from a position of lack to coming from a place of abudance. I have started to say I get to instead of I have to and it is making a big difference. It is through expressing gratitude that you can remove some blockages and begin to thrive as you answer the great wake up call.
Through the great wake up call you will be able to turn to GOD and thank him while you realize that this is the day the lord hath made so I will be glad and rejoice in it. It is important to recognize the fact that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring your through it. I thank GOD that I have the finances to take care of thing in my human existence and will continue to thank GOD and praise GOD and I suggest everyone who is reading this does the same. There will be storms in your life and you will recive a great wake up call so take time and act upon the great wake up call and allow GOD to guide you to the greatness that is your birthright.
Sometimes it is when we feel we are in our darkest hour that GOD gives us a great wake up call and allows us to come to the light so that we can shine bright and illuminate the world. Now is your time to thrive and to overcome challenges by changing the things you can, accepting the things you can’t, and having the wisdom to know the difference. Don’t get carried away in worrying about the how as GOD will provide as you continue to answer the great wake up call.
God’s great wake up call when answered will guide to find what you need. This was evident today (6/20/2022) as I was writing this entyry and found this song from Erica Mason titled wake up call. It is your time to wake up and make the changes neccessary to have the life that you desire. You have the power to tap into your inner divinity and connect with GOD and answer the great wake up call. Make today the day that you take steps to answer the great wake up call and see what begins to develop now. Namaste!!!
As our country faces many challenges it is important to embrace your spiritual awakening and to keep on moving. Now is your time to walk in your truth and to take action by using your tallents for the betterment of yourself and others. Everyone has something to offer to help your community to overcome adversity that may be creating blockages for people to reach their full potential so it is your season to make positive moves that will tranform your life and the life of others. Today is an opportunity for you to commit to living your life on purpose and to move forward in a positive direction of your goals. Do not allow the haters, doubters, and naysayeers to discourage you from moving forward with your endeavors. It is your opportunity to acknowledge that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants your to prosper so that you can prosper others. As you move along your spiritual path be sure to rest if you must but do not quit as you were meant to make a positive difference in this world. Today is your day to hit your stride and to overcome any obstacles that come your way by simply facing everything and rising for you were meant to be great.
There will be set back as you awaken spiritually and how you handle them will determine how far you travel as you move toward spiritual enlightenment. It is through the awakening process that you will find your calling and thus you can tap into your inner divinity so as to become the change you want to see in this world. There will be those who will try to stop you from moving in a positive direction of your goals. When you encounter these people don’t try to argue or prove a point simply hold a special place for them and ask GOD to point you in a direction so you can keep moving to shine your light and illuminate the world. Remember there are some that will some that won’t some waiting so what next. Many times in our spiritual development we must move on to those who will be receptive to our message and realize that not everyone is going to resonate with you or share your passion so simply take a deep breath and move on for arguing will be like wrestling a pig in the mud you both will get dirty but the pig enjoys it. Not everyone will see the value in your message or your actions and that is okay for we are not here to drag people kicking and screaming onto the path we are here to move along our path and have people see us and then choose to join us.
It is important to move on and to speak your truth and to continue to utilize your talents for good. IT is when you keep moving and use your talents for the betterment of others that you will be rewarded with peace, love, joy, and prosperity in your life. I have come to understand that not everyone will get you or understand your motivation however it is important for you to move along your path connected to GOD, Jesus, The Angels, and The Ascended Masters so that you will inspire and empower others to walk in their truth allowing for people to vibrate at a high level and create a world filled with bliss and abundance. This undertaking will not be easy and should be taken very seriously as you move on to be a difference maker.
It is when you move along your spiritual path that you become a difference maker as you continue to grow personally and professionally. It is when we move toward finding answers that we are able to share our knowledge and thus enhance our life and the lives of others. It is when you keep moving that you will find yourself appreciating what you have that you will be able to open up more channels to receive therfore creating a life that will be lived on purpose for you can be a difference maker. It is when you with passion and take action that you find success. In many cases it is simple a matter of making a move and being guided by your heart for what the mind can conceive and your heart can believe you can achieve. Today is your day for yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised that is why we call it the present. Accept your gift and move forward to becoming the best version of yourself. Namaste!!!
It is said that the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray. When your plans go off course it is important to find your way and realize that everything happening along the path of your spiritual journey is happening for a reason. This morning (3/28/2022) I was planning on meeting up with someone at a restaurant in the area to get items for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and I could not find my car key so I texted the person and they brought what I needed to my home. After getting the supplies I realized I had a back up key so everything is okay. I then looked to the heavens and consulted with GOD, JESUS, THE ASCENDED MASTERS, and THE ANGELS and I asked them to show me the way to stay on my spiritual path and allowing me to stay centered, focused, and grounded. I then realized that it was impoertant for everyone to find their way so that they can step into their power and achieve the greatness that is their birthright. We all have a purpose and when yoiu find the way to live your life on purpose you will begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. As you find your way you will encounter many situations many that will move you forward in a positive direction to reach your goals and others that may create blockages and hinder progress. When you encounter set backs simply take a deep breath and ask GOD to show you the way for you were born for this.
When finding your way you need to be bold and become an action taker so that you can create the life that you desire. Sometimes you will encounter conflict as not everyone will resonate with your message and not everyone will understand your persepective so it is imporant you to awaken to your calling and become the change you want to see in the world. When you walk in your truth and you find your way you will find yourself growing personally, professionally, and spiritually thus allowing yourself to come alive and to be of service and value to your community. IN my years of walking a spiritual path I have found that there are many people who will resonate with your message so focus on them and allow the haters, doubters, and naysayeers go pound sand. As you find your way it is imperative that you unleash your inner hero as you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants your to prosper so that you can prosper others.
In a world that seems to be so divisive today we need some heroes who are finding their way and helping others to excel so as to create more bliss and abundance in our communities. It is time to tap into your inner divinity and share it to help others so that you can show people that service to humanity is the best work of life. You can find your way by committing to make kindness and compassion part of your every day life. Now is a great time to find ways to be a lifter and to help people reach their full potential. As you continue to find your way you will find that the more people you help get what they want will bring what you want into your life. In the last few weeks I have come to realize that not everyone shares my mindset and that is okay for their are many who relate to what I am doing and support my efforts to make the world a better place one endeavor at a time. The other day I received a great response from someone who said I touched their heart with my project BEANIE BABIES FOR THE CURE benefitting The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Another women wrote how my message was one of the kindest she had received. This made up for the lady who called me a scammer. It is your time to find your way and to continue on your path to spiritual enlightment. It is your time to be a champion.
Now is your time to shine your light brightand to illuminate the world as you find your way and unleash the champion inside of you. It is the season to take action and to move forward along your spiritual path so that you will manifest the life that you desire. It is time for all of us to come together and know that we are more alike than we are different. It is time for everyone to find their way and seek ways to help eachother in our quest to make our communities a better place. We have a power that will allow us to make a positive difference in the lives of those we come in connect with regardless of the attitudes we may encounter. We have the opportunity to bring people together so as to create more positive experiences in out life and in the lives of others. Remember that in finding your way and your purpose you will find more happiness in your life. Remember when you are side tracked simply look to the scriptures and find your way. Stay Positive.
Over the last few weeks I was having a tough time getting my swagger on as I was allowing so many things that I can not control to hold me back and create blockages and then I sat in meditation and started to clear the blockages and began to realize that it was time to get my swagger back and simply walk in my truth and to go after what some may say is an impossible dream. As I started to play music that motivates me I began to realize that I have a purpose to be of service and value to others and it is time again to become an action taker and forget about what other people may think. It os time for all of us who are experiencing a spiritual awakening to dance and take action so that we walk in our truth and shine our light bright so as to illuminate the world. It is time to get your swagger back.
As I sat in reflection making the decision to dance and to get my swagger back I started to think how many other people are feeling the same way and what can I do to help them. The answer came as GOD, Jesus, The Ascencend Masters, The Angels, Source, and Spirit told me to get back out into the community and show people that service to humanity is the best work of life and that is exactly what I am doing in hopes that my actions will empower and inspire others. This is your season to shine and to get your swagger back. It is your time to answer your calling and to make changes so that you can create the life that you desire. It is time to for you to become an action taker and to understand that you have the power to change the things you can accept that whoch you can not and the wisdom to know the difference. There will be people in the community that you will not resonate with and that is okay because there will be enough who will resonate wiuth your message and want to support you. The key to getting your swagger back is to assume an attitude of gratitude and to allow compassion and kindness to be a priority in your daily routines. when times are tough and you find your swagger decreasing stop an dtake a deep breath and remember you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to succeed so you can help others to succeed.
How many times have you been so close to a break through but due to outside circumstances you stopped? Well now is the time to begin again and commit to getting your swagger back and to tap into your inner divinity so that you will attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life which will allow you to share with others so they too can get their swagger back. It is your time to swag it out.
It is your time to swag it out and walk your spiritual path showing everyone how you are vibrating at a high level so as to attract all the resources that you will need to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Now is your time to put a bounce in your step and allow joy to permeate your body so that you can spread joy to others. In gettinmg your swagger back you will become a champion for people to follow.
This song has proven to be a real motivator as it reminds me to have a championship mindset in all that I do so that I can help people to get their swagger back so that they can be come champions in all their endeavors. I have come to understand that when you are undergoing a spiritual awakening that you are going to expereinces challenges however you must face those challenges and rise by using your swagger so as to exhibit what coming from a spiritual base is all about thus allowing others to grow as they embark on their spiritual journey. There are going to be things that you can not contro so you have to let that go and simply find the swagger that allows you to have a positive energy flow so that you can stay connected to GOD for GOD will guide you and help you get your swagger back. You can be a lifter simply by walking in your truth with a little bit of swagger. It is now time to speak life and get your swagger back. Stay Positive!!! Namaste!!!
In a time when it seems that our nation (USA) is divided we need to cry out to Jesus and seek salvation by overcoming all the obstacles that appear to be creating blockages in our personal, professional, and spiritual life. It is time to embrace the spiritual awakening process and eliminate the things that no longer serve us. It is our time to set our souls on fire and to make peace, love, and understanding part of our daily lives. It is time to see that we as people are more alike than different. If we are to positively impact our life and the lives of others we must recognize that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others. It is when we show love, kindness, and compassion that we receive love, kindness, and compassion in return. It is time to heal the world by making a conscious effort to see that we are more alike than we are different.
The first step to healing the world after yoiu cry out to Jesus is to realize that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others. If you are blessed to have peace, love, joy, and prosperity in your life it is time to share some of that with others by being of service and value. As you awaken spiritually and begin to find you why and live a life on purpose you will see that you wil,.have more bliss and abunance in your life. Instead of compalining how bad things maybe let us show gratitude for the good that is occuring in our life. Now is the time to come alive by answering your calling and making your community a better place by crying out to Jesus and making your climb.
IN our life we will have many mountains to climb however remember if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. The key is not to quit when things seem tough. When tough times come as they may simply takea breath and know that GOD doesn’t give you anything you can not handle. Whe you feel like forgetting everything and running taKe a moment to realize that you were put on this earth to face everything and rise. When things seem very dark understand that there is a light beyond the darkness.
Now is the time to come out of the darkness by tapping into your inner divinity and to shine your light so that you can illuminate the world. It is time to cry out to Jesus and seek guidance on your spiritual journey so that you can be a beacon of hope for others to follow. There may be stop bumps along your path so when you encounter a bump rest if you must but don’t quit and always believe for what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve. It is your time to shine bright and to step into your power and to achieve greatness which is your birthright.
It is when we cry out to Jesus that we are able to light up the world and to make the changes that we want to see in this world. It is when we light up the world by making compassion and kindness part of opur daily life that we are able to stay connected to GOD, Jesus, Source, Spirit, Ascended Masters, and Angels thus allowing us to create a better life for ourselves and others. We have the power to bring postive changes to our life and as a result positively impact the lives of others. Remeber when you cry out to Jesus that help is on the way.
It may take some time to receive the help after your cry out to Jesus however you can take solace and knowing that Jesus will deliver all that is needed in the time that is correct for you as he will never put more on your plate than you are meant to handle. Take time daily to cry out to Jesus and pray like a champion.
Over the last couple of weeks I was in a bit of a funk feeling down on myself and then at about 2:00 PM I had a great call with my brother and it helped me to get back on track. After the call I cried out to Jesus and asked for direction and I received a message to simply take action and to continue to pray and stay connected. Cry out to Jesus!!!
Spiritual Awakening: Change The Energy and Change Your Life!!!
It is said that the energy you bring to all your tasks will determine how successful you will be in your endeavors. Many times it is just a simple adjustment to our energy levels that change the direction that our life is going in as we continue on our spiritual journey. It is time to look at how you are showing up and the energy you are bringing to all that you are doing to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. I attended a meeting the other night and it seemed as though the energy of the room was low. This could have been due to the fact that there was a small turnout. It appeared as through the leaders of the meeting simply wanted to move through the agenda and get it over with as soon as they could. There was a low turn out which probably accounted for the low energy and thus could possibly explain why people are not responding to the outreach being done. I tried to do my part to raise the energy level but was shut off when I attempted to speak. Instead of leaving the meeting energized and motivated I left a bit deflated. When I arrived home I made a decision to turn up my energy and to do my part to ignite a fire that would engage more people. As a result I came to realize if I am to change the way things are going I need to change my energy and understand that it is important to vibrate at a high frequency and resonate with those that I come in contact with as I evolve spiritually. As I sat down that evening to work on a project that Is near and dear to me I began to understand that if I am to be successful in this quest I must fix myself. I must adjust the energy levels so that I can deliver a message that is well received so that people will become action takers. As I preparded to sleep I turned to GOD, Jessus, The Ascencended Masters, and The Angels asking for guidance in ways to change the energy that I am giving off and the message I received was to continue to do what you do and stay positive. When I awoke the next morning after doing my morning rituals I realized that if I am going to be of service and value to others I need to tap into my inner divinty and draw the positive energy that I have inside of me and unleash that positivism to the world doing my best to shine my light so others will be encouraged to shine their light and thuse illuminate the world by changing the energy level. Through out the rest of the day I begab to understand that the energy that I bring to everything will determine how high I climb.
In the spiritual awakening process I have come to understand that it is important to keep climbing because when you reach the top the view is breathtaking and you can feel the energy surge through your body and as you stop to celebrate the achievement you are able to draw more energy and move onto the next project in your life. It is now time for your to become a champion by climbing with positive energy so you can rock your world.
When I feel my energy being a little off I turn to songs such as this by QUEEN to remind me that I can rock the world and can have a champion mindset that will inspire and empower others. It is when you make adjustments to your energy level that you change your life and positively impact the lives of others. As I begin to take stps to change my energy so that I will achieve positive results in the endeavors that I undertake I remind everyone that many times it is just a slight attitude adjustment that will bring positive energy into your life thus allowing you to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life alowing you to be a lifter for others.
Remember that you have the power to be the change you want to see in the world so now is your time to change your energy and change your life. It is your season to step into your power and to create the results that you desire. It is time to recharge and build up your energy so that you can move positively in the direction of your dreams. You have the power. Stay Positive!!!
It has been 45 years since I made the commitment to go the distance when it comes to being of service and value to others. In those 45 years I have had several spIiritual awakenings and each one has gotten me closer to going the distance to obtain spiritual enlightenment. Every step of my journey has taught me valuable lessons that I hope will assist you in your quest to evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have come to realize that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others. I have also come to undertand that we are all at different places on our spiritual path and we must meet each other where we are so that we can be lifters. I have also learned that not everyone will resonate with your message so it is imperative to finmd the ones that do resonate with your message and surround yourself with those people. In making the conscious effort to go the distance you will begin to find your purpose and thus you will begin to manifest that which is neccessary to live a life of purpose. In finding your purpose and becoming an action taker you set in motion for wehat you were born to do while living on this earth.
It is said that the two greatest days in a person’s life are the day they are born and the day they discover why. It is finding your why that you begin to awaken by coming alive and answering your calling to make changes that will improve your community. Many times as you evolve spiritually you will be able to go the distance by stepping into your power and understanding that you were born for this. As you continue to go the distance it is important to remember that you can fight through the pain and the challenges for if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. It is imperatibe that you attract positive energy flow into your life so you can finish your misson to positively impact the lives of others. The time for you is now as you continue on apath to greatness by staying centered, focused, and grounded. One key to going the distance is to be grateful for what you have and to show appreciation in all that you do through out the day.
We all have the ability to go the distance and to tap into our inner divinity so that we can create the life we desire while we help others to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. We have the opportunity to enhance our life and the lives of others by walking in our truth and going the distance. I have come to comprehend the idea that what the mind can conceive, and the heart can believe you can achieve. Be the creator that you were meant to be and make a commitment to go the distance. Over the years I have taken action on many things and most of the times I have met with success. A few times I had set backs but each time I had a set back I took time to consult with The Ascended Masters, The Angels, GOD, and Jesus thus allowing me to continue on my spiritual journey that will one day have a finish line. If you face adversity on the way to the finish line simply turn to the scriptures and gain your strength back so that you can go the distance.
As you continue to go the distance you may desire to see the great nature that is a round you and the peacefulness that will engulf you when you decide to see the beauty that GOD has created. When you feel stuck and you want to stop simply take a breath and turn to GOD and GOD will help you go the distance. I have experienced many hardships and have wanted to quit but I didn’t I simply prayed that GOD would help me overcome the obstacles and allow mew to go the distance. Each day when you wake up as GOD to guide you so that you can go the distance. When you feel you have gonme the distance on a particular project ask GOD what is next for you so you can continue to go the distance.
When you go the distance take a moment to celebrate and then seek another opportunity to conquer so that you continue on your spiritual journal so as to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life and the lives of others.
Spiritual Awakening: 2022 A Year For Heroes And Angels!!!
We are now into the second month of 2022. This is a month where we celebrate love and achievement. Now is a great time to be a hero or an angel to those you come in contact with as you continue your spiritual awakening. Today you can commit to being a hero or angel by making peace, love, and understanding a priority. It is time to call upon our Ascended Masters, GOD, Jesus, and Angels and to take their messages to heart so as to heal our world one person and one community at a time.
It is when we put love in our heart and tap into our inner divinity that we begin to attract the resources needed to grow pesonally, professionally, and spiritually thus allowing us to heal the world. It should be your goal make every interaction a pleasant one and to spread peace and love wherever you go as this is what makes you a hero or an angel. Each encounter that you have should empower and inspire people. It is when you become an action taker and show people that passion + action = success is a great formula to live by as you journey along your spirititual path. Today we are bombarder by a lot of negativity and doom and gloom and people are forgetting everything and running when they should be facing everying and rising. We may not know how much time we have left on this earth as things can change in a blink of an eye and our time is ticking so it your duty to awaken and make the moments count.
As the seconds in our hour glass begin to flow let us make a commitment to be a hero or an angel to someone each day. It can be done simply by being polite and kind to one another. Now is your turn to become a living angel amongst the people in your community.
Now is the time to deteach from outcomes and the outside influences and to turn inward so you can tap into your inner divinity and become an angel and a hero among us. It is your light that will guide others and assist them in lighting up their spiritual path so that they can make a mind, body, soul connection thus creating more living angels and heroes. Now is the time to seek ways to be of service and value to others by doing thing that will empower and inspire others to reach their full potential by growing personally, professionally, and spiritually. Make 2022 a year where you expand your spirituality and become a walking angel and hero. What we consider a smal act of kindnes may be a larger act of kindness to someone else. The world is holding out for heroes and now is the time to step up and be a hero by being impecable with your word, not taking anything personally, not making any judgements and always doing your best.
Now is your time to become a hero by walking in your truth and serving as a living example that service to humanity is the best work of life. You can step into your power and become a hero by looking deep inside yourself and tapping into your inner divinity and commiting to use your talents for good. It kis time to go to your sacred space and find the answers that will resonate with you sdo that you can take the action needed to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life while inpiring others. You have the ability to become heart centered and to make a positive impact by following the messages of GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels. It is when you become a concrete angel that you can change your life and positively impact the lives of others.
It your chance to become that living breathing concrete angel and hero all you have to do is to tap into your higher self and listen to the message and take the approapriate action that will lead you toward spiritual enlightenment. 2022 can be a year of angels and heroes if you take action to further the spiritual awakening process. The time has come to realize that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others. If you are faced with challenges callm on the angels and allow them to help you to face everything and rise.
Today you can call on the angels to help you to live your life on purpose so that you can become an angel.
As 2022 is now in its 23rd day it is imperative for you to decalre that this year will be a year where you believe in yourself and start to take action to turn your dreams into reality. Over the 1st 23 days of this year I have had an opportunitty to reflect on the times when I felt the most successful and I concluded that most of my best success came when I believed in my self and took action to act upon my goals. I have found that when you believe in yourself and you stay focused, centered, and grounded you can exceed any goals and objectives that you set for yourself. I have also discovered that when you believe in yourself and continue to stay connected to GOD that you will be provided the tools and resources to succeed. I have also come to realize that when you believe in yourself and find your purpose that you will become limitless.
It is through believing in yourself and understanding the reason that you are here that you will expand your spiritual awakening. It is your time to be an action taker. Now is your time to come alive and to answer your calling whille being the change that yiu want to see in the world. It is through being of service and value to others that you make a positive impact in your community. When you believe in yourself you begin to clear blockages that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential. It is your time to believe in you and create a flow of energy that takes away fear and negativity.
When you believe in yourself you take away any fear that may be stopping you in your pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. It is when we begin to overcome fear and face everything and rise by believing in our self that we tap into our inner divinity and find our talents thus allowing us to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives and into the lives of others. I have seen some great things happen because I believed in myself and took the neccessary action to move forward in the positive direction of my goals. I recently launched a project, JDOGG’S JERSEYS OF HOPE, to benefit The American Cancer Society and I have been successful in securing a few jerseys that will be used to raise funds for research, education, advocacy, and services. I have always believed that all you have to do is ask and have overcome the fear of being told no as I have found that every no gets you closer to a yes. In believing in yourself you will begin to find success comes a bit easier everyday. It is your time to believe in yourself and to find your talent and to use your talent for good. It is your day to become a bliever and to reap the benefits that come with a spiritual awakening.
It is when you believe in yourself that you arer able to manifest the life that you want to create form yourself. It will take a daily practice of walking in your truth to bring things to fruition. It will take you following your passion and taking action so you can find success. It is time for you to believ that you are the best there is the best there was and the best that will ever be. This may sound a bit cocky but it is a neccessity to move forward and growing personally, professionally, and spiritually. It has been stated that if you believe you can or if you beleive you can’t you are right. It is time to beleive that you can.
It is your season to step into your power and unleash the power you have inside of yourself to move forward along your spiritual path so that you can create bliss and abundance. When you begin to believe in yourself and take action by eliminating the doubters, the haters, and the naysayers you begin a journey that will allow you to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Don’t allow anyone to tell you it can not be done take action and prove them wrong. I remember telling someone that I wanted to be a pa announcer and they said you have no training how are you going to do that. I answered I am going to practice and study the craft and then volunteer to so youth sports games. They said you can’t do that. I said yes I can and since announcing my first youth sports game I have become a paid announcer and have been able to use my skills to not only announce but to also emcee events and to do voice overs simply because I believed in myself. It is when you beleive in yourself that you set things in motion to succeed by following your passion. It is your time to become the man in the arena by committing to believing in yourself and becoming an action taker.
It is you time to dare greatly and experience the wins that come from believing in yourself. When you experience a defeat simply dust yourself off and get back up and reaffirm your belief in yourself. Stay Positive. Namaste.
How many times during your spiritual awakening have you been knocked down and disconnected and taken off your spiritual path? Did this take you off track? If you found yourself off track did you find ways to get back up and to get back on track? In the past 17 months I have had a few set backs and have felt like I was off track however I took a look back on what I needed to do and what I should be focusing on and it hit me that it is time to get back on track and have a championship mindset and become an action taker once more.
IN tappiong into the championship mindset I was reminded that when you seem to be off track to simply stop take a breathe and understand that if GOD broughtn you to it GOD will bring you throughm it and then to simply continur on your spiritual journey making adjustments along the way. I have had some troubling times in the 56 years that I have been on earth and I have learned that you need to be strong and to overcome adversity by being in touch with your inner divinity and realizing that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so you can prosper others. One thing that has helped me to get back on track is knowing that GOD loves a cheerful giver.
It is when things seem the darkest that GOD will bring you into the light as long as you continue to pray and praise. It is in the giving that you open the channels to receive. Sometimes the giving can be something as simple as buying a lunch for a stranger who was begging for money and sharing some guidance and kind words. It is when you give and utilize your talents for good that you can get back on track and be the change that you want to see in this world. It is when you find your way back that you can reconnect with GOD, Jesus, Spirit, and Source thus allowing you the opportunity to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. It is in staying on track and listening to the messages for GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels that you can find your way back to opportunites to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.
It is when you find your way back and you live your life on purpose that you can get back on track and to stay on a path that will allow you continue toward spiritual enlightenment. It is in getting back on track that you will find that you will have more success. I have found that it is important to stay on track and to take actions that allow you to move forward in a positive direction of your goals and objectives. In the last 17 months I have found myself focusing on some of the negatives instead of being grateful for the positives. To get back on track I am assuming an attitude of gratitude while also doing my best to control what I can and understanding that there will be times when I can’t control things. I have come to realize that it is time to dance on GOD’s Great Dance Floor and to stay on track by staying connected to GOD.
It is when you are track and connected to GOD that you can achieve greatness as you tap into the power that you have inside and use it to make your place on earth a bit better for all those you come in contact with. It is through dancing on GOD’S Great Dance Floor that you will shine your light and illuminate the world as you continue to be of service and value to others. There will be challenges and there will be those who are doubters, haters, and naysayeeers but know one thing you can overcome them all and become stronger as you get back on track. It is when you reach down deep inside and make a few changes that you can get back on track and thus creating the life that you want for yourself. Now it is your time to get back on track and to thrive.
The time to thrive starts now so get back up and get back on track to continue your spiritual journey. Put all the negative thinbgs asisde and know that today is the day the lord hath made so be glad and rejoice in it so as to stay on track and to make a positive impact. Namaste!!!
As the day began today (11/30/2021) I realized that today is Giving Tuesday so I decided to give you the gift of this 22 minute video that will help you to find your way. As you awaken spirituality and journey on your spiritual path it is important to find the way and to tap into your inner divinity so that you can shine your light and illuminate the world. I have come to find that if GOD brings you to it GOD will bring your through it and that GOD will not give you anything that you can not handle. It is in finding our way along our spiritual path we grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Life is going to throw some challenges your way however you have a power to overcome these challenges and to become stronger in mind, body, and soul. The journey in finding your way will strengthen you as you get a sense of purpose and accomplishment as you put your passion into action and thus find success.
As the frequent readers of this blog know I am very active with The American Cancer Society Relay For LIfe. People ask me why I am so passionate about planting the seeds of hope and healing for those touched by cancer and my answer is very simple because cancer has affected many of my friends and families including my MOM who was called home to GOD on July 5, 2012 after suffering a massive heart attack after battling non-operable metastatic lung cancer. In finding my way I have come to realize that when we find our why we can stay connected to GOD, Jesus, Spirit, Source, and The Ascended Masters thus making our path clearer so that we can exceed our goals and objectives. 2022 marks the 25th that I will be participating in Relay For Life. In those 25 years I have had some awesome moments and some moments that have challenged me. I have come up with comcepts that I though would have an out pouring of support but they did not have the success that I had hoped to have. THrough it all I have stayed focused on the mission to celebrate lives, save lives, and to lead lead the way in the fight against cancer. When things seemed tough I mangaged to find a way to meet my goal. Such was the case for 2021 I had set a goal to raise $2500 and I was a bit short but the universe delivered as I found out about in person 4th of july celebrations in The City Of Tamarac, City Of Sunrise, and The City Of Plantation. I took action and went to each event and collected donations and as a result I reached the goal of raising at least $2500. For the 2022 Relay For Life I have set a goal of raising $2500 and have set up a fundraising page at
When you feel that you are off the siritual path turn to GOD and ask GOD to show you the way. The message you receive will help you to become an action and to continue in your spiritual journey for you are a divine child of GOD meant to prosper so that you can prosper others. When you continue to find your way you will find that you attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life thus allowing you to shine your light so that you can illuminate the world. It is important to realize that as you find your way many people will not resonate with what you are doing and that is okay for there will be many that do so focus on those who are lifting you and supporting you and leave the doubters, haters, and naysayeers behind. If you find yourself getting knocked down remember to land on your back because if you can look up you can back up.
In my quest to find my way I have always gotten back up and realized that as long as I have a breath in my body I have a duty to be of service and value to others by using my talents for good so that I will leave my little piece of the planet better than I found it. It is up to each of us to lift each other up as we find a way to make our world a better place by showing others that service to humanity is the best work of life. I have stated that if you have a chance to help others take that chance as it may not only chage that person’s life but it may also change your life.
Along the spiritual path as we awaken to what we can become there will be periods of darkness however eve in the dark there will be something that we are grateful for that will propel us toward the light where we will find our true power and our calling. Today (11/25/2021) is Thanksgiving here in the United States and today many will get together with family and friends to celebrate however there will also be many that find themselves alone or separated from their families. Thos that are by themselves or separated from their families may be having a difficult time finding something to be grateful fo so please help to shine a light of hope on them and give them something to be thankful for today and everyday. I was asked what I was grateful for and the first thing I thought of was my brother, Richard, who has helped me tremendously. I then thought of all the people who continue to help me in my quest to help those touched by cancer by visiting and make donations. I am also grateful for the many opportunities that I have had to use my talents for good by being of service and value to others. I am grateful that I have been able to take action and accomplish some good things in my life such as being a published author with chapters in Sources Of Wisdom Book 2 and Sources of Wisdom Book 3, being named the Munford C. Johnson Community Service Award Winner, being a recipient of and American Cancer Society Hope Award, being named one of the top 5 Jaycees in America, and most importantly being able to have a positive impact on the people I come in contact with each day. Now is a great. time to play the gratitude game and journal each day about something you are grateful for and how it makes you feel.
As I continue to awaken spiritually I begin to understand the importance of focusing on the good that is happening in my life as opposed to the bad that may pop up from time to time. Over the last few weeks I was consumed by some negative things that happened in my life and couldn’t seem to shake them until I sat in meditation and began to release the events and remember that there is more good in my life than bad and that I have the power to make changes so that I am surrounded by positivity thus allowing me to to have a grateful heart. The key to spiritual growth is having a grateful heart and having the ability to fully comprehend the concept that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. Many time we say things are happening to us when in reality they are happening for us. The hardships that may enter into our lives are placed there by GOD to teach us lessons and to make us stronger. Sometimes all it takes to change the way things are going is to play the gratitude game and list things that you are grateful for today.
Imagine if each day you chose a few people to say thank you to or show some form of appreciation to how your day might improve. I remember a few years ago when my DAD was still alive we went to Boston Market for Thanksgiving and I gave out thank you cards to the staff. You would have thought I gave them a million dollars. The manager came over and told me that was one of the nicest things someone had done for them and that he appreciated me taking the time to write the cards. I left feeling like I made a positive impact so I decided to write cards to the staff at Starbucks where I frequent and to the Publix employees and anyone who I came in contact with. This has now become part of the gratitude game. Think about it what does it take to say thank you or to write a thank you note or simple get someone a token of your appreciation. Today for thpose having Thanksgiving with their friends and family take a moment to thank the host and those who have allowed you to have a joyous moment.
Today is a day to start a whole new level of gratitude as we show thanks for what we have and rejoice in a day that the lord hath made so that we can be glad in it knowing that we are divine children of GOD and GOD will bless us as we stay thankful.
As you experience a spiritual awakening you will have moments that will having you wanting to stop as you feel you have gone far enough in your journey. When those moments come into your life take a moment to remember that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others. Many times people throw in the towel and stop and never realize their full potential. Today we are bombarded with many doubters, haters, and naysayeers who will nebver understand why we continue to fight on to reach our goals and dreama. We must block those people out and continue on our path and move forward in a positive direction of our dreams. There are going to be circumstances that we can not control such as decisions that other people make. When we want to stop we must reach down deep inside of our selves and remember that we have a power that needs to be unleashed so as to pistively impact our lives and the lives of others. IT is time to be a warrior.
It is when we have a warrior mindset that we can continue on our spiritual journey toward enlightment thus allowing us to shine our light and illuminate the world. Many times we have a tendacy to over analyze and worry about so much that we stop right before a break through is about to happen. The time is now to find your stride and to continue on your path to greatnesss and you were born to be great. I have had moments where I wanted to quit because I felt that people were not resonating with my message and were not responding to me like I would have liked them to but after I took a moment to reflect I remembered that I must not stop because if I stop my mission to be of service and value to others I stop growing personally, professionally, and spiritually. It is time to step up and get back up and achieve the goals I have set for myself and I encoiurage yiu to do the same.
Many times when you want to quit simply rest and reflect but do not stop as you have a inner divinity inside of you to tap into to make a connection with GOD so that you can attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. It is in the times that seem the hardest that we find the strength to perservere and become stronger understanding that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. I have had many ideas that I have implemented that I didn’t get the response that I was hoping for and I wanted to stop and simply fade away but I knew if I di that that I would only be shrt changing myself and the people that I was meant to help. In the last few months I have had some challenges in my fundraising efforts for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and I wanted to give up and stop as I thought after 25 years of fundraising I have done enough and it is time for someone else to do what I have done and then I am reminded why I continue to do what I do and not to stop because there are so many people who actually appreciate what I do. After a few negative encounters I simply took a moment to mediate and through the meditation the message I received I began to comprehend the idea that some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next. I have come to understand that when you put yourself out there you will encounter some people who are simply not interested in anything you are doing but those that are meant to help will be put in your path. Sometimes it is simply a matter of being committed to finish what yiou started. When you feel like giving in and stopping remember that you are here for a reason.
It is when you finmd you purpose and your reason that you begin to tap into the resources that will not allow you to stop. I have found that for every no or negative interaction there are more yeses and more positive interactions to come. IT is time to focus on the positive interactions and to understand that I am going to encounter excuse makers and action takers. It is importsant to show gratitude for the action takers and to simply let the excuse makers pound sand. It is your time to soar.
In today’s crazy mixed up world many people are on edge and triggered very easily so much to the point that anything you say or do may set them off thus we need to be careful for their actions can adversely affect us when we react so don’t be quick to pull the trigger. On October 25, 2021 I hosted a Give Back Night at Lime Fresh Grill in Plantation, FL to benefit The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. The staff was amazing and allowed me to hand out fliers and also to set up a make me an offer table to raise additional funds for research, education, advocacy, and services. Most of my enounters were good and many people told me to keep up the great work. I even met a cancer survivor who said she wanted to be part of the Relay For Life. The night was going well until I approached a table where there was a couple with a few dogs and a young child. I began to hand them a flier and was yelled out to step back from the child which I started to do I turned to pull up my mask and the next thing I knew the man was up in my face yelling at me I tried to walk away and the man shoved me I stepped up a bit to get around him and he knocked my fliers out of my hand and I continued to walk away and he shouted to the woman call the poice and then shouted at me that you are going to jail tonight. The police came and spoke to me taking down my info of my account of what happened and spoke to him and then some other patrons and then came back to me and asked if I wanted to press charges. I said no I just want to go about what I am doing and that is helping people with cancer. The police office then said he had to do a report but it would go no further. I said okay and the officer and I then had a good interaction about me basically growing up in the area and how I have been a volunteer with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life for 25 years. As I thought about it I began to think how many people simply get triggered when someone approaches them. I understand they don’t know me however I am very polite and cordial when I approach them. The issue is many people are quickly triggered and resort to being aggreesive which creates more issues than it is worth. A simple can you please pull up your mask would have sufficed and giving me time to pull up my mask would have quelled the entire situation. As a result of this encounter I am able to share with you some advice and that is don’t pull the trigger.
In many encounters when people are not interested it is best to take a deep breath and to remember that what you are doing will not resonate with everyone. It is unfortunate that so many people are on edge these days and many be acting out of fear due to the information they have been exposed to in their daily lives. Over the last few weeks I have been watching videos of interactions that have gone bad and the key common factor is that there is always an instigator that escalates the situation because they pull the trigger. I believe that our nation needs a spiritual awakening and then we must not pull the trigger and that it is imperative to understand that we are all divine children of GOD and that GOD wants us to propser so that we can prosper others. I have come to understand that some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what , next is a good philosophy to have as not everyone will be open and receptive to what you are sharing. It is unfortubnate that there are people that are not open to receive. As a result of them being closed off to receiving information or interacting with others in a respectful way they lose out. Hypothetically speaking what if I was giving out coupons for them to use on their next visit and they waved me off they lose out on the opportunity to save money or even get free items. I have always said to listen to others when you have the opportunity because you never know what can comne from the interaction. In my 40 plus years of fundraising I have seen many changes in the attitudes of people. I have had many people triggered as I have simply asked them for assistance and I have had many people be open and receptive and thus helped me with my effort to be of service and value to others. I simply hope that people will think twice when they are triggered and not be aggressive and mean and understand that when you help others you help yourself for whn you give you open up channels to receive. So the next time a stranger approached you be opnme to listen unless they are putting your life in danger. Don’t be quick to pull the trigger. Stay Positive!!!
One question that is an integral part of the spiritual awakening process is what legacy will I leave when I am called home to GOD? Will you be known as the person who was of service and value and touched many lives and left people and communities better than when you found them. I started thinking about the question of what your legacy will be as I have experienced the loss of several loved ones and friends over the last few years and each person left an impression not only on me but on those they came in contact with while they were here on earth. Will you be the one that is remembered for living a purpose driven life and being someone of service and value? Will you be the person who amassed some wealth but will be remembered for sharing it and lifting those you could? As a Public Address Announcer I get to visit many different venues many that are named for people who had a positive impact on the community. I believe the greatest gift we can give to anyone in leaving a legacy is the gift of caring.
Will you be the person who is so passionate about helping others that you would give up everything so that those who come after you will have hope, peace, love, joy, and prosperity in their lives. Will you be the one who stands up for the less fortunate and underserved leaving a legacy for others to follow? Will you be the one who detaches from outcomes and follows your heart understanding that what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve? Will you be the one who lives you life to the fullest and comes alive by making positive changes in the community?
How will people remember you? Will you be the one that leaves an indelible mark on the places where you live, work, and play. Now is your time to become the person in the arena and to give it all you have and to leave a legacy that will inspire future generations.
Now it is your turn to tap into your inner divinity and to use your talents for good as you become the person in the arena. Instead of complaining it is time to take action and to become a problem solver so that when your judgement day comes your legacy will be one that spreads positivism throughout the community. In your walk of life as you journey along your spiritual path it is important to ask yourself am I living a life of joy and is my life bringing joy to others? If you can say yes to those two questions your legacy will be one that inspires and empowers others to move on in a positive direction of their goals and objectives. You can leave a great legacy simply by being a giver and paying it forward and sharing a few dances along the way.
People will come into our lives to help us to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually as we dance on GOD’S great dance floor looking to leave a legacy that brings bliss and abundance to others. Some times it will take a bit of pain to get to the dance. When the pain subsides and you are able to channel it into positive energy you are able to leave a legacy for others to follow and continue your work to positively impact the lives of others. Now is your opportunity to leave a legacy that will shift the paradigm of our society to positivism and hope. Now is your time time to shine your light and illuminate the world so that when you are gone your legacy will be one of kindness and love. You have an opportunity to simply make the world a better place by being kind to others. Think about how you want to be remembered and then when you take actions ask yourself if this action will serve the ultimate goal as to how you want to be remembered.
As you work on leaving a legacy of positivism remember that passion + action = success. It in now time to allow yourself to follow your passion and become an action taker and to choose to leave a legacy that will lead to others doing things that will enhance their life and the lives of others. In all you do be live your life on purpose so that when GOD calls you home people will speak highly of you while also doing things in your honor. May you create a great legacy!!!!
Spiritual Awakening: Pleasant Surprises Grow Spirituality!!!
It was pleasant surprise to see this recognition in my Facebook Feed today (4/19/2021). I immediately dropped to my knees and thanked GOD for giving me the power to use my talents for good. As I prayed and gave thanks to GOD I began to realize just how important gratitude is to the spiritual awakening process. After I prayed I made it a point to post a thank you comment for this recognition. As I have been going through the spiritual awakening process I have come to understand that there will be many surprises that come your way that will lead to personal, professional, and spiritual grow. Many times it is just a matter of tapping into your inner divinity and then releasing your GOD given talents onto the world. 2021 marks my 24th year as a volunteer with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and over the years I have been surprised by the generosity that has been shown in my efforts to provide hope, progress, and answers to those touched by cancer. I remember the night I decided to get involved in The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I sat in a meeting of The Coral Springs Jaycees and they had a speaker from The American Cancer who spoke of a new event which was Relay For Life. I immediately signed up to be part of The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Coral Springs as I had recently lost my grandfather to prostate cancer and was mad at the world and I found that Relay would turn my anger into purpose. Through out the years I have lost many to various types of cancer and they are my reason to relay so that one day no one has to hear the words you have cancer. In taking action and answering the call to be of service and value I have been able to come alive and make positive changes that have impacted my life and the lives of others. As I continue to share with others I am always pleasantly surprised by how many make donations. I love seeing my fundraising thermometer rise as it fuels me to stay spiritually connected to GOD, Jesus, Source, and Spirit.
As I listened to this symphonic interlude titled Surprise I began to think back over all the years and all the great surprises that have occurred in my life such as the time I was meeting my family in Williamsburg, Virginia for Thanks Giving. Upon arrival at the hotel I was told to walk down the street to The Williamsburg Inn so I did to find out that my step-dad was able to secure rooms for us at this historic landmark. It was an amazing weekend that allowed me to grow spiritually and upon looking back on that moment I will always be grateful for that time spent and the memories that were created.
As you continue on your spiritual path and grow personally and professionally may you have many pleasant surprises!!!
Spiritual Awakening: Don’t Let Your Perception Be A Deception!!!
As we journey along our spiritual path it is easy to fool yourself as sometimes our perception becomes a deception. On Saturday (7/24/2021) I attended a fundraiser, Battle for Big Boy, which was a benefit for a young boy named Colby who has brain cancer. The event was being held in Pembroke Pines which I though was a farther trip than it actually turned out to be as my perception was oh it is too far south. I almost allowed my perception to become deception. Had I given into to my perception I would have missed out on a great opportunity to support a good cause and to see just how generous people can be when it comes to helping a child with cancer. It was amazing as I observed so much generosity and kindness. One gentleman who approached the table had tattoos and wore a lot of bling and what happened next was incredible he quietly asked if he could make a donation and peeled off 5 $100 bills to help support the effort to help Colby. Again perception almost became deception however by getting back to the four agreement and remembering not to judge I was able to continue to observe people from all walks of life coming together to help thus showing that compassion and kindness still exist. If you want to help here is the link
When you look in the mirror how do you see yourself? If you see a powerful force of nature that is meant to be of service and value then you should reinforce this perception and build upon the vision of yourself so that you can grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. The 1st step to not allowing your perception to be a deception is to be real with yourself and peel back the onion. If you don’t like what you see in the mirror commit to making a change so you can come alive and answer your calling by improving your community. The power to change your perception lies within you. Remember that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so you can prosper others. It is your time to be a lifter and to reap the rewards of being a lifter. After we take inventory about how we perceive ourselves and things around us we must ask ourselves is it fact or fiction. We must look at ourselves and everything that is coming at us and determine if it is the truth and how will it serve us. Many times after we look into the mirror we find the strength and courage to put our dreams into action.
Many times we get so caught up in worrying what other people will think that we create blockages because our perception is creating a deception and stopping us from becoming an action taker and thus we never turn our dreams into action. Regardless of how big or small your dream may be it is imperative to take action and bring it to fruition. Instead of seeking input from others simply put your dream into action and see what direction GOD, Jesus, Source, Spirit, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels point you in. If your can dream it you can become it. It will take work and action. I had set a goal of raising $2500 for The 2021 American Cancer Society Relay For Life and people said it was going to be hard because we were in the middle of The COVID-19 Pandemic. At first I thought people would be upset about me asking them for donations. This was another example where perception was nearly a deception. As I remembered the idea of all you have to do is ask and some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next I went about fundraising and at the end of the fundraising campaign I raised $2737 to help those touched by cancer. In putting a dream into action and not allowing a perception to become a deception I was able to be of service and value to those touched by cancer. I share this to encourage you to stop making excuses and to start taking action so that you can attract more peace, love, joy, and abundance into your life. It is when we change the way we look at things that things change. You have the power to write your own narrative and to walk in you truth so that you control what you manifest. As you create the life that you desire remember to do it your way and not to allow your perception to become a deception.
When one awakens spiritually and begins to take action by being heart centered they begin to become a change maker as they enhance their personal, professional, and spiritual life by being of service and value to others. In today’s world where there seems to be so much division it is important to stay positive and become a game changer. Now is the time to tap into your inner divinity and follow your passion by taking action so that you will find success. As you become a game changer you will find that you will have those that lift you up and those who try to bring you down. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with the lifters so that you in turn will be a lifter. In a world where many are trying to prove they are right it is important to do the right thing. One great way to become a game changer is to walk in your truth and take action to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. Along your journey to become a game changer you will encounter those who just don’t get you or are not ready to accept your message. You will also encounter those who are inspired by your message. Make it a point to surround yourself with those who you are inspired by and those that you inspire. It is when you take action and move in a positive direction of your goals that you begin to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. It is when you take action that you find yourself facing everything and rising. It is through taking action and detaching from results that you will find yourself saying yes to the questions of did I live my life in Joy and did my life bring joy to others?
It is when you give praise to GOD that you become a game changer as you awaken to the fact that through GOD all things are possible. It is when you find your purpose and take action to live a life of purpose that we are able to come alive and enhance our life and the lives of others. It is when we do all we can to follow the lead and messages from GOD, The Ascended Masters, The Angels, and Jesus that we can finish what we started and serve as a living example that service to humanity is the best work of life. It is when we allow the holy spirit to flow through us that we are able to achieve the greatness that is our birthright. It is when we live a life of gratitude and action that we become a game changer. I have often stated that to make a difference in this world you need to become an action taker. I was recently at event where it was announced that the charity was selling tickets for a chance to win a brand new car and someone wanted to buy a book and was trying to get the attention of the host to no avail. So I took the microphone and acknowledged the person which led to many more people wanting books of tickets and we even had one person who committed to a stack of 25 books for $250. In taking action I was able to start building momentum for a fundraiser that will make a positive difference in the lives of those touched by cancer. As I finished up one person came up to me and said wow you are a game changer. I said thank you and was inspired to share with others as we all can be game changers as we can use our voices for the power of good.
Don’t wait for the world to change take action and change the world by being an action taker. The power that you have to be a game changer is inside of you and when you tap into that power you will find that the only person that can hold you back is yourself. I have come to understand that there are two types of people in the world there are action takers and there are excuse makers. Which one are you? The times are changing and you can be a change maker.
One of the ways to effect change is to understand that we are divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to succeed so we can help others to succeed. It is time to make changes that will benefit everyone in our community and that starts with us opening our hearts and committing to be game changers. Namaste!!!
One of the key components to a spiritual awakening is being heart centered. I have found that if you lead with your heart the mind will follow and you will find success. On July 2, 2021 I decided I would lead with my heart and go to The City Of Tamarac 4th of July Celebration to collect donations for The 2021 American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I collected $158. On July 3, 2021 I attended The City Of Plantation 4th of July Celebration to collect donations for The 2021 American Cancer Society Relay For Life and collected $434. On July 4, 2021 I attended The City Of Sunrise 4th of July Celebration and I collected $305. With this success I achieved ALLSTAR STATUS. I share this because leading up to that weekend I was feeling bad about things and wasn’t taking much action to further my effort to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays however I was able to tap back into my inner divinity and move past the blockages and find some success. As I was getting back into the mindset of shining my light and illuminating the world I wrote to Dick Vitale and he send some signed books and a signed basketball and football to use in my fundraising efforts. As I sat in reflection today (7/8/2021) I realized that it is important to come from a place that is heart centered and to move past challenges by creating a fire in your heart.
People asked me how I came back into the light and my answer was I turned back to the scriptures and asked GOD to put a fire in my heart and to make me a soul on fire. With a fire reignited I have learned to lead with my heart and to allow things to play out as GOD’S Plan is far greater than my own. I was upset due to the loss of a few close friends and this put me into a slump and then I realized that I should not be guilty that I am still here instead I should continue to be of service and value to others and as a result will find more peace, love, joy, and prosperity. It was just a matter of getting back to my way of doing things and not to worry what others do or think for at the end of the day the only two entities you have to answer to is yourself and GOD. The key is to have a fire in your heart and to believe that you can achieve and simply don’t let challenges or setbacks block you. I have come to realize that I am an intense person whose heart is in the right place. When you have fire in your heart it can burn away the negativity that is stopping you from removing challenges and blockages so that you can face everything and rise.
Now is your season to let the fire in heart burn and guide you as you embrace the idea that what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve. Many times it is just a matter of taking action and allowing GOD to be your guide as you reignite the inner flame that is inside of you. It is time to fan the flames of the fire in your heart and make sure that there is always a burning ember to ignite you and allowing you to put your passion into action so you can find success.
It is time to allow the fire in your heart to burn so that you can be the champion of your life. It is your time to step into your power and to achieve the greatness that is your birthright. It is your opportunity to walk in your truth and to light up the community by taking action to ignite the sparks of hope and healing with the fire in your heart all you have to do is burn away the negativity and make a commitment to do your best to become prosperous so that you can prosper others. There will be times that you will feel like extinguishing the fire in your heart and when those times come just remember that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD has put you on this earth for a purpose so light the embers and reignite your heart and move forward in a positive direction of your dreams. May the fire in your heart stay lit and allow you to show the world that service to humanity is the best work of life. May you stay ignited. Stay Positive!!! Namaste!!!
It today’s troubling times where our news feeds are filled with trials and tribulations and people seem to be divided regardless of any subject it is important to commit to making the climb. It is important to get in touch with your inner divinity and to get connected to GOD, Jesus, Source, and Spirit so that you can climb to new heights. It is said that the journey of 1000 miles starts with the 1st step and now is the time for you to make the steps so that you can reach the pinnacles of success as you define success. I have come to realize that in making the climb is is not about the material things in life but it is about the lives you touch along the way and how they impact you. Over the years of showing the world that service to humanity is the best work of life I have interacted with some amazing people who continue to inspire me to make the climb. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with the lifters and supporters and kicking the doubters, haters, and naysayers to the curb. There will be times that get you down and times where you don’t feel like making the climb. When those times come and permeate your thoughts take a moment to reflect and get refocused so that you can make the climb. When you make the climb ask GOD to make you a soul on fire.
When you become a soul on fire and walk in your truth you will find that you are so filled with spirit that nothing will stop you. As you take action as a soul on fire you will realize that you are vibrating at a higher level that will attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. I know that there are times where doubt and fear may creep into your life and hinder your climb. When you experience the doubt and fear turn to GOD and know that GOD wants you to prosper so you can prosper others. I have come to understand that GOD will not give you anything you can not handle and will help you to find your calling so you can make changes that will bring bliss and abundance into your life. Now is your time to continue your climb and thrive.
It is your time to thrive and to clear the blockages that have been stopping you from making your climb. It is your time to thrive and to overcome the obstacles that have been getting in your way. It is your time to follow your heart and to understand that you are a divine child of GOD and if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring your through it. It is your time to look at what you can change and how you can be of service and value to others so that you can climb as high as you want.
As you continue to make your climb and evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually remember that GOD is with you and to be aware of the messages that he is sending to you so that you can manifest the life that you desire. It is in the journey that we grow and make the mind, body, and soul connection. As you reach the summit of your climb take a moment to enjoy the view and on your way back down reflect in the accomplishment and use it as fuel on your next climb. Every climb can result in a positive outcome if we simply let go and let GOD for GOD will strengthen you as you continue on your spiritual journey.
Every climb we make will make us stronger as long as we become heart centered and focused on the guidance that GOD is giving us. We have the capacity to climb higher than anyone thought possible. To complete our climbs we will need to eliminate the negative self talk, the limiting beliefs, and that which no longer serves us. Remember it is your climb and the only person who can stop you is yourself. In making your climb understand that not everyone will understand or resonate with what you are doing so you need to simply continue to make your climb for yourself knowing that you will have made a positive impact on others simply by making your climb.
GOD is going to take you on a climb so hold on and let GOD lead the way and when you reach the summit rejoice in the beauty that you see and then share your climbing experience with others. Namaste!!!
Through the spiritual awakening process you will find that you can tap into your inner divinity and manifest your dreams thus allowing you stay motivated to be of service and value to others. Through out my spiritual journey I have been fortunate to have many of my dreams turn into reality. Most recently I was the PA Announcer for The Cardinal Gibbons Chiefs Football Team and they won a State Championship in 2020 and team I announce for win a championship and I was given a championship ring which fulfilled a dream to have a team I announce for win a championship and for me to have a ring. The day I received the ring I wore it to an event and was able to brag about being the PA Announcer. The memories of that experience fuels me to hold fast to my dreams. I look forward to making more dreams come true. In the course of my awakening I have come to realize that it is important to share your dreams and show gratitude to those who support your dreams.
Another dream of mine was to become a published author which became a reality when I became a featured author in Sources Of Wisdom Book 2 which then led me to be a featured author in Sources Of Wisdom Book 3. I also have had my poetry published on line at and have won a few editor’s choice awards. This all came about by taking action and realizing that if you are to turn your dreams into reality you must put aside all the doubters, haters, and naysayers and believe in yourself. As I reflect on all the dreams that I have had that have come true I realize that regardless of how tough things may get you must be strong and hold fast your dreams. Do not allow others to hold you back simply take positive steps to bring your dreams to fruition.
As you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually you will find that a major contributor to your growth is how you act upon your dreams. When you have a dream and you focus your vision on that dream you will find that your dream will manifest as the universe will conspire to give you the resources needed to turn that dream into reality. I have always said to write your dreams down with action steps to bring them to fruition for if it is in sight it is in flight however if it is out of sight it is out of mind. One great tool is to make a vision board and to understand that the possibilities are endless you just have to believe. When you change your mindset and create a belief system that allows you to step into your power so you can achieve the greatness that is your birthright you will find that you attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. There may come situations that create blockages however you can clear the blockage by knowing that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it allowing you to dream.
Take time to dream today and write your dream down so that you can face everything and rise. Your dreams are sacred to you so give them the attention that they deserve so that you can create the life you desire. When things seem difficult and challenging simply take solace in knowing that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens you. As I look back at the 55 years I have spent on this earth I can recount many times that I have dreams realized and sometimes not having a dream come true held a valuable lesson of the fact that GOD had other plans for you. I remember the years of 1986-1987 I was a student at Hofstra University and I was a big fan of the football team and I applied to be part of The Homecoming Court and was not selected. At first I was disappointed because it was a dream to be part of the pageantry but after a while I realized that I could still support the team and be part of homecoming in my own way. I managed to make a bigger impact as I did fundraising for The Booster Club and attended all the games that year and even had a column In The Hofstra Chronicle. Though all dreams may not come true just following them holds lessons that will help to clear blockages so that you can have other dreams come true. It is your time to become a dream weaver today. Namaste!!!
Through the spiritual awakening process I have come to understand that when life’s trials and tribulations seem to be knocking you down take time to reconnect to GOD, Jesus, Source, And Spirit. The last 12 days have been an emotional rollercoaster as I attended the celebration of life for my friend Dianne Fischer and the next day received a donation from her son-in-law, Christian for The 2021 American Cancer Society Relay For Life. A few days later I was watching the news when I learned of The Surfside Condo Collapse and was saddened by the loss of life. I started to think about those who survived were feeling and how they would have to get back up. There was a glimmer of hope when I learned of the efforts to get supplies to first responders and all those affect by this tragic event. I sat in mediation today (6/30/2021) and the message of get back up kept emanating in my mind. I realized that I was looking at things from a bad perspective as I was beating myself up for only raising $1813 toward a goal of $2500 for The 2021 American Cancer Society Relay For Life instead of being proud of raising the money. I was also feeling bad as I haven’t found steady employment after being out of work since June 2020. It was as though my joy had been sucked out of me and was wondering how I would get it back and then it hit me I must detach from outcomes and simply use my talents for good on a daily basis and everything will be fine as I get back up. I share this with you to let you know that GOD only puts on your plate what you can handle and will provide resources for you to handle everything that you are facing. Now is a time to get back up and use your talent for good.
Over the last 12 days I realized that I was not motivated to do much as I had some setbacks and then I realized it was me worrying that was stopping me from getting back up and that it was now time to face everything and rise to make better choices and to get up and start taking action again. It was time to walk in my truth and to take action that would help to bring bliss and abundance into my life. I was feeling down but then I turned to the scriptures and found that it was time to get back to my spiritual base and awaken and to take action to overcome the emotions that were stopping me from moving forward in a positive direction of my goals. It is now time to break the shackles and to connect with GOD and get back up.
As June ends and we turn the page into July may you commit to removing the shackles and getting back up. One way to overcome the feeling of being defeated or sad is to pray and give praise and show gratitude for what you have and what you have accomplished. I was so busy looking at being short of a goal or people speaking bad about me that I basically shut down then it hit me I need to be the action taker and shine my light to illuminate the world by walking in my truth and understanding some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next. I was getting so caught up in all the nonsense that was coming at me that I shut down for 12 days however I did discover that I can get back up and move forward in my spiritual journey so that I can enhance my personal and professional life. I share this experience in hopes that it will help you to see that you are not alone and that we all can get back up and step into our power and achieve the greatness that is our birthright. Though the times may seem dark take moment to smile knowing that GOD has plans to improve your personal, professional, and spiritual life.
In the last 12 days I felt as though my smile was broken and then I received some positive results from the actions that I was taking that I began to fix the smile and allowed my inner joy to come out and realized that whatever happens for me is happening for a reason. Sometime it is in the small steps that we can get back up and create the life that GOD has intended for us. The last 12 days gave me the opportunity to regroup and to get back up slowly. Namaste.
Spiritual Awakening: Adapt, Overcome, and Thrive!!!
When I arrived home on Saturday (6/19/2021) after attending The Celebration Of Life for my good friend, Diane Fischer I realized that as we awaken spiritually we are guided by those who have become angels in heaven and that we are destined to thrive. Through out the weekend I was able to reflect and come to grips with the idea of finding joy after loss and that those who were called home to GOD would want us to thrive as we seek to enhance our personal, professional. and spiritual life. As I sat in meditation on Monday morning (6/21/2021) the message of becoming a thriver permeated my thoughts and the message I kept hearing was become a thriver and help others to thrive. When we lose someone we need to mourn that loss and then do our best to adapt to a life where they are no longer in their human form but are now our spiritual guides. As we come to terms with their loss we must then overcome by becoming action takers and continuing to walk in our truth so that we can be of service and value to others and thrive as we continue on our spiritual journey.
Over the years I have dealt with a lot of loss. My mom was called home to GOD on July 5, 2012 and my Dad whom is not pictured was called home to GOD on June 7,2018. My step-dad who is not pictured was called home to GOD on December 24,2019. As I reflect on their passing I am reminding of the trials and tribulations that they overcame to leave a lasting legacy that drives me to bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into the lives of the people I come in contact with. I have learned to become an action taker as you never know when GOD will tap you on the shoulder and bring you home thus remember that today is the day the lord hath made so be glad and rejoice in it. Through the spiritual awakening process I have been able to communicate with those who are now angels in heaven and as a result I have been able to face everything and rise. Now is the time to overcome, adapt, and thrive by answering you calling and making the necessary changes to come alive so as to positively the communities where you live, work, and play. If the last week taught me anything it is that life can be taken at anytime so make each moment last by living a purpose driven life that will make an impact long after the day comes when GOD calls you home. Though it is sad when we experience loss we must allow ourselves some time to grieve and then we need to turn the page and then find joy in the memory of those who have been called home to GOD. One way to find joy after loss is to do things that honor the memory of those lost. In my case I have been seeking ways to be of service and value to others by making compassion and kindness part of my daily activities.
We can take solace knowing that the ones called home to GOD are now in a place filled with much bliss and abundance that their challenges here on earth have ended and now they dwell in the house on high free from pain and suffering watching over us and guiding us so that we can adapt, overcome, and thrive. We can now work on creating more memories and honoring those who are no longer in the physical realm but now dwell in the spiritual realm and who we can speak with and get answers that we seek as we continue to move forward in a positive direction of our dreams.
The memories will live inside of us propelling us as we move along our spiritual path creating more memories along the way. Each day gives us new opportunities to overcome, adapt, and thrive. Each day we can remember those lost and use their memories to move forward by stepping into our power and achieving the greatness that is our birthright. Now is your time to make a joyful noise unto the lord and honor those who are now angels in heaven. Through praise and worship we are able to overcome, adapt, and thrive. Now is the time to tap into your inner divinity and celebrate life as to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.
Though we have experienced loss we can find joy as we adapt, overcome, and thrive. May your spiritual path be guided by the angels today. Namaste!!!
As I left Starbucks the other day I stopped to tell someone things will get easier and that led to an entire conversation about getting things together and allowing GOD to guide you. I left that conversation and as I drove home all I could think of was how through a spiritual awakening our country needs to get it together and stop the madness. We need to shift the paradigm that is creating so much strife and turmoil in our communities today. It is time that we get it together by turning back to GOD, Jesus, Spirit, Source, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels by committing to make peace, love, and understanding a priority in our daily lives. It is time to get back to the roots of our spirituality and part take in the fruits of spirit.
It is time that we get it together by understanding that we are all divine children of GOD and that GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others. It is time to find ways to get it together by being of service and value to one another. It is time to change the narrative that is being forced upon by through the government and media and to write our own narrative where people will get together on the same wave length and start to help one another. It is time to make sure everyone has their basic needs met so they have food, shelter, and clothing. The number on reason why we are having trials and tribulations in our community is that many people are simply desperate and have lost their way and now need to get it together. I have come to learn that the opposite of progress is congress and the politicos are not going to change things as the same issues we have today have been happening for many years. Many will point to the fact that we took prayer and discipline out of schools and we stopped holding people accountable for their actions and they would be correct however the question is how are you going to take action to get it together and make positive changes. Now is the time to get it together and make a commitment to be a positive influence in the community. I have found that part of the issue is that we have become a country that has gotten greedy, fat, and lazy which as you know are 3 of the 7 deadly sins so of course we have angered GOD and all that is happening is GOD’S way of telling us to get it together and to shape up.
When you look at the challenges that may be stopping you from getting it together you can most likely trace it all back to these 7 deadly sins. The key is to get it together by recognizing the issues and then taking action to correct them and thus grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Think about the actions you are taking and the words you are saying and how it affecting you in your daily quest to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. It is your season to get it together so that you will have a life that is filled with bliss and abundance.
It is time to let go of the pain and to let GOD direct you so that you become stronger mentally, physically, and spirituality. It is your time to get it it together and heal yourself so that you can become a positive influence in your community so as to shine your light and illuminate the world. Now is your time to break through the blockages and to soar to new heights by healing the past so that you can live in the present and create a better future. Your time is now to get it together and understand that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. Remember that you are a powerful being who is able to create the life you want by simply getting it together.
Remember that you are not alone and that there are people out there that will help to raise you up. Remember GOD has great plans for you and GOD is sending you messages to follow GOD’S plan. Everything is happening for you not to you for GOD doesn’t give you more than you can handle. GOD will provide ways for you to get together. It is your time to walk in your truth guided by GOD so that you leave a legacy of hope and healing for others to follow. Get it together!!! Namaste!!!
As I was posting and sending out requests for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life I had some one comment that in a time when people are struggling it may not be the best time to be asking for donations. I wrote back true there are many people struggling however there are also many people thriving and because cancer affects people daily I will continue my quest to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. As I finished my reply I began to think that it is all a matter of perspective and that many people are coming from a position of lack as opposed to coming from a position of abundance. I have come across so many people that are coming from a lack mentality that they remain stuck as they have created blockages that stop them from stepping into there power and achieving greatness. The time is know to change your perspective if you are coming from a lack mentality and to start thinking abundantly. Instead of saying things are tough and I am struggling say I am facing challenges and things are improving. Instead of making excuses as why you can not do something become an action taker and use your talents for good and see where that leads. It is your time to thrive and it starts with you awakening spiritually and changing your perspective.
Now is the time to tap into your inner divinity and truly understand that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others. One of the greatest things you can do to open up the channels to receive is to seek opportunities to become a giver. It is said that GOD loves a cheerful giver. Sometimes it is not a matter of giving money it is simply a matter of being there for someone in their time of need so that you can help them to change their perspective.
As you awaken spiritually and you start to things from an enlightened perspective you will see that it is you guided by GOD who controls what happens in your life. You will begin to see that GOD will provide all that you need if you stay focused, centered, and grounded. So many times we get caught up in wanting people to see things our way that we loose sight of the fact that it is not about being right or wrong it is about doing the right thing. It many not be easy all the time as life will through some obstacles along your path however depending on how you look at those obstacles will determine how high you soar as you become more and more aware and awake. It is how we handle the changes that determines how we move toward the goals we have set for ourselves.
I was at a Relay For Life event and someone was saying how hard it was for them in 2020 and 2021 as they didn’t feel comfortable asking for donations or doing much for Relay as there was a world wide pandemic with Covid-19. This person was not the only one however there were many that did not share this perspective and went out and raised fund and as a result as of June 11, 2021 $229,785,.06 was raised through The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Broward Power Event showing that there are people that will support a cause if you make the ask. As I left The Relay For Life event I realized that in life there are action takers and excuse makers. The action takers they find a way to overcome by facing everything and rising. The excuse makers stays stuck as they forget everything and run. Through the 2021 American Cancer Society Relay Season I changed my perspective and started to look for opportunities to share Relay with others and to change some of the ways I was doing things. As of June 12, 2021 at 9;30 AM I have raised $1762 toward a goal of raising $2500 and I sit in the #5 position for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Plantation. I don’t want to be #5 I want to be #100. People ask why I want to be #100 and the answer is if I am #100 at $1762 raised that means we raised over $176,200 to help those touched by cancer. It is all a matter of perspective. In some cases being #1 is important however in other cases being #100 is just as important. At the end of the day it all comes down to how you look at things. You can thrive by changing your perspective today. Stay Positive!!!
Spiritual Awakening: Unleash Your Inner Warrior!!!
Once you experience a spiritual awakening you realize just how strong you can be as you unleash your inner warrior. It is when you tap into your inner divinity and release the warrior inside of you that you are able to walk in your truth and thus attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Though their may be some turbulence along the way you can adjust and allow your inner warrior to guide you as you continue your spiritual journey. Now is your turn to become invincible.
When you unleash your inner warrior and put on the armor of GOD you will realize that the only thing that can stop you from achieving greatness is yourself. It is your season to face everything and rise by living a life of purpose and becoming an taking action. When you take action you begin to attract the people and the resources that are needed to create the life you desire. It all comes down to making a commitment to being a warrior and to becoming the best version of yourself. It is your time to walk in your truth and simply become heart centered as you unleash your inner warrior.
Now more than ever we need warriors to stand up and be of service and value to one another. No is the time for us to connect and become warriors of hope as we seek to change the world and make it a better place as we awaken spiritually and unleash our inner warrior. We have the power to make a positive difference in the lives of others and to enhance our own personal, professional, and spiritual lives.
It is through the connectedness of spirit that we are able to join forces and make positive changes by sharing messages that will resonate with other and thus create more bliss and abundance into our lives. I have found that by unleashing your inner warrior and joining hands with others in a peaceful way that you positively impact your community and as a result you prosper so you can prosper others.
One of the great ways to tap into your inner warrior and set it free is to use music that will increase your vibrational levels so that you vibrate on a plain that will attract the resources that are necessary to create a place where you can shine your light and illuminate the world. When we unleash our inner warrior and lift our voices to GOD we are guided to walk in our truth and to create a better world simply by helping one person at a time.
Another way to unleash your inner warrior is to take out the trash and to clear the blockages that are stopping you from stepping into your power and achieving greatness. We have all had adversity in our lives and that is what strengthens us as we are able to overcome challenges and become warriors. When you unleash your inner warrior you will find that you get closer to reaching your dream.
When things seem the toughest that is when you must unleash your inner warrior for those who do not quit find success. I have stated several times that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it as I have experienced first hand how GOD has guided me through challenges and obstacles. When you sit in meditation and you find your inner warrior you will become stronger and be able to face anything that comes into your life.
It takes courage to put yourself out there and to walk in your truth as there will always be doubters, haters, and naysayers but a warrior does not try to fight the doubters, haters, and naysayers a warrior simply stays committed to walking in the truth and serving as a n example to others that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations and that service to humanity is the best work of life. The time is now to unleash your inner warrior and to face everything and rise. You have a choice to make and that choice is to either be an action taker or an excuse maker.
It is my hope that this song will help you to unleash your inner warrior so that you can make positive changes in your life that will allow you to excel at all you do and to embrace the idea that what the mind can conceive and your heart can believe that you can achieve. Now is your time to unleash your inner warrior and to continue on your spiritual path. Namaste!
I was attending The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Broward Power Event on June 5, 2021 and someone made a comment that we have always done it this way and my answer was maybe we should change things up to get different results. This led me to thinking how a new day is dawning on all of us in our personal, professional, and spiritual life. As I finished the conversation I walked away thinking of how important it is to change our mindset while we go through the spiritual awakening process. Many times we get set in our ways and that creates blockages that preclude us from becoming the best version of ourselves that we can be. It is time for us to realize that a new day is dawning and if we are to thrive we must look for ways to do things differently while also improving on the things that have brought us success. We have an opportunity to create a great life for ourselves by committing to being of service and value to one another. It is now about working together for the greater good of our communities. It is time to commit to becoming a lifter and finding something to do daily that will bring joy to others while you live your life in joy.
The day has started and it is time to be glad and rejoice in it by becoming an action taker. As you awaken today remember to change the way you look at things and you will see things change. When you embrace the fact that a new day is dawning you will find that you can follow your calling and create changes that will allow you to come alive and shine your light bright so the world is illuminated. In this new day it is important to let go and let GOD. GOD will direct you to a community where you can thrive and make a positive impact on your life and the lives of others. In changing your perspective you can see ways you can do things differently. in taking time to reflect on the past you can live in the present and prepare for the future by simply understanding that you have the power to make everyday a great day. Yes there will be circumstances that may bring you sadness however you can turn that sadness into joy by remembering that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. It is when we look at the day as an opportunity to take action to bring us closer to our goals that we begin to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. It is when we take time each day to make the mind, body, and soul connection that we are able to tap into our inner divinity and take action as directed by GOD, The Ascended Masters, The Angels, Source, and Spirit to overcome any challenges to walking in our truth thus making our little piece of the world a better place.
Each day gives us a chance to seize the moments and to enhance our spiritual journey by committing to change what we can accept the things we can not and to have the wisdom to make a difference. If you plan your work and work your plan making adjustments along the way you will find yourself attracting more bliss and abundance into your life. In the moments where you experience loss or sadness simply take a moment to let the tears flow so they cleans the hurt and pain and allow you continue on your path toward becoming enlightened.
In each day we can find a bit of hope knowing that we are walking in our truth and making a positive impact on the world. Now is the time to embrace the new day and make the changes that will make us unstoppable. We have the ability to make a difference with every action we take as this is the dawning of a new day. On this day take a moment to stay in your sacred space so you can stay focused, centered, and grounded so that we will stay in a positive mindset that will conquer negative self talk, doubters, haters, and naysayers thus allowing you to step into your power and achieve the greatness that GOD has planned for you. May you have a fantastic day that allows you be of service and value to others while also improving your life. When obstacles or adversity is put in your path simply breath and know that it all works out. Namaste!!!
In the turbulent times that our nation is facing it is now more imperative than ever that we find some heroes to unite us so that everyone can have an opportunity to grow and prosper. Heroes can come in many forms from the small child that is facing a debilitating disease but through their journey they move forward and face everything and rise to the 1st responder who takes the time to treat you at an event because you had a slight injury. A hero is someone who takes action and makes a positive impact on others by being of service and value. Heroes are people who are action takers not excuse makers. Now is your time to be a hero. It is your time to shine your light and illuminate the world. It is your time to move forward in a positive direction of your goals by utilizing your talents for good. On of my favorite stories in The Bible is The Parable Of Talents. GOD gave 3 men a certain amount of talents and 2 of the 3 men increased their talents and were rewarded however the third man took his talent and buried it and as a result was harshly punished. GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, The Angels, Spirit, and Source are providing us all with an opportunity to be heroes. It is up to you to commit to be a hero and to remember if you can not do big things do small things with great love. One way to become a hero is to make kindness and compassion part of your daily ritual. When you are kind and compassionate and coming from a heart centered place you will find that great things start to show up in your life in the form of peace, love, joy, and prosperity. We were not put here on this earth to mire in mediocrity we were put here on this earth to step into our power and achieve greatness and to become heroes for the next generation to look up so they will be inspired to show the world that service to humanity is the best work of life.
On June 5, 2021 I had the opportunity to be part of The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Broward Power Event. While attending this event I came in contact with many people that I would consider heroes as they came together for a common cause to help to plant the seeds of hope and healing for those touched by cancer. It didn’t matter race, creed, sexual orientation, financial status all that mattered was that they were there to honor those touched by cancer. I wish I could of captured the energy of the event and put it in a bottle and then released into all communities across the U.S. This event had something for everyone and was successful because the people involved understood that to be a hero you must take your passion put it into action and find success. Though there were some trials and tribulations along the way when it was all said and done people came together for the common good of their fellow man exhibiting the idea that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations. In listening to survivor and caregiver stories and lighting candles to honor and remember those touched by cancer I found many heroes who will now serve as fuel to empower and inspire me and many others to continue to further the mission of The American Cancer Society so that one day no one has to hear the word you have Cancer. The people at Relay For Life are the heroes we need today as they are taking action to make a positive difference in their communities. Now is the time to find something you are passionate about and to be a hero. Each day we get a bit closer to heaven by becoming a hero to others.
Now is the time to become a hero and to find a few fans whose lives you can impact in a positive way. Each day you will provided and opportunity to be a hero so tap into your inner divinity so that you can heed the messages and take advantage of the opportunity to be a hero.
It is amazing what will be delivered to you in your quest to be a hero. My theme today as you can decipher is heroes and the universe delivered this song for me to share with you. It is true we can be heroes simply by being positive and sharing positivism wherever we go. May you become a hero today.
When you awaken spiritually and commit to living a life of purpose you will find that you begin to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Yes there will be challenges and adversity along the spiritual path however take solace in knowing that GOD gave your these obstacles for GOD knows you can handle them and by overcoming them you will be stronger and thus able to live your life. Many times our life can be like a highway with many opportunities to take an exit and to explore and to learn or on many occasions the highway is simply a path to get us to a destination. As you travel along your spiritual path make sure that you show gratitude along the way for the opportunities both good and bad as each opportunity is a chance to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.
I remember in July of 2002 landing in The Philippines as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer and then boarding the bus to go to the hostel where we would stay until we went for training. On that bus trip I realized just how important it was to live your life and to follow your heart and not allow doubters, haters, or naysayers to stop you from moving forward in a positive direction of your dreams. The six months I spent in The Philippines working with at risk youth had many ups and downs however it taught me one thing and that is how important it is to live your life on your terms and to stay connected to GOD while taking action. I also learned that it is important to overcome and adapt as you explore other cultures. When I returned to The U.S. in February 2003 I committed to living a life where I would be of service of value to others. It was also at this time that I started to ask myself on a daily basis did I live my life in joy today and did my life bring joy to others today. If I could answer yes to those questions I knew I was live a good life. Through the spiritual awakening process I have come to realize that it is important to live your life and become a champion.
In committing to living a life of service and value I have become a champion for many causes. One cause that is near and dear to me is The American Cancer Society as evidenced by my 24 year involvement with The Relay For Life. In my 24 years I have had many supporters as well as detractors however in having a champion mindset and deciding to live my life I have had much success. I have learned that passion + action = success. I have also learned to simply take action and detach from outcomes as some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next. In taking action we begin to attract the people and resources necessary to move toward a goal. In many cases you will exceed the goal and some times you will fall short of the goal. Regardless of the outcome you can know you lived your life by doing your best and taking action. Now is your time to clear any blockages that may be hindering you from living the life you want. You have a power to do incredible things by simply living your life and following the guidance from GOD, Jesus, Source, Spirit, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels. The answers we seek to live a life of service and value are all around us all we have to do is stop for a moment and listen. The key to living your life is to take the knockdowns and get back up so you will continue to stand and walk in your truth.
I know that in my life I have had some major adversity but I am still standing as I know that by living my life by facing everything and rising that I am growing and making a mind, body, and soul connection. In living your life and following your passion you will find that you attract more bliss and abundance into your life.
As you live your life and get that paper remember to pass the paper onto others as GOD wants you to prosper so you can prosper others. It is when you share your successes and give that you open up the channels to receive. Now is your time to live your life and move forward toward spiritual enlightenment. Now is your time to shine your light and illuminate to world by living your life. Namaste!!!!
It is good to believe in yourself but it is better to know that someone believes in you. As you go through the spiritual awakening it is important to have something to believe in that drives you to grow personally. professionally, and spiritually allowing you to seize the day. If you have something that you are passion about and you take action you will find success as you have something to believe in. Ask yourself what do I have to believe in as I journey along my spiritual path.
The newsies believed in fighting for better wages and working conditions and they united in the effort and seized the day and through some trials and tribulations they eventually got what they wanted. The newsie are a fantastic example of what can happen when you take action and have something to believe in. It is when you awaken and follow your calling that you enhance your life and the lives of others. My quest to be of service and value to others started at the age of 11 when I hosted a backyard carnival to benefit The Muscular Dystrophy Association. It was through this event that I realized that my core belief system would be to show people that service to humanity is the best work of life. Through out my high school and college years I was involved in many community service projects and I learned that when you believe in causes and become laser focused you begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. In 1989 I joined The Jaycees (Junior Chamber Of Commerce) and I was introduced to The Jaycees Creed which has become an integral part of my belief system.
Through the many Jaycees Projects and the leadership training I received I was able to have something to believe in thus allowing me to continue to move in a positive direction of my dreams. The Jaycees opened up many doors and gave me the confidence to apply to be a member of The U.S. Peace Corps. I applied to be a member of The U.S. Peace Corps and in June of 2002 I was on a plane to be part of The U.S. Peace Corps Philippines. I was with The U.S. Peace Corps until I returned to The U.S. in February 0f 2003 as I had some medical issues. The U.S. Peace Corps taught me to believe that I could continue to make a difference and that I could break down some barriers that may be holding people back from reaching their full potential. Since my return from the U.S. Peace Corps I have been focused on helping people with cancer through my participation in The American Cancer Society Relay For Life as I believe in helping other people excel. I have had some great experiences as I have always had something to believe in. I have been knocked down a few times and have encountered doubters, haters, and naysayers but I have always believed that GOD’S Plan is far greater than the plan I have for myself. I have come to understand that what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve.
I believe that when you have an attitude of gratitude you will reach an altitude that exceeds your expectations. Gratitude is an incredible tool for it allow us to increase our vibrations thus attracting the resources needed to create the life that we desire. I have come to realize that when you understand that this is the day that the lord hath made and to be glad glad and rejoice in it that you are able to overcome challenges by facing everything and rising. In believing that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it you will experience triumph over adversity. When you have something to believe in you find yourself excelling by finding something to believe in.
I know for many of you the last 14 months have been a challenge however I am here to tell you things get easier and if you continue to believe in yourself and you use your talents for good you will find yourself attracting bliss and abundance into your life. When you have something to believe in you will find that everything begins to fall into place just as GOD has intended. One of the teachings that has helped me to continue on my quest to be the best version of myself and to walk in my truth has been The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.
May your beliefs allow you to step into your power and achieve greatness. Namaste!!!
In a world where we are at a crossroads it is important to find your way. As you awaken spiritually and tap into your inner divinity you will be shown the way by GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Master, and The Angels. In finding your way it is important to stay connected to source and spirit. There are many crazy and mixed up things happening in our world today and now more than ever it is imperative to do the right thing. The time is now to make kindness and compassion rule the day as you continue on your spiritual path as you find your way toward enlightenment. As someone who is spiritually aware and awake you have a responsibility to find your way and help others to find their way for who much is given much is expected. In finding your way and following GOD you will encounter a time where you will attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life.
The first step in finding your way is to become an action taker. As you begin to take action and realize that what the mind can conceive and your heart can believe you can achieve you will find that bliss and abundance come to you as you are connected to source. When you begin to create your own path you will find that you detach from expectations by coming alive thus being of service and value to others. It is when you find your way and discover your purpose that you can answer the calling and as a result you will find that overcoming challenges becomes easier every day. In finding your way you will begin to see that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring your through it and you will grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. In finding your way you will come to understand that you may not resonate with everyone and that is okay as those who are meant to hear your message and support you will be brought to you. As you find your way and stay on your spiritual path you will find that there will be doubters, haters, and naysayers. When you encounter them simply take a breathe and keep on your path as you will also encounter lifters who will support your efforts as you find your way.
In finding your way you will find yourself eliminating negative self talk and the blockages that it has created thus releasing the past so that you can live in the present while planning for the future. Along the path to finding your way remind yourself that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others. How many times have you stopped from moving forward on a project because people told you you can not do it? In finding your way you must put aside the opinions of others and simply commit to going the distance as you find your way. There will be many trials and tribulations but you are strong enough to face everything and rise as you find your way. It is said the two greatest days of a person’s life is the day they are born and the day they discover why. It is your time to find your way and to discover your why.
I have found that creating my own path has brought great opportunities that have led to fantastic memories that now serve as fuel in the quest to find my way. I have come to understand that doing things from a heart centered perspective allows one to find their way and to leave the world a little bit better than they found it. I have come to realize that when you find your way and put your passion into action you find success as you define it. It is when you realize that you can only control yourself and your actions that you will find your way. In finding your way remember to walk in your truth and to do the best you can with the tools that you have. Along your spiritual journey you will add many tools that will allow you to soar to heights that will help you to step into your power and achieve greatness. In finding your way stop comparing yourself to others and simply know that you are enough. In finding your way tap into your talents and use them enhance your life and the lives of others. When you are having difficulty in finding your way simply turn to GOD as he will make you stronger. Stay Positive!!!
I was watching the replay of Graig Sager’s ESPY speech when he was talking about how he found a special place on his walk from his cancer treatment. The special space was the toy train set. He said he would stop and simply watch the train set and it lifted his spirits. As he spoke about his special place I began to think of how important it is to have a sacred place to help stay centered, focused, and grounded. Through out our lives we will have many memories of special places that we hold as sacred spaces that allow us to gain clarity and thus become action takers. I remember that I found a special place when I was in the Philippines serving as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer. The sacred spot was a spot on the beach where I had many opportunities to be of service and value but most importantly it was a spot where I could write and reflect and stay connected to source. It was at this spot where I began to understand the importance of being spiritually aware and awoke. There were many a day that I simply took a jeepney ride to this spot to get away from any worries. After visiting the spot I felt rejuvenated and ready to take on any challenges that would come my way.
This space allowed me to detach from the world for a while and to come alive so that I could be the change that I wanted to see in the world. When I returned home from The Philippines I was able to hold the memories of the lessons learned in this sacred space so that I could continue to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. When I returned home I spent time at my MOM and Step Father’s Home and I made a sacred spot out by the pool where I could just contemplate what my next steps would be in my spiritual journey. My MOM and Step Father have since been called home to GOD however the memory of them allowing me to stay at their home will last forever. When we can create sacred spaces we can gain tranquility that allows us to follow the spiritual guidance of GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels. The beauty of being spiritually awake is that you can create sacred space wherever you may be along your path.
One of the sacred spaces I have is the tiki hut by my pool area at my condo where I currently reside. I often find myself sitting under the tiki hut and observing the nature simply allowing the different messages to flow to me so that I can take the necessary action on those actions to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life so that I can make a positive impact on my community. Having a sacred space will allow you gain more insight into your life as you continue to seek answers while on your spiritual journey. When creating your sacred space I recommend some essential oils, some candles, and some crystals.
Once you have your sacred space established make sure you keep it clean and fresh so that you only attract positivism into the space. If you find that negativity is creeping into your sacred spaces simply sage the area and pray. Once you establish sacred space remember it is in that space that you can enhance the mind, body, and soul connection.
Your sacred space can be large or small. It can be inside or outside. It is your space to go to to find direction and to gain clarity as you communicate with the universe and find ways to lead a purpose driven life.
I have found that having some type of meditation cards in my sacred space help to find the answers that I am seeking at that time. In utilizing the cards I find that I am able to set a tome that will allow me to be open to receive the messages that are being sent so that I can take appropriate action to bring more bliss and abundance into my life. It is in creating sacred space and using a few tools that we are able to tap into our inner divinity and move toward enlightenment. It is when we enter the sacred space that we are reminded that we are divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper so we can prosper others. May you create a sacred space that allows you create the life that you desire as you continue along your path.
In today’s world that seems to be upside down with racial strife, covid-19, and partisan politics it is important to be an instrument of peace. The time is now to awaken spiritually and tap into our inner divinity so as to summon the strength, courage, and enthusiasm to be the change we want to see in the world. It is now imperative that we play for peace and start to find ways to be of service and value to one another. It is now that we need to understand that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others. Over the years I have come to understand that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations and that when we are united and look beyond the outer appearance we connect on a spiritual level that allows us to vibrate at a high frequency thus improving our personal, professional, and spiritual life. It is when we put the differences aside and commit to being action takers that we improve our small peace of the world simply by being a beacon of hope for others. One of the ways to play for peace is to adopt The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.
Imagine if this was hung in every school, every work place, every government building and through out the community how much better our world would be as people would change the mindset and thus unite to help other people excel. If we begin to play for peace we will be able to unite and create a strong nation where people’s basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing are met and thus they can begin to meet the 1st level of Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs and thus move in a positive direction of their goals and objectives.
When we play for peace and have our needs met we begin to feel better about ourselves and thus we can face everything and rise. When we work toward self-actualization we are able to shine our light and illuminate the world thus creating a new paradigm of positivism that shifts the consciousness of our community allowing us to live a life that is filled with peace, love, joy, and prosperity. Think about it as our time is ticking away how are we going to play for peace and make kindness and understanding a priority so as to leave the community better than we found it. If we are to play for peace and create a world where everyone can experience bliss and abundance we must begin to eliminate some of the deadly sins like GREED, GLUTONY, and SLOTH. We must be committed to helping others and sharing our wealth so that everyone can have an opportunity to live a life that will help them to experience happiness even where there is pain.
If we can play for peace and come together in a unified effort to show compassion to those that are facing adversity we can turn the dream of people thriving into reality. We have the ability to recognize each others divinity and to brighten the day for others simply by playing for peace and doing acts of kindness. It is in the giving that we open up the channels to receive. Now is our season to play for peace and show love and compassion to others.
When we come from a position of peace and love we begin to attract more peace into our life and thus we are able to set thing in motion that allow us to step into our power and achieve the greatness that GOD has planned for us for GOD’S Plan is far greater than our own. Many times when we play for peace we must walk in our truth and be the messenger that provides hope and healing for those we come in contact with knowing that in the end we will be rewarded. When we commit to play for peace we will find that the people and resources needed to manifest the life that we desire will be provided to us as we continue on our spiritual journey becoming more and more aware and awake as we continue down the spiritual path. Now is the time for us to play for peace and to stand by each other so as improve the quality of life for all those we come in contact with through out our interactions.
May you stand by others and go light your world illuminating the community where you live, work, and play. Be a candle of hope and inspiration today. Namaste!!!
It is amazing what happens when you awaken spiritually and just let GOD guide you in all that you are doing while in your human form here on earth. The other night I had someone literally tell me to F-off on Facebook after I asked them if they would donate a jersey to use in a silent auction for The American Cancer Society. He then went on to say that there is no GOD and that my mom is worm food as I mentioned that she was called home to GOD on July 5,2012 and was my reason to continue to help those touched by cancer. This morning I was looking for something to write about and the universe delivered this song from Olivia Newton John who is a cancer survivor. I have found that when you let go of the negativity and focus on the positivity while coming from a position of Grace and Gratitude you grow personally, professionally, and professionally.
When we stand in grace and gratitude we open up many channels that will enhance our lives thus allowing us to be in a position to be of service and value to others. When we decide to take action and come from a position of thankfulness we begin to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity. In my journey to show people that service to humanity is the best work of life I have had many supporters and of course there were the doubters, the haters, and the naysayers. In the past I would dwell on what the doubters, the haters, and the naysayers were saying but now I focus on the supporters and the positive feedback that I receive. I have found that by walking in my truth I attract the people and the resources needed to be a lifter and to make my little piece of the world a better place. Through the awakening process I have come to understand that not everyone will resonate with your message however the ones that do will help you to be a lifter. It is when you let go and let GOD that you begin to find that you are attracting more bliss and abundance into your life. Along your journey there will be challenges and when those challenges appear simply face everything and rise by coming alive and following your calling detaching from outcomes knowing that GOD’S plan for us is far greater than our own and everything will happen as GOD intends it to occur. I have always found solace in music as it has allowed me to let go and let GOD knowing that when I am connected to GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels that I vibrate at a level that allows me to focus on positivism.
After my negative encounter the other night I simply turned to The Newsboys and started to peel back the onion and tap into my inner divinity so as to reconnect with GOD and to take action that will positively impact the lives of others and allow me to let go and set my soul on fire. I have come to understand that I can change some things and others I simply have no control over. Now is time to let go and let go and walk in your truth as a soul on fire.
As you let go and let GOD and become a soul on fire you will find that you will achieve many of the goals that in the past you may have thought were impossible. Do not let people extinguish your flame keep it burning and shine your light bright for the whole world to see. As long as there is a burning ember of desire to improve your life and the lives of others you can fan that flame and allow it to be an inferno that propels you to the greatness that GOD has planned for you. There may be times when you feel you don’t want to push forward for you are being bombarded by many things that make this a crazy mixed up world. When that time intrudes on your life simply let go and set your soul on fire to become a positive influence in your community. It is time to let go and believe in yourself understanding that you are a divine child of GOD and that GOD wants you to prosper so you can prosper others.
It is when you let go and allow GOD to guide you that you begin to have more moments to celebrate. Now is your time time to let go and let GOD. Stay Positive.
Through the spiritual awakening process I have come to realize that if you are to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually you need to have a champion mind set that focuses on coming from a place of abundance as opposed to coming from a place of lack. To be a champion you must believe in yourself and make a championship connection with GOD so when challenges are put in front of you you can face everything and rise. Now is your time to be a champion.
The first step to being a champion is committing to putting in the hard work and to believe that you can win in all you do. In your quest to be a champion there will be some set backs and many times those setbacks will serve as lessons to move you in a positive direction of your goals. This past week I attempted to raise funds through JERSEYS OF HOPE however no one bid on the jerseys. I was a bit disappointed and thought what would a champion do and the answer was simple a champion would find a way to keep going and have success. I was beating myself up thinking I had failed when in reality I had won because I stepped up to do something and I still have the jerseys to use in my fundraising efforts to help those touched by cancer. I was at a point when I wanted to give up as I didn’t feel I was having the successes but after speaking with a few people and them telling me how I inspire them I sat in meditation and was able to get centered, focused, and balanced and thus erase that negative self talk and move forward and continue on my championship quest to be a positive influence on people. It was through a bit of adversity that I was able to meet a challenge and continue on my mission to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. One of the things I did was to look back on the memories and thus be refueled to be of service and value to others.
As I began to look back on the memories I was reminded of all the wins I have had in my life despite some of the haters, doubters, and naysayers. All my wins held one thing in common determination to never give up. Today is a day to be a champion and to make new memories to answer the calling and to live a purpose driven life. You can be a champion by serving your community and detaching from outcomes and simply taking the set backs in stride and continue on your path to spiritual enlightenment. Over the years I have had a few challenges and some have knocked be down but I always manage to get up dust myself off and fly high because I know that it is time to be a champion.
When we commit to training our mind, body, and soul to win we fly high and we get stronger and we move toward the goal of being a champion. I remember my first championship it was a football through for accuracy win at the age of 12 at The local Maccabi Games in Fort Lauderdale. I was one the smallest kids in my age group and probably a long shot to win but I was happy to just be able to compete. I overcame my eye hand coordination problems on that day and I was the winner. I still have that trophy to remind me that what your mind can conceive and your heart can believe you can achieve. You can be a champion if you simply commit to taking action and using your talents for good. With hard work and dedication you can become a champion in all of your endeavors. Instead of comparing yourself to others simply put forth your best effort and everything will point you in the direction of being a champion. If you continue to believe in yourself and you take action to achieve your goals you will find yourself in your own hall of fame. IN all you do bring the best version of yourself and be a champion.
As you become more and more aware and awake you will find yourself thinking globally and acting locally using your platform for the greater good and a result you will be a hall of famer and they will call you champion, Now is your time to shine and to attract more peace, love, joy, and abundance into your life and to become a champion today. Namaste!!!
One great aspect of the spiritual awakening process is to connect with nature and understand that we were born free. It is when we reclaim our freedom and become action takers that we are able to stay focused, centered and grounded as we realize that we are guided by GOD and by letting GOD direct our steps we have success as it is the natural order of things along our spiritual path that allow us to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. In taking time to connect to nature we are able to gain clarity of purpose thus we create opportunities that will enhance our lives and allow us to be of service and value to others. It is when we find sacred space in nature that we are able to tap into our inner divinity allowing us to take action to make a mind, body, soul connection that will assist us in our journey toward enlightenment. Each step we take along our path gets us closer to finding our purpose so that we attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives thus giving us a chance to pay it forward and improve the lives of others. As you walk in nature take a moment to admire all of GOD’S creations and embrace the beauty that you are observing as it will help you to gain an appreciation for that which is GOD’S creation. In gaining appreciation you will be able to assume an attitude of gratitude that will lead you attracting bliss and abundance into your life.
As you walk in nature take a moment to celebrate another day of living as you find your calling and start to make positive changes in your life and in the lives of others. It is in the celebration of nature that we raise our vibrations to a level that allows us to attract the people and resources necessary to exceed our goals and objectives. In walking in nature and appreciating the majestic views we are able to come alive and detach from the craziness that is happening in the world today so that we can come alive and experience the emotions that will clear blockages that have previously stopped us from pursuing our dreams. In walking in nature or taking a moment to sit quietly we can gain a clear understanding of what is flowing in and out of our life. It is through a new found perspective that we can become the manifesters of happiness in our life so that we will be able to say yes to the questions did you live your life in joy and did your life bring joy to others. I have come to learn that on the days you can not get out to nature you can bring nature to you simply by having a few recordings of nature to listen to as you mediate and seek direction from GOD on what your next step should be along your spiritual path.
Where I live we have many iguanas and I am always amazed by how fast they move and how big they have become. MY neighbors complain about them while I simply marvel at them and appreciate the creature that GOD created. Sometimes I simply sit under the tiki hut and watch them. I will then watch the birds, the ducks, and the fish in the lake and get a sense of calmness which allows me to return to my tasks with a laser focus to achieve the goals and objectives I have set out for the day. It is only natural that when you take action that you begin to move in a forward direction toward your dreams. Connecting with nature helps to relieve a lot of stress and anxiety that may have held you back in the past but now you can be relaxed and focused thus bringing more opportunities to be a spiritual lifter and help other people excel while also leaving a great legacy of service.
When you walk in nature take a moment to listen to the wind as you will find the answers that you are seeking. It is when we heed the messages that are being delivered to us that we are able to rise to heights that we once only imagined. It is when we are silent that we are give the answers to our questions.
As you continue on your spiritual journey take time to stay connected to nature and listen to the wind blowing as it contains many of the answers to the questions you are asking.
May you be nourished by GOD’S Water today!!! Namaste!!!
As I scrolled through my Facebook Feed today I learned of the passing of Diane Fischer, a friend I had made through the Jaycees who was always very supportive of my efforts. Prayers go out to her husband Marty, who I also met through, The Jaycees and her family. As I sat in reflection I thought about how we hadn’t connected in a few years and thought this is why regardless of where you are you need to push through and stay in touch. Diane was battling cancer and will now serve as a reminder to be an action taker and push through as I continue to raise funds for those touched by cancer, If you are reading this and knew Diane and would like to honor her memory please visit and make a donation. Today has reminded me that regardless of where we are along our spiritual path we must push through and make an effort to stay in touch with people for we never know when GOD may call them home. Today served as yet another awakening that life can be taken from us in any moment and that it is important to positively impact the lives of those we come in contact with.
Many dealing with loss wish for one more day. I am here to tell you to stop wishing and make each day count so when there is a final day there are no regrets. Take each day and be glad and rejoice in it. Make it a point to connect with those who have been part of your life so that when their final day comes you will be able to ease the pain and push through. As we say goodbye to people who are no longer with us in the human form let us take solace in knowing that they will be our angels watching over us helping us to follow our calling and to live a purpose driven life. It is when we are down and feeling challenged mentally and physically that we must take time to rest and rejuvenate so we can push through the adversity and rise to the heights that GOD wants us to reach. As we go through our life we realize that we are dust in the wind.
As we realize that we are dust in the wind formed into a being by GOD we are given the power to push through any trials and tribulations that come our way so as to leave a legacy of hope for those we come in contact with as we journey on our spiritual path. As I sat in reflection today (5/17/2021) I began to realize that at the end of the day all that counts is if we lived our life in joy and if we brought joy to others. I hope that you will honor those who are no longer with us and that you will push through to give flowers and praise to those who are still living. Loss of a friend or loved one is one of the toughest things to push through but as the days go on you begin to grasp the idea that the person who is now an angel in heaven would want you to continue to step into your power and achieve the greatness which is your birthright. Now is your time to thank those who have impacted your life and let them know how they inspired you. Don’t wait to hear the news of their passing.
If my brothers Richard and Josh are reading this along with my sister Wendi and my sister In Law Marni and my Aunt Greta and my cousin Susie my Aunt Fran and all my cousins on that side of the family I want to thank you for your support and guidance over the years. You all have help in my effort to continue to push trough and overcome hardships. There have been so many people that have inspired me and I want to thank you all and to remind you how important you are in helping to push through. Thank you to all the angels among us who continue to shine a bright light of hope so that we can push through things in order to face everything and rise.
To Diane and all those called home to GOD may you take your rightful place in heaven and guide us along our path so that we can make a positive impact on the lives we touch here on earth. You may be gone but you will not be forgotten. May your memories push us through. Namaste!!!
In our life from the cradle to the grave we will have many opportunities to plug in our adaptor so as to continue to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Along our spiritual path there will be many obstacles for us to overcome and how we adapt to overcoming these challenges will develop us by allowing us to face everything and rise. There will be many things that we can not control which will make us understand that the way things are and the way things should be are two different things. It is when we are faced with adversity that we must plug in our adaptor and tap into our inner divinity so as to create and manifest a favorable outcome. Many times the outcome may not be the one we wanted however in accepting it and moving on we grow and become more and more spiritually aware. Many times our disappointments create the fuel we need to dust ourselves off and rise above all that we are facing. LIfe is going to through us some curve balls and that is when you need to plug in your adaptor and understand that you are a divine child of GOD who has a purpose on this earth. We all have many different adaptors. Mine is a sense of humor and the spiritual teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz. My biggest adaptor is The Four Agreements.
When things aren’t going my way I remember these four agreements and I reconnect with GOD, Jesus, Source, Spirit, The Angels, and Ascended Masters so as to stay focused and to remain centered and grounded. Over the years through the spiritual awakening process I have learned to follow my calling and to be heart centered in all I do so as to come alive and be of service and value to the community thus allowing me to plug in my adaptor and detach from expectations. If at the end of each day we can say today I plugged in my adaptor and as a result I had a day filled with joy and I brought joy to others we will have had a great day. Yes somedays will be more challenging that others however if we plug in our adaptor we can face it all and become a better version of ourselves.
When we plug in our adaptors we become overcomers. When things seem to go of the rails we must find a way to get them back on track so as to move fluidly to our next destination. On April 12,2021 I mailed a letter and it still hasn’t been received by the recipient. I am upset because the letter also included a money order for $27.01 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Instead of getting angry I took a deep breath and then went online to file a lost letter inquiry. I then realized next time I am sending a check or money order anywhere to send it certified thus I can lessen the burden of worrying if it got there or not. Through adversity we are able to become overcomers and learn valuable lessons along the way as we continue to become more aware and awake. I also us the serenity prayer as an adaptor so that the moments where I get upset are fleeting.
It is when I sit in reflection that I learn to adapt and overcome. I can not control what others may do but I can change what I do and how I react to things as I plug in my adaptor. There was a time I would debate about everything now I simple disengage politely as I have have come to learn that arguing is like wrestling a pig in the mud you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it. As I continue to make adjustments I realize that the best way to plug in my adaptor is to be the best version of myself and to leave people in a better position than I found them. I have come to understand that I may not resonate with everyone but those meant to hear my message and support my projects will be brought to me as long as I am being heart centered and guided by GOD. If you do not like the way things are going find a way you can change so as to improve how things are going. Sometimes it is just necessary to go with the flow and vibrate at a high level so as to attract the people and resources needed to create the life you desire.
When things seem difficult and challenging and you want to quit simply turn to the scriptures and find the answers that you are seeking during the spiritual awakening process and keep on walking your truth. It is when we stand tall and walk in our truth that we are able to shine our light the brightest and illuminate the world. Yes there will be challenges that come along the way however remember that if GOD brought you to it GOD will be you through it so keep walking. When you reflect back on what has happened for you realize that GOD has been with you every step of the way and his plan is far greater that yours.
It is when GOD carries us that we find strength and that we are able to tap into our inner divinity so that we can stay connected and continue to grow personally, professionally, and spirituality. It is when we decide to continue to walk in our truth that we discover just how powerful we are as we make a positive impact on the lives that we come in contact with while traveling along our spiritual path. I have learned through the spiritual awakening process that in this life there are action takers and there are excuse makers and it is those who take action that find enlightenment. When we continue to walk with GOD we become stronger and thus we can show everyone that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations and that service to humanity is the best work of life.
I have come to learn that JESUS will strengthen me and everything will improve and it will all work out in the end. I have come to understand that those meant to walk with you will join you and lift you as they realize that we are all divine children of GOD and that GOD wants us to prosper so we can prosper others. Over the last few years with my involvement with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life I have done what I refer to faith walks where I carry a collection bucket in one hand and a Bible in the other. I remember one day I was doing a faith walk and I walked into a restaurant to ask for donations and someone aske what book are you reading. I answered The Bible. They said you have a powerful weapon there so I must donate. We sat and spoke for a few minutes and then prayed for each other. I continue to walk these faith walks because we all need to come together and realize that we all bleed the same.
As we walk along our spiritual path let us make peace, love, and understanding a priority so that we can come together and create bliss and abundance everywhere that we may travel. Let us all continue to walk in our truth so that we can bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into out lives and into the lives of others. When things are getting tough and you feel like you can’t go on rest if you must but don’t you quit.
It is when we walk in our truth and face everything and rise that we will create breakthroughs and clear blockages that may be stopping us from reaching our full potential. I remember a time I wanted to stop walking in The March Of Dimes 20 KM WALK- A- THON. I was about a mile away from the finish line and my feet were burning and my knees were aching. I dropped to my knees and I stopped for a while and then I felt a power come over me that brought me to my feet and at the moment I started walking a little faster and with about 50 yards to go I started to sprint. I crossed that finish line and all I could think of to say was Thank You GOD. I collapsed and was taken to a massage table and they checked me out and gave me a massage and then quickly ushered me to the food and beverage area. They made sure I was okay. On the ride home all I could think of was how I did not quit. It was on that day that I learned that it is important to finish what you started and that you may get knocked down but it is not how many times you get knocked down but how many times you get back up. Now is your time to keep walking in your truth and not allow anything to break your stride today. Namaste!!!
As I awoke today I sat in meditation and the message that kept running through my brain was that it was time to change the approach to the way that we do things. This brought me back to the days when I was bowling in tournaments and how many times I had to make adjustments on what is referred to as the approach. There were times I had to move left or right, up or down, and times when I had to shorten or lengthen my steps. Many times these adjustments were the difference between a strike or having to throw a spare attempt. There were times that I made the correct adjustments that led to a win and then there were times that I waited to long to make the adjustment which led to a less that desirable outcome. As I look back on the bowling experiences I realize that they mimic our spiritual journey as we have to adjust and adapt to the lessons we are learning as we delve into our inner divinity and discover the power and the talents that we have to unleash. Through out the spiritual awakening process I have come to realize that changing the approach is the best way to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. If we are to evolve and use our talents for good we must realize that a change is going to come.
With all the unrest and fear that seems to be gripping our country right now we must change our approach so as to shift the paradigm from division to unification. Now is the time to change and make peace, love, and understanding a priority in our daily lives. We need to keep kindness and compassion on the top of our minds and make an effort to share stories that are uplifting and empowering. Imagine turning on the news and seeing stories of communities coming together for events like a community clean up, a park build, Relay For Life, Walk to End Alzheimer’s, food drives, and a community barbeque. I know of one media outlet that only covers good positive news, which decided to change the approach to what to print and as a result reaches over a 1/4 million readers each month. We have the power to make a change and it starts with all of us leaning on each other and recognizing that we are divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others.
Each time I hear this song I am reminded of a principal who took drastic measures to change the approach of how his school was being run and as a result to that change graduation rates went up. Many chastised his methods and even tried to shut him down but he persevered and made a few adjustments and as a result positively impacted the lives of his students, parents, and teachers. Think about the way you are doing things and the way you are approaching those things and then keep what is working for you and change that which is not working for you. As you change your approach you will find that you start to eliminate that which no longer serves you and thus you are able to make the changes necessary to attract peace, love, joy, and abundance into your life. It is now your season to make a change.
It is your time to shine your light and illuminate the world by changing your approach. You are a powerful being who can do great things simply by understanding that you are limitless. Now is the moment where you face everything and rise by planning your work and working your plan making changes along the way that allow you to make a mind, body, and spirit connection. You may not go back to change the past but you can change your approach and create a different ending. It is time to peel back the onion and see what is inside of you so that you can continue along your spiritual path and move in a positive direction of your goals. It is when you truly commit to changing your approach that you set in motion the resources needed to manifest the life that you desire. May you change your approach and change your life.
It is when we change our mindset that we can change our circumstances. It is through our actions that we are able to be of service and value to others thus bringing bliss and abundance into our lives. Today is your day to start changing your approach. Stay Positive!!! Namaste!!!
Today as I was doing a Facebook live video I stated that what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve. As I finished the video I kept thinking about the message that I wanted to deliver today and it hit me Be A Dreamer. As I continue to awaken spiritually I realize that if you can dream it you can become it. I believe that many people are afraid to go after their dreams because they worry about what can go wrong. To those with this mindset I recommend you become a dreamer and think about what can go right and celebrate the successes along the way while learning from the set backs. One thing that can help you to become a dreamer is to have the serenity prayer visible somewhere that you will see it daily.
When you become a dreamer and you start to see things differently and take action you begin to put in motion all things necessary to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. It is when you begin to dream and write down your dreams so that you can plan the work and work the plan making adjustments along the way that you will attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Many times it is as simple as taking action and following your heart that allows dreams to come true. I remember it was January of 2002 and I was out of work and thinking what has my life become and feeling inadequate and disconnected so I decided to do something that I had wanted to do for a long time I applied to become a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer. A few days later I did a phone interview and in April I received a letter and a packet from The U.S. Peace Corps inviting me to be a volunteer in The Philippines. I accepted and began to make the arrangements to serve as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer. Everything worked out as my lease was up at the end of May and I would be traveling to the staging site at that time. It had been a dream of mine to go to The Philippines and this was a way to make it happen. I served as Volunteer in Bauang La Union at a Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth where I taught English, Math, and Livelihood Skills. I have some fond memories of serving from July 2002 until February 2003. Upon my return I reconnected with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and I still participate in this great event to help people overcome the challenges they face when diagnosed with cancer hoping to help them make their dreams come true. Through out the spiritual awakening process I have had many of my dreams come true that today serve as fuel to continue to be of service and value to others.
Now is your time to put your passion into action and find success by following your dreams. It is your time to shine bright and illuminate the world by taking action to turn your dreams into reality. Over the last few years I have many of my dreams fulfilled. I attribute this to being connected to GOD, Jesus, Source, and Spirit as I put myself out there committing to use my talents for good. In 2018 and again 2020 I was the announcer for The State Champion Football Team at Cardinal Gibbons High School. It was always my dream to be part of a championship season and I have been part of 2 and will cherish the memories forever and they will fuel me to become even better at my craft.
Look at things that may not have been done before and take action to bring them to fruition. I remember sitting in a Coral Springs Jaycees Meeting in 1989 and they were discussing cancelling a project to feed needy families and take needy children on a holiday shopping spree. I stood up and said what about collecting donations and they said we never did that before. I said so let’s start. In the next few weeks I started to call businesses that I had dealt with and told them what The Jaycees were looking to do and the response was amazing and in the end we ran The Spreading The Joy Project and fed 30 needy families and took 65 children holiday shopping all because I was a dreamer who took action. Now is your turn to be a dreamer and to take action to make those dreams come true. Do not allow doubters, haters, or naysayers to hold you back. Stay Positive Today. Namaste!!!
As you turn on the news lately you will see many negative stories that seem like they are dividing us however I am sure that better days are coming. To make better days come we must get back to making peace, love, and understanding a priority in our daily lives. It is time to look for the good in people we come in contact with and do what we can to be lifters so as to create better days. Now is the time to look deep inside ourselves and tap into our inner divinity and unleash our talents for the betterment of the communities where we live, work, and play. We must get back to respecting people and treating either with dignity and respect. It is time to turn to GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, The Angels, Spirit, and Source and take action upon the messages that are being sent to us to help other people excel by being of service and value to one another. It is time to seek ways to improve your life and the lives of others. The time is now for your to awaken spiritually so as to enhance your personal and professional life. When things seem the darkest that is when a breakthrough is about to happen so remember if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring your through it. Instead of watching the news and seeing the negative look for ways to be positive and spread positivism. Each day is a new day that GOD has made so be glad and rejoice in it by committing to make the day a better.
If we are to create better days we need to live a purpose driven and forgive ourselves and others who may have created blockages in our life. I have come to realize that yesterday is gone and tomorrow may not come and that is why they call today the present. We can not erase the past but we can learn from it and move forward in a positive direction of our dream and create better days. We may not be able to predict the future but we can plan for it so that we insure for better days. The main ingredient to creating better days is to focus on the present and do the best we can with the tools we have now and to hone our skills so that we can be a force for good. In the last 13 months I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have had many a moment to reflect and each time I sat in meditation there was a constant message that better days will come if you take action.
When we vibrate at a high level seeking better days we begin to attract the resources needed to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. When we get back to being connected to GOD we are guided toward better days. When we become heart centered and driven by purpose we create better days. The other day I went out collecting donation for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life as I am committed to creating better days for those touched by cancer. As I was collecting donations I ran into those who were supportive and those who questioned what I was doing. In the past I would have been upset by those who questioned my integrity but now I simply thanked them for their time and moved on because I know there will be better days. I have come to understand that my message and my choice of charity may not resonate with everyone but those meant to hear the message and support the charity will be brought forward to help create better days. I have come to learn that some will, some, won’t, some waiting. so what, next is a great philosophy to have when creating better days for it is imperative that you surround yourself with those who support your efforts and lift you up in your quest to evolve spiritually.
Now is your turn to be better than yesterday. Today is your day to put the doubters, the haters, and the naysayers aside and create better days because you have greatness inside you that was meant to be shared with others. Now is your time to meet your challenges and to face everything and rise for you were meant to create a legacy that leads to better days. Remember it is not about how many times you get knocked down it is about how many times you get back up. You deserve better days. Namaste!!!
Spiritual Awakening: Persistence Breaks Down The Resistance!
Through the spiritual awakening process I have come to learn that persistence breaks down the resistance. I have come to understand that when you plan your work and work your plan with consistency that you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have come to realize that you may lose a few people along the way because of being persistent however those meant to help and support you and resonate with your message will be attracted to you when GOD deems it necessary to place them along your path.
Over the years there have been times when I wanted to quit because things were not going well however I pushed through with persistence and as a result was able to continue to be of service and value to others. The moment I took action to bring projects to fruition I knew that persistence would be a key ingredient. Many times I simply needed to sit down in meditation and consul with the Ascended Masters, GOD, Jesus, and The Angels and the answers I was seeking were given to me so I could continue to awaken and as a result attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. It was when I came alive and decided to make changes in my life that I was able to persist in answering my calling thus giving me the opportunity to help my community. In being persistent and walking in your truth you will find that you clear blockages that may be stopping yourself from achieving the greatness that is your birthright.
2020 Gave us all several challenges as it seemed as though our world has been turned upside down however it was those who were persistent and adapted that found success. 2021 has given us a few more challenges and to overcome these challenges it will take persistence and a commit to be the best version of ourselves as possible. We need to be persistent in our quest to lift others so that they will realize they are divine children of GOD and GOD wants them to prosper so they can prosper others. We must be consistent in the effort to realize that we as humans are more alike than different. The time have come for us to set goals and be persistent in achieving them. We need to be persistent in showing kindness and compassion and making sure people see the good that is going on in their communities. Instead of arguing we need to be persistent in uniting and recognizing each others divinity. It is time to realize that we are all unique and that we need to embrace that uniqueness and find ways to respect one another and make our communities a better place.
Now is our time to persist in recognizing that we are people destined to bring bliss and abundance into our lives and into the lives of others. It is the season to make peace, love, and understanding a priority. It is time to persist in being respectful to each other even though we may have different views. It is time to come together and unite by being persistent in doing random acts of kindness. It is time to flood Social Media with good news and build each other up so we can build stronger communities. We can not allow anything to stop us from spreading peace, love, joy, and prosperity wherever we may go.
Now is your time to find someone to help you in your persistence to improve your life and the lives of others. It is our time to show the world that persistence breaks down the resistance. You are going to encounter doubters, haters, and naysayers so simply hold a special place for them and be persistent in finding the lifters and the supporters. You will find that when you are persistent you will find the help to turn your limiting beliefs into limitless beliefs. I remember when I told people that I wanted to be a PA Announcer and many said I couldn’t do that because I had no formal training instead I became persistent and any time I had a chance to announce a game I took it. I began to hone my craft to the point where I was confident to reach out to teams and leagues and offer my services. In being persistent I have had the opportunity to work with some great people and have formed a reputation as one of the top PA Announcers in my area. It is when you are persistent that you break down the resistance. Don’t give up continue on your spiritual path. Namaste!!!
As I was going through photographs I began to reflect and realized that a spiritual awakening can be evoked simply by the memories that a photograph represents. Here I am am in The Philippines as A U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer. This photo brings back memories of joy of knowing that I was being of service and value to others. At first I was a bit timid but I took a deep breath and knew I would be okay as the owner of the Caribou was very close. Yes those are rice fields that you see in the background and yes I did help to harvest the rice. The process of harvesting the rice taught me patience and brought me a sense of accomplishment as I would help to bag the rice and sell it at the dry market. It was at the dry market that I realized just how important it is to be centered, focused, and grounded.
Here I am receiving The Munford Johnson Community Service Award from The SAKE Committee of The City Of Lauderhill. In my acceptance speech I spoke about holding fast to your dreams. I remember afterwards one of the commissioners coming up to me and telling me how I was a good orator. This award was earned because I took action and committed to helping other people excel by showing that passion + action = success. Success is measured in many ways some measure it in materialistic accomplishments others measure it in lives touched. Being part of The SAKE Awards that night showed me the importance of coming from a spiritual base.
Is is when we go through old photographs that we are able to reflect and pause for a moment to be grateful for the memories that were created. As we continue along our spiritual path we will have many opportunities to create special moments in time and to relish in shining moments that will permit us to move forward in a positive direction of our goals.
When we experience shining moments in our life they are imbedded in the cortex of our brain allowing us to pull them from our memory bank to fuel us to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. The shining moments we create will impact us and others.
It is when we commit to manifesting moments is time that we open up the spiritual passages necessary changes in our personal, professional, and spiritual lives so as to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. It is when we rise above everyone’s expectations that we thrive and grow. As we look at moments in time we can use the memories to improve our world one community at a time. In the end all the trials and tribulations can be overcome simply by tapping into your inner divinity and creating special moments in time.
This young girl is a cancer survivor and I had the honor to be the announcer for STRIKEOUT CANCER Day where she through out the first pitch. This photograph serves as a reminder to continue to move forward in my quest to help those touched by cancer. It also serve to remind me to use my talents for good to create positive memories that resonate with others as I continue on my spiritual path. The memories we create will be etched upon our heart to allow us to be heart centered in all we do so that we can show others that what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe we can achieve. It is in creating positive memories that we can shift the paradigms in our life and create bliss and abundance for ourselves and others.
Here I am announcing a Miami Fury Women’s Tackle Football Game. When I look at this photo I am able to reminisce about some of the positive things I was able to do while connected with the team. I am no longer affiliated with The Miami Fury however I have some great memories and some excellent experiences that I will utilize to enhance my personal, professional, and spiritual life. When I look at this photo I understand that announcing is one of my callings and that I right where GOD has intended me be.
Now is your time to create some memorable memories that will evoke happiness and allow you continue to live a purpose driven life. It is your time to understand that this is the day the lord hath made and to rejoice and be glad in it as you make memories that will be impactful to you as you awaken spiritually. Namaste!!!
Spiritual Awakening: Leaving A Memorable Legacy!!!
As we awake spiritually we must commit to leaving a worthy legacy. What we do for ourselves will die with us but what we do for others will live on long after we are gone so ask yourself how will you leave a memorable legacy. What will people remember you for? How will you lay a foundation that shows the communities where you lived, worked, and played that you were there and that you were of service of value to others? Now is your time to take action to leave a memorable legacy that will enhance future generations so that they will experience bliss and abundance. The time has come to reflect on the differences that you have made in the lives of others by asking yourself did I live my life in joy and did my life bring joy to others. If you can say yes to these questions you can say you had a decent life. In today’s world where it seems that we are being bombarded by negativity and divisiveness we need to find ways to be positive and lift others so that our legacy will be memorable. Your opportunity to change the way things are going is now and all it takes is to make kindness and compassion a priority. When you commit to leaving a memorable legacy you will find yourself attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. You have the power to heal the world.
You may think but I am only one person but what can I do. You can do so much once you decide to become an action taker and to put your passion into action as passion + action = success. When you awaken spiritually and come alive by answering your calling to positively impact your community you will experience a change that propels to continue on a path that will leave a memorable legacy. The fact remains that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so you can prosper others. Many people miss out on the opportunity to leave a memorable legacy as they come from a position of lack rather than of abundance. I know for many that are reading this entry it may seem as though things are tough and you may be afraid of what is next. I am here to tell you that if you face everything and rise you will see miracles as you believe that you have the ability to leave a memorable legacy.
I was reflecting back to when I was 12 years old and I got run over by a golf cart. The paramedics said I was very lucky as if the tires had been a couple inches to either side of my chest I would not have survived. I think this is when the spiritual awakening process began for me and when I decided to be of service and value to others. Since that time I have been dedicated to helping many charitable causes. Through out high school and through college and now today I do my part to help other people to excel. The year was 1989 and I was at a 4th of July Celebration and their was a group of people circulating a petition to ban the burning of the American Flag. I began to speak with them and found that they were members of The Jaycees (Junior Chamber Of Commerce) an their mission was to provide leadership training through community service to people 18-40. I was invited to attend a meeting and at the meeting was asked to join. I said yes and from 1989-2002 and then again from 2003 until 2008 was part of The Jaycees where I learned valuable skills that serve me today. From July of 2002 until February I served as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in The Philippines where I taught English, Math, and Livelihood Skills to at at-risk boys at A Regional Rehabilitation Center For Youth in Bauang La Union. I share this with you in hopes that you will be inspired to find ways to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life by showing the world that service to humanity is the best work of life. The greatest gift we can give once we awaken spiritually is the gift of service. You don’t have to have wealth all you have to do is have a desire to serve and help others. It all starts with tapping into your inner divinity and following the guidance of GOD so that you leave a memorable legacy. It is stated that if you touch one life in a positive way you change the world.
Spiritual Awakening: Putting Things In Perspective!!!
If you have visited the blog before you know that I am very active with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. 2021 marks my 24th year as a volunteer. In the past I want to be the #1 fundraiser for my local Relay For Life and now I want to be the #100 fundraiser because if I raise $1000 and 99 people do the same we raise $100,000 to help fund research, education, advocacy, and services. As I have been experiencing a spiritual awakening I have come to realize that it is important to put things into perspective. It is important to find your why which in my case for volunteering with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life my why is all the people that I have lost to cancer. In participating in The American Cancer Society Relay For Life I am able to honor their memories and hopefully one day no one will have to hear the words you have cancer. In being passionate and outspoken about my involvement with The American Cancer Society I have encountered doubters, haters, and naysayers however I do not allow these encounters to get me down as I understand that not everyone will share my views and this is okay fort hose who my message resonates with will respond in a positive way.
One way I have learned to put things into perspective is to find ways to lift others up and to be of service and value in all that you do. This photo is from a seminar I conducted titled All You Have Tod Do Is Ask!!! The idea was to show people that they could achieve their goals by simply asking people for assistance. During the presentation I stated remember so will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next. Prior to my presentation I was a bit disappointed as there wasn’t a big turn out. In the past I would have been upset but on that day I realized that those needing to hear the message were in attendance and I needed to give them an awesome presentation. In the end I received all types of accolades from the attendees. This woke me up further and reminded me to put things in perspective.
I hosted a TV Show, The Anything Bucket, on for a few years and am thankful to Wayne Filowitz who taught me valuable lessons of putting things into perspective. I would interview guests and off them an opportunity to purchase the clip from the show which if leveraged properly can be a very good marketing tool. I had many people say yes to being interviewed and buying their clip and I had many that said they didn’t want to be interviewed and yes there were those who didn’t buy their clip. I would spend hours wondering how people who claimed to be successful would turn down the opportunity to get their message out then one day I sat back and realized that not everyone is going to see the benefits of what you are offering. It again reminded me to put things into perspective.
Many times it is when we change the way we look at things by coming from a spiritual perspective we begin to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. When we look at the times we felt connected to GOD and the times we felt disconnected we will see a vast difference in how things unfolded in our life. It is when we stay connected to GOD, Jesus, Source, Spirit, The Ascended Masters, and our Angels that we can see things clearly and thus put things into perspective so that we can attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. Along the way we will will have challenges however if we put things into perspective and face everything and rise we will be stronger and triumphant. It is understanding that we have a power to change our perspective and to look at things in a way that we never did before. It is when we see things from different angles that we can see everything through each other’s eyes.
It is when we begin to change perspective that we can begin to work it out and start to bring bliss and abundance into our life and into the lives of others. It is when we begin to have a clear vison of our purpose that we can put things into perspective and begin to be of service to one another. Many times it is not about being right or wrong it is about doing the right thing.
Today is the day for you to gain clarity and perspective.
Today I turn back the clock to the 1994-1995 year of The Florida Jaycees. For those not familiar with The Jaycees they are a leadership training organization that provides people ages 18-40 an opportunity to grow personally and professionally through community service. I joined the organization in 1988 and in 1994 I decided that I would compete in The Armbruster Competition which was a resume and interview competition for members that have been involved for over 2 years based on contributions made to the organization. The competition was based on the areas of Individual Development, Community Service, Membership Recruitment, and Management Development. The competition started on a chapter level then you could advance to to the district level, the regional level, and the state level. The competitions were held quarterly with the final quarterly state winner advancing to nationals. My 1st competition went well I made it to state but did not make the call backs. A bit discouraged I went home and looked at the judges sheets and saw where I needed improvement and worked towards becoming better. I continued to compete and in May of 1995 of 1995 I won The State Competition to advance to Nationals. At Nationals I made the call backs and in the call back room stated they give out 5 awards and I am taking home one of them so the rest of you can battle for the other 4. I went on to be one of the top 5 winners and that is when I realized that I was having a spiritual awakening as I was finding my purpose which is to be of service and value to others.
It was at that moment in 1995 standing on the stage and looking out to the crowd that I realized how important it is to go the distance and to simply realize that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. IT was then that I made a conscious decision to put the doubters, the haters, and naysayers aside and to go the distance to continue to make a positive impact on people that I come in contact with while on my spiritual journey. Since 1995 I have made a great effort to show the world that service to humanity is the best work of life. I have continued to awaken spiritually learning ways to improve my personal, professional, and spiritual life. Each step that I have taken I have reminded myself to go the distance. As I continue on my path I realize that there will those who may not resonate with my message however those that are meant to hear it and are destined to be drawn to me will be enlightened. I have come to subscribe to the concept that some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next as I have offered advice to people only to be told I don’t need your help or who are you to tell me what to do. I simply pray for those people and move on to those who are more receptive. I have also learned to go where you are celebrated instead of tolerated. I have also learned that GOD, The Angels, The Ascended Masters, and Jesus will provide the resources necessary to go the distance by allowing you to step into your power and achieving the greatness that is your birthright.
If you are to go the distance you must take the steps to fly and soar so that you can move forward in a positive direction of your goals. Each day gives you a new opportunity to get closer to being the best version of yourself that you can be. It is through making a mind, body, and soul connection that you will become stronger thus enabling you to go the distance. It is up to yo to become a person in the arena so that you can attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Now is your time to take action and to go the distance.
Theodore Roosevelt once said it is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer
of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose
face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and
again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the
deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at
the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails
while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
It your season to move forward and to commit to going the distance by taping into your inner divinity so that you can face everything and rise. Your journey starts with the first step and continues while you work toward going the distance. It is your time to experience bliss and abundance and to understand that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens you. Namaste!!!
As I began the day I was greeted with some negative news on my AOL News Feed and I began to think how we are in need of s spiritual awakening now more than ever as our world seems to be so upside down. It is time for us to stand in our truth and to take action to deliver a sense of hope to all those we come in contact through our daily activities. I see the same narratives being repeated and no real change being made because people are disconnected from GOD thus they are experiencing negativity in their lives. Now is the time to stand and deliver putting GOD first and being a positive influence in your communities where you live, work, and play. There are many challenges facing us today and we need some spiritual heroes to step up to stand and deliver.
If we are to change the narrative that is being fed to us by the government and the media we must become action takers and take heroic action to answer our calling and make the changes needed to make our communities stronger. It is our time to come alive by making peace, love, joy, and prosperity a priority so that we can create a flow of hope and healing for those who are facing obstacles. We are in need of a few heroes to step up and lead the way by being of service and value to others. I have come to learn that heroes don’t always wear capes but they simply take actions to positively impact the lives of others. Our world need to get back to being kind and compassionate. We need to come together and realize that we all bleed the same.
Let us stand and deliver a message of spirituality realizing that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations. Today the headlines were filled with the news of another police officer involved shooting where a person was shot and killed. The reaction to the narrative was the same as it has been for many years. People took to the streets to protest and loot businesses and the police did what they could to squelch the protest by using rubber bullets and tear gas. This scenario has played out for centuries and now we need to stand and deliver by realizing we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper and prosper others. Now is your opportunity to show that service to humanity is the best work of life. A great place for us to start to stand and deliver is to tap into our inner divinity and recognize the divinity of others by getting back to the teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz and The Four Agreements.
Imagine if these four agreements were posted in schools, places of worship, police stations, fire stations, social services offices, and businesses across our nation how we would be able to stand and deliver positivism and thus help to create bliss and abundance for everyone. It is time for us to respect each other regardless of race, religion, creed, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation. It is time to awaken spiritually and stand and deliver for the betterment of our communities. Now is a time to take personal responsibility and hold yourself accountable and to answer the questions of did I life in joy today and did my life bring joy to others today? It is your chance to stand up for others by being a peaceful warrior. It is time to become an activist and commit to doing no harm for an eye for eye makes the whole world blind. It is time to stand and deliver and cherish life and understand that there is more good going on than bad however because our society seems to thrive on negativity we don’t see the positive things being covered that often. Let us stand and deliver stories that focus on people doing good and being of service and value to others. Let us find ways to lift others and make a positive impact in our communities using the tools and resources that we have. The time is now to stand and deliver.
As you day unfolds find ways to stand and deliver and to be a beacon of hope for others. It is when you stand and deliver that you begin to improve your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Now is your time to put away the limiting beliefs and to become limitless by standing in your truth and delivering a light so bright that you illuminate the world today. Namaste!!!
In a world that seems to be upside and in the end of days it is time to light up your soul and tap into your inner divinity so as to positively impact your life and the life of others. Now is a time for a great spiritual awakening where we all can come together and find ways to be of service and value to each other. It is time to become lifters and find solutions to the challenges that are facing our communities. It is our time to shine our light so bright that we illuminate the world. Now is you time to take action and to simply light up your internal light for the world to see. It is you time to face everything and rise by becoming an overcomer.
When you light up your soul and become heart centered you begin to overcome the obstacles and blockages that were holding you back from achieving greatness. As you experience your awakening and answer your calling you will find yourself experiencing changes that will enhance your personal. professional, and spiritual life thus allowing you to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Now is your time to be a star and feel the burn as you show everyone that passion + action = success.
When you let your passion burn and light up the world you create a world that is filled with bliss and abundance. It may not seem that way right now with all the craziness that may be surrounding us however we can walk in our truth and be loving and caring so as to burn so bright that it draws people to us to become more positive. It is said that to whom much is given much is expected and now is your time to dig deep inside yourself and light up your soul so that you can return the favor that GOD has given you. It is time for you to be brave.
I remember when I first heard The Special Olympics creed of let me win but if I can not win let me be brave in the attempt. Now is you time to move forward and be brave in your attempt to manifest the life that you desire. Sometimes we get so caught up in what others will think that we hold back and in our final days we say I wish I would have. Eliminate the wish I would haves and be brave by becoming an action taker and finding ways to lift others while removing the limiting beliefs so that you can become limitless. Remember that if you are to go 1000 miles you need to take the 1st step.
As you light up your soul and unleash the fire in you heart find a few people who will be willing to go 1000 miles with you. Surround yourself with those who lift you up and believe in you so that you can soar to the great heights that you are destined to reach. It is in the journey that we find the power to show the world that service to humanity is the best work of life. Now is your turn to set things a blaze and dance.
This week I decided to dance by focusing on my efforts to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. As a result I was called intrusive and aggressive and told by some that they were reporting to Facebook for reaching out for support. I would have stopped dancing and focused on the negative but now I decided to focus on the positives and be grateful to those who responded positively and donated. I have come to realize that when you light up your spirit that you much be willing to dance on GOD’S great dance floor. I have come to learn that when you stand in your truth you will have doubters, naysayers, and haters however it is important to put them aside and focus on those lifting you and supporting you and continue on your path to make a positive difference while you are on this earth.
As you light up you mind, body, and soul allow GOD to direct you on his great dance floor as GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others. Today is a day to open up your heart and mind and set things a blaze so as to show people your greatness so that they will be empowered and inspired. It is time to come alive and not worry what others may think for you are a divine child of GOD.
I was watching NCIS: LOS ANGELES the other night and one of the characters was giving advice to another agent on how to overcome adversity and said KEEP PUNCHING. I thought about this and how it relates to the spiritual awakening process and realized that along our spiritual path there will be battles and in those battles we need to suit up with the armor of GOD and keep punching until we overcome the obstacles that are placed in the way. As we keep punching we become action takers and set in motion a process that will eventually lead to success. While punching we may answer our calling and make the changes in our personal, professional, and spiritual lives necessary to come alive and serve our community in a way that leaves a legacy of hope and healing for others. I use the term punching not in a literal sense as we never want to do harm to others but we do want to eliminate people, places, and things that no longer serve us. Many times our punch is as simple as a unfriending someone on social media because they no longer raise our vibrations or contribute in a positive way to our personal, professional, or spiritual growth. It is through detachment that we expand as we discard that which no longer allows us to be of service and value to others. As we continue to punch we must check our emotions and make sure that they are allowing us to come from a position of abundance and opposed to coming from a position of lack. It is when we commit to keep punching that nothing will break your stride.
Today (4/9/2021) I was sending out messages about helping in the effort to support those touched by cancer by making donations to The American Cancer Society. I had someone who has been in the spiritual development sector for 33 years tell me point blank to stop writing to her as she knows what she is doing so I unfriended her. This is the same women who blamed the pandemic for the lack of business. I wrote her a very positive note about sending out messages inviting people to explore her website as many people are looking for guidance in the challenging times that they are facing now. Here answer was that she feel that method is intrusive. As I unfriended her I began to think about how many people play the blame game instead of wiping themselves off after being knocked down and punching a bit harder at the challenges life has put before you. I then took a deep breath and reminded myself that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. I will continue on my quest to positively impact the lives of those touched by cancer by striding forward and remember that it is not how many times you get knocked down but how many times you get up. It is important to create a positive vibrational flow that will allow you to move forward in a positive direction of your goals. Now is your time to rise above the doubters, the naysayers, and the haters by simply punching through the challengers and creating a soul that is on fire.
When you become a soul on fire you begin to embrace the idea that Passion + Action = Success. It is when you keep punching and set your soul on fire that you become a force that can overcome any adversity that may enter into your life. Now is the time to shine your internal flame and illuminate the world by not letting anything slow you down. Now is your time to shine bright and experience peace, love, joy, and prosperity as you meander down your spiritual path heeding the messages that are being given to you by GOD, Jesus, Source, Spirit, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels. There is time for every season under heaven.
As you enter your season to keep punching remember that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you prosper so that you can prosper others. Make this a season of success by being heart centered and realizing what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve. Many times when we decide to eliminate that which no longer serves us we open up the channels to receive the resources that will lead us to enlightenment. As you continue to punch through challenges you will find that you are the one that will be standing in the end for you will have evolved mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Spiritual Awakening: Stepping Up Your Spiritual Game!!!
As you awaken spiritually you begin to realize that it is imperative to step up your spiritual game. Through my own spiritual awakening I have come to realize that the spiritual walk is a daily walk that must be done frequently and consistently one step at a time. Along the path their will be many times for you to step up your spiritual game simply by getting in tune with GOD who will direct you and guide you as you grow personally and professionally. Each new day gives us a chance to realize that this is the day the lord hath made so we can be glad and rejoice in it.
Each day gives us a chance to exercise our spirituality and to manifest the type of day we would like to have. Each day we can decide how we will step up our spiritual game. We can do this by journaling and expressing gratitude in all we do. We have the power to help other people excel simply by sharing our successes that we have experienced by being of service and value to others. Each day gives us an opportunity to live a passion driven life that allows us to answer our calling while stepping up our spiritual game. In stepping up your spiritual game and tapping into your inner divinity you will find yourself coming alive and thus making positive changes in your life and thus positively impacting the community where you live, work, and play. There are many ways to step up your spiritual game.
The first way to step up your spiritual game is to realize that you were born for this. Through out your life you have been given messages that have directed you to find your purpose. I have come to realize that the two greatest days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. Once you discover your why and you follow the messages that you are receiving you will find that you attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. It is now your time to step up your spiritual game and to enter the arena with confidence that you will have a life of bliss and abundance. Along your journey you will encounter many who may not be ready for your message or may not understand the actions that you are taking. When you encounter people who are throwing doubt and hate simply remember that some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next. Not everyone is ready for you to be bold as you step up your spiritual game. It is your opportunity to speak life as you step up your spiritual game.
The other day I went out to collect donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I prayed before I went on my mission to share Relay For Life with others and I had many great encounters. I did have a few encounters that made me realize how many people are in need of a spiritual awakening. I walked into a barber shop and did my pitch and one of the barbers said they aren’t in a position to give today and I said when do you think you may be in a position to help. He started to tell me how rough things were. I took a deep breath and started to share with him the idea that when you give it opens up channels to receive. Before I got a few word out a lady at the shop put $5 in the jar and told me that they were busy with customers. I left and held a special place for them and prayed that GOD would send the more customers. Many times we create our own blockages because of the attitude that we show because we come from a position of lack as opposed to coming from a position of abundance. When we step up our spiritual game and understand that not everyone will be as passionate as we are or as evolved spiritually as we are we begin to attract the people who will help us to become more enlightened.
Now is your time to step out and step up your spiritual game by staying grounded, centered, and focused while staying connected to GOD and following your heart as you continue to make a positive impact on the lives of those you come in contact with through out the day. Today is an opportunity to set the tone for you to step into your power and to achieve the greatness that is your birthright. Namaste!!!
How many times do we shine something up and it looks great for a few days and then the shine begins to fade so we shine it up again. Each time we put the shine to something we give it a renewed life in hopes that it will shine brighter than before and help us to feel better. In my journey of spiritual awakening I have found that there is a need to polish up ourselves so that we can look good, feel good, and do good. In polishing ourselves we are able to become action takers and enhance our personal, professional, and spiritual lives. One of the many tools to use to bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives is the incorporation of crystals into our spiritual practice. The first thing to do is to cleanse the crystals and remove impurities and to shine them up so that we can use them properly to bring bliss and abundance into our lives. After we polish the crystals we must create a sacred place to keep them so that we can infuse them with positive energy. As you incorporate the use of crystals into your daily rituals remember that is important to shine up your mind, body, and soul.
As I started to look at this color chart I began to understand why I use certain colors for sponges and wipes and why I am drawn to certain things and the role these color choices have played in my life. I drive a yellow car and it does bring me joy and has created many positive feelings. I have designed purple and black sneakers to wear to promote The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and now I understand the importance of keeping all the colors bright and shiny so as to embrace the spiritual awakening process so that I can be of service and value to others.
As you awaken and answer your calling making a commitment to create positive change in your community you will find yourself allowing the sun to shine in and create rays of hope and healing as you walk in your truth. It is time to shine it up and tap into your inner divinity knowing that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. Now is your time to shine your light and illuminate the world. It is your season to shine bright as you make sense of the crazy mixed up world that we are living in today. It is time to turn on your heart light.
Once you turn on your heart light and you tap into your inner divinity you will discover new ways to shine so that you become a lifter and positively impact the lives of those you come in contact with. It is your time to decide where your path will lead as you stay connected to GOD and shine bright for the whole world to see.
It is your time to become the light of your world by thinking globally and acting locally. As your day unfolds write down three ways you will shine it up and light up the world and then at the end of your day write down the results and see how you feel. I also suggest that you write down the answer to theses two questions Did I live my life in joy today, Did I bring joy to others today? If you can answer yes to those two questions you will have had a good day. Every day gives us a chance to make a positive impact in our life and in the lives of others. It is when we reach out and shine things up that we make a positive change.
As you shine it up and stay connected to GOD take a moment to walk in nature so as to stay focused, grounded, and centered so that you can shine a bright light of hope and healing for others to see. Remember that you are a divine child of GOD and that GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others. It is when you give and use your talents for good that you open up the channels to receive. It is when you detach from the outcomes and follow the messages of GOD that you shine the brightest. The time is yours to step into your power and to achieve the greatness that is your birthright. Now is your opportunity to bask in the light so as to inspire and empower other to shine their light bright to illuminate the world. Namaste!!!
In a world that seems to be upside down now is a time for heroes. Heroes walk amongst us to extraordinary things and when asked simply state oh I was just doing what I was meant to do. It is when you taken action and decide that you will use your talents for good by being of service and value to others that you become a hero. Now is the time to tap into your inner divinity and find a way to be a hero to your community. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes.
I was watching The Syracuse Women’s Basketball Game and I was introduced to the story about Tiana Mangakahia. I immediately though what a courageous young lady. Her inspirational story motivates us all to be heroes and fight to rise above any challenges that come our way. Tiana is a hero to so many. Thank you to Holly Rowe of ESPN for sharing Tiana’s story.
A hero lies inside all of us it is up to us to unleash our inner hero and to step into our power by awakening spiritually and answering our calling by coming alive and serving our communities where we live, work, and play. We can do small things in a great way and as a result we can be heroes to those we come in contact with through out our journey. With all the craziness that is happening in today’s world it is imperative to find the good and focus on the positive so we can move forward and become the heroes we are meant to be.
Holly Rowe is an amazing leader in the sports broadcasting world and is a hero to so many as she inspires all she reaches with a message that you can overcome challenges and that you can reach great heights. Holly shows us all that what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve. Some heroes are not with us as GOD has called them home those heroes hold a special place place in our hearts and remind us that very day we have on earth should be celebrated. In the last 13 months there have been so many people that have stepped up to be heroes that the list could fill a book. Who will you be a hero for as you continue toward spiritual enlightenment.
Many times our heroics go unnoticed but we do heroic acts because we believe that service to humanity is the best work of life. Sometimes we simply tap into our spirituality and we begin to understand how important it is to be a hero to someone. It is said that to who much is given much is expected. Look around at what you have and find ways to be of service and value to others and you will begin to see that your small acts of heroism attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Now is the time for all of us to come together and be there for each other so that we can find more heroes. The fact remains that if we act in a heroic and compassionate way we can show the world that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations. We may not be able to bring back fallen heroes and those we have lost but we can carry their memories and carry on their acts of courage and heroism and turn things around so that our world becomes a more harmonious place. It starts with you so please tap into your inner hero and share it with others.
This is my hero. She is my MOM who GOD called home on July 5, 2012. She had battled non-operable metastatic lung cancer and was cancer free when she had a massive heart attack. She is the reason that I am so passionate about my participation in The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. She taught me so many things and she gifted me with a the book The Four Agreements which has helped me to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. The memories of my MOM will be with me forever in my mind and in my heart allowing me to stay positive when things seem to be a bit challenging. My MOM had a saying the way things are and the way things should be are two different things. This has stuck with me and served as a reminder to change the things I can and to realize that I can not change everything. I ask everyone to help me honor my hero by visiting and making a donation.
As I continue along my spiritual journey and become more and more aware and awake I realize how important it is to flush the system so that I progress toward making a mind body and soul connection that will allow me to be of service and value to others. I have found that when I take my body and am conscience of what I am eating I am able to gain clarity in the rest of my life. Just as our body needs flushing from time to time our mind also needs to be cleansed of negativity that causes blockages that keep us from reaching our full potential. When we find ourselves distracted by events that we can not control we must reach deep inside ourselves and tap into the inner divinity we possess so as to get get focused, centered, and grounded. Over the las few months I have come to acknowledge that it is when we take action that we can flush our system while setting in motion the process to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our personal, professional, and spiritual lives. It is when we remind ourselves that we are divine children of GOD that we prosper and thus we are able to prosper others. The key is to flush your system and then to overcome and adapt to all obstacles that may be standing in the way to your spiritual ascension.
As many of you who read this blog regularly know I am very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. 2021 marks my 24th year as a participant in this event. Over the years I have had to cleanse my system and make changes so as to help raise funds for research, education, advocacy, and services. I have a web page where people can make donations. People can also send checks and I process them through the fundraising application on my phone. The application when it works is great unfortunately some time it doesn’t work so I have to use an old system of sending the check to the American Cancer Society Office. Recently I received a check and try as I may my phone application just wouldn’t read it so I had to send it to the American Cancer Society in Tampa as they closed The American Cancer Society Office in Fort Lauderdale due to Covid-19. I was upset and frustrated that something so easy could be made so difficult however I knew I had to flush those thoughts out of my mind and move forward in a positive direction of my goal to raise $2500. As I sat in meditation I received a message that GOD will not give you more than you can handle and that GOD will put you through some challenges to remind you just how strong you are. As I flushed my system of the negatives and focused on the positive and the fact that there is always a solution I found a new energy and was able to press on and continue on the endeavor to make a positive impact on the lives of those touched by cancer. I realized that I have a strength to carry on and give people a spiritual lift simply by cleansing the system and gaining clarity of purpose.
One way I have found to flush the system is to listen to music and really focus on the lyrics so as to embrace the fact that this the day that the lord hath made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. In eliminating negatives and creating more positives you will be able to say yes to important questions like did I live my day in joy and did I bring joy to others today? In flushing the system and creating a positive environment around you create many possibilities for success. It is when you flush your system that you can disregard the thoughts of the doubters, the haters, and the naysayers. Now is the time for you to flush your system of the negative self talk so you can face everything and rise. It is your season to flush your system so that you can step into your power and to achieve the greatness that GOD has planned for you.
As you flush your system remember you are a strong powerful person who was born for excellence. May you shine your light bright to illuminate the world. As you continue to move along your spiritual path take a moment every now and then to flush your system so that you can stay positive and become a beacon of hope. Namaste!!!
As I scoured through my social media and watched the news today (1/6/2021) and saw what was happening at The U.S. Capitol Building I began to think how much more crazy can things get in our country. We have endured a pandemic, civil unrest, and now an attack on The U.S. Capitol. Many people have simple lost their moral and spiritual compass and now is the time to stop and overcome the madness. Now is the time to put all political ideologies aside and realize that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper and to prosper others. Now is the time to be an action taker to restore civility in our discourse by detaching from outcomes and stepping into our purpose to bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives and into the lives of others. Now is the time to become spiritually awake and to get back to the spiritual teachings such as The Four Agreements.
These four agreements may just be the start of overcoming the madness. We may also want to adopt a philosophy of Win With Pride Lose With Dignity and realize that regardless of what side we sit on we are all human and can have a cordial dialogue and recognize the divinity in each other and come together finding that we are more alike and different. We can build our communities by simply being open to each other’s points of view. We can begin to overcome the madness by creating sacred space where people can come together and exchange ideas that lead to people growing personally, professionally, and spiritually. It is time to become heart centered and face the adversity that we are facing by implementing solutions without anger and violence. We must find ways to bring bliss and abundance into everyone’s lives. We must remain civil to each other and overcome the madness.
One way to overcome the madness is to begin to help other people excel. With a ray of hope we can move positive in the direction of our dreams. As I reflected on 2020 I saw many rays of hope as we dealt with many challenges and issues that seemed to divide us. I saw communities come together and feed those that were struggling because of COVID-19. I saw people overcome and adapt by taking positive actions to be of service and value to others. I saw people change from in person fundraisers to virtual fundraisers as they saw the opportunities to face everything and rise. I saw sports programs take measures to bring people together in a safe environment so that their supporters and participants could have some semblance of positivity in their lives. If we are to overcome the madness we must find some common ground and work toward making our communities stronger.
Now is the time to be an overcomer and to face everything and rise. We must not allow extremists to take away our spirituality. It is our time to shine a bright light of hope and healing for those seeking to find their way out of darkness. There have been may dark days in the last year however it is now time to turn the page and to move forward to make 2021 a year where we overcome the madness. It is time to tap into our inner divinity and find our purpose and to take action to stay on course to step into our power and achieve the greatness. We must stop playing the blame game and start to take responsibility for our actions and begin to change the things we can and accept the thing we can’t. Stopping the madness and overcoming the madness starts with individual actions that are heart driven for what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve. It is our time to rise to a level where love for each other rules the day. It is time for all of us to focus on being a caretaker of our community. It is time to see that we are more alike than we are different. It is our time to overcome the madness.
It is now time for us to come together to overcome the madness by working to make kindness and compassion part of our daily lives. It is time for us to be part of a solution that will allow people from all walks of life to thrive and prosper. The time is now for all that are able to step up to the plate and help those who may be struggling. Today starts your journey to overcome the madness. Namaste!!!!
Spiritual Awakening: Reflections and Other 2020 Musings!
When one thinks of 2020 in years to come they may think of COVID-19, Social Unrest, Political Division, Kobe Bryant’s Death, and other happenings that really make 2020 seem like a year of dismay. When I think of 2020 I will think of the aforementioned topics but I will also think of how communities came together and started to help those who were and continue to face adversity. On a cloudy and overcast day in April I had the opportunity to help at a food distribution location in Lauderhill, FL and at the end I was given some food as well and I was grateful. As I drove home it became apparent just how important it is to be of service and value to others. As I sat in reflection that day the magnitude of the scripture today is the day the lord hath made I shall be glad and rejoice in it became abundantly clear as life can change quickly. Over the next few days after that I thought I would be returning to work but in June I was told that due to COVID-19 my position was eliminated. I was upset, angry, and in despair. It was at that time that I realized that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. I took the time filled for unemployment luckily I qualified and was able tom help others. I am still unemployed but I know GOD has a plan for me. After being let go from my job I started to wonder of my side gigs as a PA Announcer, Emcee, and voice over person would pick up as many things were being cancelled. Well there was 2020 Football season with Cardinal Gibbons High School and though it was very different than in years past I will forever remember the journey taken by the team and being the announcer as they won The State 4A Football Championship. Though my fundraising with The 2020 American Cancer Society Relay For Life fell short of goal my 2021 American Cancer Society Relay For Life fundraising is on pace to meet my goal. As a result of having to overcome and adapt a few new fundraisers were launched like JERSEYS OF HOPE. So some good came out of 2020. Now as 2021 approaches let us commit to healing the world.
Let us make it a better world by thinking globally and acting locally. Let us put all the nonsense that is stopping us from growing personally, professionally, and spiritually aside and realize we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others. Let us seek ways to come together and stop the blame game and become more in tune with our inner divinity so that we can bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives and into the lives of others. Let us come together and find ways to bring our communities together. Let us plant the seeds of hope and healing while we put 2020 behind us and make 2021 a better year as we make kindness and compassion a priority.
2020 Remembering Those Taken From Us!!!
MO GABA passed away at age 14 on July 28, 2020 he leaves behind teachings that can help us to heal the world like compassion and courage. He was a Superfan that positively impacted the lives of those he came in contact, He was the first person to ever announce an NFL DRAFT PICK using a braille machine. I mention MO for he faced adversity and leaves behind a legacy of hope and inspiration. I also chose to recognize MO as he showed us just how fleeting life can be and how important it is to make moments count.
As we say goodbye to 2020 lets us make plenty of room for greatness in 2021. Let us create a few new beginnings while drawing from the legacies of those who left us in 2020. Let us declare 2021 as a year of new beginnings. Let us take what we learned in 2020 and use it to make 2021 a year filled with peace, love, joy, and prosperity.
Let us make 2021 where every day has a purpose and a year where we follow our passion and take action to find success. Let us close out 2020 strong and prepare to make 2021 a year of Peace, Love, and Happiness. Let us be open to new ideas by understanding that alone we can do so little but together we can do so much. Let 2021 be a year where we can have constructive dialogue and take action to make our world a better place one community at a time. Let 2021 be a year of growth. Namaste!!!
Spiritual Awakening: Time For A Spiritual Drive!!!
In these trying times that we know as 2020 it is important to take a spiritual drive every now and then so that you can stay centered, focused, and grounded. On Thursday (12/3/2020) I took a spiritual drive after I had my say with a sales associate at Macy’s because I used some choice words towards the associate who created an issue because she didn’t really know the policy of redeeming Macy’s Money by a former employee. As I got into my car I turned on the gospel station and I collected my thoughts. When I arrived home I contacted my Macy’s contact and then I received a call from the store manager and we worked everything out. She asked me why I didn’t ask for her immediately and I told her because I did not want to escalate the situation as I was very upset. I did apologize for using some not so pleasant words toward the sales associate. After taking a spiritual drive I realized that I need to practice the spiritual teachings that have served me well and that even though I was brave to speak my mind it didn’t put me in the most positive light and that in the future I need to be brave but I also need to choose more appropriate words. I also realized that I had to be stronger in my spituality.
On the spiritual drive I realized that 2020 presented an opportunity to be stronger and to take action on projects that I had been holding back on. It was time for an awakening to answer a calling and to make changes that would enhance my life and the lives of others. It was time to be brave and set in motion ideas that I had been thinking about for awhile. It was time to take the spiritual drive and reconnect with GOD and listen to GOD’S message as GOD wants to prosper us and to prosper others. During a spiritual drive you will find that you are creating opportunities to come alive by making a commitment to be of service and value to your community while detaching from outcomes and following you dreams. It was during the spiritual drive that I kept hearing don’t worry about what could go wrong focus on what will go right and focus an becoming an action taker.
Our words have power and when we allow the words to fall out we win because we were brave in our attempt to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Sometimes we need to just simply let the words flow and see where they will take us. If our words are hurtful we can seek forgiveness and learn not to let those words out in the future. So many times we are afraid that we hold back and this causes anguish and creates blockages that hold us back. Remember that every situation we encounter gives us an opportunity to grow and learn. We all have a fire inside of us that needs to burn so that we can illuminate the world.
During a spiritual drive we will receive messages that we must process and act upon. One of the messages that I received was to tap into my inner divinity and the fire that I have inside and let in burn so I can use my talents for good. In speaking my mind with the Macy’s Associate perhaps I stopped her from treating someone else the way she treated me. It is now time to make a mind. body, soul connection and to be spiritually driven.
Now is your time to be driven by spirit. It is time to seek the answers from GOD, Jesus, Source, Spirit, Ascended Masters, and The Masters. Now is your season to move forward in a positive direction of your goals and objectives. Now is your time to plan your work and work your plan as directed by GOD. Many times it takes a small set back to actually become a set up for something brighter. Now is the time to become an action taker and to remember that passion + action = success. Now is your time to shine your light brightly to illuminate the world. Now is the time to take a spiritual drive to set in motion all the resources needed to manifest the life that you desire. Remember you can only change yourself and the actions you take so be authentic and transparent and good things will happen for you. There will be trials and tribulations however when you overcome them you will be stronger. Take that spiritual drive and heed the messages. Namaste!!!
As I opened up my lemon lime Gatorade this morning (11/24/20) I started to think about the importance of quenching your thirst and staying hydrated so that you can embrace the spiritual awakening process. I have come to understand that if you thirst for something and it is going to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life you must find ways to quench your thirst. If you thirst for peace, love, joy, and prosperity then you must become peaceful, loving, joyful, and prosperous. The question is how do you maintain a positive outlook while evolving as a person dealing with so much noise around you pulling you in all directions? The answer is to drink from the goblet of gifts that GOD has provided to you so that you can create a life filled with bliss and abundance. With all the uncertainty in the world today one thing remains constant and that is the fact that GOD wants you to prosper so you can prosper others. In quenching our thirst and the thirst of others we begin to open up channels that will allow us to step into our power and achieve the greatness that GOD has in store for us. I know that many people are hurting right know and are thirsty thus we must help them to quench their thirst so that they can face everything and rise.
When we quench our thirst by drinking from the silver cup we are able to connect with GOD and be directed on our spiritual path with the strength and courage needed to make a positive impact in our lives and in the lives of others. When we drink from the silver cup we acknowledge the power of GOD and GOD’S plan for us which is far greater that the plan we have for ourselves. In quenching our thirst and drinking from the silver cup we recognize the transfer of power from GOD to ourselves which allows us to tap into our inner divinity and thus manifest the life that GOD has planned for us. In tapping into our inner divinity and recognizing the divinity in others we can come together and quench each others thirst therefore allowing peace, love, and understanding to rule the day.
In quenching our thirst and the thirst of others we are able to bring forth a community where kindness is the priority. It is when we put aside our differences and understand that we are all divine children of GOD thirsting to be loved and successful. I have come to realize that the answers we are seeking to quench our thirst are all around us all we have to do is to wake up and become more aware of the messages that GOD is sending to us. It is our duty to be driven by GOD, Source, Spirit, Jesus, The Angels, and The Ascended Masters so that we can become heart centered and quench our thirst.
It is now our time to quench our thirst and take control by following GOD’S messages and using the time that we have on this earth to become a become a beacon of hope and love for others to be guided by as they continue on their journey to quench their thirst. It is time for us to drink in the positive energy and to become that light that drives out the darkness that may be creating blockages for people that seek to reach their full potential. The last 9 months have taught me that the best way to overcome adversity is to face it head on and allow GOD to sort everything out. I have learned to let go and let GOD and to follow the messages that GOD is sending. I have also come to believe that when you are seeking to quench your thirst that the universe will provide the sources needed to fill you thus allowing you to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams.
Once our thirst is quenched we are commanded to move along our path with strength, courage, and enthusiasm to lift others by shining our light and illuminating the world. Let this be a time of unity, hope, and healing as we quench our thirst to be of service and value to others so that we can continue to elevate ourselves and glorify GOD. Let today and everyday be a day where when you lay down to sleep you can say yes I lived my life in joy and my life brought joy to others. May you continue to quench your thirst and grow personally, professionally, and spiritually by seeking answers. Stay Positive!!!
In a time when it seems that our nation (USA) is divided we need to cry out to Jesus and seek salvation by overcoming all the obstacles that appear to be creating blockages in our personal, professional, and spiritual life. It is time to embrace the spiritual awakening process and eliminate the things that no longer serve us. It is our time to set our souls on fire and to make peace, love, and understanding part of our daily lives. It is time to see that we as people are more alike than different. If we are to positively impact our life and the lives of others we must recognize that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others. It is when we show love, kindness, and compassion that we receive love, kindness, and compassion in return.
As we cry out to Jesus and seek to set our heart on fire we must be aware and awake so as to see the messages that are being sent to us so that we can grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. It is important to act on those messages and to let go and let GOD as GOD’S plan for us is far more powerful than the plan that we have for ourselves. I recently hosted an event to benefit The American Cancer Society Relay For Life that raised $110. ON the way home I received a message to start JERSEYS OF HOPE where I would donate jerseys in good condition and seek jerseys from others and then auction them off at Relay For Life. I took the message and took action and now am sharing my experience so as to help others become a soul on fire.
When you become a soul on fire with kindness in your heart you will begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life so that you can make positive changes in your life and in the lives of others. I have learned to speak life and to cry out loud for causes that are near and to me as I have come to realize that what the mind can conceive and your heart can believe you can achieve. I have also come to understand that their will be doubters, naysayers, and haters but you must shut them out and become heart centered in all you do remembering to follow GOD’S messages being delivered to you.
Through the spiritual awakening process I have learned that our words have power and how we state thing can change things in an instant. I have come to understand that when we take a moment to really see the person in the mirror and peel back the onion we discover out true self thus we are able to make a stronger mind, body, soul connection. When we stop comparing ourselves to others and speak life by committing to be the best version of ourselves we open up the channels to manifest the life that we desire. It is when we cry out loud and hit the reset button that we are able to move forward in a positive direction of our dreams and thus find our definition of success. A few weeks ago I was feeling bad because I haven’t found a new job yet and wanted to throw in the towel. After I sat quietly for a few moments and took a few deep breaths it occurred to me that GOD had a plan for me and that I needed to continue to follow GOD and allow everything to unfold as GOD has planned. It was at that moment that I knew I was going to be and overcomer.
As I reflected back on all that I have overcome I cried out loud and realized that each time I thought I had set backs they were actually set ups for something better. Sometimes when we face loss we are afraid to face things because of the uncertainty that is involved. It is now time to face everything and rise and to take action so that we improve the quality of our life and the lives of others. It is time to find our purpose and take action to live our life on purpose. It is time for you to realize that you have the power to step into your greatness. It is time to stand up and cry out loud.
Now is your season to win. It is your chance to set in motion all the resources necessary to bring your life to a level of excellence. STAY POSITIVE!!!
As I left The Points For Cure Football Edition Fundraiser on Sunday 10/25/2020 a heavy flow of emotions and ideas came over me and I felt myself tuning into a spiritual message to press on and be innovative. This feeling permeated the day on Monday (10/26/2020) as I rested most of the day. I began to watch The Monday Night Football Game and went into my bedroom to rest and the next thing I knew I was out like a light. I woke up around 11:00 PM and was full of energy and couldn’t get back to sleep so I spent the next hours working on promoting The 2021 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Plantation and a new fundraising idea, Jerseys Of Hope. The premise of the fundraiser is to obtain different sports jerseys and to have them put out for bid with the money being donated to the American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Plantation. This vision came to me during a time when it seemed that I was receiving many spiritual messages that all seemed to be based on using my talents for good. As I sat down to write this entry today (10/27/2020) I started to seek the answer to why was this spiritual energy coming into my life now? I peeled back the onion and discovered that Friday (10/30/2020) is my Mother’s Birthday in Heaven and concluded that this heavy flow is due to her spiritual presence and she is sending me messages to move forward and continue to be of service and value to others.
As spiritual energy begins to flow to us we must be careful to only absorb the positive ions that will all us to take action and move forward in a positive direction of our goals and objectives. Lately in our daily lives there has been a lot of negative energy surrounding us due to the current climate of our nation. It is our responsibility to turn away from the negative energy and bring positive energy and positive messages into our lives so that we can maintain a heavy flow of peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. Recently I started to block out the negative political ads, the negative news, and the negative posts on social media. As a result my energy level is increasing and I am able to focus on that which I believe is making a difference in my life and in the lives of others. As a result of a heavy flow of positive energy I have been able to face challenges head on and as result grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have come to understand that not everyone is going to agree with what I am doing and not everyone is going to support my charitable endeavors and I am fin with that as I know that many people will support me. In the past I used to focus on the naysayers, the doubters, and the haters wondering why they weren’t helping and it would drain me now I focus on those who support me and it energizes me and allows me to use the heavy flow of energy for good.
Now when I sit in meditation I let everything go and focus on the messages that are coming through and I see how they fit into my calling thus allowing me to transform and detach from results thus allowing the positive energy to flow freely to and from me. I have begun to ask myself how wills haring things enhance my life and the lives of others. I have come to realize that I must stand in my truth and do what I believe will create a positive flow of energy so as to bring bliss and abundance to myself and to others. The time is now to stop worrying about who is receiving my messages and to simply grasp that those who need my message will receive it. The heavy flow of energy is good and when we decipher the good vibes from the bad vibes we are able to pursue our dreams.
The dream we have may at times seem impossible however the word impossible when broke up says I’m possible. The heavy flow of energy will allow us to pursue our quest regardless of what others may think for it is when we are true to ourselves and walk in our truth by taking action on our passion that we will find success. Now is the time for you to take the heavy flow of energy and channel it so that you can soar to heights that at one time were only imagined. Namaste!!!
As many of you are aware I am very passionate about helping those touched by cancer. Through the spiritual awakening process I have learned to take action to create fundraisers that will positively impact the lives of those touched by cancer. This journey began in 1998 when I was introduced to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. It was at my first relay that I met many great people who were cancer survivors and caregivers. Through the encounters with these amazing people I realized that I was not alone in facing the loss of loved ones due to cancer. As my journey continues today (10/22/2020) I realize just how important the equation Passion + Action = Success. It is when we are passionate and take action that we find success. One of the keys to passing you passion on is to come from a place that is heart centered remembering that what we do for ourselves dies with us but what we do for others lives long after we have left the human plane. Through the years I have come to understand that when you find your passion and tap into your inner divinity that you will attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. It is when you discover your purpose that you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. It is when you embrace your passion and do things daily understanding what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve.
Though 2020 has presented many trials and tribulations and I fell short of my fundraising goal I learned from the experiences and have now turned the page to my 2021 fundraising. I have launched as the fundraising page and set up the two events that are posted at the beginning of this post. I have also set up a fundraiser with Scentsy. I have taken my passion and taken action and I am confident that I will find success. It is when you take action that the universe conspires to provide you with resources that will lead to your success.
It is when we decide to face everything and rise that we can follow our passion and step into our power to achieve the greatness that is our birthright. It is when we stop worrying what can go wrong and start looking for what can go right that we evolve and reach heights that once seemed unimaginable. It is when we understand just how powerful we are that we change our lives by taking action to move forward in a positive direction of our dreams. Now is your time to follow your passion and shut out the doubters, haters, and naysayers and simply follow your heart so that you can spread your wings and soar. Don’t let people tell you it can’t be done show them that it can be done and that you are doing it. Now is your time to shine your light and illuminate the world. It is your time to take your passion and act upon it by detaching from the outcome and learning from the experience.
It is when we follow our passion and dance on GOD’S great dance floor that we are able to attract more bliss and abundance into our life. It is when we follow the message of GOD and live our life passionately that we can make a positive impact on the world by being of service and value to others. Instead of making everything a debate and trying to be right it is important to do the right thing and focus on how you can improve the lives of others while improving your life. It is when you pass your passion on and put aside what others think that you are will experience and create an amazing life for yourself. Many times it is a simple as sitting in meditation and then acting on the messages that you receive.
One of the great resources that I found to help igniting my passion is The Passion Test book. In following the teachings of this book I have found that I can stay focused, centered, and grounded as I continue on a quest to make a positive difference in the world. I find myself turning back to this book when I find myself getting a bit off track or when I feel stuck. It is through the evaluation of our progress that we are able to live life passionately and with purpose thus allowing us to create some great memories that will serve as the fuel to propel us to great heights. Live your passion and pay it forward today. Stay Positive!!! Namaste!!!
As I finished the invocation at The Cardinal Gibbons JV Football Game on 10/14/2020 I began to think of how now is the time for all of us to come together and be united in spirituality. I started to think about the two prayers that have molded me through out my life and how when I am having challenges to connect my personal, professional, and spiritual life I turn to these two prayers to remind me of the importance of keeping a connection to GOD. As I drove home after announcing an exiting game that ended with The Cardinal Gibbons Chiefs defeating The Chaminade Madonna Lions 21-20 I started to think about how ironic it is to nickname a Christian School The Lions as the Romans used to sacrifice Christians to the lions. I also thought about how these two teams battled hard and in the end were playing to glorify GOD by utilizing there talents to bring joy to others. I then realized that off the field these two team serve their community and participate in many projects to uplift others. They show us that it is important to be unified in spirituality.
Now is the time to put partiality aside and forget about being right or wrong but be more interested in doing the right thing. Now is the time to find ways to unite in spirituality. Now is the time to recognize that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper and to prosper others. We have a great opportunity to shine our light and illuminate the world by embracing the fruits of spirit and seeking ways to be of service and value to others.
It is when we unite in spirituality that we can accomplish great things. It is now that we can show the world that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations. Now is the time to look at just how similar we all are and how we all share in the challenges that are facing our world thus we must allow peace, love, and understanding to rule the day. Now is the time to gather and show empathy and compassion to one another and find the ways to lift our neighbors so that we can face any adversity that comes our way. It is imperative to understand that if GOD brought you to it that GOD will bring you through it. As you continue on your spiritual path and continue to evolve ascending towards spiritual enlightenment may you understand that you can make changes that will improve your personal, professional, and spiritual life however also understand that there are some things you can not change.
In uniting in spirituality we can improve the quality of life for everyone simply by adopting a philosophy to take action to help other people to excel. We have a great power inside all of us to use our talents for good. Now is the time to use our talents to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Now is our opportunity to meet on a spiritual plane eyeball to eyeball, flesh to flesh, heart to heart to see how we can change the path of our world. If you are in a position to help someone who may be facing challenges take the opportunity to do so for it is when you help others that you open up the channels to receive.
I first recited The Jaycees Creed in July of 1989 when I joined The Coral Springs Jaycees. Through The Jaycees I gained leadership skills while working on community service projects. I was awarded the highest honor a Jaycees Member can earn, A JCI Senatorship(#62653). Through my involvement I witnessed 1st hand what can happen when people unite in spirituality as I was given the opportunity to serve as Chairperson for The Spreading The Joy Program which provided food baskets to needy families at Thanksgiving and took children from those families on a Holiday Shopping Spree for 18 years. It was amazing to see people from all walks of life coming together to lift those in need. We didn’t look at political affiliations, race, sexual orientation, or gender we simply decided to unite in spirituality and help those who need help. I took my Jaycees experience one step further when in July of 2002 I traveled to The Philippines to be a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer. I came home in February 2003. The months in The Philippines showed me just how important it is to be united in spirituality as again people from all walks of life came together to serve. Stay Positive Today!!! Namaste!!!
As I sat down to write this entry today (9/25/2020) I was watching the news of the unrest that is happening in our country. I was thinking how disconnected people are to GOD and doing things that do not honor GOD. I watched people being violent and started to think where did we lose hope and how can we keep hope alive. The answer came to we can keep hope alive by turning back to GOD and embracing the spiritual awakening process. It is time to get everyone in alignment to the belief that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper and to prosper others. It is imperative that we all get all the facts that are available to us when looking into the issues of today. It is time to come together and be guided by GOD and reconnect with GOD so we can begin to heal our nation that is at this point in time divided. It appears to me that many people are angry and we know that acting out in anger only makes the situations that we are facing worse. We need to keep hope alive by understanding that in order to have change we need to have effective dialogue that will affect the way things are done in the future. We must commit to making peace, love, and understanding a priority. We have an opportunity to introduce spirituality into all of our communities. The first step to growth and overcoming a problem is in acknowledging that a problem exists. Today I see that we have several problems in our country as we have lost our moral compass and have allowed hate and vitriol to rule our day. We have become excuse makers and many have forgot that their behavior has a lot to do with how they are treated. It now comes to a point where you have to decide am I going to be part of the problem or am I going to be part of the solution? I have decided to be part of the solution.
One way to keep hope alive and to be part of making your community a better place for all is to allow GOD to set your soul on fire and to ignite a flame of good inside of you that you can use to inspire and empower others. The only flames we should see in our communities are the flames from the candles lit to lift others up in prayer. It is when we tap into our inner divinity and recognize the divinity in others that we can keep hope alive. When we take action to build and improve our communities we strengthen our community and we grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Today we need to get back to watching out for each other and seeing how we can be of service and value to one another. We need to stop hurting one another and find ways to lift each other up so that everyone can have the opportunity to bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity to their lives. It starts by having a pure heart guided by love for when you have caring, empathy, and compassion you can overcome all the challenges that we are facing today. We need to bring respect back into our everyday lives and abide by the universal laws set forth by GOD.
Now is the time for us to rise to keep hope alive to turn things around in our communities. It is time to step into your power and achieve the greatness which is your birthright. It is time to come together and find solutions that will benefit everyone in your community. It is time to take responsibility for your actions and hold yourself accountable for the outcomes. It is time to have a bit of common decency and find ways to positively impact the community where we live work and play. We can keep hope alive by looking at the inner instead of judging on the outer. We must comport ourselves in a manner that people will want to follow so as to make positive change in our communities. We have abilities to peel back the onion and to get all the facts and to keep hope alive. Now is the time for those who have the ability to improve the quality of life in their community to step up and see what they can do to make a difference in the lives of others. Today is an opportunity for you to do something positive to keep hope alive in your community. Please Stay Positive. Namaste!!!
With all the craziness that is happening in our world today it is imperative that those of us who have had a spiritual awakening come together and make it a better day. The news bombards us daily with all the divisiveness that is happening in our community when in reality there is a lot of good that people are doing however our news media would rather focus on the negative and keep everyone arguing. I have come to realize that when we become action takers and start to detach from being right or wrong we find ourselves doing the right thing. If we are going to make it a better day we must connect with GOD and understand that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants everyone to prosper. If we are all to prosper we must put our differences aside and find common ground where everyone benefits. If we are to make it a better day we must overcome our differences and realize that we are truly more alike than we are different.
To create a better way it is important to understand that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. It is important to tap into your inner divinity and answer your calling by making positive change sin your personal, professional, and spiritual life. The key to making a better is to speak life and to find a commonality with all those that you come in contact with through out the day.
When we begin to speak life we begin to vibrate at a higher level thus we are able to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives as we make it a better day. Now is the time to stop making everything a debate and to simply understand that if we are to make it a better day we must be more kind, compassionate, and empathetic toward our fellow human beings. Over the last 6 months I have seen people come together to help one another however the media is not covering that as they continue to spin a narrative of divisiveness. There are many challenges that we are facing to create a spiritual shift toward goodness and to make a better day however if we begin to look beyond the outer and more toward the inner we can have a meeting of the minds and understand that most of all want the same thing and that is to have our basic needs met. I know many people are struggling and feeling frustrated due to many circumstances that are beyond their control however I know that GOD doesn’t put anything on your plate that you can not handle. You are truly amazing and in a position to make it a better day simply by staying connected to GOD. It is time to dive in and go to the deep end.
Remember when you were a kid learning to swim how you would hang on to the wall and work your way around the pool and then one day you reached the deep end and you said the heck with it I am going to try to paddle my way across to the other side. At first you may have been scared yet you went forward and started to paddle to the other side then when you made it to the other side there was a feeling of euphoria as you gained a sense of accomplishment. The same thing happens when you have a spiritual awakening and know that you can control how your day will go. The world today is bit crazy and mixed up however you can make it a better day by tapping into you spirituality and becoming a loving and caring person who commits to be of service and value to others. Now is the time to come alive and find ways to live your life on purpose.
It is your time to come alive and make a better day realizing that what the mind can conceive and your heart can believe you can achieve. You have a bright light that when lit will illuminate the world as you dream with your eyes wide open allowing you to see the possibilities that are beyond the horizon to make it a better day. You have the opportunity to show others that you will make it a better day by becoming a peaceful warrior who respects the view points of others and who works for the common good. Now is the time to find the commonality that binds us all together to make a better day. Namaste!!!
As I celebrated my 55th birthday on August 2, 2020 I sat in reflection and adding numbers and seeing what they meant and then I realized that it all adds up just as GOD has intended. My birth date is 8/2/1965 which when you add comes out to 31 and when you add 3 +1 you get 4 and then today (8/10/2020) I found this song that mentions the number 4. The #$ has been one of my favorite numbers since I was a child. As a result I looked up the meaning of the #4 and this is what I found.
Seeing angel number 4 is a sign from your angels that they are working hard on your behalf. Your angels are contacting you with a message about what you need to do to achieve your goals.
The number 4 is a practical number, and our angels use it to communicate with us about everyday, down-to-Earth concerns.
Unlike angel number 3, which is creative and highly spiritual, angel number 4 can be taken quite literally to mean that your guardian angels are near you, on Earth, working on your behalf.
Angel number 4 is likely to provide you with direct guidance about your life.
Because the number 4 is concerned with practical matters, angelic messages containing angel number 4 may be related to everyday, mundane concerns that may otherwise slip by unnoticed.
Angel number 4 may appear in a variety of ways in your experience, many of which may seem ordinary.
You may notice the number 4 on the clock throughout the day, or it may come up again and again in monetary transactions, the number of messages in your inbox, work-related documents, bills, and invoices.
Seeing angel number 4 may be a message about becoming more organized or diligent in the pursuit of your goals.
When your guardian angels send their guidance, they may use any means to reach you, so keep your mind and heart open to spirit.
The four witnesses of God on earth are miracles, wonders, signs and the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 2:4).
Therefore, open your mind and heart and prepare yourself to receive their guidance!
As I reflected on the #4 I began to see how many times it appears in my life such as the fact that there are 4 downs in football, I went to high school for 4 years and college for 4 years, there are 4 seasons in a year, and also 4 quarters in football. In looking at the amount of times the #$ appears in my life I know that it is time to take action and start to tap into my inner divining thus allowing me to make changes and answer my calling to be of service and value to others. Now that we know what the #4 means we can better utilize our talents to follow our guides to live a life of joy and to bring joy to others.
Another number that has been one of my favorites is the #18 which is Chai in Hebrew meaning life.
Angel number 18 by its recurrence implies that a set of old things are coming to closure and that new prospects are opening up shortly with the help of divine intervention. It is necessary to have self-confidence and trust in the guardian angels if you have to overcome any serious obstacles that may come up during the transition from the old to the new situation. All old things will yield new and better opportunities, and it is up to you to convert them into fabulous objects.
The manifestation of angel number 18 in your life promises that you are becoming more prosperous by the day, and you are leading a fantastic life right now. This requires prompt and right decisions followed by necessary actions, and you should be ready to transform yourself for the new life.
As you can see the numbers add up and allow us to create the life that we desire as long as we heed and act upon the messages that are being delivered to us. It is through the understanding of the numbers that we encounter that we can evolve spiritually, personally, and professionally and therefore help other people to excel as we continue to grow in mind, body, and soul. It is when we look at the numbers that it all adds up. Look at 18 +4 = 22 with 2 +2 = 4. There are four elements which allow for us to .flow with a positive energy which in turn allows us to become the person GOD has intended us to be.
It is through realizing that it all adds up that we are able to embrace the spiritual awakening process and vibrate on a level that brings peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. Stay Positive!!! Namaste!!!
In today’s turbulent world where everything has turned into a debate it is imperative that we understand the importance of winning the spiritual battles that are being fought in our daily lives. It seems that we as a society have lost our way as we are being forced to choose sides and thus a division has widened between all of us as we have forgotten that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper and be great. We have taken things to the extreme wanting to cancel those who have different view points than we do. One can not even buy GOYA products without some making judgments and violating the 3rd agreement from Don Miguel Ruiz. Due to COVID-19 there is a division of the pro mask people and the anti mask people when in reality we don’t know if wearing a mask or not wearing a mask really helps. People have simply lost their minds and lost their way as they continue to battle over many things that in the end do not and will not matter. If we are to win in the end we must look beyond the outer and seek to connect on a cellular level with the inner divinity that each of us have inside of us.
Instead of getting caught up in the media narratives and the negativity become an action taker that will positively change the world one person at a time. Instead of spewing hate and vitriol at those who disagree with you seek to get to know them and find common ground. If we are to win in the end and make our world one that is harmonious that focuses on compassion and kindness we mus awakening by answering our calling and becoming the change we want to see in the world. Our nation (AMERICA) is fractured and if we are to heal the nation we must commit to winning together. In order to win we must teach people how to love themselves so that they can spread love to others. If we are to be winners we must put aside labels and understand that each of us has a spiritual gift and that when we use that gift to be of service and value to others we all win. If we are to win we must get back to the spiritual teachings of the ascended masters and understand that not everything has to be a debate. If wee are to win in the end we must come together and work to recognize the divine in everyone.
Let us stop the fighting and start uniting. Let’s stop allowing ourselves to be triggered by all the media hype. Imagine if the media didn’t push the divisiveness narrative and if we didn’t buy into the way that people are trying to keep us fighting and instead we focused on positivism and worked for the common goal of empowering and inspiring others by being kind and compassionate. While we change the narrative and what we focus on we must also change the mind set of people and show them that they the power to make positive change. What if instead of showing all these “KAREN” Videos we showed videos of people coming together to help others. What if instead of fighting we united in finding a common ground where it doesn’t matter about being right or wrong but about doing the right thing.
We win when we let go of wanting to be right all the time. We win when we start to help other people. We win when we get back to a spiritual base that allows us to be peaceful in all we do thus attracting peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. We win when we decide that everyone has a value and it is up to all of us to make that person feel valued. In these turbulent times we win when we show respect to one another. When we stop arguing and find that we are more alike than we are different we win.
The best way to win is to let go and let GOD. GOD will guide you to victory. Though we may be going through a fire GOD will protect us and help us to win as he helps us to step into our power and achieve the greatness that he has prepared for us. We win when we learn from the past so we can live in the present so that we create a future that is bright and filled with hope and healing. This is your season to win!!!
With all that is going on in the world today now is the time to awaken spiritually and write your own narrative with the help of GOD. As I sat down to write this post today (5/29/2020) I began to think about how the last 4 months have impacted my life and the things that I do. I started to look at all the media I have been watching and how it has been affecting me spiritually and emotionally. I found myself listening to the narratives of the media sources and getting detached and disconnected from source putting me in a dark place. Then I found out that my employment with Macy’s was severed due to COVID-19 and this put me in an even darker place. It was at the moment of darkness that I needed to tap into my inner divinity and practice what I preach about staying positive. I began to list everything that is going well for me and as a result I decided it was time to write my own narrative with the guidance from GOD. I took a moment to walk through my condo and as I passed The Serenity Prayer I had an awakening that I needed to walk in y truth and do the best I can with the tools I have.
It is when we begin to change ourselves and our perspectives and write our own narrative that we begin to awaken more and more spiritually. We get caught up in others narratives so many times that it creates blockages that stop us from stepping into our power and achieving greatness. The narrative that I have chosen to write is that we are more alike than different.
It is time to look into what is in our hearts and to write our own narrative as we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper. The best way to prosper is to recognize that everyone has the ability to be of service and value to each other. In writing your own narrative it is important to find ways to be of service and value to others. It is now time to make spiritual connections by vibrating at a high level that your narrative starts with love. It is when we lead with love in our heart that we are able to give and receive love thus allowing us to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. In writing your own narrative it is important to walk in your truth. When we come from a position of love and walk in our truth we are able to take action knowing that if GOD brought us to it GOD will bring us through it as we continue to move in a positive direction along our spiritual path.
Though we may have fear we need to commit to facing everything and rising as we write our own narrative. It is time to let go and let GOD as we write the narrative that will enhance our lives and the lives of others. It is a time to be the change that we want to see in the world by detaching from what others are reporting and doing and allowing GOD to guide us in our journey as we write our own narrative. It is time for us to come alive and make a real positive impact on the communities where we live, work, and play. It is time to look beyond the outer of a person and into their inner being and connect on a cellular level that allows everyone to prosper. If we see someone in despair and we are in a position to help we need to show kindness and compassion so our narrative reads of kindness, empathy, and compassion.
GOD will direct us in writing our own narrative as GOD is a way maker. GOD will guide you in your quest toward spiritual enlightenment as you pray and give praise thus creating your own narrative which will allow you to make a mind, body, and soul connection that will help to attract peace,love,joy, and prosperity into your life. It is our season to rise above and write our own narrative.
When things seem there darkest that is when we can find the light by writing our own narrative creating opportunities to rise above and thus having a life that id filled with bliss and abundance. As you write your own narrative remember you can make edits and learn to tap into your inner divinity thus allowing you to evolve. Today is the day for you to rise above and write your own narrative. Namaste!!!
Each day when we awaken we are given opportunities to continue along our spiritual path and to create memories that will fuel us as we continue on our quest to be of service and value to others. The events of the last 9 days in the wake of what is being considered the murder of George Floyd we have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly as the spirituality of a nation has been shaken. I have seen many people come together for the common good while I have also witnessed evil in the form of rioting and looting. I started to think what makes a person do evil things and then I realized that perhaps it is due to their subconsciousness of memories of encounters with law enforcement or simply that they feel unloved and unheard. Every action that we experience shapes who we are and it is through those memories that we begin to shape our being mentally, physically, and spiritually. It is in the looking back at the memories that we can face the pain and clear blockages so that we can awaken spiritually and move forward in a positive direction of our dreams. It is in the learning from our past that we can plan for the future and live in the present. It is when we have photographs and memories that evoke a positive response that we are able to take positive action to create memories that will positively impact our life and the lives of others.
Today (6/4/2020) I visited my old house in Coral Springs which was recently sold due to the death of my step-dad in December. As I gathered items that Paula, my step-dad’s significant other put aside for me I realized that all I have left to remember my mom who was called home to GOD on July 5, 2012 and my step dad who was called home to GOD on December 24,2019 were the photographs. As I did a final walk through the memories came rushing back and a sense of grief was lifted from my shoulders. I then went back to my the condo that I shared with my DAD until his untimely death on June 7,2018 and as I walked in the door I turned to the box with his ashes and remembered all the good times we shared. I am still living in the condo hoping to make new memories that will make my mom, my step-dad, and my dad proud. I have the great portrait of my mom that I see daily and it reminds me that as challenging as life can be I must do my best to stay positive and make memories that will leave a legacy of hope and healing. It is in the creation of memories that we grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.
Most nights I am in bed by Midnight and I reflect back on the day while answering the questions did I live my life in joy today and did my life bring joy to others today? If I can answer yes I know that I created some memories that will positively impact my life and the lives of others. In creating memories we are able to open up channels that allow us to continue on a spiritual path growing daily while making a difference in the communities where we live, work, and play. In looking back on the memories there are many times I wish I had one more day with those called home to GOD however I know that they are angels watching over me making sure I stay on a path to make positive memories.
In looking back as we create memories we all wish for that one more day. This is why it is so important that we make each day count. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised that is why they call today the present. May you open that present and understand that this is the day the lord hath made so I will be glad and rejoice in it. Today is a day to make memories and to be of service and value to others as you continue to move long your path to spiritual enlightenment.
It is in looking back that we can learn from our mistakes while also enhancing our lives as a result of our successes. We can seek the answers to how I could have done something differently so that we can learn and grow through the spiritual awakening process. It is in making memories that we bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives while touching the lives of others. Stay Positive!!! Namaste!!!
I woke up today (5/15/2020) and it was raining as I am continuing to shelter in place due to The COVID-19 Crisis. I did what I do each day as my feet hit the floor I looked to the heavens and said Thank You GOD for giving me another day to be of service and value to others. As I started to get dressed I started to think about just how powerful gratitude is while you are experiencing a spiritual awakening. The power of being thankful for what you have allows you to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. On Wednesday (5/13/2020) I went to volunteer at a food distribution site and upon my arrival I was told by a police officer that they were all set with volunteers however to come back and they would give me some food. I said thank you and went about my way. I went back and was given chicken strips, apples, and squash. I said thank you and this seemed to bring more positivism into my day. As I put the food away I started to pray and give thanks to GOD, Jesus, and The Angels. It was in this moment that I realized the power of gratitude for each time I have been grateful I have been able to experience bliss and abundance.
It has been 8 weeks of wearing a mask out due to The COVID-19 Crisis. As I was unmasking today (5/8/2020) I began to think about how important it is to unmask your truth so that you can allow for personal, professional, and spiritual growth. Many times we will put on masks so that we can adapt so that we can take the action necessary to step into our greatness while being of service and value to others. It is when we take the mask off and peel back the facades that we are able to unleash the truth and create the freedom for us to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives as we continue on our spiritual path. It is when we unmask that we are able to face everything and rise by eliminating the blockages that may have been holding back from becoming the person GOD wants us to be. When we unmask and walk in our truth we are able come alive and follow our passion so that we detach from outcomes and thus are able to be a beacon of light in our community. So many times we get caught up in trying to be something that we are not we stifle the opportunity to expand our horizons and become enlightened. It is when we become distracted that we must take a moment to unmask and tap into our inner divinity and reconnect with GOD which allows us to live our purpose driven life and walk in our truth.
As I have been sheltering in Place since (3/16/2020) I have had the opportunity to look at things from a spiritual perspective. One thing that kept coming to me was the fact that while I was safe at home I have the opportunity to grow in place. I have been under some financial pressure as I have been furloughed from my job at Macy;s since April 1,2020. Thanks to the support of a few people I have made it through. I recently received my tax bill and thanks to the stimulus check can pay that. As I returned from the bank today (5/5/2020) I realized that now is the time to grow in place and look at how I can use my spiritual gifts to be of service and value to others. I have realized that I can forget everything and run and allow worry to consume me or I can face everything and rise by taking action and following my passion. I have an opportunity to continue to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually if I stay connected to GOD. IN coming home to GOD and allowing GOD to guide me I know I will be stronger in mind, body, and soul when this COVID-19 Crisis is over. By being at home it has given me the opportunity to strengthen my spiritual awakening by staying focused, being centered and grounded, and taking responsibility for where I am today. Part of growing in place starts with forgiveness.
As I reflect back on the events of the last 6 weeks as they relate to COVID-19 Crisis I have experienced many emotions from grief to gratitude to worry to hope. I have come to realize that hop is not cancelled and with hope you can color your world.
In having hope you are able to open up the channels that allow you become an action taker thus expanding your spiritual awakening. When I was told that I would be furloughed from my job effective April 1 I was in despair wondering how I would pay my mortgage, the maintenance for the condo association, buy groceries and how I would make it through the situation created by COVID-19. I immediately turned to prayer and then sat in meditation. As I came out of meditation I started to post that I needed some help and asked people to visit A few people visited and made it possible for me to go grocery shopping and pay a few bills. I then posted about needing gift cards and a couple of people came through including a young football player who I met through my role as a pa announcer who dropped off a $75 gift card. As I begin to see how many people were willing to help me I went from despair to hope knowing that if GOD brought me to it GOD will bring me through it. On Thursday (4/30/2020) I decided I would go out and return the favor and I volunteered at a community food distribution. At the end of food distribution volunteers were told to take a few things if they needed and as a result I was able to take a food items. As I left and drove home I kept thinking how hope prevails when we detach from outcomes and begin to help when and where we can. When I arrived home and unpacked my bag of food I reflected on just how grateful the people we gave food were and this really had me thinking about how we can create hope across all sectors of our society.
A few years ago after Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans I wrote this poem.
Hope Prevails
By Jonathan Steven Lederman
A flag is tattered a house shattered no food, no water,
a parent’s search for their daughter reunited a family together
Hope Prevails.
A baby born under the storms
born healthy, happy, and saved provides a smile today
Hope Prevails.
Rescues continue supplies arrive
strangers become friends
Hope prevails
Communities work in unity
helping all to find dignity a nation unites
Hope Prevails.
A few years ago I was given a bracelet like the one pictured here. I was asked about many times and I would tell people it is about helping other people to excel. I gave the bracelet away about a year ago to someone who is a cancer survivor and she inspired me with her story and asked if she could could have my bracelet. It was my way of passing hope along. Through out the COVID-19 Crisis I have continued to hope for the best outcomes knowing that we will all come out of this stronger spiritually for we will all have learned that despite hardships we grow personally, professionally, and spiritually with a little bit of hope.
Over the last six weeks I have seen many losses but I also have seen many gains. I have seen events like Relay For Life get postponed but then I saw how resilient people are as they did virtual events to raise funds and shifted from disappointment to joy because they were still able to plant the seeds of hope and healing for those touched by cancer. I was able to see a shift in myself as well as I went from a sense of fear wanting to forget everything and run to a sense of purpose as I decided to face everything and rise. I was able to show gratitude to those on the front line with small gestures of gratitude. I was able to look deep inside and reconnect to my inner divinity and remind everyone that we are divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to be of service and value while coloring the world with hope.
Hope will help us to overcome all the blockages that are stopping us from reaching our full potential thus enabling us to make a mind, body, and soul connection.
It is amazing what happens if you have just a ray of hope. The universe delivered this song to me today titled A Song Of Hope. May you have hope. Namaste!!!
Since many of us must adhere to stay at home orders we may find ourselves feeling lonely and isolated however we can take solace in the fact that we are not walking alone as we face the many changes occurring due to COVID-19. As action takers we can use our resources such as social media to share our kindness and compassion and thus we will lift others up creating a spiritual awakening that will make us better personally, professionally, and spiritually. As we become more and more awake we become more kind and compassionate and thus we are brought through our challenges and made stronger. As we look inside to tap into our inner divinity we find ourselves overcoming fears and thus we move forward in a positive direction of our dreams.
As I sat in reflection today (4/27/2020) I realized the importance of following dreams and taking action while also detaching from outcomes. I have come to understand that when we live a life on purpose we will never walk alone for their are many like minded people who are pursuing their dreams and are walking a similar path of spiritual awakening. It is when we realize our calling that we are able to come alive and answer our calling while we continue to be of service and value to our community.
It is when you come alive that you realize that you never walk alone as you get more and more connected to The Ascended Masters, The Angels, GOD, Jesus, and Source. It is through the connection that you will find that when you are weary and felling alone that you discover that you are being strengthened by GOD as GOD is always with you. In staying connected to GOD and tapping into our inner divinity we will be able to stay centered, focused, and grounded as we continue to strengthen the mind, body, and soul connection. Sometimes we may only see one set of footprints however tat could be because GOD was carrying us to our destination. The destination GOD had planned for us not the one we planned for ourselves.
As we allow GOD to carry us we begin to find our purpose and understand that it is our time to face everything and rise as GOD is with us every step of the way and thus we never walk alone. Though we may find ourselves apart because of COVID-19 we are all united in our quest to make the world a better place. When you walk your spiritual path and you walk with GOD you will find more peace, love, joy, and abundance entering your life. Though things may seem challenging at this time you can take solace in knowing that you are not walking alone as there are many people who will walk with you though they are not walking beside you at this time due to social distancing. It is now time to take a walk with GOD and share the message from GOD with others.
Though you may feel lonely know that you are not alone as GOD is with you. Now is the time to walk in faith and allow GOD to lead you as GOD’S plan for you is far greater that the plan you have for yourself. While you are sheltering in place take a moment to reconnect with GOD as GOD will provide you the opportunities to become the person GOD has intended you to become.
GOD will make a way. As you seek GOD you will see that you will never walk alone. This was evidenced the other day as I asked GOD for guidance in facing some financial challenges and GOD directed me to continue to share and I did. As a result someone went to the site and donated $50 which will be used to buy food this week. I also prayed to GOD to send people to to help me help those touched by cancer and he sent 2 people who donated. One donated $5 and another donated $52.75. Through this experience I have come to comprehend the importance of trusting in GOD and allowing GOD to guide and direct you as you continue on your journey toward spiritual enlightenment.
GOD will be with us in all we do in our human existence here on Earth until GOD calls us home to live eternally in GOD’S Kingdom. Until that day it is imperative to live a life of purpose and to become a beacon of hope for others to see so that the world becomes illuminated. We are not alone when we seek and connect to GOD. Namaste!!!
As we continue to grow spiritually one constant remains and that is the concept of following your heart. When you become a heart centered action taker removing the idea of fear from mind you begin to awaken more and more thus allowing yourself to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have found when I follow my heart the mind follows and I figure out a way to bring more bliss and abundance into my life. Over the course of my spiritual journey I have come to realize that it is when you follow your heart and turn on your heart light that you tap into an inner divinity that makes you unstoppable. It is when you are connected to GOD and allowing GOD to direct you that you can follow your heart and step into your power and achieve the greatness that is your birthright. Sometimes people you work with or socialize with will try to squelch your spirit as do what they can to stop you from following your heart. In those situations hold a special place for these people and find ways to cope with dealing with them that will not create strife but will continue to bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Over the last few weeks I have found that I was vibrating at a low frequency and thus creating darkness in my life. As a result I wasn’t doing things that bring me joy so I sat in reflection and decided it was time to reconnect with GOD and to follow my heart and release any fears I have about speaking my mind. In following my heart I have found myself detaching from outcomes and simply making changes needed to create more bliss and abundance in my life.
In following my heart and releasing any fears about walking in my truth and speaking my truth I have been able to get back on track and to achieve some amazing things. It is following your heart that you will find your purpose and calling in life. As I continue to follow my heart and comprehend that GOD’S Plan for me is far bigger than any plan I had for myself. I have begun to act on the reoccurring messages that are being sent from GOD and as a result I am finding that I am more peaceful and content with what I have instead of wanting what I don’t have. I have realized that it is when you come straight from the heart that you will become more awake and aware.
It is said what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve. It has been 21 months since my DAD Passed, nearly 8 years since my MOM passed, and just over 2 months since my step-dad passed, and the other day another person that believed in me passed leaving me with a heavy heart that was lightened when I looked deep inside and received the message to lift my burden give it to GOD and follow my heart in a positive direction toward my dreams. As I meditated on this message I realized it was time to get back to what brings me joy and to simply look at my job as a means to an end and not a definition of who I am as I am much deeper that what my current job is and that I need to use the job as a way to provide the income needed so I can follow my heart and thus continue to be of service and value to others. It is now the time for all of us to follow our hearts and see how we can make a positive difference in our world. At the end of the day when following your heart if you can say yes to these two questions Did I live my life ion joy today and did my life bring joy to others then you have had a good day. In following your heart and detaching from outcomes you will find you create more inner peace and as a result you can face all situations in a good way creating the life that you desire.
Now is your time to have a heart on fire and to continue to allow that fire to burn until you are so hot that you spark a fire in others and empower and inspire them to achieve the greatness that they have inside. It is your time to follow your heart as scary as that may seem and step up to the plate and knock it out of the park. Namaste!!!
As I went to get an affidavit notarized I realized that the place I was walking into, FOX TAX SERVICES, had donated to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life a few years ago when I was out collecting. It was am spiritual message as they had donated $10 and today the fee for the notarization was $10. As I left the office I started to think how things in our lives come full circle as GOD has a way of putting us in the right places at the right times to make us whole. As many of you are aware my DAD passed away in June of 2018. The other day In was reflecting back on the times that I had with him and began to realize that when I was younger he took care of me and as he got older I took care of him. As I sat in meditation over where I am and where I want to be the concept of being whole and things coming full circle permeated my thoughts. As I continue to take the action necessary to move forward in a positive direction towards my dreams I realize that everything we do will come full circle so it is important to be fully aware of the energy that we are giving out and how we are vibrating with others. It is important to see what we are tuning into and focusing on as what we focus on expands and thus allows us to connect with the Ascended Masters, GOD, Jesus, and The Angels which allows us to expand on our awakening. As we come full circle it is important to detach from outcomes so that we can come alive and answer our calling so we can be come the change we want to see in the world and thus be of service and value to our community.
On Saturday (2/22/20) I went to have my tire fixed as I had hit a curb earlier in the week and dented the rim. When everything was finished my cost was just over $129. I checked my mail and there was a check for when I announced a basketball game for $30 and today while having lunch with my aunt she gave me a check for $100. As I drove to Starbucks I started to think is this coincidence or GOD’S will. I came to the conclusion that it is GOD’S will and GOD delivering a message that I will be provided for as I continue on my spiritual journey. As I began to reflect on situations of the last 20 months I realized that each time something happened that seemed to be a coincidence that it was actually away of GOD awakening me spiritually reminding me to stay connected to GOD and to take action on his messages. I have come to realize that some of my best days are the days that I let go and let GOD. I have come to understand that the plans GOD has for me are far greater than the plans I have for myself and as a result I must stay connected and allow GOD’S plan to unfold as GOD has intended. Through the spiritual awakening process I have learned that it is GOD’s will not coincidence that propels us and allows us to step into our power so that we can achieve the greatness which is our birthright.
As I contemplated why I hit a curb or why things were happening for me I had an awakening that GOD is giving me the opportunity to face everything and rise son that I can enhance my personal, professional, and spiritual life. I have started to detach from outcomes and allow things to flow as GOD has meant them to flow. In making changes I have been able to better serve my community while also taking care of myself so that I can continue to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. I have begun to show more gratitude and as a result have been able to find more bliss and abundance in my life. Many times it is simply a matter of getting back to being focused, centered, and grounded realizing that not everyone is going to resonate with you and that the only factor you can control is yourself and the energy that you bring into every situation that you may face.
In coming to grips with the fact that there are no coincidences and showing gratitude for every situation that you are placed in you will find yourself growing personally, professionally, and spiritually. In understanding that everything happens as GOD intends you will find yourself moving forward toward spiritual enlightenment. On your spiritual journey you will encounter those who question you or try to tell you what to do for the only power they have earned is that which has been given to them by others. I recently had a manager at my job tell me to keep my closing announcements basic because my way of doing them is why we have been told not to do announcements. In the past I would have gotten mad and become defensive however now I simply thought okay will do it your way and simply go with the flow for at the end of the day all that matters is that I was honoring GOD and using my talents for good. Is it a coincidence or GOD’S will that the store I work in is struggling to meet some of the metrics set for the store to meet. I think it is GOD’S will and GOD is sending those in charge a message that changes need to be made so that they can succeed. Now the question is are they spiritually evolved enough to heed GOD’S message and take action that will lead to success. Many times those in leadership roles fail to understand that GOD is sending them people to help them to become even more effective leaders and that is not a coincidence but is is GOD’S will when certain people are brought into your business or non-profit organization.
Remember that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me and that it is GOD’S will that allows you to continue your spiritual journey. Many times it is as easy as just looking in front of you and allowing yourself to use GOD’S will to make a positive impact on the lives around you while being of service and value in all you do. Stay Poasitive!!! Namaste!!!
It was a dark and rainy night and I couldn’t see clearly and as a result I hit a curb going 30 miles per hour denting the rim of my tire and blowing 3 holes in the tire. I was upset because I knew that I wasn’t in a financial position to really get it fixed and this put me in a dark place. As I cleaned out the trunk to get to the spare I started to come out of the darkness as I realized that this was just one way that GOD was teaching me a spiritual lesson and everything would be okay. Today (2/22/20) I brought the car into the mechanic and at first they didn’t think they could fix it however after they banged out the dent it wasn’t pretty but it was functional. It set me back a bit however I will recover and move forward in a positive direction toward my goals. As I was eating breakfast at McDonald’s I realized that it was time to remove the dark cloud that seemed to be over my head as i have been disconnected spiritually and it was time to get back on the spiritual path and be grateful for what I did have instead of wanting what I didn’t have. It was time to forgive myself and begin to get back in touch with my inner divinity and head the messages that GOD was sending me. It is time to eliminate the darkness.
As I sat down to write this entry a message came to me that all the answers that we need are found when we are aided by the wind. When we begin to come to grips that all we are is dust in the wind we can discover our true purpose and thus answer the question as why we are here on this earth. It is when we walk quietly in nature listening to the rustling of the leaves and the grass that we can truly connect to GOD allowing us to receive messages so that we can find the answers that we seek. Through out the spiritual awakening process you may find yourself questioning why things are happening the way they are. It is at those moments when you need to go find a sacred space to hear the answers that are blowing in the wind.
Today (2/11/2020) I was off from work and I was laying in my bed not really motivated to do anything then I asked GOD what direction he wanted me to go in and as I walked outside the answer came to me and it was to set up a fundraiser with Tijuana Flats to benefit The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and to go to Starbucks and write this blog entry and to bring my oracle cards with me. I listened to the message and as a result found the energy needed to get focused, centered, and grounded. In finding the answers in the wind I have been able to reconnect to GOD and thus realize that if GOD brought me to it GOD will bring me through it. It is now the time to be the wind of change.
As I listened to the wind I began to understand the importance of change and how now is the time to become an action taker. Over the last few months I have been so caught up in my work and haven’t really been doing anything outside of going to work, eating, and going home and doing it all over again. It has been like I have been stuck for I wasn’t getting the results I wanted from other projects I was working on at the time. Then I took that walk around the lake paused on the bridge and watched the wind move the water and it came to me the message to answer your calling to be of service of value to others. It was at that moment when I realized that the wind beneath my wings is GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and My Angels In Heaven.
It is when we give credit to those that have been the wind beneath our wings that we are able to be aided by the answers found in the wind. In listening to the wind and acting on the messages held within the win we are able to attract more peace, love, joy, and abundance into our lives as we continue to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. In finding the answers in the wind we open the channels needed to tap into our inner divinity thus allowing us to create the life we desire. Often times there will be challenges and obstacles put in our way not to stop us but to strengthen us. It is up to us to comprehend that messages are constantly being sent to us through the wind and it is up to us to act upon them accordingly.
When we listen to the wind we must show respect to this powerful force that can change things so suddenly. The wind is a powerful force that when used properly can hold answers, power communities, and allow us to change as we tune into our inner divinity.
The wind holds a power that when tapped into will provide us the answers needed to continue on our spiritual path so that we can go from being spiritually awakened to spiritually enlightened. It is walking in nature and making the mind, body, soul connection that we are able to detach from outcomes and place emotions to the side as we create an inner peace that will guide us through the tough times and allow us to celebrate the good times.
When we listen to the wind it allows us to forgive, show gratitude, stay focused, manifest the life we desire, and to reflect on what was as we see what can be as we continue on our spiritual journey. I have found that sitting on a bench by the lake at my condo and listening to the wind that I gain clarity of my purpose. Namaste!!!
Have you ever felt like you were jumping through major hoops in order to move forward along your spiritual path? Today (2/6/2020) I awoke to find my car was toed to the clubhouse parking lot at my condo as they are seal coating the parking lot and I thought I parked at an assigned area when I did not. I went to the office to get the parking sticker for my car so that I can park legally at my complex. What should have been a simple process took a little time and it felt like I was jumping through hoops. I then ventured to Publix to turn some change into cash to donate to The American Cancer Society as part of The Change For The Cure Program. The machine jammed and I needed to get an attendant to help me. The young lady cleared the machine and I have $13 to turn in to help those touched by cancer. My job has been a bit challenging as we have been slow and changes are happening and it seems like I am jumping through hoops just to do the job properly. Through all the trials and tribulations I have been able to tap into my spiritual teachings and take a deep breath and realize that in the scheme of things it is when we face challenges with dignity and grace that we can take action to overcome all the obstacles that are preventing us from living the life we want. I have come to understand that the way things are and the way things should be are two different things. I have come to realize that in being spiritually awake that there will be people that are not as evolved as you and many will not understand that they have a higher calling as they have not tapped into their inner divinity. In the past I would have gotten angry but today (2/2/2020) I simply jumped through the hoops kept my cool and as a result was able to share that I sell mattresses with someone who then told me they are looking for 2 mattresses. As I reflected back on the happenings of today (2/6/2020) it reinforced the idea that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. In jumping through hoops I have found that sometimes you just need Jesus to take the wheel.
In today’s world where what once was thought wrong in now right and what was once right is considered wrong it is imperative that you stay awake as you continue your spiritual journey. In staying awake it is important to realize that the only thing you truly can change is you and the way you carry yourself. In my spiritual awakening I have come to understand that there will be times when decisions are made that you have no control over. I came to this realization as I work for a large retail establishment and as a sales associate I don’t have much input on how they run things despite that I have knowledge in this arena that spans over 30 years. I know that I possess a great gift in the ability to see things that others do not however I have come to accept the fact that many people are not as awake and aware as I am and many have egos that do not allow them to receive input from those they perceive as being beneath them. In staying awake and aware and giving input to others we risk many things such as losing our job. This fear is what stops many people from staying awake. My solution is to go to work do what I am asked to do and when I am not working to use my spiritual teachings to stay awake and to be of service and value to others.
Through the spiritual awakening process I have come to understand the importance of having an attitude of gratitude. Today (11/27/2019) on the eve of Thanksgiving I have an idea why not make the concept of giving thanks a daily ritual? Declare that it is your season of thanks. I have found that through out my spiritual awakening that when I am connected to GOD and thankful for what I have that I create more peace, love, joy, and prosperity in my life. Though I will be alone for most of Thanksgiving until I work the 4:30 PM – 2:30 PM shift at Macy’s I have much to be thankful for this year. Though 2019 has had many trials and tribulations I am thankful for the opportunity to use my talents for good. I am thankful that I have many people who care about me and show me support when they visit I am grateful to those who show their support of my efforts to help those touched by cancer. I am thankful for the opportunity to have a job where I am encouraged to be warm, be kind, and to be joyful. I am thankful for the path that GOD has put me on to empower and inspire others by shining my light bright for others to see and hopefully see that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations. I am thankful for the opportunity to be an action taker and to show people that when you are connected to GOD anything is possible.
As I was sipping on a frapuccino at Starbucks I was savoring it until the last drop and then I remembered the commercial for Maxwell House and started to think how important it is to embrace our spiritual awakening and savor it until the last drop. We never know when the last drop of our life will be sipped however until then it is important for us to savor every moment and to suck the marrow out of life until we are called home to GOD.
In sucking the marrow out of life and living until the last drop we are called to take action so as know that we answered our calling and made a positive impact during our time on earth. Many times we get stuck in a routine and we stop moving in a positive direction of our dreams that we stop savoring things until the last drop. Now is the time to commit to savoring things til the last drop and appreciating the moments that we are creating in our lives. I have adopted and anthem of making every moment count so that at the end of the day I can say yes to the questions if I lived the day in joy and if I brought joy to others. It is when you take the time to savor things until the last drop that you will find much to be grateful for as you continue on your spiritual path. Take time to enjoy the last drop. Sometimes you simply have to make a move and dare to be different.
It is when you move and commit to making a change that you can begin to enjoy all that the cup of life has to offer and you can savor it until the last drop. It is in detaching from outcomes and expectations that you can truly savor all the flavors that are in the cup of life until the last drop. Now is your time to pursue your purpose and live your life knowing the reason that you are here.
One of the best days of your life is when you find your purpose and you begin to live your life on purpose. It is when you live a life of purpose that you grow personally and professionally. Not everyone will resonate with the way you do things however those who are vibrating on a higher frequency will be attracted to you and help you to savor life until the last drop. You will face challenges and there will be times that you feel you can not control the situation but you must remember you can control every situation you encounter. One of the greatest ways to savor life until the last drop is to live by The Four Agreements.
When we are living life until the last drop we must evolve spiritually understanding that not everyone is going to be on your level and not everyone is going to do the things the way you do. It is important to simply be your authentic self and let things play out the way GOD has intended them to as his plans are far greater than our own. It is when we face everything and rise that we truly grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.
Many times we simply must commit to face our pain and face everything and rise understanding that if GOD brought us to it that GOD will bring us through it. So many times we get caught up in the trappings of our human existence that we forget that we have the power within us to make a positive change and thus live life until the last drop. Many times we get stuck in a job that we took because of the necessity to have income to pay bill because we can not go to our creditors and say I am doing great things and helping many people can I have a free place to live.When we find this happening we must make time to get centered, focused, and grounded so that we vibrate at a higher level allowing us to become more evolved. I recently committed to being my authentic self and having fun in anything that I do and if this rubs people the wrong way than so be it because at the end of the day the only entity you should have to answer to is GOD.
Live your life to the fullest until the last drop so that you are not left wanting to have one more day. Tell those you care about how you appreciate them today. Namaste!!!
Over the last 4 months since taking on a position as a sales associate with Macy’s at The Westfield Broward Mall in The Mattresses and Furniture Department I have had many days when I didn’t feel like I was hitting my groove and as a result I have had some tough times mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I recently made a big mistake where I ordered the wrong furniture for someone. I was able to rectify the mistake however the day I was informed of the mistake I beat myself up pretty bad about it and had a hard time getting into a positive groove. I learned from the mistake and can definitely tell you that it won’t happen again. In focusing on work and my personal life I have not been doing many of the things that I enjoy which has created a stuck in a rut type of attitude which I am working to get out of so that I can get my groove back. I like my job most of the time however there are moments that challenge me and take me out of my groove. I share this because I know there are others who are going through what I am going thorough. We all would like to have a position where we do what we love and get paid well for our talents however sometimes as we are evolving spiritually and building our following we need to take on positions that help to generate the income that we need to survive while growing personally, professionally, and spiritually. In an effort to get my groove back I am taking action by making the most of each day I am given here on earth.
Imagine if you had a bank account with $525,600 in it that would be depleted in 1 year? How would you use that money? In life we have 525,600 minutes to use in a year. At the end of the year how will you measure your time? Every day is a new opportunity to positively measure time and to move forward with the plans that GOD has for you.
As you measure your time and evaluate how you are using it remember that your time is limited and the question that will be asked most often is how did you live your dash for on your headstone it will read sunrise with a date a dash and then sunset. What mark are you going to leave on the world? When you measure your time make sure you can answer yes to these two questions did I live my life in joy and did my life bring joy to others. I have recently come to understand through the spiritual awakening process that every interaction has an opportunity to enhance people’s lives personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have also come to understand that to better measure time you have to remove the people and things from your life that no longer serve you.In measuring time you also should detach from expectations and outcomes and allow everything to flow as GOD has intended. As you measure time you must stay connected to GOD so that you can attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. As you measure time consider that there is a season and purpose for everything under heaven.
The seasons change and we encounter hardships that when we overcome them we become stronger and we can keep them in our memories to use as a resource to make sure that we don’t do the same thing that created the hardship and that we take what we learned as we measure time to help others. it is understanding that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring your through it so continue to measure your time and see how you are using it. Make your moments count by remembering that GOD’S plan is far greater than our own..
It is when we embrace the fact that GOD’S plan is far greater than our own that things begin to come into our favor. As we measure time we need to use our talents for good so that good will enhance our personal, professional and spiritual life. It is in measuring time that we can see how we could have do me something differently as we are works in progress learning as we continue to be spiritual beings having a human experience. I have come to understand that every conversation has opportunity so we need to take advantage of the times we have to interact with others and find ways to make sure that the time spent is of value to all parties involved.
One of my favorite ways to measure time is to go outside and sit by my pool area with my notebook and write about my day and journal what I am grateful for that day. In doing this I find myself becoming more centered, focused, and balanced which enables me to reflect and see how I can continue on a path to spiritual enlightenment. In measuring time I have come to learn that it is not about the material things but it is about evolving spiritually so that you enhance your life and the lives of others. In reflecting about the day we can see how we could have handled things differently thus allowing us to break the chains and eliminate the blockages that are stopping us from becoming the best version of ourselves that we can become. Many times we say only time will tell and as time passes it tells a story and allows us to grow.
Time will tell a story and that story will be filled with joy, sadness, hardship, hope, healing, personal growth, spiritual growth and professional growth. In measuring time we can take some stock in where we are, where we were, and where we are going. In measuring time we can eliminate the would ofs, could ofs, ans should ofs thus we can move forward on our spiritual path and make a positive impact on the world by simply using our time as GOD has intended for us to do so. GOD sees you and GOD knows your name and GOD knows the plans he has for you. GOD also knows the talent you possess and is giving you time to use it to create the life you want for yourself. When we measure time we can see the importance of letting go and letting GOD.
Knowing that GOD knows our names makes it easier to measure time as we continue to evolve personally and spiritually. It is when we use our time guided by GOD that we are able to understand our purpose in life. The two greatest times in our life are the day we are born and the day we find out why. Now is your time to shine your light bright for everyone to see and to illuminate the world while putting a positive check mark in the measuring time box. Namaste!!!
As I sat down and completed the renewal of my driver license and registration I came to the realization that if I am to change things in my life I need to renew my relationship with GOD. As I renewed my commitment to follow GOD and be guided by GOD I further understood the importance of the phrase that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. It is in renewing and being reborn in Christ that we become stronger. In the last few years I have found that when I am disconnected from GOD I experience challenges however when I am plugged into GOD and connected the challenges I face are easily overcome. In walking in your truth daily you will be provided for and everything will work out just as GOD has intended. In taking action to renew your relationship with GOD you will find that even in the darkest moments there is a light that shines and thus your heart is lit with hope and healing allowing you to overcome the obstacles that may be blocking your path toward enlightenment. In the last 6 weeks I have gotten back to my spiritual core understanding that I can change some things and there are things I can not change and as a result I have found more peace, love, joy, and prosperity coming into my life. I have come to understand that in order to renew my relationship with GOD I must turn on my heart light and allow GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels to penetrate the light and make it brighter so that I can be of service and value to others.
In the last 13 months I have come to realize that most of the reason that I am in the position that I am in is due to the fact that for 40 plus years I have put helping others in front of helping myself. I found myself justifying this by thinking I was meeting a spiritual responsibility by being of service and value to others, which is important however if you can not help yourself you will not be able to help others. I was justifying what I was doing by thinking well I am taking action and helping other people to excel when in reality this was hindering me because I was not making my physical, mental, and spiritual well being a priority. It was when I awakened to the spiritual principles of putting myself first and connecting to GOD that things began to turn around. Though I am still a bit financially challenged and have set up a donation page at I know things will improve as I put myself first and take action as directed by GOD. In calling upon GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels for guidance to put myself 1st I have found myself gaining more clarity in my personal, professional, and spiritual life. In discovering the power of putting myself first I have been able to detach from outcomes and simply live in the moment knowing that GOD put me here to serve my community by answering my calling to come alive and to effectively make the changes I can as I live a spiritual life in my human form. In putting myself I have been able to pursue some of my dreams while putting many of the emotions that used to hold me back aside.
As I awoke this morning (6/8/2019) I was given a message to connect with a friend and to help him on a project he is working on. As I got ready to leave my house another message was received to bring a few of the beanie babies I have as part of Beanie Babies For The Cure to Starbucks with me and to bring the collection bucket and the Luminaria Bag that reads Donations Accepted. I headed this message and all of a sudden I felt more aware and awake. As I arrived at Starbucks I set up the beanie babies on my table and it drew attention. It also helped that I am wearing my Relay For Life gear which becomes a conversation starter. In tuning into the messages and taking action I felt myself becoming more and more aware and as a result was able to interact with patrons at Starbucks and connect on a cellular level. In waking up to awareness and embracing the spiritual awakening process you will be able to come out of any darkness you may be experiencing and step into the light which will allow you to tap into your inner divinity and connect with GOD so that you can create the life you desire.
Today’s (6/7/2019) entry is dedicated to my DAD, Jack Lederman, who was called home to GOD on June 7,2018. My DAD taught me the importance of living for today. At the beginning of each month he would take action and pay the bills and inform me well we are good for another month. When my DAD passed I was devastated emotionally and didn’t know what would happen next. DAD passed without a will and I still haven’t done the probate paperwork as I have been scrambling to keep the condo, pay bills, and eat. I have set up a GO FUND ME PAGE at more and thanks to the generosity of others I have been able to get by and move forward in my efforts to be of service and value to others. As Father’s Day approaches my gift to my DAD will be living for the day making sure that I live my life in joy and that my life brings joy to others. Every day I have thought about my DAD as something has come up that has triggered a memory. Tonight (6/7/2019) I will watch The NBA Finals and I will think of how my DAD would watch games together and how many times he would encourage me to do a play by play or game analysis and then he would say where have I heard that before as the broadcaster would say what I had said a few moments earlier. The passing of my DAD into the spiritual realm we refer to as heaven has been a spiritual awakening of sorts as I have come to realize that you can live for today but you must also plan for the future and let go of the past in order to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. In living for today you begin to seize the opportunities that are presented to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life.
I had attended an wrap up party for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Plantation and they had a hot air balloon basket set up and as I was taking a photo I began to sing this song. Not many people knew the song by The Fifth Dimension. As I drove home from that event I had a spiritual awakening as I realized that not everyone will be ready to go on a journey and that it was my responsibility to go up up and away and when people were ready they would join me on this magical ride towards spiritual enlightenment and self-actualization. In being authentic and putting yourself out there you will encounter those who will not get your references however it is imperative that you continue to be your authentic self as those who are meant to join you on your journey and go up up and away with you will be guided to you. In understanding that it is when you vibrate on a higher energy plane than most you attract those who will strengthen your vibration thus allowing everyone to go up up and away.
Today (5/5/2019) is your opportunity to commit to becoming an action taker and to go up up and away as you enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. As you become more and more spiritually aware and awake you will see that you control how high your balloon will soar and the only one that can ground your balloon is you. When you commit to going up up and away you will begin to find resources appearing to help you reach the heights that you desire. In deciding to take action to go up up and away and answer your calling you will experience change as you come alive while being of service and value to your community. In deciding to take that life changing balloon ride you will find yourself manifesting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life.
As I sat down to write this blog today (5/31/2019) I started to think that we are all limited editions with a cream filling inside as we are divine children of GOD with a hard exterior that covers our soft inside. How many times do we look at someone and wonder what is on the inside? Many times we see people who appear to be strong on the outside when in reality they are putting on a strong front as they face some inner demons that are stopping them from evolving in their personal, professional, and spiritual lives. How many times as a child were we told be strong but not really shown how to be strong? It is hard to be strong when you are experiencing anxiety and depression. People say why are you depressed or what do you have to worry about when they don’t know the angst that you are experiencing. In order to find out what is on the inside we must go through some trials and tribulations so that we can bloom into the person that GOD intends us to become.
The 2018 football season started off slow for The Cardinal Gibbons Chiefs as they began the year 0-2 and then in what could be viewed as a spiritual awakening the team got together and decided that they needed to buy into what the coaches had put up as a motto which was #1815 meaning playing 15 games in 2018 which would mean they made it to the state championship game. The team despite some key injuries would go on a 13 game winning streak and bring home The State 5A Football Championships. In looking back at the 2018 season I found a lesson in spirituality which I titled down but not out. In football as long as there is time on the clock there is a chance to win. In life as long as you are breathing there is a chance for victory over your demons.
Last night (5/22/2019) I was flipping through the channels to find something of interest and I stumbled across the movie Wonder. I had wanted to see this movie for a while and as I watched it I laughed and I cried and when the movie ended I started to think how many times do we miss opportunities because we don’t look beyond the outer appearance. As I woke up today (5/23/2019) the idea of gazing in wonder kept coming up and I kept thinking wow what a great message to deliver and then I remembered the words of Dr. Wayne Dyer who once said when we change the way we look at things our life changes. This is so true because we have many ways we can look at how our life is unfolding and we can choose to come from a position of lack or a position of abundance. We can be grateful for what we have or we can want for what we don’t have. It all comes down to a matter of perspective. Many times we get so caught up in looking at the negative that we forget all of the positive. Many times we get so caught up in what seems like despair that we fail to repair what may be creating the blockage that is stopping us from gazing in wonder. Many times we get so caught up in worrying that we get stuck. When you find yourself feeling stuck simply remind yourself that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. I have found that when I am feeling stuck that is is best to take a walk in nature and gaze in wonder at what GOD has created and then counsel with GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels and follow the messages that they are sending. It is when we gaze in wonder and awaken that we are able to heed our calling and make the changes that will allow us to come alive thus attracting peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our personal, professional, and spiritual life.
Spiritual Awakening: Breaking Eggs and Ruffling Feathers!!!
As you awaken spiritually you will find yourself with many broken eggs as you stand in your beliefs and follow your passion thus you will ruffle some feathers along the way. Sometimes broken eggs seem like a mess however when you look at what you can do with the broken eggs you will find the the mess becomes a message. Today(5/21/2019) I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and like I do on most days I plan out places to go and garner donations. I usually approach businesses unannounced which can be a good thing at times as while at others it can be a bad choice as many people in leadership roles at a business put their guard up. Most of my encounters were great and the businesses let me announce who I was and what I was doing while others said it was against their policy. One GM gave me such an attitude that I said to myself the hell with their policy I am making my announcement anyway. I did and I had one patron give me a $20 donation. The GM was not pleased and will probably complain about me. This won’t be the first time. I called the corporate office and their marketing director was very nice and I apologized if I overstepped any boundaries. The marketing director went as far as sending me an email inviting me to set up a Give Back Night for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I realized that not everyone is ready to break some eggs and ruffle some feathers as they operate from a position of fear and do not get to know the people they are interacting with through out the day. We all can be of service and value to one another simply by breaking some eggs and ruffling some feathers. In breaking eggs and ruffling feathers we make people think through our actions. Many times bigger corporations simply lack the foresight of empowering and inspiring their employees and as a result they don’t see the big picture and thus forget about the importance of building relationships.
As you experience a spiritual awakening you will begin to see many messages for you are taking action to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Today (5/14/2019) I started to write this blog at 2:22 PM and realized that by slowing down and setting my intentions that I was able to move forward in a positive direction toward my dreams. As I stepped into Starbucks I bumped into someone who I haven’t seen in a while and he has a few possible paying gigs for me. In taking action and paying attention to the signs being presented to me through the spiritual awakening process I have been able to make a shift from lack to abundance. As I began to heed the messages from GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels I began to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. As I began to understand the signs that were being sent to me I have been able to bring more bliss and abundance into my life by realizing that what we may view as set backs are actually set ups for something better.
As you awaken spiritually you will find yourself out of focus as you have so many things running through your mind as become more and more aware of the power that you have. To harness this power you are going to want to step back take a deep breathe and focus on your task at hand. As you begin to understand that it is when you are focused you gain clarity of purpose you will see yourself attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. I have come to learn that when you stay focused and alleviate the distractions that your personal, professional, and spiritual life is enhanced. In staying focused you will see that what used to trigger you no longer affects you as you have awakened to the concept that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper. It is when we stay focused and don’t allow distractions to get in our way that we have the most success.
As you experience a spiritual awakening you will find yourself reflecting back on choices that you have made and how they have shaped your life up until the point that you are at today. Today (5/8/2019) you have choices to make you can dwell on what is wrong in your life or you can focus on what is good in your life. You can point fingers at others or you can hold yourself accountable and take action to manifest the life that you desire. The biggest choices you will make is how you will react to the situations that are happening all around you. As you awaken spiritually and find your purpose you will find yourself asking a question of how your choices will serve you personally, professionally, and spiritually. When you find what serves you and eliminate that which no longer serves you it will open up the blockages that have been holding you back from becoming the version of you that GOD wants you to become.
Spiritual Awakening: Opening The Happiness Portal!!!
As I was out promoting The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and collecting donations I discovered something and that is when you exude happiness you vibrate at a higher level thus attracting people to assist you in your effort to be of service and value to others. In taking action and reminding yourself that GOD loves a cheerful giver and detaching from the outcome you will find that you open a happiness portal that can only be closed if you allow the attitude of others to drain you of your happiness. Regardless of where you stand personally, professionally, or spiritual there is one key to living your life in joy and bringing joy to others and that is keeping your happiness portal open. Today (5/7/2019) I decided to take action and fight through that which was blocking me from entering the happiness portal. As a result I found myself having more success in all that I was doing. In detaching from the outcome and not taking anything personally I was able to step into my power and have good encounters with those I came in contact with during the day. As I stopped worrying about what others would think I began to find myself bringing more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my day. In being open and honest with myself it became easier to step in to the happiness portal and focus on the present. In being my friendly and outgoing self I was able to use my talents for good and positively impact the lives of others.
When you have a spiritual awakening and you commit to being truthful to yourself by peeling back the onion and getting to your core you will see that your life begins to flow just as GOD has intended. Many times we thwart our spiritual growth because we are trying to impress others and we become something we are not. When this happens we find ourselves allowing EGO, which is edging GOD out, to get in our way. We often get so caught up in worrying about what others will think about us that we stop doing what GOD is guiding us to do and as a result we find ourselves creating hardships for ourselves. Now is the time to look deep inside of ourselves and to tap into our divinity by being true to ourselves. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth and be honest with yourself and others. Take solace in knowing that is okay to feel angst for the trials and tribulations that we go throw strengthen us and allow us to be true to ourselves. We are taught to visualize what we want and to act as if and this is all well and good if it doesn’t compromise your core beliefs and who you are. It is important to stay centered, focused, and grounded as you take the action necessary to stay true to your self. In being true to who you are and finding your purpose you will find yourself attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. In the last 40 years of my life I have had ups and downs and in some cases found myself struggling because I wasn’t being true to who I am thus creating blockages that have slowed the process of evolving personally, professionally, and spiritually. In order to affect change I found that I had to come alive and detach from outcomes and serve my community and sometimes I had to stand alone. It was in standing for something that I found my calling and have been able to continue to be of service and value to others. The fact of the matter is that I needed to see what I was doing to create the situations I found myself in and were they in alignment with what GOD had planned for me. I had to take feelings and emotions out of the equation and allow everything to flow the way GOD intended. One element that has helped me to be true to myself is the element of forgiveness.
As you experience a spiritual awakening you may sense that your mojo is getting knocked down. The question is how do you get it back up? The answer is that you go deep inside and tap into your inner divinity. In tapping into your inner divinity you will find that any issues that are stopping you from reaching your full spiritual potential are due to your perspective and reactions. This has been the case for me over the last several months as I have been struggling financially. I have been so quick to judge others that I lost sight of the 3rd agreement which is don’t make judgments. I kept thinking that people were doing me wrong instead of looking it from their perspective and understanding that the way thing are and the way things should be are 2 different things. I also began to look inside and to take responsibility for what was happening. The set backs that I have faced over the last 10 months since my DAD was called home to GOD have affected my mojo and I was feeling down and began to become fraught with anxiety and depression. It has been scary knowing that I am very close to becoming homeless because of decisions I made. I thought many people would rally to my assistance and buy the contents of my condo as I really only need a bed and a TV and some clothes some have come through in a big way and I am grateful for them. I am grateful to all those who have visited and made a donation. I have come to realize that I may get knocked down but of I can look up I can get up and find my mojo and begin to attract those meant to help me so that I can continue on my mission to be of service and value to others. As I begin to find ways to get my mojo back I am reminded that there are many people who will reach out to help. Such was the case today when a friend of mine who recently lost his mother was cleaning out her condo and offered me some of the crystal figurines that she had.The figurines had great value unfortunately I couldn’t break away to pick them up. I thought for a minute and realized that if GOD intends for me to have the figurines he will find a way for me to have them.
The theme of the day today (4/30/2019) seems to be living life like a boss. I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and was refereed to as boss on a few occasions. I then stopped by Dunkin Donuts and the cashier kept calling me boss. I then saw the newest campaign for The American Cancer Society and thought there must be something to living life like a boss. The first step to living life like a boss is to have confidence.
When you find your confidence and become spiritually awake you will find that living a life of purpose becomes easier thus allowing you to live your life like a boss. As you continue on your spiritual path you will find that if you go confidently in the direction of your dreams you will be shown the way to live your life like a boss. In living your life like a boss you will find that being of service and value to others plays a major role. I have found that by showing the service to humanity is the best work of life that I am rewarded for GOD loves a cheerful giver. In becoming a cheerful giver GOD will allow you to live your life like a boss.
As you awaken spiritually it is important to see who is coming to your spiritual table. It is important to make sure the people coming to your spiritual table have your best interest in mind and will be of service and value to you. Many times in our human existence we allow people to come to our spiritual table that are toxic and thus they contaminate the entire table with their negative energy.
When you hear the words brace for impact it normally conjures up the image that something bad is about to happen. How many of you when your read the headline thought oh no here comes a bad story? Well I am here to tell you that this is not a bad story but a story about personal, professional, and spiritual growth. I chose the title as a result of reviewing videos of me announcing sporting events, emcee charitable events, interview people for a TV Show that I used to host, and some speeches I delivered. I was reflecting and then began to read comments and began to understand the impact that I have been making by being of service and value to others. Despite some setbacks over the years I have been able to move forward and positively impact the lives of others. Though I may not have gotten recognition for this impact I know in my heart that I took the proper action to show people that service to humanity is the best work of life.
Spiritual Awakening: Spiritual Enticement And Seduction!!!
Can I interest you in a dose of Spirituality? This is not a question that usually entices many people nor does it lead to seduction so the question is how do we find a better way to bring people onto a spiritual path so that they can maximize their potential and evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually. We begin by filling ourselves with the love of GOD and we share it with others because love is thicker than water and love is the answer.
When we do things with great love we open up channels to receive and thus we become more able to entice people and seduce people with the sharing of spirituality. It is when we show love that we receive love. Today (4/16/2019) I went to see Bishop Johnson to help in with his business and also to record some spot for Changing Your Life Ministries and I was rewarded with a plethora of bread. In becoming an action taker coming from a position of love I have experienced first hand the love of GOD manifested in the form of money, food, shelter, and clothing. It is when we put love in our heart and understand that this is the day the lord hath made and it is our responsibility be glad and rejoice in it that we attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our life. It is when we let go and let GOD that we get more and enticed and seduced into being positive in our effort to be of service and value to others.
Over the last few days I have been thinking about FIRE as I was told that I am a fire sign. I heard many songs about fire through out the weekend and began to wonder about FIRE and its spiritual meaning. Today (4/15/2019) The news about The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris burning came across my timeline and I thought wow what is the message being sent and what actions do I need to take.
As we find the ways to use our fire for good we will find ourselves bringing more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. In acting on the fire that is inside in a constructive way we will be able to be of more service and value to others as we fan the flames so that our light shines bright and the world is illuminated. I was asking myself why would GOD allow fores to break out in sacred places like The Notre Dame Cathedral? The answer that came to me was so as to bring attention to a sacred space and to give us a wake up call that if we do not come together as a society that eventually our society will burn up and GOD will simply create a new one. I was asking myself why would GOD allow people to destroy temples, mosques, and churches? The answer I received was sometimes we need to burn things down so as to rebuild and recreate so as to move forward in our spiritual development so as to awaken us to how powerful GOD is and to be reminded that it is not about the materialistic possessions but what we possess spiritually. In many cases the message is that it is time to start a new and rebuild so that you become better than you were before. There is a time we need to put the fire out as it can cause damage and there is time to allow the fire to burn as it ignites a flame to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Knowing when to keep the fire burning and when to put it out will help you as you continue your spiritual journey toward enlightenment.
When you experience a spiritual awakening you will begin to understand that when your flow is based on peace, love, joy, and prosperity your ability to create the life you desire will become easier as you go from a lack mentality to an abundance mentality. In order to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually you need to be aware of your flow meter. In becoming aware and awake you will be able to measure your flow based on the way your body feels for when your flow is good you will find that you don’t have blockages however when your flow is off you will find that you may experience physical pain and mental anguish. The question is what to do when your flow is off and you feel disconnected? The answer is to take a moment to breathe and get reconnected to GOD, Jesus, Source, and Spirit. As you check your flow meter remember to take action to increase your vibrations to a higher level of resonance thus allowing you to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. When you feel that your flow is low stop for a moment and consult with GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels so that you are guided to move in a positive direction while continuing on your spiritual path. Sometimes it is better to simply rest and relax when your vibration is at a low frequency than to go out into the world for you ability to increase your flow may be compromised and as a result your human side interferes with your spiritual side and you make a poor decision that makes a situation worse. In many cases we get so wrapped up in the way thing should be that we forget that there are somethings best left alone as it is not our job to drag people onto our path. It is our job to go down our path and be guided by GOD and let others see our positive actions so that when they are ready to get on the path they will be ready. If we are to keep our flow meter on high we need to become action takers and awakening to our calling so that we can effectively change our community. When we check our flow meter we are able to take the steps necessary to stay on track or to get back on track to fulfill the purpose that GOD has set before us. As for me I believe my purpose is to be of service and value to others.
When you are in the spiritual awakening process it is a lot like being in a boxing match. Your opponents may be demons from the past, challenges in your current situation, fear, and anxiety. As you begin to fight to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams you need to evaluate who is on your corner. Ask yourself if the people in your corner are lifting you up. If you find lifters keep them in your corner. If you find there are some that are bringing you down remove them and let them go so you can clear your path to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. As many of those who read this blog on a regular basis know I have had a bit of darkness in my life over the last 9 months. In those last 9 months I have found who is in my corner and who I can count on. I have had a few people come forward and help me by visiting or by meeting me in person to give me some support. I have had a few people send me checks. I am grateful to have these people in my corner. In the toughest of times you find out who really has your back and who want to help you to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.
In evaluating who is in your corner you will be able to weed out those who no longer serve you so that you can move along on your path toward spiritual enlightenment. In my corner I have GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, The Angels, and a few really good people that come through for me. When things get really challenging I turn to GOD and seek guidance. Once GOD’S message is delivered I take action to act upon it so that can move forward in a positive direction of my goals and dreams. If I feel beat up I go to the best cut man I know Jesus and seek his guidance and support remembering that all things are possible through Jesus who strengthens me.
When GOD is in your corner and you heed his messages you will see that you have an easier time in taking action to become more and more aware and awake. In listening to GOD’S messages you begin to find your calling so that you can affect change in your life and in your community. As you listen to your top trainer, GOD, you will find yourself coming alive so that you detach from expectations and outcomes and focus on being of service and value to others. As you become more and more focused, centered, and grounded you will find your dreams manifesting for you are connected to GOD. As you continue to have GOD in your corner you will find yourself finishing projects and creating a good space for yourself so that you can continue to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.
Today one of my demons reared its ugly head in the form of anger and aggressiveness. Once the dust cleared I had a spiritual awakening that I need to put all the anger that has built up inside of me over the last 10 months behind me and turn back to GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels and allow them to guide me to a life filled with much peace, love, joy, and prosperity. I learned that as righteous as I may want to be be it is not my job to be the morality police and that it is better to simply let others that are in a position of enforcement to take care of things. I have always believed if you see an injustice being done and you do nothing you are just as guilty as the person committing the injustice however after today’s encounter I was further awakened to the fact that they way things are and the way things should be are two different things. I have learned that there are some people who are simply oblivious to doing the right thing and some people are just straight out mean. Today (4/9/2019) I encountered good and bad as I was at Starbucks and asked 2 ladies if I could share their table only to be cursed out in a foreign language then a lady saw what was happening and said come here and plug in. It turns out this lady was studying child psychology and we had a nice interaction. This gave me back the belief that there are some good people in this world. I then checked out and saw that the fundraising thermometer rising which again restored my belief that service to humanity is the best work of life. It was at that point I asked GOD for forgiveness and guidance to face down my demons and to become a positive action taker where I actions would positively impact the live of others.
Spiritual Awakening: Stepping Back To Move Forward!!!
As many of the regular readers of this blog are aware I am very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. 2019 marks my 21st year as a participant in The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I decided to take a step back this year and simply be a participant and to focus on my fundraising and as a result I have raised $3951 so far to help plant the seeds of hope and healing for those touched by cancer by funding research, education, advocacy, and services. In stepping back and letting others take on leadership roles I have been able to move forward. Sometimes we simply have to take a look at something from a different perspective to see how it serves us so that we can mover forward in our quest to be spiritually aware and awake. I learned some valuable lessons in the last 10 months and the most important lesson that I learned was that you don’t always have to be the center of attention. I also have learned to go where you are celebrated and not just tolerated. I have also learned that not everyone is going to share my passion and that is okay. In stepping back and detaching from expectations I have been able to attract more peace, joy, love, and prosperity into my life.
I am sharing the following standings for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life as of 6:00 PM today (4/8/2019) as to illustrate what happens when you simply let people do their thing on their terms and step back. When you simply find your lane and stay in your lane becoming laser focused you will find that you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.
Did you notice the date today (4/1/19)? Yes it is April Fools Day however now is the time to stop the foolishness that has been creating blockages in your life. It is time for you to take ownership of where you are and where you want to be and to awaken spiritually to take the action needed to manifest the life that you want. It is time to surround yourself with people who will take you serious and support you in your effort to be of service and value to others. When you encounter foolishness you need to take a deep breathe and hold a special space for the person being foolish and then move forward in a positive direction of your goals and dreams. It is time to walk in your truth and stay connected to GOD so that you can continue to evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually. Sometimes we have to go deep inside and find out what is attracting this foolishness to us.
I have had this though many times over the last 9 months as I am dealing with the loss of my DAD and not having steady work. I have had my share of foolishness with people saying oh I want you to do my voice over for my book but I can’t pay you to oh thanks for coming and announcing for me can I pay you next week. I say it is time to stop the foolishness and surround yourself with people who value you. It is time to go where you are celebrated and not just tolerated. I had a women the other when asked to visit and make a donation that if I am in debt why am I raising money for The American Cancer Society. I explained that by helping others you open up the channels to receive help for your self. It is amazing to me that many people simply do not get it. I have others tell me oh get a job not realizing that it isn’t that easy. I want to work but have not have success in finding work despite sending resumes daily and applying on line everyday. I had had some gigs but not enough to sustain the situation I find myself in. People have been really quick to judge while others have come through for me. I have found some to be foolish and then thought maybe it was me being foolish in expecting people that I have helped to return the favor. I took action by offering KNOCKOUT CANCER TEE-SHIRTS on line only to have myself and 4 other people purchase the shirts. I looked back and though this is foolishness I am spending all this time and energy and not many people are responding. It was at that moment when I realized that I need to build a more receptive audience and stop being foolish in my actions. Instead I decided to go out into the community and simply share who I am and what I am doing to help others and as a result I raised $432 for The American Cancer Society in 3 hours at a local event. It was then that I realized I need to work smarter and not harder.
In committing to stopping the foolishness and awakening spiritually you will find that all you need is to listen and take action on the messages being sent from GOD. In taking action you will face everything and rise as opposed to forgetting everything and running. It is when we awaken spiritually that we are able to stop the foolishness and to move ahead to improve personally, professionally, and spiritually. It is important to detach from outcomes and learn from the action that you take. Sometimes you have to realize that your ideas will not resonate with everyone and that is okay for those who are ready to embrace your ideas will be presented to you. It is time to come alive and answer your calling to make a change in the community by understanding that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. It is time to find those who will stop the foolishness and get real with you and themselves by walking in truth and continuing on a spiritual path.
Don’t be anyone’s fool take a moment to find your power so you can step with strength into anything that you undertake and if someone decides to be foolish then simply step back and take the action necessary to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. If you find yourself encountering foolishness to often take a look at what you are doing and take the necessary steps to make a change to stop the foolishness.
It is time to stop fooling yourself and to understand that not everyone is ready to become more aware and awake. It is time to stop trying to drag people kicking and screaming toward your way of thinking as it becomes like wrestling a pig in the mud as you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it. The time is now for you to walk in your truth and understand that those meant to lift you up will be provided to you when GOD deems them necessary to show up. Stay Positive Today!!! Namaste!!!
As I was in a great deal of pain today due to my diabetic nephropathy and other medical conditions I asked GOD to lift me and guide me as it has been a trying time in my life. GOD gave me the strength to go to The American Cancer Society Office to drop of money that I have raised for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I was going to go home and rest however GOD directed me to Starbucks to work on posting and to send messages. In following GOD’S directions I was able to secure $60 in donations which gets me that much closer to making a mortgage payment. As I continued to share the link I realized that It is GOD who gives us the mighty wings to soar to the greatness that is our birthright. It is GOD who will bring us to challenges and it is GOD who will bring us through challenges. I have come to understand through the spiritual awakening process that GOD will not give us anything that we can not handle and he will put people in place who will lift us and who will help us to soar on Mighty Wings. I have come to learn that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me and that when you are connected to Christ you will be able to overcome all the challenges that you are facing in your life. Sometimes things may seem dark and it may seem as though our mighty wings are being clipped. It is at those times that you must turn back to the scriptures and become centered, focused, and balanced by taking action to continue your relationship with GOD. It is when we feel blocked that we must trust the process and press on for GOD’S Plan for us is far greater than the plan we have for ourselves. In awakening you gain the mighty wings that will allow you to soar to great heights in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. As you seek GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels you will find that you receive the answers to the questions that you are asking. In allowing GOD to give you mighty wings you will show your grace and see that grace wins.
As I left an interview with a staffing agency today (3/22/2019) I began to think how important it is to radiate and vibrate at a higher level of consciousness so as to tap into our inner divinity and create our best life. As I went out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life I was reminded to vibrate at the highest level possible and detach from the outcome. As a result of being centered, balanced, and focused I was able to resonate with my message and had people donate and be kind. It may have helped that I was dressed in a suit and I looked like an executive which reinforced my belief that when you look good and feel good you can do good. It may have been that I felt a special connection with GOD today and GOD was allowing me to get higher. In staying connected to GOD and taking action you begin to function at a higher level of consciousness thus allowing you to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. It is said the better your attitude the higher your altitude. It is now time for you to soar higher than you have soared before by getting higher in your mind, body, soul connection. As you get higher it is important to feast on the fruits of spirit.
Today (3/21/2019) I was at the post office picking up a package that WWW.FANCHEST.COM sent me to use in my fundraising efforts for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life when a family with an appointment to do their passports were told that the person that does the passports was out to lunch. They were upset so I stepped in and told them about City Hall In The Mall and I quoted The Four Agreements. A man in line said awesome The Four Agreements. He and I had a good conversation and he told me he told his daughter to read The Four Agreements and asked me for my card. I gave him my card and we went about our business. It was at that point I decided that regardless of anything that happens today I am going to make it fun. With this decision made I went out to promote and collect donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Most everyone was very receptive. The Bagel Shop let me make an announcement so I turned on my radio voice and got everyone’s attention and a few people made donations. The Chinese Restaurant allowed me to make an announcement to their patrons and most of the patrons donated. As I continued to walk in my truth and commit to having fun I did run into one office who simply didn’t get what I was doing. I Left that office took a deep breath and help a special place for the woman who seemed to be on a power trip.
In deciding to make it fun and implement the attitude of does it look like I give a F*** I found myself more centered, balanced, and focused. The fact is I do care about being of service and value to others however I stopped worrying about what people think of me a long time ago as I have become more aware and awake spiritually. I have come to understand that not everyone will resonate with the way you do things and that is okay for it is not your job to drag people kicking and screaming onto the path it is your responsibility to simply walk in your truth and when people are ready they will walk with you. Sometimes you just have to let go and let GOD knowing that everything is possible through Christ who strengthens me. In making a commitment to live a life of joy and to bring joy to others you will find that you attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life.
As I decided to have fun and be grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact on people I found myself achieving more and connecting with people on a cellular level thus creating opportunities to improve my personal, professional, and spiritual life. It is when you make things fun that you begin to attract the people into your life that are meant to help you create the life that you desire.
When you awaken in the morning remind yourself that this is the day the lord hath made to be glad and rejoice in it. When you look at things from a different perspective and understand that not everyone will get you but many will and as a result you will be able to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams. Many would look at waiting on line at the post office as a burden I looked at as an opportunity to share with others and possibly make connections where I could be of service and value to others. Some would be upset that the lady at the leasing office was so worried about tenants complaining that she lost sight of gaining a sense of purpose by helping a charitable cause. As you evolve spiritually and move toward enlightenment remember tat everyone is on their own path traveling at their own pace and may not be ready for your message so walk in your truth having fun while achieving your goals and objectives.
When you praise and honor GOD with a joyful noise you will find yourself having more fun, bliss, and abundance in your life for at the end of the day you will be able to look back on the day and see just how great the day went as you committed to walking with GOD and having fun by showing the world that service to humanity is the best work of life.
Tap into your inner divinity and honor others while you have fun and enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Namaste!!!!!
As I continue to evolve spiritually and become more and more aware and awake I understand that it takes all types of people to help you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Today (3/20/2019) I had to take care of some banking and as I walked into TD Bank I was greeted with a nice welcome and the lady behind me commented on how nice it is to have some pleasant people in the world. We began to talk and I told her about how I was seeking employment and she took my card. This set the tone for the rest of the day as I went out to promote The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. As I was out collecting donations and promoting Relay For Life I encountered some nice people and not so nice people. I fully understand that I am coming into someone’s office or place of business unannounced however it doesn’t take a big effort to be nice. I have come to realize that some people are not going to vibrate at a high level thus they won’t understand the laws of reciprocity and other teachings that can bring them to a higher level. Sometimes we miss out on opportunities to make a spiritual connection and to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives because we get so caught up in ourselves that we don’t take the time to listen to others and see how we can be of service and value to one another. So many times we put our defenses up and start to make excuses that we miss out on a chance to enhance our personal, professional, and spiritual life.
I have come to understand that when I walk into an office or place of business where I am not known that I will be treated in a strange way by some and a nice way by others for everyone will not resonate with me message. It is amazing to me how many people are quick to judge or throw up roadblocks and those same people then wonder why things are not as good as they can be for them. I have found that those who are open and come from a position of gratitude manifest peace, love, joy, and prosperity in their lives. I have come to learn that sometimes it is better to simply understand that it takes all types and that some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next. I have realized that sometimes in pushing your views it is like wrestling a pig in the mud as you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it so know that there comes a time to walk way and realize that trying to make your point is not going to serve you and is taking time from you to meet someone who will resonate with your message.
As I encounter those who are quick to judge and give off negative energy I simply hold a place for them knowing that one day they will be ready to get on the path and connect with inner divinity and understand that GOD Loves A Cheerful Giver. Through the spiritual awakening process I have seen that there are action takers and excuse makers. Which one will you be. In the last 9 months since my DAD passed I have seen the generosity of others and the stinginess of some. As a result I am grateful for those who have come forward to help. I currently have a campaign at One donor wrote that she wished it could be more. I wrote back and thanked her for helping. In showing gratitude I am opening more doors to receive and to move forward in a positive direction of my dreams.
As I was looking for something to close out this entry this song was delivered to me by the universe. As I listened to the lyrics I began to grasp the idea that it takes all sorts to make our world a better place. It was when I reflected about the encounters I had today (3/20/19) that I realized that GOD puts some difficult people on your path to teach you the lessons that you need at the time. Namaste!!!
As I sat at a memorial service for a friend’s mother I had an opportunity to pray and commune with GOD who directed me to Psalm 23 and Ecclesiastes 3. As I read the scripture I began to realize that GOD has all the blessings and will give them to you when GOD feels you are ready to receive them.
As I left the chapel and witnessed the butterfly release I began to think about the blessing GOD has given to us all and that is the ability to metamorphize. Like the caterpillar we to need to die to ourself so as to metamorphize and become a butterfly so as to become the beautiful being that GOD has created and to soar to the heights that GOD has intended for us to reach. It is important to understand that what GOD gives to you is meant to help you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Many times GOD gives us messages so that we can metamophize and change our lives and the lives of others. GOD recently gave me a message to ask for help so I did by setting up and I have had a few people make donations. I am grateful to all that have come through in the last 8 1/2 months and have helped me in my time of need. I am working on turning things around. I have continued to assume an attitude of gratitude while realizing that if GOD brought me to it GOD will bring me through it. GOD will send blessings and messages and it is important to take action and detach from the outcomes. I have found that GOD is with you and wants a relationship with you.
It is knowing that through good times and bad times that GOD is with you and all you have to do is stay connected so as to make a mind, body, and soul connection. In accepting that GOD’S Plan is far greater than the one you have for yourself you will begin to receive blessings and as a result your life will be filled with much peace, love, joy, and prosperity. GOD will bring you through storms and create rainbows filled with hope and healing in your life.
As you are facing storms of your own take solace in knowing that GOD will bring your through it and make you stronger. Namaste!!!
As I write this it has been 8 months since the passing of my DAD and I am struggling financially as I have not had steady work for nearly a year. I have worked some announcing gigs and have managed as I had a savings account but I have depleted that and now find myself at a crossroads. I have found my spiritually being tested and at times have wanted to quit but I knew I had to keep on moving as there are people who will help me by visiting and making a love donation. I am trying many things to get into a better financial position however it seems as though just when things seem to be improving a set back occurs. This was the case on Sunday 3/10/2019 when I was on my way to an awards banquet and my car was run into by a pedestrian and when I asked if he wanted me to call EMS he ran away. My car now has a nice dent in it and I don’t have the money to fix it. I have had 3 months with virtually no income so I turned to GOD and asked for his guidance. I received the message to keep on moving and that people will be presented to help you. Ideally finding people to use my services as a PA Announcer, Emcee, and Voice Over Talent would be be great. I have been applying for many jobs as I have a very diverse skill set that GOD has given to me. I started to look back on all that has happened and I have realized that if I am to prosper I need to take action and continue to move forward in a positive direction toward my goals.
As tough as things seem as I deal with high blood pressure, hypertension, Type II Diabetes, a sports hernia, and the stress of not know where my next dollar will come from I take solace in knowing that GOD only gives you what GOD thinks you can handle. With all that is happening in my personal, professional, and spiritual life I am heeding the message from GOD to keep moving. I have come to understand that I need to get back to the pillars of spirituality and come from a position of gratitude. I need to become a man in motion and be driven by the messages from GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels.
I have come to realize that I need to surround myself with action takers who will lift me up and help me in my time of need. I have come to understand that if GOD brought me to it GOD will bring me through it. In asking for help by posting on social media I am hoping that people will see my pleas for help and write a check or money order payable to Jonathan Lederman and send it to 9141 Sunrise Lakes Boulevard #102, Sunrise, FL 33322. I thank all those who have already helped. It is time to lay it on the line and keep moving. I am grateful for those who have reached out and checked on me as I am having a tough time. I have begun to put myself out there and share my challenges in hopes that people will see me moving and going forward and be inspired and empowered to continue to move forward in their personal, professional, and spiritual life.
As I look back over the last 7 years and all I have faced I have come to understand that I must be focused and balanced so that I can move forward. It is scary to face the fact that you may loose everything but sometimes in loosing everything you gain more of what GOD has intended for you and your life becomes better because you kept on moving forward. I have tried things that I thought would be financially successful only to find that I need to change the way I approach projects and how I share with others if I am to move forward.
It is time to move forward and praise GOD by being grateful for what I have and not wanting what I don’t have. It is my hope that I will break the shackles that have been blocking me from being in a better financial position so that I can move forward while being of service and value to others. I share my story of challenge so that others will see that they are not alone and that there is help to allow you to move forward and create a better life for yourself. Namaste!!!
When one is passionate and spiritually awake they are able to take action and continue to be of service and value to others. Over the years as I continue on my spiritual journey I have become a man with a collection bucket and a message. As a man with a bucket and a message I have been able to help those touched by cancer by raising funds for research, education, advocacy, and services. I have been delivering a message that GOD Loves A Cheerful Giver and that when you give you open channels to receive. I have encountered some very positive people who joyfully give and I have experienced some negativity as many people just simply don’t know the facts and haven’t researched the organization enough and simply go by what they hear never getting to know the truth. I have heard so many times that most of the money goes to administrative costs which is not true as only 4% of all money goes to administrative costs leaving 96% to fund research, education, advocacy, and services. I have hear oh there are cures out there and there are several treatments that will arrest the cancer and slow its progress and lessen the chance of occurrence. The inroads being made to decrease the risk of cancer is amazing. I recommend people visit and get the facts before judging the work that I am doing as I fundraise. I have come to understand that there are some who will, some who won’t, some waiting, so what, next as not everyone is going to resonate with my message.
I decided to write about Relay For Life Today (3/11/19) as my participation has helped me to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have been able to tap into my talents and use them for good. As a result I have seen the many programs of The American Cancer Society and the benefits for cancer patients, their families, and their friends. I have been able to plant the seeds of hope and healing and as a result remove blockages that may have been holding me back from moving forward in a positive direction of some of my goals. In my 21 years of involvement I have seen how many lives are being touched through Relay For Life. There have been some set backs, challenges, and hardships along the way however each time a challenge arose I was able to realize that if GOD brought me to it GOD was going to bring me through it.
When I attend Relay for Life Events I feel a sense of purpose and many times I think I was born for this. As I look back over the 21 years of being involved I can say that the positives outweigh the negatives and many times my involvement in Relay has helped me to overcome personal adversity.
There are two great days in your life the day you are born and the day your figure out why. I have found my why and it has made the world of difference in attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. I wish you much success as you pick up your own bucket and spread your message. Namaste!!!
As you awaken spiritually you will find that your best dance partner to keep the fire burning is GOD!!! When you keep the fire ignited by being guided and directed by GOD you will find many things happening that bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. As long as there is a burning ember inside of you to be of service and value to others you will have the power to ignite a fire and show the world that service to humanity is the best work of life. As you keep the fire burning in your heart you will be able to deal with those who are not as spiritually evolved as you are as you begin to realize that it is not your job to drag people kicking and screaming onto the path but it is your job to shine your light bright so that the world is illuminated. When people are ready to move onto the path and embrace the spiritual awakening process they will so continue to be a flame of hope and healing for others.
When your hearts on fire and you are focused, centered, and grounded there is nothing that can hold you back. When you commit to following the messages from The Ascended Masters, GOD, Jesus, and The Angels you will find that you attract more bliss and abundance into your life as you keep your fire burning. Every time you take action toward your goals you put the process into action for the universe to deliver on what you are seeking. Today I went to a job fair and I was speaking to the human resource director for The City Of Sunrise about potential emcee work and her 1st words were I don’t know if we could afford you. She explained what she was looking for and I quoted her a price and she said that is reasonable. I share this to encourage you not to make assumptions and to follow the fire in your heart and to take action to pursue you goals.
It is time for you to become a firework and allow the fire in your heart to guide you through the messages from above. You were born to achieve greatness and now is the time to ignite the spark and create a blaze of glory by walking in your truth and becoming an action taker. In becoming that firework remember that there will be haters, doubters, naysayers, and those who simply will not resonate with your message. When you encounter those people who are trying to extinguish your fire simply take a deep breath and continue to move forward in the direction of your dreams.
It is when you decide to be a burning flame that is ignited all the time that you are able to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. When you are on fire and sharing with others you will begin to attract people who can help you in your quest to become your authentic self while walking in your truth. When you walk in your truth and share your fire you will inspire and empower others and in return you will be rewarded.
It is your time to be on fire and to burn so bright that the world is illuminated. Namaste!!!
As I looked in the mirror after having an altercation with someone when I was out in the community promoting who I was was, what I do, and why they should hire me I realized that I needed to change the way I was going about things for being angry about the position I find myself in is not going to help me to move forward in my quest to be of service and value to others. It was after some deep introspection that I realized it was time to change it up and get back in touch with my own spiritual divine guidance system. It was time to see where the anger was coming from and get to the root of it and to clear the anger out so that I could move forward and better serve the community.
As I thought about my actions and the energy that I was bringing to the tasks that I have chosen to undertake I realized it was time to assume an attitude of gratitude and to make it a mission to do these tasks joyfully and regardless of the reactions of others to simply walk in my truth and allow everything to flow as GOD intended. I have come to understand that not everyone will be open to receive what I bring to the table as they simply are just not ready yet to become more spiritually aware and awake. I have also come to understand that if I live my day in joy and bring joy to others than I have had a good day. In getting back to the understanding that I can only control my actions and that the way things are the way things should be are two different things I have come to realize that not everyone I come in contact will share my exuberance and passion for being of service and value and that is okay for those meant to heed my message and improve their personal, professional, and spiritual life will be presented to me so I need to change it up.
As I decided to change things up and change my approach I have found myself being more happy and thus attracting peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. I have seen that GOD will give you messages to change it up when GOD sees what your are doing is causing you to stray. As I looked at the perspective from the view of the person I was approaching I realized that I am coming into their business unannounced and may be disrupting their flow and their reaction has nothing to do with me but just the fact that I was the person interrupting them. As I changed my approach and began the conversation from a different perspective my success rate increased. It was when I changed thing up and changed my vibration that I found myself having more peace, love, joy, and prosperity in my day.
Spiritual Awakening: Change It Up: A Case Study!!!
It was when I decided to change it up that many things in my life improved. The other day while out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life I went into a restaurant and they allowed me to go table to table to ask for donations and each time I apologized for interrupting their meal. The response was overwhelmingly positive and most of the patrons put something in the collection bucket. I decided to use this positive energy to propel me through the day and simply walk in my truth detaching from outcomes. When I encountered someone that was being negative I simply said that you for pointing that out and then I went about my business. Where I once got mad when someone said I don’t have cash I now simply say I understand please let me leave a few brochures and my card and if you would like to do a collection that would be great and you can call me when you have money to turn in. In detaching from the outcome and letting go and letting GOD I have been able to make positive changes to my approach thus relieving stress and tension and any anger that I may have had that was blocking me from being of service and value to others.
In changing your attitude and looking at things in a different way as you experience a spiritual awakening you will find yourself more easily tapping into you inner divine guidance system. In looking at how your actions and attitude are influencing outcomes in your life you can better make the mind, body, and soul connection to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Namaste!!!
Get Outside The Box and Start Growing Personally, Professionally, and Spiritually.
I have attended many seminars where the presenters have talked about thinking outside the box and I though what if you had no box and simply did what your divine guidance system instructed you to do? When you are creative and you tap into your inner divinity you begin to make a connection to GOD that will propel you to the greatness which is your birthright. When you head the messages from GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels you will be able to eliminate the box. In experiencing a spiritual awakening you will be guided to utilize your talents to be of service and value to others thus improving your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Yesterday (2/21/2019) I was the emcee at The Broward County Chamber Of Commerce Business Expo and as I was pulling the winners of the chance drawings from the vendors a vendor said the person that won hasn’t come to my table and I am leaving. I said you should call the winner and set up a time to meet to give them their prize this way you can see how you can be of service and value to each other. The vendor said oh that is a good idea. I left the table and thought wow many of the business people here need to eliminate the box and think greater picture.
Spiritual Awakening: Ways To Eliminate The Box!!!
In thinking creative and taking action on your idea will lead to success. It may take a while for others to fully wrap their head around it as they have been doing things a certain way for so long that they are not ready to eliminate the box. In October of 2018 I ran Strike Out Cancer Day with The Sunrise Sharks Travel Baseball Team and I thought how can I take this idea to the next level. About a week ago I sent a tweet to The Miami Marlins about making one of their games a Strike Out Cancer Day and I heard back from them. I spoke to a Miami Marlins representative today (2/22/2019) and gave him some ideas and he liked them and will present them to the decision makers and we will go from there. In being creative and sharing a concept you can achieve greater success and eliminate the box.
Reading a variety of books and implementing the teachings from these books will help you to eliminate the box. One of my favorite books is Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements. I have found by reading and rereading this book that I am better equipped to eliminate the box.
Music is a fantastic way to eliminate the box as it can set a mood for more creativity that will lead to more implementations of ideas thus allowing you to make a mind, body, soul connection that will show you that passion + action = success.
Block out the negativity that is creating blockages in your life and simply understand that when thing seem the darkest you are the verge of a breakthrough that will allow you to step into the light and eliminate the box that has been holding you back from fulfilling your full potential. I have come to understand that many things that we perceive as bad are going to occur but all we can do is eliminate the box and look for the lesson that is being given to us and the positives that are coming our way.
Spiritual Awakening: JDOGG’s Gift to Help You Eliminate The Box!!!
Today (2/22/2019) I give you this gift of meditation so that you can release that which no longer serves you so that you will be able to eliminate the box. Namaste!!!
In life when you experience a spiritual awakening you are given an opportunity to let go of the past and to start over. Sometimes it just takes a chance to begin a routine again to find your rhythm and create the positive energy to vibrate at a higher level so as to improve your personal, professional, and personal life. In many cases it is simply observing a situation and looking at the energy level and seeing if that vibration is positive or negative. Today (2/20/2019) I went to The Dunkin Donuts on Sunset Strip and Nob Hill Road in Sunrise, FL and from the time I sat down all I observed was the employees complaining and one employee nearly getting into a fight. I sat with my earbuds on focusing on writing this entry and creating my own sacred space so that I could give the reader a positive entry. I had started to write a different article but then I decided to start over and take the article in a different direction as spirit was guiding me to write about the importance of starting over.
It is when we realize that we can begin again from right where we are that we start to attract more peace, love, joy, and abundance into our lives. It is when we let go and let GOD that we can start over and remove that which no longer serves us so that we can be of better service and value to others. In starting over we come to understand that it is only the beginning of a spiritual journey that will take us to places that we never imagined.
I sat in reflection this morning (2/20/2019) and realized that I was dwelling so much on the past and worrying so much about the future that I wasn’t living in the moment. As I came to the realization that it was time to remember that today is the day the lord hath made and to be glad and rejoice in it I decided to simply start over and allow things to flow as GOD has intended. As I followed GOD directions and acted upon GOD’S Messages I found myself vibrating at a higher level and blocking out the negativity. I came to learn that I can control my actions and not the actions of others and that sometimes it is just necessary to step back take a deep breath and start over. In starting out each day with a clear set of intentions and removing that which no longer serves me I have been able to move forward and start over.
In starting over it is imperative to let go and Let GOD. In following GOD’S message you can start over and become stronger than what you were before. In taking things moment by moment you can make a divine connection that will allow you to start over at any time in any place where you may be. It is time to tap into your inner guidance system and let GOD guide you in your quest to start over. Namaste!!!
Live a Life On Purpose and Manifest What You Desire!!!
As you undergo your spiritual awakening you will have two questions that you will seek the answer to and they are what is your purpose and what is your why. Once you define your purpose and your why you will be able to stay focused, centered, and grounded which will enable you to manifest the life you desire. As you find your purpose you will want to write it down and create a mission statement for your life. An good example of a mission statement is it is my purpose to help other people excel by utilizing my talents to be of service and value to others. Once you discover your purpose and your why you will be better equipped to become an action taker. As you become an action taker and do things on purpose you will want to find an anthem for yourself that will guide you and direct you as to continue to tap into your divine guidance system helping you to make a mind, body, soul, connection. In doing things on purpose you will want to detach from outcomes and shift in to a position of coming from a position of love and gratitude allowing GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels to guide you in living a life of purpose.
Passion + Action = Success
Many people will be quick to judge what you are doing as they do not understand the higher purpose that you are following as you answer your calling and you evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have often told people there is a method to the madness as many have looked at the way I do things as being a bit unique and different as they don’t realize that I am doing things on purpose. Each day we have a purpose and each day we should take a moment to write down our purpose for when you know the purpose of what you are doing and why you are doing it you will find your life filled with more peace, love, joy, and prosperity. As you become more mindful of your purpose you will find that achieving bliss and abundance comes easier. Many times we get so caught up in what others would think or how we will be perceived that we lose sight of our purpose and thus we hit some speed bumps and create blockages from moving forward and living our life on purpose. I have come to understand that when you know your purpose and your why that you clear the blockages and you step into your power that allows you to achieve the greatness that is your birthright.
Each Day be Of Service And Value and You Will Achieve Greatness
In doing things on purpose and knowing your why you will find that the impact you make is increased. You may not see that impact first hand but know that people are watching you do things on purpose and they are being inspired and empowered by your actions. In living your life on purpose you will also find that you can easily have the serenity to change the things you can accept the things you can not and gain the wisdom to know the difference. When we block out the negativity and continue on the path that GOD has set out for us we will find ourselves coming alive and serving our community better by detaching from outcomes and removing the emotional ties that sometimes encumber us and stop us from living a life on purpose. There are many times when you will have to stop and ask are the actions I am taking now serving my purpose and moving me in a positive direction toward spiritual enlightenment. Many times we can so enamored with the materialistic things that we lose sight of the spiritualistic things that are important. In living life on purpose and using our spiritual gifts we are able to make positive changes in our life thus overcome all obstacles by knowing if GOD brought us to it GOD will bring us through it. Sometimes things seem difficult but take solace in knowing that GOD will never give you more than you can handle and that he has a purpose for you. It is up to you to define that purpose and live a life on purpose.
In finding your purpose and living a life of purpose you will see which of these gifts you have been given. Once you see the gifts you have you will be able to better understand your purpose and thus use your talents for good.
Now is your time to shine and to live a life of purpose. It is time to have a clear vision of your purpose and to take action to follow that vision understanding that it may not always be easy but it will be worth it. NAMASTE!!!
In the face of darkness you must tear everything down and commit to make a new beginning. This may mean walking away from that which no longer serves you. In the last 8 months I have had to deal with some challenges and I am doing my best to start over. As the result of tapping into my spirituality I have decided to declutter and start over by removing that which no longer serves me and to focus on opportunities to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. In eliminating that which no longer serves us we can start all over and make a new day where we attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. In walking away from that which no longer serves and going where you are celebrated instead of just tolerated you will find yourself achieving more bliss and abundance in your life. In scaling down we create a new day with new opportunities.
each day gives us a new opportunity. It gives us a chance to be an action taker. I have come to learn that in life there are action takers and excuse makers. Which one are you? I have also come to understand that as hard as things may seem if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. You can not fix what happened yesterday as it has occurred but you can learn from it so you can live in the new day and plan for the future. There comes a time to remove the negativity and focus on the positive.
As you embark on your new day make time to peel back the onion and tap into your inner divinity and then take action on the message that you are receiving from GOD. In the new day eliminate your negative self talk and your limiting beliefs by understanding that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper. When you start your new day ask GOD to show you the way.
It is when we turn to GOD and go back to our spiritual teachings that we begin to become the light to show others the way and thus create a new day. Each day gives us a chance to focus on being of service and value to others thus bringing more positives into our life. Each day gives you a chance to be a lifter and to find your way. As you become more and more spiritually aware and awake you will begin to see that each day gives you a chance to grow and to to make a mind, body, soul connection.
As you embark on a new day make it a season of love by being guided by GOD, The Ascended Masters, Jesus, and The Angels. In making each day count it is imperative to stay connected and to take action to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams. Namaste!!!
As I sat down to write this entry today(2/13/2019) I started to think how many times I have felt that I am out here on my own and how it is up to me to embrace the spiritual awakening process and to stand on my own. As I reflected on this I realized that I was not really on my own as I had many guides with me helping me to walk in my truth thus creating personal, professional, and spiritual growth. It was as I sat in reflection that I was reassured that if GOD brought you to it GOD was going to bring you though it. The message that I received today was to walk in your truth and when needed stand on your own knowing that GOD has your back. It was in that moment that I understood that sometime you will simply have to stand alone and stand in your truth. In standing alone and being guided by The Ascended Masters, GOD, Jesus, and The Angels you will see that though you feel alone you really are supported. Sometimes it is just a matter of realizing that you were born for the this and sometimes you have to go where you are not invited.
On Friday 2/8/2019 I went to The Tunes and Trucks Event in The City Of Sunrise, FL to collect donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I went uninvited and was standing alone as someone dedicated to helping those touched by cancer. I began to collect and then went to the stage to ask if I could make an announcement about what I was doing. The stage manager told me he would have to check. He did and a few moment later I was introduced and I made my announcement and The Mayor and the City Commissioners put money in the collection bucket. I then walked the crowd. Most people were receptive and $432 was collected to help create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. I turned in that money today and I know sit at $2476 raised to fund research, education, advocacy, and services. In my 21 years as a volunteer with The American Cancer Society I have come to understand that sometimes you simply have to stand alone walking in your truth so that those meant to join you in your quest will appear. I have come to realize that when you are being of service and value to others you will encounter doubters, haters, and naysayers. I have come to learn that when you encounter these people to simply walk away and stand alone knowing that you are doing what GOD has intended for you to do as you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Now is the time to be true to yourself and stand alone.
When you sit or stand in your sacred space remind yourself to be true to yourself. In being true to yourself you will experience a gamut of emotions and remind yourself it is okay to cry and to laugh as this will help to clear the blockages that may be stopping you from walking in your truth. Sometimes you simply have to put what others think out of the equation and to simply stand in your truth and find your purpose. Namaste!!!
As I sat down to write this entry today (2/6/2019) I took a deep breath and I asked The Ascended Masters what message I should deliver today and they answered to encourage the reader to gain clarity of purpose. This was very the perfect message for I have been having a challenging time lately as I have not had the results I had been hoping for on projects that I have poured my heart and soul into. I was doubting my spiritual connection then I remember that if I am to gain clarity I will need to get back to assuming and attitude of gratitude.
As I started to write in my gratitude journal I realized that I was wallowing in what wasn’t happening instead of being grateful so I decided to get back to planning the work and working the plan and making adjustments along the way and to show gratitude. It was at that moment when I began to get a clearer vision of my purpose. I started to realize that over the last 8 months since my DAD was called home to GOD I had focused on my hardships and been creating blockages from creating the life that I desire. As I was writing this blog entry I came across this 30 minute video and it reminded me that I need to get back to my spiritual base and tap into my inner divinity and stop making excuses and simply get clarity of purpose and start being more focused on the goals that I have set for myself and to remind myself that by being of service and value to others I will be lifted and served and my life will improve. It was a message to get back to basics and simply come from an attitude of gratitude. It is time to remember that if GOD brought me to it GOD will bring me through it. It was time to remind myself to push harder and stop making excuses and stop blaming others. It was time to stay focused, grounded, and focused. Now is the time to get back on track and understand that every bump in the road is simply a reminder to slow down and put in the work. It is time to get clarity of purpose and to take action to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. It is time to remove what no longer serves you and to realize that your attitude determines your altitude. It is time to use your talents and monetize them so that you can create the life that you desire. It is time to stop the negative self talk. It is time to ignore the doubters, the haters, and the naysayeers and gain clarity of purpose and find your why so that you improve your personal, professional, and spiritual life. It is time to put a high value on yourself because you deserve to be valued.
I had been putting barriers in place due to some set backs and then I changed my thinking and gained clarity of purpose. It was when I embraced my purpose that I was able to push forward. I still have moments where I just want to stay in bed and forget about everything however I have come to realize that doing that only creates more blockages and stops me from growing personally, professionally, and spiritually. In finding my why and gaining clarity of purpose I have been able to get back on track.
I had found myself violating the 3rd agreement of Do Not Make Assumptions and as a result I was stopping myself from having clarity and success. When I began to stop judging I began to find myself stepping into my power and started to work toward the greatness that is my birthright. It was when I began to detach from outcomes that I was able to move forward in a positive direction of my dreams and gain clarity of purpose.
As we awaken spiritually and gain clarity of purpose we need to come through a few storms so that we can have the bright sunny shiny days. It is in the face of adversity that we rise and gain clarity of purpose. When we weather the storm and peel back the onion we begin to find the answers that we were seeking so that we can make a positive impact on our life and the lives of others. In looking back and eliminating the blockages we can move forward and create a clarity of purpose.
It is when we find our why that we are able to achieve the greatness that is our birthright. When we begin to eliminate that which no longer serves us and understand our own shortcomings we can take action to strengthen our personal, professional, and spiritual life. It was when I stopped playing the poor me card that I gained clarity of purpose and found success. I have also come to realize that I am the only one that can control me and that stuff is going to happen and that which I can change I will and that which I can not I will let go and in the long term I will gain the wisdom to know the difference. Sometimes to gain clarity you just need to detach from expectations and simply allow GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels guide you so that you become an action taker and stay your course be clear in your purpose.
If you are going to win in the end you must gain clarity of purpose and take action daily to move in a forward direction of your dreams. It is in knowing your purpose that you will be able to act on the messages that you are receiving and thus you will win in the end.
Now is your time to win in the end by gaining clarity of purpose!!! Namaste!!!
It was a challenging January and I found myself questioning my purpose and then I remembered that I am here to light it up and when I shine my light I give people permission to shine their light and as a result the world is illuminated. I was feeling frustration as I experienced some financial challenges and was worrying about how I was going to keep my condo as people just weren’t responding to my pleas for help, I put out many posts asking people to visit and only 2 people made a donation. I asked people to send checks or money orders made payable to Jonathan Lederman to 9141 Sunrise Lakes Boulevard #102 Sunrise, FL 33322 and had no response. I then shared that I recently became an associate with Legal Shield and many people simply refused to take a look at what I was offering. All this put me in a bad way as I was wondering what it was that was stopping people from listening to me and helping me in my time of need. It seemed as though I was in a downward spiral creating blockages and then I decide to simply light it up and detach myself from outcomes realizing that the people meant to be in my life to help me will appear when GOD deems them necessary to be in my life. I took last week to really look deep into what I was doing and how my attitude was affecting my life and my interaction with people.
In finding the light and understanding that not everyone is meant to resonate with your message but you should deliver it anyway because there will be plenty that will be reached and transformed with your message. It is important to light it up and walk in your truth and find those who support your mission to be of service and value to others. In August of 2018 I turned 53 years old and it was my first birthday without my dad. I was in a bad place but then I light the candle on my cake and I wished for help. GOD delivered that help with someone whom made a very generous gift to me to help me have a home base to light it up and thus enhance the life of others. Some have wondered why I am online asking for donations for myself and for charitable causes. The answer is because I found my purpose and that is to help other people excel. I have always told people that the worst thing that will happen is that some will say no when you light it up but each no gets you closer to a yes. When you move in a positive direction of your goals and light it up the only person that can stop you is you. In the last 7 months I have learned who I can count on and who will give me lip service.
One way I am lighting it up is continuing to help The American Cancer Society by offering a KNOCKOUT CANCER TEE-SHIRT at where the profits are donated to help those touched by cancer by funding research, education, advocacy, and services. Thank you to Jeff Cash, Portrait Artist to The Stars, for his design and helping me to light it up. I could have gotten discouraged and quit as the last campaign only sold 3 tee-shirts instead I regrouped and detached myself from the outcome. As today is World Cancer Day I launched the campaign and ordered my shirt despite the fact that money is a bit tight. I decided to take action and light it up and as I was typing this blog entry I received notification that I earned Grand Club Status by raising over $1000 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and will be receiving a special commemorative shirt. Though the shirt will not put food on the table or pay bills it will act as a catalyst to light it up and help more people touched by cancer.
It is when we turn to GOD and light up the spark that is inside us allowing us to make a divine connection that we begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives allowing us to become stronger personally, professionally, and spiritually. We have a power to make a difference in our life and in the lives of others all we have to do is light it up and focus on the things we can change accept the thing we can not and have the wisdom to know the difference.
When you begin to light it up and understand that you have a higher calling you will find yourself clearing yourself of things, people, and place that no longer serve you. I am in the process of eliminating most of the materialistic items that I own for at the end of the day what we own does not define us. When you decide to light it up and let go the idea of what other people think you will find yourself expanding in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. When you start to tap into your inner divinity and find the light inside you will find that bliss and abundance come to you easily and effortlessly. As you continue on your spiritual path may you light it up and clear the blockages that are stopping you from becoming the most powerful you that GOD intends you to become. Light It Up!!! Namaste!!!
As I sat in a presentation from Legal Shield in heard the speaker talk about living life on your own terms and it really resonated with me as it reminded me of the spiritual path I have chosen to take. In living my life on my terms and doing it my way I have had ups and downs. I have experienced the loss of my MOM on July 5, 2012 and my DAD on June 7, 2018 and the one thing that I am grateful for is that I allowed me to live my life on my own terms. They might not have always understood the decisions I made but they allowed me to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually on my own terms. In living life on my own terms I have learned so much like making sure that if you have an elderly parent that they have a will and that you are included on all important documents such as deeds to property, bank accounts, and any other assets that they have. I also learned to make sure they have their final arrangements taken care of so that you have peace of mind and do not incur a major expense when they are called home to GOD.
In understanding that this is your life and it is yours to live ion your terms as directed by GOD you will be able to tune into your Divine Guidance System and create the life that you desire. As you enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life you will see that living on your own terms may create challenges thus you will want to ask the question of how does this serve my higher self. In serving your higher self you will begin to see more peace,love, joy, and prosperity in your life. There will be times of struggle so just remember if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. In the last 7 months I have been dealing with many situations that I never saw myself in like having to make a mortgage payment, and paying off a home equity loan as a result of my DAD passing and me needing a roof over my head. I have reached out to help and set up a page at and have had a few people step up. In August of 2018 I had one person step up in a big way to help me and I am grateful that this person walked in his truth and supported me in the manner in which he did. I have asked many others to please use my services as a PA Announcer, an Emcee, a Voice Over Talent or to book a consultation with me and am grateful for those who have stepped up to use my services. There are many out there who could have helped but have not for whatever reason they may have. I have come to learn that there are two types of people in life excuse makers or action takers. You must determine which category you will fall into so as to live life on your terms.
Be Bold And Live Life On Your Own Terms!!!
It is when you commit to living on your own terms and decide to be of service and value to others that your life will change. There will be trials and tribulations thus remember you have the power to change the things you can and accept the things you can not and the wisdom to know the difference. It is in removing the people and things that no longer serve you that you make progress.
As you begin to live life on your own terms you will want to live out loud and walk in your truth. You will encounter doubters, haters, and naysayeers so it is important to ignore them and live your life on your terms. It is also important to also stop your own negative self talk. When you commit to living life on your own terms and move in a positive direction toward your goals and dreams you will find yourself feeling more fulfilled. Make today the day you start living life on your own terms. Namaste!!!
As I was watching TV the other day I watched a State Farm commercial which asked who is protecting your house? This made me think about who is protecting you as you enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life? As I sat in meditation I realized that I was being protected by GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Master, and The Angels. As I came out of the mediation I began to understand as long as I maintain my connection with my protectors and listen to their messages that everything will work out in the end. As you waken spiritually you will find yourself protected and thus in more favorable positions to bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life so that you can do the same for others. In staying connected and being focused, centered, and grounded you will find everything flowing in your life just as GOD has intended. GOD will protect you and guide you by giving you messages on a regular basis. It is up to you to accept this protection and trust in GOD that GOD will prosper you and provide for you.
As many of you who read this blog on a regular basis are aware I have had my share of trials and tribulations over the last 6 years and at times have found myself in a struggle questioning what will happen however once I let go and let GOD I began to see that I was protected and everything was happening according to GOD’S Plan for GOD’S Plan for me is far greater than my own. I have also started to realize that when you are protected and feel secure that you can step into your power and achieve the greatness that is your birthright. As GOD has protected me GOD has put me in places where I can thrive and has created situations that lead to success. The power to change lies within us and if we understand that GOD will protect us and not give us anything that we can not handle we will begin to manifest the life we desire.
When you start to strengthen your relationship with GOD and detach from outcomes you will find it easier to live your life on purpose by being of service and value to others. As I reflect back on my 40 years of community service I can point to all the times I had success and every instance shares one thing in common and that is that I was open to accepting that I was being guided and protected by GOD. To further my protection I have called on Arch Angel Michael to put up a wall of protection around me so that I can flourish as I continue on my spiritual journey toward enlightenment.
These cards will help you to stay protected thus allowing you to thrive.
One of the tools in my spiritual tool box are The Archangel Michael Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. I utilize these cards to further my protection and to take action to shield myself from any challenges I may face in my human existence. In consulting with The Angels you will be guided to take the action necessary to manifest the life you desire. Many times it is as simple as just listening to your protectors. Namaste!!!
One of the greatest challenges you will face when you experience a spiritual awakening is stagnation where everything seems to stop moving. Many will refer to this as being in a spiritual funk or decline. When you find yourself feeling that you are in a state of stagnation you need to go deep inside and find your purpose all over again by tapping into your inner divinity. When stagnation starts to creep into your personal, professional, and spiritual life you should declare stagnation be damned and take action to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams. Over the last 7 months I have found myself stuck at times as I deal with the death of my DAD. When I find myself in a state of stagnation I reflect on what really motivates me and how taking action and being creative will get me moving forward in a positive direction of my goals again. The key is to understand that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. It is also important to understand that the only way to get out of a state of stagnation is to wake up and come alive by walking in your truth and understanding that every movement you make toward creating peace, love, joy, and prosperity in your life is important and it is in taking action that you create the life you desire.
As you awaken spiritually it is important to adopt an attitude to do whatever it takes to eliminate the state of stagnation. In many cases that means being laser focused on a project like the campaign that I launched at to help those touched by cancer. In many cases it is as easy as finding how you can be of service and value to others. One thing that has helped me to to get unstuck and have stagnation be damned is to look at what no longer serves me and somehow eliminate that which no longer serves me thus removing clutter and allowing me to make a positive difference in my life and the lives of others. Just like a cache on the computer needs to be cleared from time to time our own cache has to be cleaned as well so that we can move forward to enhance our personal, spiritual, and professional lives. It is time to embrace the spiritual awakening and understand that all the messages you are receiving are coming to you so that you can get out of a state of stagnation. You are powerful beyond your own beliefs thus it is important to go from stagnation to moving. It is time to put in the work and keep fighting.
As you declare stagnation be damned you will find yourself fighting the demons that have held you back and created blockages in your life. Once you fight off the blockages and clear the negativity you will find yourself moving forward in the direction of your dreams thus bring bliss and abundance into your life. It is time to tap into your resources and fight for the betterment of yourself and your community. It is time for you to roar.
It is time for you to share your truth and to embrace the changes that are happening around you so that stagnation be damned. Do not allow the haters, doubters, naysayeers, or your own negative self talk stop you from roaring and soaring far beyond the heights that you are capable of for you have the power to achieve greatness. Remember that GOD’S plans for you are far greater than the plans you have for yourself.
Now is your time to ease on down the road and allow stagnation to be damned. It is time to take massive action and make stagnation be damned. It is time to eliminate the negativity ease on down the road and make things easier in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Namaste!!!
As I have experienced a spiritual awakening I have come to make JESUS my #1 friend. I have come to truly understand that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me. I have realized that with JESUS as your best friend for life you can accomplish great things for the plans he has for you are far greater than your own. In the last 6 years I have had many ups and many downs and as a result I am in a challenging position today, however one thing has remained constant and that is the fact that I have a friend in JESUS. I have learned that as long as I keep my connection to JESUS that everything will be okay. I listening to the messages from JESUS, GOD, THE ANGELS, and The Ascended Masters I have survived and will again thrive for they give me the strength to carry on and to live a purpose driven life. Sometimes we are given adversity so that we can see who our true friends are so that we can discard those who no longer serve us or so that we can go where we are celebrated not just tolerated. In evolving and choosing our friends wisely we will find that we grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have chosen to be very discerning when it comes to choosing friends for there are many out there who say they are friends but they are really deceivers and are only your friend because you can help them and when you can no longer help them they drop you and go ghost. This is why you must take an inventory of who you are surrounding yourself with and find those who are of service and value to you and weed out those who aren’t.
Choose those who will lift and support you!!!
It has been 7 months since my DAD was called home to GOD. MY DAD was not only a DAD he was a friend and he encouraged me to follow my dream of becoming a broadcaster. Unfortunately since his passing I have had some challenges that have left me with a few financial burdens. Since his passing I have found out who my friends are as a few have stepped up to help me. I am grateful to those who have visited and made donations to help me keep the condo that my DAD and I shared for 8 years. I have not had steady work in a long time however I am thankful to friends who have used my services as a PA Announcer, an Emcee, A Voice Over Talent, and a Business Consultant.
In choosing your friends make sure they are lifters filled with compassion and kindness that will enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. If you are going to places and seeing people who tolerate you but do not celebrate you it is time to find a new circle of friends. Sometimes it is in letting go that we break the chains and find a greater friendship. It is your time to choose your friends wisely. Namaste!!!
The clock struck midnight and a new year was upon us. As I sat in reflection I decided tom declare that 2019 would be a year of empowerment and inspiration. I sat in meditation listening to Cat Stevens and realized that each day we have 86,400 minutes each time a new day starts and it is up to us how we can use them. As I have experienced a spiritual awakening I have come to realize that there is a time to rest and reflect and there is a time to take action. I have also come to realize that the only persons actions I can control are my own. In coming to this realization I have decided to focus on being of service and value to others and finding others who believe that service to humanity is the best work of life to join me in making 2019 a year of inspiration and empowerment. You will notice that I brought back JDOGG’S Person Of The Week so as to inspire others to find ways to make a positive impact in the lives of others while also enhancing their personal, professional, and spiritual life. I have also discovered that one must walk in their truth and become transparent so that everyone sees your authentic self and not some facade that society dictates. In speaking your truth and being empowered and inspired you may upset some people as they are not ready to hear the truth. Such was the case today (1/3/2019) as I went to make a payment on a home equity loan that my DAD left behind when he was called home to GOD on June 7,2018. I simply wanted to pay the regular payment amount and use the overage toward the principle and since I was passed due and not on the account they could not do this on the branch level so I let the teller know this is why after this loan is paid off I will not be doing business with Chase. It is important for you to stand up for yourself. I also learned that it imperative to be included on all of your parents accounts so that if they pass without a will you will have what you need to take care of any financial obligations that they may leave behind. I have set up a donation page at if anyone wants to make a love donation thus giving me a home base to work from as I make 2019 A Year Of Inspiration and Empowerment.
As I left the bank I realized that the first step to becoming empowered and inspired is to understand that all we are are dust in the wind. We came into this world as dust and we leave this world as dust. All that will be left when GOD calls us home is the answer to the question of how did you live your dash. I have written many times that at the end of the day there are only 2 questions that need to be answered in the affirmative and they are did you live the day in joy and did you bring joy others today. If you can say yes to those two questions you will have had a good day making your 86,400 minutes count.
As I was writing this blog today (1/3/2019) I began to get a grip on the idea that in order to make 2019 A Year Of Empowerment and Inspiration it was up to me to come from a position of love. It is important to have self love and then to transfer our love to others. This can be done by saying a prayer for the person with the sign will work for food or purchasing food for that person if you are in a position to do so. You can simply smile at someone and wish them a good day, or you can thank someone for their service. The possibilities to show love and gratitude are endless.
Gratitude is a very powerful tool to have in your spiritual tool box as it will help you to make 2019 A Year Of Empowerment and Inspiration. Each day find something to be grateful for and write down what it is in a gratitude journal and when you are challenged to make 2019 A Year Of Empowerment and Inspiration look in the journal and allow yourself to get back to being centered ,focused, and grounded. It is through our spiritual awakening that we can make 2019 A Year Of Empowerment and Inspiration. NAMASTE!!!
As you awaken spiritually you will find yourself at times with blurry vision for change is hard to see clear at first however once you decide to get clarity of purpose you will find that you able to step into your power and achieve the greatness that is your birthright. It is when you rise up and understand that as long as you walk in your truth you can clear up your vision and manifest the life that you want. It takes action and a commitment to blocking out negativity so that you move forward and prosper as GOD intends you to do. Our vision can get blurred at times as we experience hardships not realizing that everything is unfolding just as GOD has intended and GOD has a bigger vision for us than we do. Many times you simply have to have the eye of the tiger.
In having the eye of the tiger you can stare adversity in the face and say bring it on for GOD brought me to this and GOD will bring me through this. Everything we do is guided by GOD’s will and not our own. When we walk in our truth and become a peaceful warrior we gain clarity in vision and purpose thus we are better able to be of service and value to others. There will be people that don’t understand us or are not on the same wave length as we are due to their blurred vision and this is okay as it enables us to walk away and find those who will help us to have a clear vision to make our world brighter.
Be A Difference Maker By Planning Your Work And Working Your Plan!!!
I have been involved with community service work since I was 11 years old and I have met with much success as I have planned my work and worked my plan. Sometimes I had to go off script to make sure I exceeded the goals and objectives that I set. As a result of knowing when to stay on script and go off script I was able to help many non-profit organizations have success. In 1995 when The U.S. Jaycees had over 300,000 members I was named one of The Top 5 Jaycees in America as I had a clear vision and took the action needed to find success. I use the same methods today that helped me in my quest to be of service and value to others to continue to make a positive difference in the community where I live, work, and play. I was looking back on all the awards I have received and it cleared my vision and it reminded me how important it is to continue to walk in my truth while showing the world that service to humanity is the best work of life. There have been many storms along the way but after each storm I have been able to see clearly.with blurry vision that I came to understand that I must have clarity in purpose and share my vision to help others to see clearly.
In gaining clarity and clearing up the blurry vision I have come to understand that there are some that will, some that will not, and some that are waiting. It is important to have a clear vision so that you attract the people that will help you to bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. It is when you overcome the storms that you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. You have two choices you can forget everything and run and have blurred vision or you can face everything and rise and have clarity. The time is now to have clear eyes with a full heart so that you can improve your life and the lives of others.
How will you be a lifter and help others to have clear eyes and a full heart so you can’t lose. There will be many encounters with people who may have a blurred vision for they have been doing things a certain way that they have become set in their ways and reluctant to change. I have often thought that I have some great ideas that if people would listen and implement that they would find success and clear up their blurred vision. I have been fortunate that many of the people I have encountered and that have utilized my services to help strengthen their brand and increase their revenue have been open to implement new ideas and as a result have had success. It is when you take measures to correct the blurred vision that you bring more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. It is time for you to walk in your truth with one vision so as step into your power and achieve your greatness. Namaste!!!
As you embrace the spiritual awakening process it is important to be able break free from that which no longer serves you. It is important to break free from the belief systems that are creating blockages in your life by making a commitment to change your mindset and thus breaking free from that which is stopping you from stepping into your power and achieving the greatness that is your birthright.
Walk in your truth and embrace your power!!!
When you decide to break free and understand that you are one that can remove the shackles that are holding you back you will start to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. When you embrace the fact that you were born free and the only person that can take away your freedom you will find it it easier to rid yourself of the accouterments that have been holding you back over time. It is time to change your mindset and understand that it is not about the materialistic but rather the spiritualistic. Do not misinterpret this as being anti money as with money you can do many things and be of service and value to many people however the greatest gift you can give someone is a helping hand not a hand out. In breaking free from the belief that you need a big house, a fancy car, and expensive clothes to be considered successful you will find that you are able to attract everything you need so that you can positively impact your life and the lives of others.
Be The One Who Stays Positive In The Face Of Adversity!!!
As you break free from that which has kept you in mental bondage you will see that you begin to attract more bliss and abundance into your life for you stop thinking about what you do not have but you are grateful for what you do have. In the last few months I have found myself breaking away from that which is not serving a higher purpose and as a result I have been blessed with support from people who share my same ideals especially those who believe that service to humanity is the best work of life. In looking at what I was allowing to hold me back and make changes to break free I realized that it was time to tap into my divine guidance system and reconnect with GOD and remember that if GOD brought me to it GOD will bring me through it. I have also come to realize that my methods of doing things may not resonate with everyone and that is okay for those that are intended to hear my message and support my endeavors will be brought forth to me for GOD’S Plan is far greater than my own. It is important to realize that we are dancing on GOD’S Dance Floor and GOD makes the playlist.
When we let go and let GOD we are able to break free from any barriers that we perceive to be holding us back. Sometimes it is as simple as taking massive action and moving forward in the direction of our goals allowing GOD to direct us. Sometimes it is simply a matter of letting go of the people, places, and things that no longer serve us. As I sat in meditation I realized that I was holding on to some ideas that were ego driven and thus they were edging GOD out so it was time to break free from those beliefs and to simple stay connected to GOD and understand that GOD will provide all that I need so that I can continue to be of service and value to others.
Now is the time to break free and praise GOD who will continue to guide you and allow you to evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually. Watch what you are focusing on as what you focus on expands. Watch the words you are using so that you can break break free. It is time to speak life and remain on your spiritual journey despite what others may think. You will encounter many people who simply will not understand that everyday you are changing and becoming stronger in mind, body, and spirit thus allowing you to break free. When you encounter these people don’t try to defend your actions simply stand in your truth and continue to walk your path showing them that you are making a better life for yourself and others.
The words we choose to use will determine how free we become. When we can turn off the negativity and break free we can move in a positive direction shining our light bright so we illuminate the world. Our words become actions and our actions can empower and inspire others. It is your time to become stronger.
As you break free from that which no longer serves you you will find that you are getting stronger and that things will improve. In the darkest of times things seem dim but then there comes a light to lift you up and thus the darkness dissipates and the light takes over allowing you to break free. Now is your season to break free!!! Namaste!!!
As we travel along our spiritual path there comes a time to walk away from that which no longer serves us. I have come to understand that not everyone is going to be receptive or open to your ideas as they don’t resonate with them. I have come to realize that it is not worth trying to get those that do not resonate with you to come around to your thinking because it will be like wrestling a pig in the mud and you are both going to get dirty however the pig is going to enjoy it. As I a result I have come to the conclusion that it is better to stay clean and simply walk away. In walking away from what no longer serves you new channels are open that will allow you to evolve personally, spiritually, and professionally. In realizing that not everyone is going to buy into your ideas I have been able to move forward and find peace, love, joy, and prosperity in my life. On several occasions I have given people ideas to be told we are not going to do that only to see my idea implemented a few years later with much success. It is funny how you can come up with a concept implement it after it was spoken negatively by others and then see those same people doing what you suggested years ago. I have learned to walk away and do what I intended to do detaching from outcomes thus allowing me to build on my successes and learn from my setbacks. I have learned that there is a season for everything and there is a time to stay and a time to walk away. The stories I can tell you about walking away are numerous how ever each time I have walked away and decided to let go and let GOD my life has improved. I have come to believe that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. If you tune into your inner divinity and internalize the messages sent from above you will be able to walk away from that which no longer serves you. Sometimes it means severing ties that have been built over 20 years. It is difficult at first as you hanker to hold on but then you understand that in order to evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually you must let go. Our seasons turn and we become more purposeful when we walk away from that which no longer serves us.
There is a time to stay and a time to walk away. You will be able to decide on what to do as you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually gaining discernment as you detach from the outcomes and understand that GOD’S plans for you are bigger than your own. When GOD gives you signals to walk away you simply need to heed that advice and allow GOD to lead you to the next step along your path toward enlightenment. It is through staying connected to GOD that you will become an overcomer.
In life we will experience many challenges and many adversities as we tap into our spirituality and decide to show our authentic self by walking in our truth for many people that we encounter will not understand us. I have found that when you start talking spirituality that you may encounter people that just don’t have a grasp on why they are here and many will be naysayers, doubters, and haters. When you encounter any negativity that is stopping you from moving forward simply take a deep breath and walk away. It is up to you to walk in your truth knowing you did it your way because at the end of the day all that matters is if you can answer yes to these two questions Did I live life in joy today? Did I bring joy to others today?
As you walk away knowing you did it your way lead by GOD you will have knowledge that you lived a fulfilled life. Sometimes you simply need to step out of the box and walk away and do things your way so that you can continue to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams. Namaste!!!
In our quest to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually it is easy to get off our path and to stop believing as we get inundated with negativity at times and we wonder how we are going to turn things around. We have a tendency to get caught up in CNN (Constantly Negative News) which can feed a downward spiral and it is up to us to stop the negativity before we spiral out of control. The holiday season can be very tough for people to keep their faith as they struggle with all types of emotions that can feed the monster known as negativity. In order to stop the negativity you must buy into the concept that things will get better. After you internalize the idea that things will get better you should take action to make them them better. It is when you believe in yourself and tap into your inner divinity that you can move forward in a positive direction toward your dreams. It is when you don’t stop believing that you can turn what seems to be the darkest moment in your life into something bright. I have often written in this blog that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. In believing and not giving up you will see that everything works out as you put your faith in GOD, Spirit, Source, The Angels, and The Ascended Masters. When you allow yourself to believe and to be guided by the higher powers you will begin to manifest the life that you desire. In many cases you have to have the eye of tiger and simply walk in your truth.
In having the eye of the tiger you will see that believing in yourself is easier and the more you continue to work on becoming your best authentic self you will see that you can rise up and conquer everything. This week I will conquer the loneliness that I am experiencing due tot he fact that this is my first Thanksgiving without my DAD who was called home to GOD on June 7, 2018. We used to go out together for Thanksgiving after watching some football. Yes, I will miss that but I also know that I will have the opportunity to reflect and be grateful for the time that I did have with my DAD. I will be able to keep believing that he is now one of my many angels watching over me. On Thursday I will get up and watch The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and will be reminded of all the good times I had with my DAD. I may be alone in my human existence at that moment but I will be surrounded by the angels who watch over me and who will help me to keep believing that I am on this earth to create a legacy of hope and healing. Through adversity comes triumph as long as you keep believing.
When I feel like my belief is wandering I turn to music like this and am reminded that I am a divine child of GOD and GOD wants me to step into my power and to be of service and value to others. When the world we are being exposed to gets to be too much I turn off the TV and all the negativity and take a walk in nature reconnecting to GOD, Jesus, Source, and Spirit and find that I get back on track to believing. In trusting that the plans that GOD has for me are far greater than my own I have been able to conquer dark moments fraught with negativity and make them positive. We all have the ability to come out of the dark and to become beacons of light that will illuminate the world one person at a time. As a result of shining your light you will inspire and empower others to do the same and before you know it what was once a dark place becomes a place of enlightenment.
When you come out of the dark by believing that you are here for a purpose you will find yourself attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. You will find the negativity that creates blockages in your life being unblocked as you have the light of the lord working in you so that you can show the world that service to humanity is the best work of life.
As you continue to believe reflect back on your life in 2018 and all the good that has happened and use that as fuel to propel you to have a better 2019. Take a moment to reflect on the challenges and use them as lessons to continue to believe and to grow personally, spiritually, and professionally. May you continue to believe and accomplish all that you were meant to accomplish. Namaste!!!
In 1999 I embarked on a journey to help those touched by cancer. I was angry as cancer had taken so many from me and then I found Relay For Life and I experienced what I will call my first recognizable spiritual awakening. I am sure I had other spiritual awakenings however the first one I can recall as I began to fundraise for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Relay was a new concept in the community where I was living at the time(Coral Springs, FL). It was a challenge to get people involved and I was a mighty team of one. I was guided by GOD to contact all the people I knew in the city and ask for their support so I did just that. I had excellent results and our first Relay For Life in Coral Springs raised over $40,000. As the years went on I would lose more people to cancer but instead of getting angry I used the losses as fuel to fund research, education, advocacy, and services and have been successful. On July 5, 2012 my faith was tested greatly as I held my mother’s hand as she took her final breath and was called home to GOD after suffering a massive heart attack while battling non-operable metastatic lung cancer. It was at this moment that I had another spiritual awakening as I went down stairs to make calls and catch my breath and try to understand that my mom was gone. It was about 90 degrees out and I was shivering like a leaf and when I reached it the trunk of my car what did I find, yes you guessed it one of my relay for life hoodies. I looked up to heaven and knew that my mom was already sending me signs and that I was to continue in my effort to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. My experiences with Relay For Life have had there ups and there downs. People have told me why they don’t support The American Cancer Society and that is okay. In the past I tried to convince them why they needed to support my efforts to help The American Cancer Society however now I simply show gratitude to those supporting the efforts and to those who aren’t I simply accept that trying to change their mind is like wrestling a pig in the mud you are both going to get dirty but the pig enjoys it. I have come to understand that hope prevails when you stay focused, centered, and balanced on your calling.
Spiritual Awakening: Finding Hope!!!
After being in a dark place I sat in meditation and turned to my creativity as a writer and wrote this poem which helped me to come out of the darkness and into the light gaining an understanding that hope prevails.
Celebrate Life
By Jonathan Steven Lederman
We gather tonight United in this fight
People from all walks of life Overcoming hardships and strife
Walking for 6 hours
Showing the power Coming together
So that Cancer is beaten forever
May the lights shine bright
As you continue your fight
The survivors you inspire
With your courage and desire
Caregivers you motivate
With dedication and the hope you create
So gather everyone with your teammates
Say a prayer or two
For your loved ones, friends and you
Celebrate Life!!
In taping into your inner divinity you will find that hope prevails!!!
It was when I began to tap into my inner divinity and allow myself to be guided by GOD that I was able to understand that hope prevails. As a result I have been able to find success with my activities with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life, overcome adversity in my life, and to continue on my path toward enlightenment. Many times I am asked what my secret is and my answer is that when things seem the darkest that is GOD making a way for you to shine your light. In embracing the idea that hope prevails I have come to learn that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. I have also come to realize that my methodology may not resonate with everyone but those who are in need of receiving my message will and those will be the ones who help me to be of service and value to others. I have also come to understand that if you truly want hope to prevail you must become an action taker.
We all need to have hope if we are to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. In many cases you simply need to let go and let GOD. GOD will help you to shine your light bright thus enabling you illuminate the world. As long as there is a burning ember in your heart you can fan the flames and create a fire that will make you unstoppable thus showing you that hope prevails.
Now is the time for you to be brave and to embrace the fact that hope prevails. Now is your time to continue to on your path by stepping into your power and achieving your greatness so as to show the world that hope prevails. Namaste!!!
As I went to vote I decided that since I did not like either candidate for Governor that I would write myself in because I am a warrior with a mission to be of service and value to others. As I left my polling place I started to think about how many times one must vote themselves in so as to progress in a positive direction towards their goals as they evolve in the spiritual awakening process. Sometimes you have to go uninvited and stand out so that you can grow personally, professionally, and spiritually understanding that you were born to prosper by helping others. I have used the mantra that service to humanity is the best work of life for several years now and when no one else would step up to the plate I often stepped up voting myself in and thus leading the way to positively impact the lives of others. Sometimes you simply have to vote yourself in and then allow GOD to guide you so that you will prosper. I remember back in 1989 my Jaycees chapter was about to cancel The Holiday Shopping Spree for Needy Children as there were very little funds in the treasury. As a new member I suggested we approach businesses to see if they would sponsor a child for $50. I was told we never did that before I asked why not and was told because we just didn’t. My answer was let’s start now. They answered you can do that if you want to but we aren’t going to do that. Guess what I did I started calling people I did business with and asked for their support then I called on businesses that were prominent in the community and asked for their assistance. Two weeks later at a chapter meeting I came in to the meeting with over $3000 in donations. That year we took 64 children holiday shopping. It was at that moment that I realized to whom much is given much is expected. In the years since I have found myself voting myself in when others would not step up. As a result I have experienced personal, professional, and spiritual growth. It is when you vote yourself and commit to making a positive impact on the lives of people you come in contact with that you begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Sometimes it is just simply reminding yourself that you were born for this.
Now is the time for you to vote yourself in as you are a powerful person destined to make a difference in your life and in the lives of others. It is time to find your purpose and to live that purpose so that you can receive the bliss and abundance that comes from voting yourself in. It is when you step up and take action that you achieve the greatness that is your birth right. It is when you step into your power and vote yourself in and become an action taker that you begin to evolve spiritually thus moving toward spiritual enlightenment. Sometimes it is just a matter of stepping in when no one else will.
It is your life and it is time to vote yourself in. It is time for you to realize that you area divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to be successful. It is time to live each day to its fullest so that at the end of the day you can say yes I lived my day in joy and I brought joy to others. It is time to understand that it is not about securing materialistic things but it is about growing spiritually and leaving a legacy of hope and healing for future generations. It is your season to serve and to be served so vote yourself in and stay positive.
Many will recognize this song from Teenwolf a movie where Michael J. Fox’s learns to channel his anger for good and as a result he wins in the end. How many times along your spiritual journey have you been moved to anger only recognizing that getting angry is like wrestling a pig in the mud you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it. If you can manage your anger and realize that taking the high road and keeping calm in the face of adversity you will win in the end. As I have experienced a spiritual awakening I have found that it is better to stay calm and take action to solve a challenge than it is to get angry and walk away as when you do the later the issue still persists. Last night at The Don’t Get Spooked By Cancer Night at Hooters I encountered a situation where one of the attendees got mad and left as I asked them not to put up The Donald Trump Mannequin as I wanted to make sure that no one would be offended as our society has become ultra sensitive and I did not want any negativity cast toward the charity. I was a bit disappointed by this gentleman’s actions as I thought my request was reasonable and I asked in a polite fashion. On the other end of the spectrum one gentleman donated $30 for chance drawing tickets and when he won The Eli Manning Replica Superbowl Ring gave a $20 donation, He then won the gift basket and gave another $20 donation. Another patron gladly donated $20 for tickets and won some prizes in the chance drawing. In the end the charity won as $165 was raised through donations and the chance drawing. Hooters is sending their donation. The lesson I learned was do not let one negative action take away from all the positives and to focus of the positive because when you focus on the positive you win in the end. The best part was when I arrived home there was a signed football from Larry Little sent to me by The NFL to use in the chance drawing at The Points For The Cure Football Edition Party on Sunday November 4 at Uncle Al’s Sports Cafe in Sunrise. As I prepared for bed last night I realized that if you continue to take action and walk in your truth you will win in the end.
If you are going to win in the end and enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life you must be a warrior and commit to never giving up. Along your journey you will face obstacles and you may want to forget everything and run. At those times rest and take a breath and then decide that you will face everything and rise and you will win in the end. As a warrior you will need to detach from outcomes and simply go with the flow of the universe by letting go and letting GOD. I have found that since my spiritual awakening that when I detach from expectations and simply accept things as they unfold I attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. In the past I would worry about who didn’t attend an event instead of being grateful for those who did attend now I concentrate on those who have attended and am grateful for there presence. I have come to use the serenity prayer to keep me centered, focused, and grounded so that I win in the end.
You Have The Power To Make A Difference
I can not change how someone reacts to me but I can control how I react to their reaction. In the past I would get upset and angry when someone would get angry at me now I simply remain calm and realize that it is more about them and their feelings than it is about me. I have come to understand that I am not going to resonate with everyone but those that I do resonate with will be attracted to me and help me with my effort to be of service and value to others. The key to winning in the end is to take all your spiritual teachings and apply them so that you create a life filled with bliss and abundance. Many times it is as simple as getting back to the basics so you can win in the end.
Lessons To Help You Win In The End
One of the greatest gifts that my mother gave me prior to her being called home to GOD was Don Miguel Ruiz’s Book The Four Agreements. When times get tough I pull it out and remind myself of these four agreements and as a result I win in the end. May you continue to grow as you progress on your spiritual journey. Namaste!!!
As I left Skyline Chili On October 17 after no one showed up to take advantage of the opportunity to learn how to strengthen their brand and increase their revenue I was a bit down and wondered what more do I have to do to get people to attend events that I host. This feeling continued on October 22 after I hosted a Give Back Night at Bru’s Room located in The Sunrise West Plaza. In the last few months I have worked really hard to host events and had poor turn outs that made me want to simply quit my volunteer work with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise and to stop offering workshops as I had this reoccurring thought that perhaps I am not the person people want to follow. Then on Wednesday 10/24 I was the announcer for The Cardinal Gibbons Chiefs JV Football Game and after the game I had so many parents come up to me to tell me how great I did that I realized it was time to get up. I arrived home and I really wished my DAD was still alive so I could share with him the highlights of the game and that I felt a sense of appreciation. At that moment I sat in prayer and the overwhelming message I received was that it was time to get up and move forward on my spiritual journey and continue to be of service and value to others.
As I sat down to write this blog entry I realized it was time to get up off of that thing that was interfering with my personal, professional, and spiritual growth. That thing was focusing on the negative instead of looking at the positive. As I thought more and more about how I felt knocked down I realized I was knocked down and not out and if i could look up I could get up. It was in this moment that I began to understand that it is important to take the good with the bad and then release the bad while learning from it and continue on the path to do more good. It took much introspection and reflection to work from feeling sorry for myself and defeated to get back to feeling good about all I was doing and being victorious.
Hope Prevails!!!
On of the things that helped me to get back up was looking at this photo. It is of Lacey Jerome who is 4 years old and a cancer survivor. She has had 4 brain surgeries and 10 other surgeries resulting from the complications from cancer. She is now cancer free and she threw out the first pitch at The Strike Out Cancer Day with The Sunrise Sharks Travel Baseball Team. Being the announcer for that moment is a reminder that I have had more positive things happen on my journey than negative and to focus on the joy that I have been part of. One of the Life Coaches that I know, Shantel Springer taught me a few years ago to always get up and to be grateful for those who show up to support your endeavors and to understand that the people that are meant to be there will be there. In coming to understand that as an action taker there will be some downs but there will be many ups has helped me to get up after feeling down.
As I was seeking material to encourage the readers of this blog to get up the universe conspired to help me and sent me this song by Jonas Blue. It is important for all of us to continue to rise until we fall and when we fall we need to dust ourselves off and rise up again. As I sat in reflection and looked back at all the great things that I have been part of over the last 45 years I realized just how capable I am and that if people don’t get me it is okay for I simply need to keep getting up and continue to step into my power and use it to shine my light and illuminate the world.
One of the things that I have found to help get back up is music. As you continue to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams it is important to see yourself as being on top of the world. Sometimes it takes a setback to help prepare you for a step up. In loss we learn important lessons that will help us to get back up.
One way to get back up is to rekindle the fire that lies inside of you and allow it to burn so you can continue to get back up after being knocked down. As long as their is a burning ember in your heart you can fan the flames and reach to heights that you never imagined as long as you keep getting back up. There will be challenges along the way but remember GOD will never give what GOD knows you can not handle. GOD wants you to stay up and to be prosperous so you can prosper others. I have come to grips with the fact that their are those I will encounter who will not be attracted to the projects that I am involved in but there are many that will be and that I should take great solace in the knowledge that through out my time on earth I have made a positive impact on many and that I should always get back up because I am capable of achieving great things. I hope this entry will help you to get back up if you are facing challenges as you are a divine child of GOD and GOD doesn’t make any junk. Namaste!!!
Through the spiritual awakening process I have come to understand that by taking action you will be victorious. It may take a lot of perseverance and persistence to achieve victory however if you stay connected to GOD victory shall be yours. Do not listen to the doubters, the haters, or the naysayers. Listen to the messages from GOD and be prepared to take action and victory shall be yours. Do not allow your negative self talk to get in the way and become an action taker and victory shall be yours. As you forward along your path to victory you will find yourself detaching from the outcome thus allowing you to be victorious and attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. As you move forward in a positive direction of your goals you will find that the obstacles that once stopped you are no longer obstacles but mere stepping stones to success. So many times we find ourselves forgetting everything and running that we forget the power that we have to face everything and rise.Through out my spiritual journey I have had many detractors telling me that it couldn’t be done well I proved them wrong by letting go and letting GOD I was shown resources that simply needed to be utilized to fulfill the goals and objectives that I had set for myself.
In Overcoming Adversity You Grow Personally, Professionally, and Spiritually
It is when we utilize our resources and take action that we can overcome all challenges that we face. I have been working diligently on securing chance drawing items for events that I am hosting for The American Cancer Society to raise funds for research, education, advocacy, and services and I have been reaching out through social media. Each time I get a yes it is a victory for I know that there are many caring and compassionate people in this world whom will support the efforts to attack cancer from every angle. I have come to understand that the best thing I can do is to take action using the tools at my disposal knowing that when it is all said and done I will be victorious.
Stay Connected to GOD and You Will Be Led to Victory!!!
It is when we stay connected to GOD and listen to his message that we are led to victory. In order for us to be victorious we need to stay in the arena standing up for what we believe in as we shine our light and illuminate the world.
To Gain Victory You Must Be In The Arena
It is when you step into the fray and are not afraid of losing that you will be led to victory. It is when you become an action taker and walk in your truth that you will find victory. In the years that I have been walking my spiritual path their have been some defeats however I have learned from then and as a result have had many victories. For those that have followed this blog for a while you know the many victories that I have had and the many adversities that I have faced along the way. The one thing that has kept moving toward victory is the fact that I know that I am a divine child of GOD and GOD wants me to prosper.
It is now time for you to be victorious. Namaste!!!
Words to follow to enhance your personal and professional life
The year was 1989 I had recently joined The Coral Springs Jaycees and I was sitting in a meeting where they were discussing cancelling the annual holiday shopping spree for disadvantaged youth. I stood up and I said I have an idea why don’t we go to local businesses and ask them to sponsor kids. They answered we have never done that before. In my unique JDOGG way I answered why not. They didn’t have an answer. It was at this time that I realized that sometimes you simply have to do your thing and make things happen. I went out and started to ask people that I had done business with to support the effort. At the next meeting I stood up and presented the Coral Springs Jaycees with just over $2000 to take 40 children on a holiday shopping spree. Over the next few weeks I set up several fundraisers including standing outside the KMART where we would hold the shopping spree. When the shopping spree arrived I had helped to raise enough money to take 64 children holiday shopping. Over the next 18 years I would be the Chairperson for The Spreading The Joy Program with The Coral Springs Jaycees and we would feed over 360 families for Thanksgiving and take over 900 children holiday shopping. Unfortunately The Coral Springs Jaycees no longer exist however the lessons I learned as a member and chapter president serve me today as I continue to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.
JDOGG With Group 260 From The U.S. Peace Corps Philippines
I took my teachings about the brotherhood of man transcending the sovereignty of nations to The Philippines as a member of The U.S. Peace Corps where I served in The English Language Assistance Program where I taught at- risk youth English, Math, and Livelihood Skills at a Regional Rehabilitation Center For Youth in Bauaung, La Union. I served from July 2002 until February 2003. In those 6 months I became more and more spiritually aware and awake as I immersed myself into a culture that I was always intrigued by. It was in those 6 months that I came to understand what Mahatma Gandhi meant went he said the way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service. Upon arriving home in February 2003 I found myself less concerned with materialistic things and more concerned with being of service and value to others. I guess you can call this new found awareness a spiritual awakening of sorts as I found myself less focused on the big house, the fancy car, and the expensive clothes and more focused on empowering and inspiring others. In continuing on my spiritual journey I have come to draw from my experiences as a Jaycees member and a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer to make a mind, body, soul connection and to continue to show the world that one man can make a difference by doing his thing and not worrying about what other people think.
In thinking outside the box you will begin to manifest the life you desire
I have been told that I am an out of the box thinker and sometimes my ideas simply overwhelm people as they can not wrap their head around a new concept because they have not been programmed that way. This is why I continue to do my thing and make things happen. I am always amazed to see a concept I came up being adopted by others and thinking I thought of that years ago and you are first doing that now. In 1990 I was one of the 1st people to hold a Spirit Night For Charity with a local restaurant. Today Give Back Nights have been adopted by many restaurants across the nation because they strengthen their brand and increase their revenue. I have always been a bit ahead of the curve as I have tapped into my inner divinity that allows me to use my creativity to make a difference in the communities where I live, work, and play. I remember the first time I did Shout Out For A Cure at a little league football game and raised nearly $100 for The American Cancer Society and people said what a great idea. Today many leagues use shout outs as fundraisers. As I reflect back over the last 40 plus years of being involved in charitable endeavors I realize that this has been my purpose all along as I have been sent to help other people excel by doing my thing.
Beanie Babies For The Cure is a program developed by Jonathan JDOOG Lederman
As I continue to do my thing I have developed a program Beanie Babies For The Cure which raises funds to attack cancer from every angle by funding research, education, advocacy, and services. This concept came to me back in May of 2018 when a friend gave me Beanie Babies and I started to give them to cancer patients. Then I brought them out to The Antique Fair at The Festival Marketplace to raise funds for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and as a result Beanie Babies For The Cure was born. When you are connected to GOD and you head GOD’S Messages you are able to do your thing and make a positive impact on the world around you. It doesn’t matter who the president is, who is in congress, or who is on the supreme court as you have the power to do your own thing and thus be of service and value to others. As you continue on your path toward enlightenment you will encounter doubters, haters, and naysayers do not listen to them and continue to do your thing for at the end of the day the only things that matter are if you lived your life in joy and if your life brought joy to others. That $500,000 home, that $80,000 car, and the $2,000 suit well you can’t take them with you. When GOD calls you home you will either be buried or cremated and all those materialistic things will be left behind. So continue to do your thing and remember that you are simply dust in the wind.
I sat in reflection after a successful Strike Out Cancer Day with The Sunrise Sharks Travel Baseball Team and I couldn’t get the song Dust In The Wind Out of my head. I remembered a spiritual teaching that we came into the world as dust and in we will leave this world as dust so cherish all we have and embrace the chance to be a lifter for it is when we lift others that we are lifted. As you continue along your spiritual path do your thing and stay focused, centered, and grounded as you answer your calling. Namaste!!!
Help Plant The Seeds Of Hope And Healing For Cancer Patients, Their Families, and Their Friends. Http:// ribbons give hope to those touched by cancer
As I sat and watched NFL Football last week and saw all the Crucial Catch promotions I was filled with a sense of pride knowing that my 19 year involvement with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life was a small part in the effort to have people get screened for cancer as early detection saves live. As I saw more and more pink and then the other colors of the rainbow I started to think about the spiritual significance of the color pink. As I began to get more and more aware and awake relating to the color pink I started to understand why I felt the way I did when I donned my pink shirt the other day.
Pink, a delicate color that means sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming, feminine, and tenderness, is associated with bubble gum, flowers, babies, little girls, cotton candy, and sweetness. The color pink is the color of universal love of oneself and of others. As I sat in meditation thinking about the color pink it occurred to me why I was so drawn to pink and why it was chosen to represent breast health month.
In getting into the pink you will find yourself making a solid mind, body, and soul connection.Carry Pink Sapphire to create balance in your personal and professional life.
Attract Peace and Love into your life by carrying Morganite with you.
I have witnessed a lot of pink over the past few days and each time I see it I feel a rise in my vibration and I begin to feel more energy to move forward in my quest to be of service and value to others. As I continue to see pink it reminds me that as a spiritual being I need to be leaving a legacy of hope and healing for others. In committing to be a voice of hope for others I have found that I attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. As I continue to receive messages from GOD and take action upon them as it relates to getting into the pink I find myself accomplishing some amazing things. I encourage people to start to get into the pink and to use the power of this color to enhance their personal and professional life.
Being in the pink has come to mean being healthy and having a rosy glow. There is another meaning that will take you in an entire different direction so we won’t get into that know. In an effort to get into the pink you will need to make a few choices in your life that at first may seem challenging however if you remember that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. It is important to remember that GOD wants you healthy so you can prosper and thus prosper others.
Become a blooming flower by being spiritually awake so as to create the life you desire.
Just as a flower blooms you to are blooming so as to show your beauty as you continue to shine your light and illuminate the world. As you continue on your spiritual path remember to get into the pink. As you get into the pink you will find yourself manifesting everything you desire to create a life filled with bliss and abundance.
Follow the pink path to find your true calling.
May your journey into the pink be one that allows you to reach incredible heights where compassion and kindness will rule the day allowing you to make a joyful noise as you continue to get in tune with your inner divinity. Namaste!!!
Over the last few weeks I have found that I have been wearing more and more purple. As I continue on my spiritual journey I was wondering why I was so attracted to purple so I looked up it meaning. The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic. In finding the meaning of the color purple I began to awaken more and more spiritually and I became more aware of my encounters with the color purple. As I sat in meditation about the color purple and how many times it has played a role in my life I was awakened to the concept that we are all purple on the inside. Inside of us we have a divine power to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives and this power is generally represented by a purple prism that casts a shadow of hope and healing.
Amethyst is a powerful stone
The Intuitive Eye
Despite it’s prevalence, amethyst has been one of the world’s most revered stones for many centuries. Found in as many places as Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Africa, Canada, Russia, USA and Europe, this stone has a rich history of astonishing civilizations with its stunning, saturated beauty. While the Neolithic people in Europe it as a mere decorative emblem around 25,000 B.C., Ancient Greeks and Romans used amethyst in several ways from beads in jewelry to amulets. These ancient civilizations placed a high value in this stone. Their belief was that the amethyst crystal meaning was synonymous with luxury. As such, it was highlighted as part of their crowns, scepters and rings. Christian bishops once wore amethyst jewelry in the form of a ring. It’s color was meant to symbolize royalty and an allegiance to Christ. Members of the Catholic clergy wore amethyst stone in their crosses because their amethyst meaning was one of piety and celibacy. It is even thought that the breast plate of the high priest of Israel was adorned with an amethyst as its ninth stone. It’s said that there were ten stones upon which the names of the tribes of Israel were engraved, and amethyst is believed to have been one of such stones.
The name amethyst translates in Greek to, “not drunken.” An ancient Greek myth explains this seemingly odd name. According to the myth, the god Bacchus was angry, and had vowed to descend a hoard of tigers upon the first person who crossed his path. Amethyst was on her way to give thanks at the shine of the god Diana, when she happened upon Bacchus. Before the tigers could eat Amethyst, she was saved by Diana, who turned her into a clear crystal. Bacchus, remorseful for the fate he had so recklessly caused the girl, poured the juice of grapes over the stone as an offering, and thus bestowed the crystal with its unique purple coloring. The greeks gave amethyst crystal meaning, perpetuating a belief that it could inhibit the intoxication of all who wore it. In the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, amethyst meaning is quite different. Amethyst properties are not of sobriety, but of wealth in this ancient harmonizing technique. If placed in the wealth corner, amethyst can amplify the flow of prosperity into the home.
Amethyst crystal is one of several varieties of quartz, which gives it a crystal trigonal system. With a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, it is a durable stone. Its lavender to violet shade is the result of iron and aluminum deposits, as well as natural irradiation. Amethyst stone is made up of silicon dioxide.
Amethyst healing properties are as plentiful as the stone itself. It is thought of mostly as a protective stone. As it is linked to the crown chakra, it is helpful in purifying the mind and clearing it of negative thoughts. This includes the negativity of stress and anxiety, which is why many meditate with amethyst so as to rid themselves of that darkness. Amethyst healing properties are especially useful in regards to work-related stress, because the stone is also associated with abundance; therefore relieving stress while emanating prosperity. The amethyst properties which facilitate intuition and communication can also be applied to increased work effectiveness.
Sugilite will help you with balancing your life
Introduction to the Meaning – Sugilite A most beautiful and powerful crystal of the Violet Ray energy, Sugilite is a premier “love stone for this age,” embodying the perfection of Divine love and the manifestation of this energy on the Earth plane. It brings the gifts of wisdom and spiritual devotion, helping one to understand that Truth is the highest form of love, and living in one’s own truth is not only healing but empowering. Working with, wearing or meditating with Sugilite amplifies the ability to channel high frequency Violet energy into every aspect of one’s being in order to walk the Earth in strength and grace. Sugilite reminds the soul of its reasons for incarnating, and enhances one’s understanding of the lessons which have been chosen for this journey on the physical realm.
An exceptional crystal for awakening the Crown Chakra, Sugilite infuses the body with light, bringing spiritual and unconditional love in through the Crown and down to the Base Chakra, aligning all of the chakras as it goes. It is a powerful attractor of healing energies, and has surfaced to further an awareness of the connection between the well-being of the mind and the well-being of the body. Its use helps counter the mental and emotional stresses that create many of the illnesses and diseases of the physical body. Sugilite’s frequency allows one to recognize and release the harshness of the world, and to let go of sorrow, frustration, past angers and fear. It brings light and love into the darkest of situations, letting one know life is more than what is currently being experienced. It offers hope and optimism for a better future, enabling one to accept the here and now. Sugilite encourages forgiveness, of oneself and others, and instills confidence and a sense of freedom. It is an especially joyful stone for those who never quite fit in, and for light workers who find it difficult to adjust to the vibration of Earth.
Charoite is a great stone for calming
Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Charoite
Charoite is an incredible stone of the Violet Ray with an almost tangible movement of energy flowing in magnificent swirls and eddies of violet, lavender and purple. It is rare and complex, one of nature’s best dream stones and illuminators, allowing access to lessons learned in past lives, healing emotional fears to live in the present, and opening to spiritual guidance for the future.
This stone embodies a unique synthesis between the Crown and Heart Chakras, bringing high spiritual energy into union with unconditional love from the physical plane, and grounding it here on Earth where it is needed most. It is a Stone for This Age, assisting in the here and now…conveying the message that one is exactly where one should be during this moment. It is a talisman of acceptance and letting go; a “bestower of good,” encouraging service to humanity, and for attaining approval of the Self.
Discovered in the 1940s, Charoite was unknown to the outside world until 1978. Its name is derived from the Chara (or Charo) River in eastern Siberia, Russia, the only site in the world where it is found. The word “Chary” in Russian means “magic” or “charms.” The term “Charoite Jade” is a trade name for Charoite used in various applications as a decorative stone.
In life we find many spiritual connections sent to us through GOD and it is up to us to take those messages and act accordingly being guided by GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels. I often find myself connected to songs like this one from Prince that reminds me that after every storm there is a rainbow. In many cases we need to experience the purple rain and see the beauty that comes when the storm stops knowing that if GOD brought us to it GOD will bring us through it. It all comes down to growing personally, professionally, and spiritually knowing that we are divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to succeed.
Purple Flowers.
Spread Goodness With Purple Flowers
With its origins tied to royalty and ceremony, purple flowers represent dignity, pride and success. Whether grouped alone in a bold range of rich hues or mixed in with other colors to provide depth and contrast, an arrangement filled with purple blooms represents accomplishment and admiration. As I delved more and more into all things purple I began to understand why this was the color chosen to represent The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and why we give purple shirts to our cancer survivors at Relay For Life. I started to look at all the times I have worn purple be it the purple Relay For Life Sneakers of the purple tee-shirts, or purple hoodies and each time I felt a positive shift in my vibrations and thus was able to find success in my fundraising efforts. It seems that when I wear purple and surround myself with purple that I attract bliss and abundance into my life. I also find that my commitment to be of service and value to others is increased as my sense of purpose is heightened as I absorb the traits represented by the color purple.
One of my favorite essential oils is lavender as it has a soothing and calming effect. I have found that when I use a bit of lavender I am able to tap into my inner divinity and thus am better to follow the messages being sent to me from GOD to continue on my spiritual path and to shine my light bright for others to see so that together we can illuminate the world.
Allow Your Butterfly To Soar
As you continue to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually remember that you are are an emerging spirit and soar as high as you can realizing that we are all purple on the inside. Namaste!!!
As you experience a spiritual awakening you will begin to find that you manifest your own opportunity. As you become more and more aware and awake you will find yourself taping into a divine guidance system that will lead you toward spiritual enlightenment. Each day as you walk your spiritual path you will have the opportunity to create the life you desire. The first step is to understand that what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve. What we think about expands and when we take action it comes to fruition. I have witnessed first hand the success of becoming an action taker. I have had many experiences where I simply took action on an idea and as a result of becoming an action taker I was met with success. One instance occurred last year as I was seeking chance drawing items for an event to benefit The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. As an avid football fan I reached out out to Riddell who makes min helmets of different teams. I was able to connect with their marketing department and tell them who I was and what i wanted the mini helmets for and they sent me 30 mini helmets from The Giants, Jets,Dolphins, Patriots, and Steelers to use in my fundraising efforts to help create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. As a result I was able to use the mini helmets to help generate $3536. Today (10/4/2018) was a great example of manifesting opportunity. I had contacted Petruccos Collectibles about helping to support The Strike Out Cancer Day that I am hosting on October 13 with The Sunrise Sharks Travel Baseball Team and they had me come by their warehouse today to pick up some items to use in a chance drawing. Petruccos Collectibles gave me a signed Muhamed Ali Picture, a Willie Mays Photo, a Mickey Mantle Photo, and a box of Mark McGuire Slavino Slammer Beanie Babies. In follow the messages from GOD to continue to reach out to people for assistance I have been able to manifest items that will help in my quest to attack cancer from every angle.
Follow GOD and become an action taker and you will manifest great opportunities
It is when we make a commitment to follow the messages from GOD that we begin to manifest opportunity so that we can continue to be of service and value to others. When we continue to use our talents for good while following GOD’S Plan we create a better life for ourselves and others. I have seen the concept of being a cheerful giver work many times as what I have given has come back to me 10 fold. A few years ago a friend asked me to donate to their Team In Training campaign and I gave $18. The next week while working as an appoint setter for The Happy Herald I set an appoint that resulted in a sale of $1800 earning me $180. The lesson I learned from this experience is to come from a position of abundance and give when you can. As I was finishing up the day today (10/4/2018) I realized that another great component of manifesting opportunity is to show gratitude to those helping you and to continue be a cheerful giver. As you continue on your spiritual journey become cognizant of the messages that are being sent to you so that you can manifest opportunity. Namaste!!!
As I walked around the lake today (9/21/2018) I kept hearing a message, you are limitless. As I finished up my training for my position as an Outside Community Service Advisor with Alexander -Levitt Funeral and Cremations I began to realize why I was getting the messages to stretch the limit it was because GOD want me as well as you to prosper by being limitless in our thinking and to follow our heart by understanding that the only one stopping us is ourselves. How many times have you heard you can’t or that is impossible and you believed it so you didn’t continue to do what you were doing only to utter the words I wish I had at a later time. As you become more and more awake and aware you need to stop listening to the doubters, the haters, and the naysayers and simply stretch the limit.
Passion + Action = Success
There were many people who doubted me and told me I would never be an announcer because I had a learning disability and at one time in my life stuttered. Well I defied the odds and I developed my GOD given talent and I landed several announcing gigs including doing The Miami Caliente of The Legends Football League Games and Lingerie Bowl 7. Since my foray into becoming an announcer, an emcee, and a voice over talent I have learned that you must follow your passion and take action in order to find success. In stretching the limit and going after what I wanted I have found some success and I hope my stories of overcoming adversity will encourage you to stay on your path to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. There comes a time when we must follow our inner divinity and connect with GOD so that we can stretch the limit and manifest the life we desire. That time is now for if you want to truly attract bliss and abundance into your life you must become an action taker who doesn’t allow people to tell you that you can’t do something. You are a divine child of GOD who can accomplish anything that you put your mind to it. It is your time to break down the boundaries and to take to the limit.
When you decide to take it to the limit you will find yourself accomplishing things that some people only imagine. In 1995 I was named one of The Top 5 Jaycees in America as I took the idea of service to humanity being the best work of life to the limit. It has be 23 years since this accomplishment and the award still hangs in my bedroom as a reminder of what can be done when you listen to your heart and GOD and don’t allow others to tell you that it can not be done and you take action to do it. In those 23 years since earning that very prestigious honor I have continued to take it to the limit by being of service and value to others and not worrying about what others my think for at the end of the day what matters is did I please myself and did I please GOD.
As I continue to stretch the limits I have adopted this song as one of my anthems because I have come to know that the only one that can stop me is me. I have had many a set back and challenge but I know that as long as I am connected to GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels that nothing will break my stride and as long as I move forward in a positive direction toward my goals that I will attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. It is when we stretch what we perceived to be limits that we have the greatest success. When you walk in your truth you are going to encounter those who will try to bring you down. To those people I simple say thank you for your doubt only made me stronger.
Now is your time to break the chains that have held you back and created blockages by seeing increase and stretching the limits that no longer exist as you have become an action taker and are creating the life that you desire. It is time for you to stop you negative self talk and to understand that you are limitless and capable of amazing things. It is time for you to step into your power and become great by stretching the limit.
It is your time to go get it and be prosperous in this season as you stretch your limits and don’t let anything hold you back. IT doesn’t matter about the economy, who is in political office, or what others says all that matters is that you believe in yourself and that you take action to stretch the limits and to be the exceptional person that you are. It is your time to shine bright and illuminate the world and don’t let anyone else tell you differently. Namaste
You may be wondering what gum may have to do with the spiritual awakening process well today is all about being fresh in mind, body, and soul. As gum freshens up your mouth and gives you a cleansing feeling you gain a sense of confidence so that you can speak your truth and continue to evolve in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. As gum cleanses your mouth and freshens your mouth meditation will cleanse and freshen your mind. In cleansing out the negativity and focusing on the positive you are able to clean and clear blockages that may have been stopping you from reaching your full potential. In many cases it is just a matter of making a commitment to GET FRESH!!!. I know that when I feel clean in my mind and body that I vibrate at a higher frequency and thus achieve more than I expected. In cleansing my personal spaces with a bit of sage and essential oils I find myself attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. I also find that when I take the extra time to take care of myself that I am able to function at a higher level and thus act on the messages that GOD is sending thus creating bliss and abundance in my life. Yes there have been times of sadness and anger along my journey however when these occurrences happen I simply look to GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels for guidance to help me get fresh and cleans away any negative thoughts that may hinder me and stifle me from becoming a evolved spiritual being.
Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help You Get Fresh!!!
Turn to the lord and you will be rewarded
I have found that one of the great tools to getting fresh is to strengthen your relationship with Jesus as everything is possible through Christ who strengthens us. In times of trial and tribulation and in joy and happiness it is important to stay connected to Christ and understand that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. In all that you do stay connected to your source and step into your power as guided by GOD to achieve your greatness which is your birthright.
Remember that the fruits of spirit will guide you along your spiritual path
Bible verses will serve you as they will help to answer your questions and guide you along your path so that you can continue to move forward in a positive direction of your dream. I have found that understanding the fruits of spirit that I have the necessary tools to follow my spiritual journey as guided by GOD and to alleviate all obstacles that come my way. In realizing that if GOD is for me who can be against me I have been able to detach from outcomes and simply allow things to unfold as GOD wants them to in the course of the day. In accepting the fact that GOD’S plan for me is far greater than the plan I have for myself I have been able to get fresh and look at things from a fresh perspective. I have found that when I take a deep breath and look at things in a different way my whole attitude toward the situation changes and thus I am able to get fresh and continue to walk in my truth by being of service and value to others.
I have found that soft music is a fantastic tool that allows you to get fresh as it assists in the spiritual awakening process by keeping you focused, centered, and grounded. Music with the proper frequency will allow you to tune into your inner divinity and thus create the life you desire despite any challenges that may come your way. In using music as a tool you will find that you clear blockages that have held you back and thus you are able to become more aware and awake.
I have found these two books to be great tools to get fresh along with the other books available by clicking on the links on this page. It is important to read and then apply what you have read so that you can stay fresh while on your spiritual journey.
Spiritual Awakening: Getting Fresh: A Case Study!!!
Be The Change you want to see in this world.
The other day I was a bit upset about the situation I was left in as my DAD passed on June 7, 2018. I was feeling all types of pressure as I haven’t had a full time job in over two years and I have been simply scrapping by and now I am faced with paying off a mortgage and a home equity loan totaling just over $40,000. I then took a deep breath and went outside to sit on the bench by the lake and think what am I going to do. I was given the message take everything one day at a time and it will all work out. Thus I turned the page and gained a fresh perspective. When I went to pay the mortgage I showed gratitude and was thankful that I was able to pay the initial payment and interest and have some left over to apply just to the principal. I then realized that GOD will provide and as long as I take action and give praise and glory to GOD that each day I can get fresh. I have come to learn that when you let go and let GOD that good things will happen and that you can always get fresh. May you get fresh and attract much peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Namaste!!!
This fundraiser raised $264 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise
On Sunday September 16,2018 I hosted The Judith Miller Memorial Bowling Party to benefit The 2019 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise. At 1st I was a bit disappointed by the fact that only 4 people showed up, me along with 3 others. I took a deep breath and I decided that I would take the lemons that life had thrown my my and make lemonade. I decided to be grateful for those tat showed up and to be proactive and share what we were doing with others at the bowling center. As a result we did a make me an offer table with some excellent items. As a result we had a few people make donations for the items and at the end of the event we raised $264 to help those touched by cancer. As I dropped off the money to The American Cancer Society today (9/18/2018) I started to reflect on how during the spiritual awakening process it is to focus on the good and to make lemonade whenever you get the chance. As I drove around doing errands and taking care of some personal things I realized the date and thought wow there are 2 18’s in the date. 18 in Hebrew is Chai meaning life so today we get double chai and a chance to rejoice in the day that the lord hath made and be glad in it. In changing my attitude I have seen a positive shift in my life which is giving me the opportunity to be of service and value to others. Instead of get angry and discouraged I decided to turn the lemons into lemonade. As a result I have found that I attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. In simply letting go and letting GOD the results I have achieved have far exceeded my expectations. I learning to detach from outcomes I have been able to find bliss and abundance thus putting me in a position to share with others.
When you choose to make lemonade out of lemons you many want to adopt some songs that will help you stay focused, centered, and grounded so that you can move forward in a positive direction of your goals. In realizing that things will get easier as you consult with GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and your angels you will find that you manifest the greatness in your life that is your birthright. There will be times when you get upset however take a moment to breath and then follow the messages that you are receiving and then take the necessary action needed to move ahead on your spiritual journey.
One of the greatest lessons I have learned thus far as a result of a spiritual awakening that when we let go and let GOD that he gives us a power to break every chain and thus take all those lemons and make lemonade. Sometimes it is just a matter of remembering that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper. I have come to realize that it is important to be true to yourself and to simply follow your heart as guided by GOD and good things will happen. Along the way their will be challenges and that is when it is important to realize that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. I have also learned that GOD will never give you to much to handle as he knows exactly what you can handle.
As you turn lemons into lemonade remember to take action to keep on moving and spreading your message as you continue to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life while being of service and value to others. Namaste!!!
I returned home from a great trip to see my brother on December 26. On December 27 I took a look at where I was and where I wanted to be and I decided to make some adjustments to the path that I was on as many things were bogging me down and I was in a challenging place in my life. One of the adjustments that I decided to make was to declutter my condo and start to eliminate things that were no longer serving me. As of today (1/17/2025) I have made some progress in this area and I am feeling better as I continue to make improvements in my personal, professional, and spiritual life. I also decided to step down as The Fundraising Coach for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Plantation, Weston, Davie, and Cooper City as it was stopping me from moving forward in my life. I started to walk on a regular basis with a goal of 5000 steps daily. I have hit this goal on most days with the exception of 2 days. Today’s entry was prompted due to having to make an adjustment to my plans to walk outside as it has been raining in my area all day thus I changed my plans and adjusted accordingly. As I made this adjustment I realized that as part of the spiritual awakening process it is important to be in tune with the messages that the universe is delivering and to act accordingly so as to create the life that you truly want for yourself. There will be trials and tribulations as you make adjustments as it can be challenging to push through hardships however remember if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. Another tool to use to make adjustments is to recite the serenity prayer and truly grasp its meaning.
Many times in our spiritual journey we need a reminder to understand that there are somethings we can not change however we can change how we react to those things and make adjustments so that our life is filled with peace, love, joy, and prosperity. Many ties all it takes is a little time away to put things into perspective. Look at the things in your life that may be holding you back from moving forward in a positive direction toward your goals and objectives and ask yourself how can I adjust to make things better.
When our plans go astray that is when we must step back, take a breath, and make adjustments realizing that our plans are far less than the plans that GOD has for us. It is when we are not seeing our desired results that we must turn to GOD and ask for guidance for all things meant for us will be delivered in due time. Many times it is a simple as being true to ourselves and making adjustments to eliminate that which no longer serves us.
Once you decide to make adjustments it is imperative that you take actions and allow everything to flow as GOD and the universe has planned. In following your passion and taking action you will find success. Many times we get so caught up in the wave of negative self talk that we never paddle out to catch a wave that will lead to success. One adjustment you can make is to stop doubting yourself and go after what you want. There will be times when you might feel that you are facing a setback but that perceived setback may just be the set up you need to create something more positive in your life. As you begin to make adjustments and show gratitude for what you have you will be able to step into your power and achieve greatness.
As you continue to make adjustments your words and thoughts will come from GOD so trust in the word and watch your life begin to improve. You have the power to make adjustments and to connect with GOD and tp into your inner divinity so that you can prosper and prosper others.